AH :
However, I think my original point still stands. Whether the specific word used is break, get rid of, remove, undo, or solve, XY and TSJ (as quoted by XL) used the same word to describe what was done in the past (back in chapter 7 when WXL and XL transferred the bug from CX to XL) and what XY and TSJ wanted XL to help them do in the present

So actually what are we dabating now?

What XY asked XL in chapter 7 is removing the bug from CX. XL said that the only way (to remove it from CX) is to lure the bug to other person.

So, if I understand you correctly (for the sentence including CX and back then). Your interpretation  is  Jing and XY asked XL to do the same as "back then". That means removing the bug from XY or it can be understood as removing the bug from XL (then lure it to Jing?). If the procedure of luring bug is the same then it has nothing to do with XL. Luring the bug out of XY needs another woman to do it (ah then XL may help with the spell), and the second case XY could do herself.

And looking back at the whole process of removing bug in chapter 7, all the removal job was done by XY. XL just stood there and welcame the bug. What XL helped XY in chapter 7 is telling her the only way to remove the bug from CX is to lure it to another person. After visiting Jiuli, XY knew everything about the bugs, the condition for the host. Why could she do it herself as last time? 

Acutally, combining all the information from the witch king and Se Mai Er, she already knew that the bugs is a pair of a male and female one and they were used for lovers. What she actually asked XL is undoing the bugs on both of them. Then she needed his help if he knew the solution because last time he had solution for removing bug in CX.  This is confirmed again when XL killed the bugs

Xiang Liu sat down next to the raft and stared at the sleeping Xiao Yao before softly saying “The tree grows old on land together, the mandarin ducks die together in the water – the Lover’s Bug connects heart to heart and our lives, and it truly has no way to remove the bug. Years ago I was only able to remove the bug from Zhuan Xu because he didn’t know it was you so he didn’t willingly accept the bug. So you never successfully planted the bug on him in the first place. But I….I was heart and soul willing, so the bug successfully planted in me. You asked me to remove the bug again and again and I kept telling you I can’t do it, but you didn’t believe me. But I truly didn’t lie to you, I cannot remove the bug.” (Chapter 48)

 AH :
Some events are important enough that I just know what chapter they're in off the top of my head by now.

XY transfers the bug from CX to XL? Chapter 7.

Not suitable to enter a girl's dreams? Unlucky 13.

XY sees FFB for the first time? Chapter 15.

XY finally finds out for sure that FFB is XL? Chapter 17.

XY's assassination? Chapter 21.

37 years in XL's clam shell? Chapter 22.

Ocean date? Chapter 26.

Creating and sending the ice crystal ball? Chapter 31.

Crashed wedding / the Question? Chapter 32.

Comforting XY / the forehead kiss? Chapter 35.

Very impressive memory! 

There is also this sister thread which lists the summaries of the novel chapters.  I have often found it to be very useful. 



"With her callous disregard for Xiang Liu, I'm surprised that those Bugs haven't retaliated. Poor Xiang Liu, if this is the woman that he had the misfortune to fall in love with." 


Definetely XY didn't want to have the bug removed from XL, if she really wanted to, she would have put some effort into it, as she did when the bug was into CX -"racking his brain for how to remove it", but obviously she didn't do that. 

Let's remove the bug, because our bug might be the legendary lover's bug and it is not suitable since we are not lovers - this to me sounds more like if you have no intention on being with me than let's have the bug removed.

"If I die than how can you live?"  rather than if you die how can I live. Both XL and XY were more interested in the other person's well-being rather than their own. 

“I…..I…..” Xiao Yao actually didn’t know what she wanted so she got tongue-tied. She finally said “Help me break the voodoo bug spell and you can pick your price!”  - obviously the bugs were just a cover up in order to come up with am excuse for why she desperately chased him.  

The thread is running way from me and I apologise for not joining in! Unfortunately things got busy earlier than I expected, so I can't really participate much. I have not completed everything for the last episode, but here are the installments of what I have managed to complete thus far. Do note that the last episode here is Ep20 (based on how it was labelled by the person who shared the leaked script on Weibo). The actual scenes that do go on the episodes that will be aired should be different since we are supposed to get 21 episodes in S2.  In any case, I expect the drama to be similar except for the placement of the scenes to make up 21 episodes.

This segment covers Xiang Liu's departure from Jade Mountain after destroying the lovers bug, Cang Xuan's choice between Xiao Yao and the throne, and Tushan Jing's return.

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 3-9

[After destroying the lovers bug, Xiang Liu took his leave of A Nian and the Royal Mother, and destroyed the seashell that was their home before he departed]



Cang Xuan was seated opposite the old Xuan Yuan king, who was preparing tea.

CX: Grandfather, the Great Army has assembled. In no time, Ru Shou will give the command to attack the Shen Nong resistance army.

There was no joy on the old Xuan Yuan king's face as he sighed.

XYK: Chi Chen, Yan Zhuan**, Hong Jiang... all of them will only [choose to] die, but not bend; can only be killed, but not be humiliated.
CX: As well as... Xiang Liu.

The old Xuan Yuan king nodded.

** 炎灷 Yan Zhuan (祝融 Zhu Rong in the original version), the famed hero of the Shen Nong kingdom. His son Little Yan Zhuan is Feng Long's father, ShenNong Yi

CX: A Nian sent word that the Royal Mother has helped Xiao Yao remove the poisonous bug. However, her vitality was greatly compromised and she is still recuperating, most of the time unconscious, very rarely awake.
XYK: Once Xiao Yao has recovered, what do you plan to do?
CX: I once thought that as long as there are poinciana trees planted all over Zhi Jin Peak, Shen Nong Mountain will become Xiao Yao's permanent home. However, ShenNong Xin Yue killed Tushan Jing... as long as ShenNong Xin Yue is alive, I fear Xiao Yao will never wish to come back here.
XYK: You have spared no effort to search but there is still no sign of Tushan Jing. He is most likely dead.

Cang Xuan's expression was hard to read, whether it was joy or sorrow.

XYK: Now there is no barrier between you and Xiao Yao... have you thought of your future together?

Cang Xuan did not answer directly, but he could not hide the tenderness in his eyes, and his demeanor revealed the love that stirred within him.

CX: There is no rush. We must wait for Xiao Yao to move on... no matter how many years it takes, we will be together after all.

The old Xuan Yuan king placed a cup of tea in front of Cang Xuan and gestured for him to drink. Cang Xuan looked at the tea warily, but dared not drink it.

XYK: "Consequences" tea is only available every 9000 years. Even if you wanted to drink, I have no more to give you.
CX (covered up his awkwardness by drinking the tea): I dare not refuse what is given by my elders. If Grandfather wishes me to drink, I will definitely drink it.
XYK: Oh... (calmly serving the tea) This tea grows in the North mountain, it takes a thousand years to flower, a thousand years to bear fruit, a thousand years to ripen, three thousand years to harvest the fruit, and the name is "Truth". Those who drink the tea will answer every question, each word the truth.
CX (startled, nervous): Truth tea...
XYK: I was just joking.
CX: Grandfather!
XYK: Although the tea was a joke, I do have some questions. This has to do with the people of the world, so you must answer the question truthfully.

Under the old Xuan Yuan king's piercing gaze, Cang Xuan could only agree.

CX: Yes.
XYK (gently): If Xiao Yao insists on killing Xin Yue, would you agree to it?
CX (avoiding the question): Grandfather clearly knows ShenNong Xin Yue must not die, so why ask such a question?
XYK (gentle yet firm): Will you agree to kill ShenNong Xin Yue or not?
CX (helpless): I cannot. (clearly knowing that the old Xuan Yuan king understood everything, but still tried his best to explain. Actually the person he was really trying to convince was not the old Xuan Yuan king). From a personal standpoint, Feng Long gave his life to save me, and I promised him that Xin Yue would be safe for the rest of her life. Officially, ShenNong Xin Yue has the support of the entire Middle Plains. The situation of the world has just been settled, we cannot afford another conflict.
XYK (noncommittal): Last question. (stern) Right now, you have only two roads ahead of you: one is to give up the throne and be with Xiao Yao; one is to give up Xiao Yao and continue to be the king of Xuan Yuan. Which road would you choose?
CX (found it ridiculous, unwilling to face it): Xiao Yao was the one who helped me fight for the throne after all, why do I have to make a choice?
XYK (discerning): Cang Xuan, you are not a child, and be greedy and say you want it all. If you treat Xiao Yao as a woman of Zhi Jin Palace, you are belittling Xiao Yao, and even more so, yourself.

Sorrowful and silent, Cang Xuan was unwilling to face the facts despite knowing that what the old Xuan Yuan king said was true.

XYK: You are well aware that no one in this world can do anything they want, how much more the ruler of the Great Wilderness! Every step in a person's life, every decision, is the choice made after weighing the gains and losses.
CX (pleading, unwilling to accept): Grandfather...
XYK (grave): Right now, you have only two roads ahead of you: one is to give up the throne and be with Xiao Yao; one is to give up Xiao Yao and continue to be the king of Xuan Yuan. Which road would you choose?

Cang Xuan did not wish to face it, did not wish to choose.

XYK (pressing): Xiao Yao or the throne?

A few times, Cang Xuan started to speak, but fell silent. Suddenly the old Xuan Yuan king switched tactics. He withdrew his aggressive stance, calmly lifted up his cup and leisurely enjoyed the tea, as if he never asked. However, Cang Xuan did not relax, thoughts racing through his mind, weighing the gains and losses... his expression complex and pained.
Just then, Jun Yi approached with a wooden box from Lirong Chang.


[The wooden box Lirong Chang sent contained a puppet made from the tail of a nine-tailed fox belonging to Tushan Jing, with a hole in its chest. Cang Xuan realised that the one shot by the arrow was the puppet, not Tushan Jing. Immediately, he gave orders for Lirong Chang to increase manpower and continue searching.]


[Xiao Yao walked towards the waterside pavilion by the banks of Jade Lake in Jade Mountain, playing with a peach blossom branch in her hand, and started talking to her reflection in the lake. (Note: Since Xin Yue killed Tushan Jing, there was no way she would let her get away with it. Nonetheless, she had already worked out the chain of events and realised that Cang Xuan and the old Xuan Yuan king already knew even before Feng Long confessed, but merely chose to keep the truth from her, which told her where they stood in the matter. She fought side by side with Cang Xuan all this while, but this time, they were on opposing sides because of the throne. Or perhaps it could be said that she chose to stand against Cang Xuan because of Tushan Jing. The one who was the most afraid of being alone had lost her lover, had lost her friend (she severed ties with Xiang Liu over Cang Xuan in the previous episode), and would soon go against her family, ultimately she could only choose to be alone. Xiao Yao was calm and rational, yet unbearably desolate. In this scene, there is immense yet quiet grief, like someone drowning, clearly knowing death awaited but without any struggle because her mind was too clear. If their breakup in the dream sequence was dramatic, then this current breakup is realistic, just taking step by step towards separation.) ]

XY: ... Feng Long knew (unimportant)... Maternal Grandfather knew (both important and unimportant)... Cang Xuan knew (extremely important, if in the past they were forced apart, this time, it was Cang Xuan who chose to leave Xiao Yao on his own accord)... I was the last to know after all!
XY: The Royal Mother said that her end is near, and asked if I wanted to take over Jade Mountain. (pretending to consider) Becoming the Royal Mother was to imprison oneself. Outsiders cannot enter, and I cannot leave. Doesn't that sound like a good arrangement? (reflecting) Back then, I did all I could to escape, thinking that the world was so big, and I could go anywhere. Yet now I realise that in this vast world, there is nowhere I could go.

Xiao Yao plucked the flowers from the peach blossom branch and threw it at her reflection, which appeared as if it was catching the falling blossoms. The branch had spiritual powers and there was no end to the peach blossoms that were plucked.

XY: You ask why? The Xuan Yuan queen is the enemy who killed my husband, but the Xuan Yuan king will not allow me to kill his queen.

Xiao Yao continued to pluck the peach blossoms.

XY: Killing the Xuan Yuan queen is no longer making an enemy out of the Middle Plains clains, but also with the Xuan Yuan clan. No matter how vast the Great Wilderness is, where do you think I could go?
XY: You are talking about Cang Xuan? Mother was not just my mother, but the princess of Xuan Yuan; Cang Xuan is not just my brother, but the ruler of the Great Wilderness, the king of Xuan Yuan!

[Cang Xuan and Lao Sang watched Xiao Yao talking to herself from the peach forest. Confused, Lao Sang asked why Xiao Yao did not seek out Cang Xuan if she wanted someone to talk to, to which Cang Xuan said that it was because of him that Xiao Yao no longer had anyone she could confide in. When Lao Sang encouraged him to go over and talk to her, Cang Xuan said that the person she wanted to see was not him.

Just then Tushan Jing called out to Xiao Yao from the peach forest. Unable to believe her eyes, at first she thought it was an illusion. Finally she realised it was real, and she ran to him, crying and laughing. He used his spiritual energy to turn her white hair black, though she told him not to do so as it would turn white again once the energy dissipated, to which he said it won't as long as he prevented the energy from dissipating.

Underneath the peach blossom tree, Cang Xuan watched Xiao Yao, relieved yet in pain, before quietly turning to leave.]  


[Tushan Jing narrated the events of the attack to Xiao Yao. While the puppet took the fatal blow in his place, he himself suffered injuries to his heart vessels as well as loss of all spiritual power, and thus he lost consciousness, and floated down the river into the ocean. Although he was fortunate not to have been eaten by sea monsters, he was caught in a maelstrom and sucked into a cave at the base of the ocean, exacerbating his injuries. He took the live-preserving pills from the osmanthus flower sachet Xiao Yao gave him and ate it. The pills healed his heart vessels and replenished his spiritual power, providing him with a chance of survival. Just then, some falling rocks alerted him to a solid boulder that had been shattered by the undercurrent, and rocks fell everywhere. Without hesitation, he climbed upwards with great difficulty while avoiding the undercurrent. All ten fingers were already festered while he lost use of one of his legs and blood started to seep through the extensive injuries from Tushan Hou's attacks, but he continued to persevere and climb upwards.

After he escaped from the cave, he encountered Lirong Chang, who told him that the Tushan clan had given up on searching for him and appointed a new clan leader. Only Xiao Yao refused to give up and continued to wait for him, and as such, Cang Xuan did not give up on him either.

Xiao Yao told him that if he had not returned, she would have become the Royal Mother. Her words caught Tushan Jing by surprise as no matter how much she suffered back then, she refused to return to Jade Mountain. When Xiao Yao admitted that she planned to kill Xin Yue, Tushan Jing was greatly moved. The Tushan clan had already appointed a new leader, and considered him to be of the past, while Xiao Yao would go against the world for him whose whereabouts was unknown.]

This covers the night before the final battle, the epilogue in the novel, and Xiao Yao waking up from a nightmare about Xiang Liu. 

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 10-13

[As war raged on at the outskirts of Qingshui town, only one mountain peak remained under the Shen Nong army, its surroundings captured by Xuan Yuan, with no possibility of escape. Under orders from Xuan Yuan Cang Xuan, Great General Ru Shou spared no effort to ensure a quick, decisive victory by laying siege on the Shen Nong resistance army, giving orders to destroy all enemy resources, razing everything to the ground, even setting fire to the mountains, leaving the Shen Nong army with nowhere to hide. As more and more battles were fought, the noose tightened, until at last the two armies collided.]


Fires raging all over the mountains trapped the Shen Nong army within, an ominous blood-red glow in the sky.
Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu faced the soldiers who stood in formation. While the soldiers appeared gaunt and exhausted due to lack of proper rest and shortage of supplies, their expressions remained inordinately resolute, as each person awaited the arrival of that final moment.

HJ (heavily): By dawn tomorrow, the Xuan Yuan army would have breached the concealment formation of our base.

The Shen Nong soldiers looked at Hong Jiang in silence.

HJ: There is no need to keep watch and patrol tonight. Brothers, sleep well. When our forces collide tomorrow, let us fight to the death!
Soldiers (resolutely): Fight to the death!
HJ (red-rimmed eyes): Go and get a good rest!
Soldiers: Yes!

With that, the soldiers dispersed.
Hong Jiang looked at Xiang Liu, his eyes filled with gratitude and guilt, as if he had something to say. Before he could say anything, Xiang Liu intercepted his words.

XL: Adoptive Father, you go and rest! I will keep watch tonight.

Hong Jiang patted his shoulder with a heavy heart, controlling his emotions.

HJ (hidden meaning): Thank you.

Xiang Liu nodded, and Hong Jiang left.


Everywhere was silent, as if there was not a single soul in the entire camp. Only the sky glowed red from the fire all around.

Xiang Liu sat alone on the tree a little distance away from the base, gazing at the crystal globe in his hand. This was the crystal globe Xiao Yao gave him, except now it had been altered by him, and was different from before: In the sea, there were gorgeous, colourful small fishes, red corals, and a pure white large seashell. A beautiful mermaid sat sideways on the seashell, part of her beautiful tail on the pure white seashell, the other part floating on the sea. A man stood next to her, holding her outstretched hand, smiling as he gazed at the mermaid. In the corner, a merman floated on the waves. He appeared to be close to the seashell, but his distant demeanor gave the impression that he was actually in another world, and not in that quiet, peaceful ocean.

Using his finger as a blade, Xiang Liu wrote two lines of fine words on the crystal globe with his spiritual power: the ability to protect yourself, someone to rely on, somewhere to go. Wishing you a lifetime of carefree peace and happiness.

Xiang Liu opened a wooden box and took out a big-bellied laughing doll, its eyes closed in sleep. He then gathered spiritual power in both palms and used it to seal the crystal globe within the belly of the doll.
Xiang Liu's eyes were tender, quietly gazing at the sleeping big-bellied doll.

XL: Is kissing me more frightening than death?
XY (speaking hesitantly): My brother, that is Cang Xuan. One night while we were talking, he laughed at me for being a girl who still dreams after all.
XL (coldly commanded): Continue.
XY (fake laugh): Although... the possibility is remote... I am still afraid that if I was not careful, you might enter my dreams. You... are definitely not suitable to enter a girl's dreams. That is possibly far more terrifying than death indeed.

[End flashback]

Xiang Liu flicked the head of the sleeping big-bellied doll as punishment.

XL (warningly): Since you won't let me enter your dreams, you must be sure to have peace of mind and have sweet dreams every night for your whole life! Or else...

His words trailed off, because there was no more "or else" to be had. 
Xiang Liu gazed up at the moonlight.


In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao laid alone in A Heng's sleeping quarters at Cao Yun peak, sound asleep. Suddenly she woke up with a start.

XY (panicked, raving): Xiang Liu--

Her heart racing and restless, unable to sleep, Xiao Yao got up and walked out to sit in the corridor. She gazed at the moon, missing him. The bright moon she was seeing, should be exactly like the one Xiang Liu was seeing right now!

XY (silent for a while, uncomprehending): It is said Chi Chen was very cunning, brutal and cruel. Why did he persist on going down the path that he clearly knew led to death?
XL: The great war lasted for hundreds of years, with countless lives lost... perhaps, rather than continue to live on with the burden of the deaths of all the comrades, it is better to die. For a general, the best ending is to die on the battlefield.

[End flashback]

Sadness overcame her. Tushan Jing walked over, gently draped a cloak over her shoulders.

TSJ: Why aren't you resting?
XY (unconsciously pressing her chest): I suddenly dreamt of Xiang Liu and was terrified, unable to sleep after that.
TSJ (anxious): Didn't the Royal Mother say that the bug had already been removed?
XY (shook her head sadly): It was not due to the bug...

Tushan Jing realised something, and did not pursue the matter.

XY: ... Everyone hopes that the war would end soon, but I selfishly wish that it would take longer, even better still, to never end...

Tushan Jing knew he could not comfort her, merely keep her company, so he gently held her. Xiao Yao leaned back into his embrace and wearily closed her eyes. 

Let's remove the bug, because our bug might be the legendary lover's bug and it is not suitable since we are not lovers - this to me sounds more like if you have no intention on being with me than let's have the bug removed.

She said this one when she encountered him in the casino (no appointment) after engaging with FL. What I understand from her is "Are we lovers? Do you love me?" "If not, no need to keep the connection"

"If I die than how can you live?"  rather than if you die how can I live. Both XL and XY were more interested in the other person's well-being rather than their own. 

Actually, the whole conversation she avoided to refer the bug as lovers' bug. She used the consequence of the bug to imply the nature of the bugs between a couple who loved each other. Do you really love me? and the end she means if you don't love me, why don't you want to break the connection (removing the lovers' bug)

“I…..I…..” Xiao Yao actually didn’t know what she wanted so she got tongue-tied. She finally said “Help me break the voodoo bug spell and you can pick your price!”  - obviously the bugs were just a cover up in order to come up with am excuse for why she desperately chased him.  

I can't agree with you less. Look at her reaction when he revealed his face. She was happy & She was proud that she could recognise him even he had transformed. It was about 10 years since the last time they saw each other)

Xiao Yao stared at him and laughed, his eyes full of pride.

It sounds like "See Mr Xiang Liu, I can  always recognise you no matter how you transform"

This covers the night before the final battle, the epilogue in the novel, and Xiao Yao waking up from a nightmare about Xiang Liu.

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 10-13

So much crying!

Thank you for translating during this time for you, liddi.  Enjoy the holidays!

Thank you @liddi

About the Script. I found it more and more illogical. It seems that XL is bitter, could not give-up thinking of her refusal. Anyway, at least at the end XY admitted that XL had entered her dream.

Xiang Liu opened a wooden box and took out a big-bellied laughing doll, its eyes closed in sleep.

So how comes that the big bellied doll laughting and sleeping at the same time? It's weird that the doll was grinning with closed eyes in sleep. The novel describled that laughing doll had crooked eyebrows and eyes, grinning and looking at him with a smile 

XL: Is kissing me more frightening than death?
XY (speaking hesitantly): My brother, that is Cang Xuan. One night while we were talking, he laughed at me for being a girl who still dreams after all.
XL (coldly commanded): Continue.
XY (fake laugh): Although... the possibility is remote... I am still afraid that if I was not careful, you might enter my dreams. You... are definitely not suitable to enter a girl's dreams. That is possibly far more terrifying than death indeed.

Why do they have to make him recall this scene so much? when he prepared the arrow and now? He wished a happy life for her, why didn't they let the doll look at her (seeing the world with her) but with subtle message of sweeet dream. Then how ironic is that! because the next scence XY did dream of XL (nightmare)

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao laid alone in A Heng's sleeping quarters at Cao Yun peak, sound asleep. Suddenly she woke up with a start.

XY (panicked, raving): Xiang Liu--

Sadness overcame her. Tushan Jing walked over, gently draped a cloak over her shoulders.

TSJ: Why aren't you resting?
XY (unconsciously pressing her chest): I suddenly dreamt of Xiang Liu and was terrified, unable to sleep after that.

And If Jing and XY didn't get married yet. They should sleep in 2 separate rooms. How comes Jing sensed her wake up at midnight and came out to comfort her? 

So actually what are we dabating now?

Like many discussions on this thread, it started on one thing then things can get lost in translation. Let's see if we can track it from the beginning:

It started off as a discussion of why didn't XY or Jing thought about/try to transfer the Lovers Bugs from XL to Jing. The hypothesis is that they never tried to do this because XY and Jing both knew that XY's feelings for Jing didn't meet the condition for the successful transfer/implanting of the bugs (aka. she doesn't love him that way)


I can't remember if this has been discussed before, but if her love for Jing was genuine, which IMO it wasn't, she would have definetely tried to take the bug out of XL and transfer it to him, she did it before with CX. 


assuming Jing was deeply in love with XY, he had never discussed with her to move the bug from XL to him. 

However, XY and he knew that XL once could move the bug from CX to himself. Why didn't Jing ask for the same thing? Because he knew XY did not love him genuinely? 

Maybe XY didn't ask Jing if he was willing to accept the bug and she also did ask XL to move the bug to Jing because she knew she was not in love with him (one of the condition for succesful planting

AH disagreed with this hyposthesis. AH appeared to think that XY didn't want the bugs to be transferred to Jing not because she knew that her feelings for him wouldn't meet the planting requirement, but because she didn't him to experience her pain and risk his life. This showed that she loved him rather than that she didn't. And that Jing did ask XL to transfer the bugs.


I disagree.

The bug causes the recipient to feel XY's pain. And XY later finds out that it also ties the hosts' lives together, meaning that if she dies, the recipient also dies. Even if she could transfer the bug from XL to TSJ, I don't think XY would choose to do so out of love for TSJ.

I think TSJ basically did ask XL about this in chapter 39, after learning about the nature of the bugs and the risk to XY's life in chapter 37. 

The stance from each side is:

Both XY and Jing wanted to break the bugs instead of moving the bug (which at least XL could do in the past). Maybe they both knew they are not qualified for the planting condition. 

The fact that she didn't want to subject TSJ to that (feeling 100% of her pain, rather than 1/9th, and potentially causing him to die if she died) does not indicate to me that she did not love TSJ. 

Disagreements about the validity of this motivation of not wanting the Lovers Bugs to be transferred to Jing with various side trips and people pulling out their quotes as supporting evidence :-)

The conversation then moved into debating whether Jing/XY asked for the bugs to be removed/break or if they actually asked for it to be transferred. This quote was the centre of the debate:

“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?” 

The discussion is whether the above quote implied transfer following breaking.

H19279 eventually that the above quote is wrong so XY and Jing didn't ask for transfer, just break (back to the original hypothesis):

This is wrong translation from Kaola. XY or Jing always asked to get rid of/remove/undo the bug. And what she said to XL is 


"You are lying! Back then you helped Zhuan Xu undo the bug, how could not you undo it now? "

AH responded with this:

However, I think my original point still stands. Whether the specific word used is break, get rid of, remove, undo, or solve, XY and TSJ (as quoted by XL) used the same word to describe what was done in the past (back in chapter 7 when WXL and XL transferred the bug from CX to XL) and what XY and TSJ wanted XL to help them do in the present 

So essentially AH believes that XY/Jing are asking for the bugs to be removed and transferred like what XL originally did with Cang Xuan. Aka, she doesn't agree with the original hypothesis. 

H19279 argued that the original transfer with Cang Xuan didn't require Xiang Liu to do anything, she could do it herself. Therefore what she is asking is for Xiang Liu to break the bugs (aka. she knew that it couldn't be transferred because the transfer condition would not be met - aka original hypothesis)

Acutally, combining all the information from the witch king and Se Mai Er, she already knew that the bugs is a pair of a male and female one and they were used for lovers. What she actually asked XL is undoing the bugs on both of them. Then she needed his help if he knew the solution because last time he had solution for removing bug in CX. 

Is that about right?

So essentially AH believes that XY/Jing are asking for the bugs to be removed and transferred like what XL originally did with Cang Xuan. Aka, she doesn't agree with the original hypothesis.

H19279 argued that the original transfer with Cang Xuan didn't require Xiang Liu to do anything, she could do it herself. Therefore what she is asking is for Xiang Liu to break the bugs (aka. she knew that it couldn't be transferred because the transfer condition would not be met - aka original hypothesis)

How is the bug supposed to be transferred when they don't have the magic walnut?  There can be no transfer like the original, cause they don't have the required physical elements.

Yes, XL did have to do something.  He had to use his blood on the magic walnut and he had to love her.  According to the book, he needed to be willing, also.  I don't know exactly what she asked about the bug, but I'm not sure if it was 'break,' since XL made a point of saying, he couldn't do what she asked him before, but he could only kill them... by sacrificing his lives.

How is the bug supposed to be transferred when they don't have the magic walnut? There can be no transfer like the original, cause they don't have the required physical elements.

Ah hah! A new piece of information to consider. With this, Xiao Yao now has an excuse as to why she didn't ask for a transfer (no excuse for Jing since he is not aware of the original process), it's because it's not an option rather than because she knew that she and Jing would not meet the condition for successful transfer/implantation.  Kokuto, you just allowed Xiao Yao and Jing to continue to play stupid ;-). Kokuto to the rescue!!!

I don't think XY even thought about the walnut. Although we can postulate why they didn't even consider a transfer. Even without the walnut maybe there is another way to do a transfer. : leave no stone unturn and all that.

I don't know exactly what she asked about the bug, but I'm not sure if it was 'break,' since XL made a point of saying, he couldn't do what she asked him before, but he could only kill them... by sacrificing his lives.

She did ask him to "break" which is why he later said that he didn't lie to her because the bond cannot be broken, the bugs can only be lured out and killed. 

But the question is where do you stand on the original hypothesis: 

Both XY and Jing wanted to break the bugs instead of moving the bug (which at least XL could do in the past). Maybe they both knew they are not qualified for the planting condition. 

Thanks Liddi for the translations!

The 3 things now seems so out of place (except the bow he made). Lol at TSJ saved himself and so there weren’t any mention of merpeople at all… oh wow 

The drama don’t want XL to be the contributing factor to the official match’s HE. They depend on each other bla bla… 

He kept recalling that flashback because guess that scene only thing that looks like a rejection from XY to XL. Then, reducing XL to somewhat like a love brain.

I’m getting less interested to watch the 2nd season. The only thing I’m looking forward to is his death scene. 

Hopefully soon, I’m able to start on the novel. (did a random read chp 48, and the whole thing was depressing)

What I understand is that in the novel, xy really loves xl.
Every time xiaoyao said she wanted to eliminate the bugs between her and XL. Xiaoyao just wants XL to admit "Xiaoyao I love you" doesn't mean she wants to get rid of the bug,or move the bug to jing.
the clearest example is in chapter 29, xy expects XL to confess, but what XL does is he always avoids it, xy is very disappointed.
Look at Xy's attitude of shaking her head and smiling forcefully. Isn't she waiting for XL to say something but XL always avoids it.
If she wanted to transfer the bug to Jing, maybe in S2 with all the magical changes, the plot could be included.


Thanks Liddi for the translations!

The 3 things now seems so out of place (except the bow he made). Lol at TSJ saved himself and so there weren’t any mention of merpeople at all… oh wow 

The drama don’t want XL to be the contributing factor to the official match’s HE. They depend on each other bla bla… 

He kept recalling that flashback because guess that scene only thing that looks like a rejection from XY to XL. Then, reducing XL to somewhat like a love brain.

I’m getting less interested to watch the 2nd season. The only thing I’m looking forward to is his death scene. 

Hopefully soon, I’m able to start on the novel. (did a random read chp 48, and the whole thing was depressing)

Well, it is depressing overall.

They had to throw something to Jing, since he's been unable to save himself thus far.  Though ... that scene in the SEA cave does look suspicious.  I will admit, also, that Jing looked really, really bad in season 1, so I won't be surprised if there is some course correction.

I'm torn on that particular flash back.  I mean, it was definitely was rejection ... but it was also the one admission he got from her that she thought of him as a lover.

Plus, as I keep saying, we don't know what's actually going to be in the drama.

Kokuto, you just allowed Xiao Yao and Jing to continue to play stupid ;-). Kokuto to the rescue!!!

Geez.  Thanks a lot. Advancing Stupidity!  LOL!

I don't think XY even thought about the walnut. Although we can postulate why they didn't even consider a transfer. Even without the walnut maybe there is another way to do a transfer. : leave no stone unturn and all that.

 I agree, that XY "said" she didn't want it, but she was actually happy to have it and the connection to XL.  Cause she really didn't do much of anything on her own to learn or try to get rid of it.

Jing was pushing for it to be gone, because it was the LOVERS Bug, he's jealous, and he didn't want that connection, and yes, the possibility of death for XY.  Though I have to say, with multiple lives and his immense abilities, XL was the least likely person to get killed in the whole book, and everyone knew it.

I agree.  Maybe there is another way to transfer the Love Bug, but I seriously doubt it.  And again, was anyone actually looking?  hmmmm.

She did ask him to "break" which is why he later said that he didn't lie to her because the bond cannot be broken, the bugs can only be lured out and killed.

But the question is where do you stand on the original hypothesis:

Both XY and Jing wanted to break the bugs instead of moving the bug (which at least XL could do in the past). Maybe they both knew they are not qualified for the planting condition.

Okay, the bond being broken, not the bugs.  And again, not a transfer.

My position is by this point, neitherJing or XY wanted the Love Bug.  The trade off wasn't worth it.  Which says something too.  Whether they KNEW they met the conditions for planting the bug ... lets just say that had to be worried about her feelings (unadmitted love) for XL interfering in the planting, whether that would happen or not. 

I think they could have done it, theoretically.  Because much like someone pointed out the loophole of Jing's 15 year promise ( i.e. XL was already in her heart), XY did have feelings for Jing when XL accepted the Love Bug.