Maybe knowing how XY was when she was little and giving that she is her mom's daughter, jing's profile doesn't really fit to what she thought XY would want as a love partner. Too weak, too obedient. I belive that if it was XL who was sitting next to her în front of her mom, AH Heng wouldn't have had this conflicted emotion, because XL would never sit behind XY, but next to her and he wouldn't have kept his head low with no intention of getting up, allowing others to speak on his behalf. 

That is a very real possibility - thank you for pointing that out. His passiveness might also have been a cause of concern, especially during turbulent times. Xiang Liu would not have been so ingratiating - respectful certainly but never meek. 

I used to get whiplash from how she would have tender, intimate interactions with Xiang Liu, then turn around and be overtly affectionate with Jing. Now, in retrospect, there is a realisation that this may have been a projection of what she could not, dared not do with Xiang Liu

I get whiplash at her behaviour as well, and it makes me think of her as flighty and inconstant. It's less frustrating to think that it's due to projection - over-compensation for her feelings towards Xiang Liu that she desperately tries to contain by projecting onto Jing. I firmly believe that she delayed the wedding for 40 years due to extreme cold feet. The medical texts were a convenient reason.

I get whiplash from my feelings about her. At times I really disliked her, at others, I felt sympathetic and pity towards a young woman who's struggling to deal with a massive amount of trauma and who has no emotional support network around her.

However, now I wonder too whether someone as spiritually powerful as herself, felt the inadequacy of the young man to protect her daughter who wished to entrust the rest of her life to him.

I think this was the other dimension. It's not just A Heng. Cang Xuan doesn't like Jing because he does not think that Jing is capable of protecting Xiao Yao (plus, jealousy of course). And they are not wrong. Jing shows throughout the novel that he's not capable of protecting Xiao Yao. A Heng felt that she could not object due to the role that she played in Xiao Yao's trauma, although I wish she had. 

The other thing is the Heavenly Mother's dislike of Jing. Her whole comment about grown children doing what they want isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. I'm wondering if this has to do with her dislike of the TuShan clan for their behaviour in Once Promised? Or maybe like Ah Heng, she could sense Jing's inadequacy.

Yang Zi reiterated time and again that the choice was never on Xiao Yao's part, but the fact that Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan both had loftier goals they needed to achieve.

I feel like this is a bit of a cop-out. She has choices, she doesn't have to be with Jing, and could have chosen to be by herself. Having your life revolve around finding a man is limiting. I guess we can only blame Tong Hua for not allowing Xiao Yao to sufficiently heal and deal with her emotional baggage.  

Even so, I felt that the execution of that ignorance could have been better by giving voice to the internal conflict she had. Instead, we have recreation of iconic scenes from the novel with a Xiao Yao that felt far more brusque and callous, which ends up jarring, like the one in her chambers, which you and I dislike intensely; and removal of scenes that would have made Xiao Yao's feelings far more obvious.

I think I've made my feelings about the leaked script abundantly clear in the last few days :-). The problem is that I don't think they want to legitimize Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu. I think, brusque and callous are exactly how they want her to come across. They still want to include the Lovers Bugs, and they still want to use Xiang Liu - but they want YaoJing to be the OTP. So the leak script is the result.

Hm, furious is even worse than crying, I could have understand his crying, altough that's not something novel's XL would do, but furious over XY and Jing sounds so one-sided, especially because în the novel he kept supporting their relationship.

I don't feel quite the same way. What riles me most is how Xiao Yao is portrayed to act around Xiang Liu, her apparent cluelessness and callousness really rubs me the wrong way.

Perhaps these two things are not mutually exclusive? I hate the addition of this particular scene precisely for both the reasons that you ladies mentioned. It's like they compound each other to push for YaoJing as the OTP and have Xiang Liu's love as one-sided.

I will say that from a psychological point of view, anger is typically what's known as a secondary emotion. It's the tip of the iceberg that hides the more primary emotions underneath. Emotions such as pain and sadness. It has a protective effect - it allows you to protect the more vulnerable emotions beneath the veneer of anger. It's the preferred emotion for men who are often taught not to cry or express sadness.


THIS. Exactly. How could they have robbed us of Ch43? Oh, and I demand  an actual lips on forehead kiss, not some flakey snowflake for Ch35 (Vol 3 Ch3)!

If we had this scene, the drama would have ended with a happily ever after in Ep25, and I wouldn't have minded one bit!

Oh I believe you...........

I want the hair stroking in as well. The little intimate gestures that scream I really want to be close to you.

"Now, in retrospect, there is a realisation that this may have been a projection of what she could not, dared not do with Xiang Liu"

There are at least 2 scenes that I remember of that quite obvious points to this aspect. Three if I take that scene from chapter 3, when she wanted to poison XL, but ended up poison Jing into consideration too. In fact I think that's the scene that started this habit of hers. That kiss from chapter 14 comes to mind and also that underwater scene from chapter 17, when Jing told her that she didn't have him în her eyes. I am sure there are more, but some are more subtle.


I want the hair stroking in as well. The little intimate gestures that scream I really want to be close to you.

The hair stroking. The touching of his lips. 

They are determined to give us NOTHING!

Maybe knowing how XY was when she was little and giving that she is her mom's daughter, jing's profile doesn't really fit to what she thought XY would want as a love partner. Too weak, too obedient.

because XL would never sit behind XY, but next to her and he wouldn't have kept his head low with no intention of getting up, allowing others to speak on his behalf. Jing didn't have the courage

Xiang Liu would not have been so ingratiating - respectful certainly but never meek.

Great observations that could potentially explain Ah-Heng reaction to Jing. More and more, I feel like Tong Hua was deliberate in her crafting of Jing as a foil to Xiang Liu. I need to post my little write-up about Jing soon.

Having Jing position behind instead of besides Xiao Yao is a bit of a visual presentation of their relationship dynamic isn't?

XY was quite good at acting, this scene from chapter 24 is a good marker of her character, that's why I firmly belive that more often than not she was playing a role in her interactions with Jing too, especially in the beginning, when her girly-blushing attitude felt so out of her character. She just went along with her TianEr theory, faking it first, until the fake attention gets mixed with real fealing. The problem is tianer, unlike her, didn't have an XL în her life to compare chuanzi to. 

Xiao Yao made a funny face to her dad and laughed “Okay, okay, I remember! Daddy who likes to lecture, your subordinates are all waiting for you!”

Xiao Yao lowered her head to stare at the gorilla mirror, and gradually her smile disappeared completely.

To this day, I still hate watching the scene with Fangfeng Bei in her chambers, because we know from the novel how that scene should have played out, one that showed the extent of Xiao Yao's feelings for him, not to mention them sleeping together, a decision Xiao Yao consciously made, rather than just being conveniently unconscious at the time.

Are there differences  between  Xiao Yao  and Xiang Liu's story in the drama??

Liddi, by any chance do you have the scene with FFBei în her chambers in the leaked script? I am curious how it was described on paper. 

I know we have spoken about the Hibiscus flower  symbolizing love etc. I have recently read in Chinese culture it actually symbolises fame and glory as the word sounds like wealth.

Flowers have different meaning in different culture. Does someone who is Chinese can confirm the meaning?

Liddi, by any chance do you have the scene with FFBei în her chambers in the leaked script? I am curious how it was described on paper. 

Unfortunately no. I really wish I do too because I want to see exactly how that scene was described vs how it was finally filmed. 

The S2 leaked script I have starts from Xiang Liu starting to heal her under the ocean, piercing his heart for essential blood when he saw that the light in her chest dimmed and finally extinguished despite him transferring spiritual power to her, which was towards the end of S1 Ep30.  In other words, S1 was originally planned to have ended after Xiang Liu took her away from Chenrong Mountain, and S2 was supposed to have started with Cang Xuan giving orders to Xiao Xiao to hunt down the Plum Forest perpetrators, and the beginning of the 37 years healing under the ocean.

I know we have spoken about the Hibiscus flower  symbolizing love etc. I have recently read in Chinese culture it actually symbolises fame and glory as the word sounds like wealth.

Flowers have different meaning in different culture. Does someone who is Chinese can confirm the meaning?

This was a translation of a write-up @windiaaa041293 previously posted about the significance of hibiscus vs osmanthus flowers. According to the poster, 

Your interpretation is correct. I just looked up the flower language of hibiscus (木槿花) and osmanthus (木樨花), and it turns out that there is indeed a difference between the two. Hibiscus represents resilience, steadfastness, courage and the eternity of love. Osmanthus (also known as 桂花), represents companionship, victory, loyalty and stedfastness and friendship, and is often given to friends. When comparing the two, the implied meaning can be said to be very obvious. When she was Xiao Liu, she loved the fragrance of medicinal herbs. After her archery lessons, hibiscus flowers suddenly appeared. Combine the fact that Xiang Liu dyed his hair, with hibiscus leaves could be used to wash hair in ancient times, [the meaning] is very deeply buried. Readers should dig [the hidden details] for themselves until they are able to find some modicum of comfort for the heart which is traumatised by the ending.

From what I read up, the flower language of hibiscus is as follows:

Tenacity - although its blooms appear gentle and beautiful, it is tenacious and can persevere in harsh conditions. So it symbolises the quality of being strong despite hardships
Everlasting beauty - after a hibiscus flower blooms and withers, more blooms will follow one after another, Continuous blooms represent everlasting beauty
Gentle perseverance - hibiscus flowers bloom in the morning and wither in the evening. The withering gives way to another glorious bloom, so the flowering period lasts a long time, as if it never ends, like gentle perseverance.

The other thing is the Heavenly Mother's dislike of Jing. Her whole comment about grown children doing what they want isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. I'm wondering if this has to do with her dislike of the TuShan clan for their behaviour in Once Promised?

What happened in Once Promised with regards to the Tushan clan?

Are there differences  between  Xiao Yao  and Xiang Liu's story in the drama??

They adapted many of the iconic YaoLiu scenes, but in some situations, change the nuances behind those scenes, or outright the behaviour of those involved. And in other cases, scenes which show the level of intimacy between them, especially from Xiao Yao's actions, are totally removed.

I am very grateful to the one who created this forum, I am also grateful for your discussions. I've been reading you for a long time and I've understood a lot thanks to you =) I'm from Russia. I've been wanting to write this to you for a long time =)

I'm 2 days late to this reply but welcome. Always nice to see new people here. Also, I wonder whatever happened to Fei Fei, the creator of this forum.