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Why does the laughing doll have a big belly?

Lastly there was the big bellied laughing doll……Xiao Yao was curious from the beginning. 

Xiao Yao cradled the doll and said to Jing “Ah Bi is so funny, other such dolls have big heads but this doll has a big head and a big belly. Does it mean this chubby doll got fat because it loves to eat?”

The big bellied doll wasn’t of any practical use but Xiao Yao just thought it was so cute and holding it in her hands she liked it more and more. A big head, a big belly, it was wearing a round belly cover and had a pout on its lips, its smile so impish that Xiao Yao couldn’t help but burst out laughing in joy at it.

This was the first time Xiao Yao laughed in days and Jing let out a sigh of relief and said softly to Miao Pu “Please pack this smiling doll safely to bring.”

— Vol 3 Chapter 18 (Chapter 51)

So……apparently there will be a mini Xiang Liu terrorizing those uninhabited islands. Xiao Yao realized Xiang Liu knew she was pregnant with his child when she saw the big bellied laughing doll. A detailed explanation can be found here: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/667052121

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m starting to feel bad for Tu Shan Jing; this is the second time Tong Hua pulled this trick on that fox.

At least I’ve found enough closure in this non-tragic ending that I can move on with my life (;^Ɐ;^).

So……apparently there will be a mini Xiang Liu terrorizing those uninhabited islands. Xiao Yao realized Xiang Liu knew she was pregnant with his child when she saw the big bellied laughing doll. A detailed explanation can be found here: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/667052121

I've heard this theory before but it didn't make sense to me.  I'm reading with Google Translate, so maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, but it sounds like XY would have gotten pregnant at the 37 Years .... but how is that possible?  I mean that's a decades long gestation.  I also disagree that XL would abandon his child and the mother.  And I don't even want to get into the mess of them having sex while she is a coma.  No.  Just no.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m starting to feel bad for Tu Shan Jing; this is the second time Tong Hua pulled this trick on that fox.


My only comment is LOL!

At least I’ve found enough closure in this non-tragic ending that I can move on with my life (;^Ɐ;^).

I feel you.... but I've yet to find that.

I've heard this theory before but it didn't make sense to me.  I'm reading with Google Translate, so maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, but it sounds like XY would have gotten pregnant at the 37 Years .... but how is that possible?  I mean that's a decades long gestation.  I also disagree that XL would abandon his child and the mother.  And I don't even want to get into the mess of them having sex while she is a coma.  No.  Just no.

Completely agree.

The fan theory that XL had sex with XY when she was not able to speak, not able to open her eyes, not able to move her body at all, and not able to communicate consent or participate actively... its just horrific to me. 

But a fanfic AU where the details are tweaked slightly so XY can consent and participate? Completely different - I'd be totally on board with that. 

 AH :

Completely agree.

The fan theory that XL had sex with XY when she was not able to speak, not able to open her eyes, not able to move her body at all, and not able to communicate consent or participate actively... its just horrific to me. 

But a fanfic AU where the details are tweaked slightly so XY can consent and participate? Completely different - I'd be totally on board with that. 

Yes, indeed!

Except no decades and decades long gestation.  That's got to be the worst idea ever.  lol

 AH :

Completely agree.

The fan theory that XL had sex with XY when she was not able to speak, not able to open her eyes, not able to move her body at all, and not able to communicate consent or participate actively... its just horrific to me. 

But a fanfic AU where the details are tweaked slightly so XY can consent and participate? Completely different - I'd be totally on board with that. 

AH, get your writing tools ready. I’m not even joking.

I've heard this theory before but it didn't make sense to me.  I'm reading with Google Translate, so maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, but it sounds like XY would have gotten pregnant at the 37 Years .... but how is that possible?  I mean that's a decades long gestation.  I also disagree that XL would abandon his child and the mother.  And I don't even want to get into the mess of them having sex while she is a coma.  No.  Just no.

The theory is not that she got pregnant during the 37 years at sea, but she planned for her pregnancy when she poisoned CX and committed suicide, knowing what XL would have to do to save her. To me, the arguments provided in the article are convincing, but your mileage may vary.

I read the comments for the article as well and found one saying that Tong Hua had published a short story about Xiao Yao's child who had white hair, but later deleted the story.

By the way, I'm using the translate function on the Chrome browser and it does a pretty good job.

Translated using Chrome browser from: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/667052121

The supporting evidence included as images from the original article have not been included here so I recommend linking back to the original article to see those as well. I used the Translate app on my iPhone to read those and it does a pretty good job.

Yaoliu consummate the marriage? Have a baby? Will Xiang Liu survive? Regarding some controversies about Sauvignon Blanc, let me tell you my opinion.

1. Will Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu consummate their marriage?

Thirty-Seven Years Under the Sea and Yushan are both done. This is Tonghua's writing habit. In every book, the heroine will have a love exchange with her true love. This is the ritual of love in her books.

Xiaoyao's true love is obviously Xiangliu, and Tonghua deliberately did not write about Yaojing's consummation. There is only one possibility, that he and Xiangliu have already consummated their relationship.

Lover's Gu must save lives through love. Sex is the most direct and profound way to express love. Xiang Liu has known this for a long time.

The so-called conservative treatment at the beginning meant that during each treatment, the two of them were naked and entangled together. The book clearly stated that Xiaoyao could feel Xiang Liu all over her body. I forgot the original words. In short, during every treatment, except for The last step was not taken, and they were already very close, but after thirty-seven years, Xiaoyao still hadn't woken up, and Tu Shanjing was about to die. Where can I find someone for Xiaoyao to depend on?

Look at Yushan, how easy it is to do it directly, Xiaoyao will wake up immediately, why do you need thirty-seven years?

2. Is the consummation of Yaoliu one-sided?

No, it's because both parties are willing to do it, and they know each other well.

Never forget one thing - Yaoliu has the same mind. They often communicate in their hearts by activating the Lover Gu. Tonghua used a lot of "writing without writing" in writing Yaoliu's plot. Their tacit understanding is from God's perspective. Readers cannot know everything.

Xiang Liu has always known that Xiao Yao has feelings for thirty-seven years at the bottom of the sea. Xiao Yao also knows that Xiang Liu knows that he has feelings. .

Before doing Thirty-Seven Years Under the Sea, Xiang Liu asked Xiaoyao for his opinion. What if Tu Shanjing would die if he didn't do it?

Xiaoyao's answer is, I don't want Jing to die, but even if Jing dies, I won't blame you. It's equivalent to throwing the decision-making power of whether to do it back to Xiang Liu - my opinion is to do it, but if you don't Do it with me, I won’t hate you even if Tu Shanjing dies.

Then Xiang Liu's decision was: I'm going to wake you up tonight.

Similarly, when they were in Yushan, Xiaoyao also had feelings, and Xiang Liu also knew that Xiaoyao had feelings, so what he said to Xiaoyao to himself was specifically for Xiaoyao to hear. They said goodbye, so there is no need for regrets.

3. Do Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu have a baby?

have. Let me explain this issue in a few points.

1. Do you know where the book "Sauvignon Blanc" came from? 

This book is based on the story of Mrs. Hu and Wu Xuanshuang. Mrs. Hu’s husband died and she left her children to die in love. Wu Xuanshuang’s husband died. Although her love for her husband transcended life, she still chose to live to take care of them. children.

Tonghua also expressed her attitude. She agreed more with Wu Xuanshuang, so Sauvignon Blanc conveys such "raw" feelings. The heroine Xiaoyao is Wu Xuanshuang instead of Mrs. Hu.

Tonghua said that Mrs. Hu attached her life to a man, while Wu Xuanshuang lived her own life no matter how passionate her love was. This point is also found in the book. Fangfeng Yiying is Mrs. Hu. Tonghua specially wrote it for Xiaoyao to compare. There is a place in the book that directly compares Fangfeng Yiying to a "dodder flower", and the dodder flower is It is used to describe a woman who depends on a man for survival, and the ending of Fangfeng Yiying is that she died in love with Tu Shanhou and left her children alone.

If Yao Liu had no baby, the theme of "birth" would no longer hold. For whom was Xiao Yao born? Is it possible to become Zhuanxu? For Tu Shanjing? When Xiang Liu was still alive, Xiao Yao was already worse off than dead. If it weren't for having a child, would she still be able to survive after Xiang Liu died?

2. The first point starts from the concept of the book, and the second point starts from the author’s setting.

Why does the author assume that Xiaoyao specializes in treating women's infertility? How does this setting play a role? If not, why did the author specifically emphasize Xiaoyao's special skills?

Of course it is, this skill has been used, and it works.

Yaoliu did it for the first time, but Xiaoyao didn't get pregnant. There are two possibilities. One is that Xiaoyao went back to use contraception on her own, and the other is that she didn't get pregnant.

When Xiaoyao died for the second time, she was already disheartened by Zhuanxu. The previous conflict of not betraying Zhuanxu and not being with Xiangliu no longer existed. She was specifically looking for a good life to die and put everything aside. Everything was arranged, and she planned to escape and wait for Xiang Liu to rescue her. And before that, she had used her housekeeping skills to ensure that she would become pregnant.

Xiaoyao has always wanted a child, and it is mentioned in several places in the book. So if she wanted a child, whose child would she want? That must be He Xiangliu's child.

So does Xiang Liu know about Xiao Yao's little thoughts? You know, Xiang Liu had already prepared the big sea shells covered with blood formations, waiting for Xiao Yao to get ready to use them as soon as possible.

Of course, Xiang Liu's attitude is that it's okay to have a child, but it's impossible for me to take you away.

Xiang Liu hopes that even if he dies, Xiaoyao will live well and live happily. He has treated Xiaoyao like that in Huluhu. He didn't expect that Xiaoyao would still look like he couldn't live without him. How can he feel safe to throw it away like this? Leave her alone? So in Yushan, he unilaterally announced the divorce, and then quickly sent Tu Shanjing to her, just to cut off Xiaoyao's thoughts.

So after Xiaoyao learned about Xiang Liu's death and the memory of Xiang Xiangjing was erased, what did Xiaoyao mean when she said, "Am I that unbearable in your eyes?" What does unbearable mean? "Unbearable" itself does not mean "poor", but "unbearable". What Xiaoyao means is: Am I so vulnerable in your eyes? Are you so sure that I can't survive without you? In order to cut off my thoughts about you, I even deleted the memory of the mirror!

But when Xiaoyao received the big-bellied laughing doll from Xiang Liu, she knew, oh, it turned out that she had misunderstood Xiang Liu. She didn't expect that Xiang Liu had guessed her little intention of secretly getting pregnant. He even made a toy for the child and left it to her.

Therefore, between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao, they knew everything about each other, there was no misunderstanding, and in the end they fulfilled each other.


Some people do not accept that Yaoliu has a child because they are worried that the child will repeat the same mistakes as Xiaoyao and the "Merlin massacre".

Don't worry, Yaoliu's child is different from Xiaoyao.

The first is that Xiaoyao has no father and mother, but Xiaoliu has a mother; the second is that Xiaoyao was deceived and his spiritual power was destroyed because he has no father and mother, but Xiaoliu will not experience this. Xiaoliu still has the blood of his father's nine-headed demon; the third is that Yaoliu and Chiyou Aheng are still different. Chiyou Aheng admitted their relationship in front of many people. Yaoliu's love would not be told to anyone except the three emperors and A Nian. You know, no one will believe that there is any relationship between Yao Liu.

Some people question the statement that Xiang Liu knew that he had a child. The argument is that if Xiang Liu knew that he had a child, he would not be willing to die.

Yes, Xiang Liu is indeed very reluctant and heartbroken, but he will still choose death...

3. Let’s talk about the metaphor of the snake demon. There were a few mistakes in my previous article, but they haven’t been corrected yet. I want to refine the original article after I finish writing the Yaoliu love line. Which one? Where is the place?

<As time went by, the snake demon found that she was getting more and more cunning, and wanted to leave if he couldn't eat her. In order to keep the snake demon, she secretly ate the eggs it laid. Now they had a life-and-death feud, and the snake demon couldn't help but He left, chasing after Xiaoyao and trying to kill her. >

My previous interpretation of this was that this corresponded to the period of Qingshui Town, but after thinking about it, it actually didn’t quite match up. This short story must correspond to the whole process of Yaoliu’s relationship, not the period of Qingshui Town, and the snake demon Nor was Xiaoyao killed before being locked in the Nine-Tailed Fox's cage.

The original text is "So... just die!" There is a lot omitted in the middle.

I actually secretly changed it once later, and made the "snake egg" correspond to drinking Xiangliu's blood during the thirty-seven years under the sea. That chapter happened to be "We depend on each other in life and death." Isn't that just a life-and-death enmity? I was very excited about my great discovery at the time. It was true that I was really smart.

Now that I think about it, I am just an idiot. The more I write about the love for Yaoliu, the clearer my thinking becomes. When I look back at the metaphor of the snake demon, it is just like doing junior high school math questions after the college entrance examination.

Thirty-seven years after the time arrived at the bottom of the sea, Xiang Liu no longer wanted to be with Xiao Yao and wanted to leave Xiao Yao. In order not to separate from Xiang Liu, Xiao Yao deliberately designed to get herself pregnant with Xiang Liu's child, "forging a life-and-death feud." ", referring to the fact that Xiaoyao and Xiangliu are separated by life and death!

Eating snake eggs secretly corresponds to Xiaoyao secretly getting pregnant with Xiang Liu's child.

4. I have already said this countless times about whether Xiang Liu intends to live, but recently I have seen more and more "Xiang Liu's life-saving theories", and each one of them makes nonsense that is true. I really I can't bear it anymore.

Yes, I also hope that Xiang Liu is alive, but not in this kind of non-human and non-ghost way. I heard someone say that Tu Shanjing came back to be the ghost of Xiang Liu, and I also heard that it was just Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei. Dead, the nine-headed demon is not dead...

In fact, I have written about this aspect in Yaoliu Love Line articles, including several answers.

Xiang Liu is "a man of kindness, and even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets."

If Xiang Liu was given another nine hundred lives, he would not be able to survive alone after all his comrades died. During the war, he would always rush in front of his comrades and adoptive father.

If you don’t know Xiang Liu, I suggest you read my article patiently. This article not only explains Yao Liu’s love line in detail, but also intersperses a lot of character analysis of Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu. If you understand Xiang Liu deeply, you will understand How absurd is the "Xiangliu theory of fate".

Okay, here’s a look at the two common myths mentioned above.

1. Is the returned Tu Shanjing a phantom?

The argument for this view is that after Tu Shanjing came back, many of his descriptions and behaviors became similar to Xiang Liu.

In fact, not only after Tu Shanjing returned, Tu Shanjing had been deliberately imitating Xiang Liu and Fang Fengbei from very early on.

Tu Shanjing has always known that Xiaoyao vented his feelings for Xiang Liu in front of him. The time Xiaoyao swam until dawn and kissed him, he knew that Xiaoyao was not thinking of him, so he refused, and the time when Tanshui forced him to kiss him , Tushanjing also knew that Xiaoyao only had Xiangliu in his eyes, so he refused again. It was after he was in Muxiyuan that he really started to be willing to be Xiangliu's substitute, and since he experienced Xiaoyao's death, Tushanjing no longer wanted to be a substitute. Now that he can have Xiaoyao's heart, he just wants to be with Xiaoyao.

Tu Shanjing can be said to be the person in Dahuang who understands Yao Liu's love best, but he also knows that Xiang Liu will not be with Xiao Yao, and knows that Xiang Liu intends to fulfill them.

I don’t know if you have noticed that in the early stage, when Xiang Liu was not ready to let go, he was very unhappy with Tu Shanjing listening to the corner and even punished him once. However, in the later stage, Xiang Liu always let Tu Shanjing listen to the corner, which was actually intentional. Give Tu Shanjing a chance to learn more about how he gets along with Xiaoyao.

<A wishful lover, you already have someone to rely on, you no longer have to be alone, keeping company with the lonely and widowed. >This sentence is the original words of Xiang Liu's extra chapter. What Xiang Liu gave to Xiao Yao was not just Tu Shanjing's life, but the wishful lover he had trained.

This is the real reason why Tu Shanjing looked like Xiang Liu in many places in his later period!

Besides, <"Who can bear to live for four hundred years wearing a fake face? You have to be careful every time you incarnate so as not to make the wrong one."> This is Xiang Liu’s original words. Even if Xiang Liu wants to survive, there is no need to wear Zhang Tushan Jing’s face. Face.

2. It’s Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei who died, but the nine-headed demon is not dead?

The argument for this view is: What Xiang Liu said to Xiao Yao: "For more than four hundred years, I have just been myself. Which of your eyes has seen that I continue to pretend to be Fang Feng Bei? Whether it is Fang Feng Bei or Xiang Liu , or Nine Lives, it’s just a title.”>

Some people interpret this sentence as: As far as the nine-headed demon is concerned, Xiangliu and Fangfengbei are both fake faces. Xiaoyao loves the nine-headed demon, not Xiangliu or Fangfengbei.

...Yes, language does have undefinable richness, but this uncertainty should not be boundless. The meaning of language must be tacit and agreed by people, otherwise it will be over-interpretation. !

For example, in the famous Hemingway's iceberg theory, the author only describes the one-eighth part that is exposed above the sea level. The part below the sea surface requires readers to imagine and fill in the text clues.

But for the seven-eighths of the imagination, readers have clues and evidence to rely on. There is still an iceberg under the iceberg, and it cannot be a Leifeng Pagoda. This is the certainty amid uncertainty.

This so-called "blank space" actually means that the author has made some limitations in the rough lines of the text. What are the rules of this limitation? It’s our conventional grammar and writing skills. Regarding the writing techniques used in the Sauvignon Blanc book, if you are interested, you can read my article.

Okay, let’s go back to Xiang Liu’s sentence. Where does it say “I am neither Xiang Liu nor Fang Feng Bei, these identities are all pretended by me”. This sentence says “Whether it is Xiang Liu or Fang Feng Bei, They are all myself, they are different sides of me, not disguises." This is called reading comprehension.

"Xiaoyao loves the Nine-headed Demon, not Xiangliu or Fangfengbei." This sentence falls into the category of logical errors again. It is the Nine-headed Demon that includes Xiangliu and Fangfengbei. It is an inclusion relationship, not a separation relationship. The nine-headed demon has lived for hundreds of years, which means it is dead. Only when Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are dead can the real nine-headed demon awaken and return, right...

I also made up an idea, Xiaoyao fell in love with the personality of the nine-headed demon covered by their personalities through Xiangliu and Fangfengbei, which was wonderful.

Xiang Liu's repeated question "Who do you want me to be?" means "Do you want me to be Xiang Liu or Fang Feng Bei?" rather than "Do you want me to be neither Xiang Liu nor Fang Feng Bei?"

Yes, Xiaoyao loves both Xiangliu and Fangfengbei, but that's because Xiangliu and Fangfengbei are the same person. It's just that one is him with the armor on and the other is him with the armor off, but they are the same person. Soul, although that soul has no name, it is affectionate and righteous. In his heart, he holds his adoptive father, countless corpses he has burned by his own hands, and his comrades who fought side by side with him through life and death.

Xiang Liu's coldness is just an appearance, just like Wen Xiaoliu's laughter is just an appearance. They are both passionate and affectionate in their hearts. What Xiang Liu disdains is human hypocrisy and greed, but he has never harbored any sincere emotions. Disdainful.

Xiang Liu is a ferocious beast that cannot be controlled, but he will be completely loyal to the people he recognizes. As a great demon who could have stayed out of trouble, he chose to come to this world and truly love everyone he loves. , pure and selfless, this is the Xiangliu we love, this is Xiangliu.

If, assuming that the prerequisite for Xiang Liu's survival is to turn him into a completely different person, then the person who is alive is not the Xiang Liu we miss in our hearts, but may be a certain Jiutou that others said does not exist in this book at all. Demon!

But what's the point? What we love is Xiangliu in this book, who was shaped by Tonghua. Otherwise, before Tonghua wrote the book Sauvignon Blanc, there would have been Xiangliu in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Why wouldn’t we love the nine characters in it? Head monster?

23 minutes ago
 AH :
Completely agree.

The fan theory that XL had sex with XY when she was not able to speak, not able to open her eyes, not able to move her body at all, and not able to communicate consent or participate actively... its just horrific to me.

But a fanfic AU where the details are tweaked slightly so XY can consent and participate? Completely different - I'd be totally on board with that. 

AH, get your writing tools ready. I’m not even joking.

 AH :
AH Nov 2, 2023 01:25 am
Reading between the lines here and decyphering the text through the "lens of truth"...

Chapter 38

Xiang Liu’s expression was sly and acted really nonchalant “How would I know? You’re the one who learned some voodoo. This is the first time I played with a bug. But no need to fret, when either you or I die then we’ll know what happens, right?”

it's possible to interpret this declaration as XL's admission that this is the first time he's fallen in love. Given his personality and by experience with the hundreds of years he spent womanizing as FFB, XL should be able to continue living his parallel dissolute life without much risk.

Although I don't read that particular line as XL indirectly admitting that he has never been in love before, I do think XY is his first love.

But it's more my hope / wishful thinking than something that I think is firmly supported by anything in the text. I'm just partial to the idea of a one life, one love male character.

I even went so far as to wonder if it might be possible to come up with a scenario where:

(1) younger XY met younger XL during the ~160 years that XY spent wandering before settling in QS town;

(2) both XY and XL were using false forms with different faces, and perhaps they were even both gender swapped (like the boat scene they added in the drama);

(3) XY was feeling particularly lonely and curious and wanted... to try having an adult experience;

(4) by fate or by chance, the two of them spent the night together before parting ways**; and

(5) although they each didn't know the other's true identity*, they both never forgot that one night.

* Or maybe, just maybe, XY would say something on one of her excursions with FFB that would make XL realize that he had met her once before. And the beauty of that scenario would be that it would mirror Ah Heng and Chi You's relationship. Ah Heng was not aware that her "first encounter" with Chi You was actually a reunion. Only Chi You knew that they had encountered each other once before.

** To make this even more like Ah Heng and Chi You's first encounter, this scenario could even involve XL and XY parting ways because danger was following XL, and he didn't want that danger to threaten XY, so he deliberately led the danger away from her. And when he tried to find her again she was gone.

I can't write smut and I think it would be too out of character for them anyways, but you can see the extent of my wishful thinking. ^^

@nathsketch I need to find a keen fic writer who's short on ideas but itching to write, so I can pair up with them. I'm really not a fic writer myself. I've always got a bunch of ideas for prompts that I'd like to read, if someone would be so kind to write them, in my head, but actually fleshing them out into whole fics myself? So far it's only happened once and unexpectedly. I practically tricked myself into writing it, by thinking that fleshing out the original prompt / outline would end up creating a quick scenario that would be shorter than XL's epilogue. And then when it morphed into more than that I somehow didn't lose all motivation and interest. I don't think it will happen again, especially for smut (IMO, really hard to write, particularly for complex characters like XL and XY). But if it ever does happen I'll let you know. ^^


"At least I’ve found enough closure in this non-tragic ending that I can move on with my life (;^Ɐ;^" 

First of all, congratulations.  The writer has the right to finish a story the way he wants and the readers the right to interpret that ending how they please, especially when there's not much closure in sight. 

Personally I am not against the idea, but I find it far fetched. I always thought the doll has a big belly because the crystal globe is hidden there. The only thing that raise a question mark to me and it's în line with this theory is XY's suicide attempt. I can't figure that out. I honestly believe TH didn't mention anything about XL with a reason, but I am not sure what that reason is. There is no way that XY forgot or didn't care that she still has her life connected to XL, no way. Not a plot hole either, because the first thing she saw when she woke up was XL's imagine through Lie Yang's figure. 

I don't know, I understand why for some people the pregnancy theory makes sense, especially if you keep în mind TH's story about that woman who kept on living to raise her kids, the mysterious second epilogue and the fact that she planned a prequel and basically TH's past works, where her couples did get to consume their love, but I don't know.  Unless something more is revelead, I'd keep this theory în the "what could have been" folder, next to the theory of Jing's life span is cut to only 100 years. I want to believe them, but my brain can't. 

The theory is not that she got pregnant during the 37 years at sea, but she planned for her pregnancy when she poisoned CX and committed suicide, knowing what XL would have to do to save her. To me, the arguments provided in the article are convincing, but your mileage may vary.

Okay, I went and read those chapters where XY committed suicide ... and it is still the same set up as 37 Years at Sea.  She's 'dead.'  Her heart is only beating because of the Lovers Bug connection to XL and the blood magic clam shell that XL sent to her.  But her short time with XL in this scene, she's comatose and unmoving -- and worse than the 37 Years, she's not even conscious.  So, it is worse than the 37 Years at Sea.

And then there's the timing ... I mean, Sir Bi and the other demon are breaking through his hastily thrown up maze and attacking him while he's trying to heal XY!  It's not even time for a quickie.  I just don't see it happening.

I read the comments for the article as well and found one saying that Tong Hua had published a short story about Xiao Yao's child who had white hair, but later deleted the story.

I can't believe this story didn't get saved and spread around later, given all the XL fans out there.

Hi everyone~ I just came here to let you know that I am still alive and just busy writing that fanfic (which is not in my native language), and @liddi I did not forget to reply to you! I don't know why this fanfic seems to be getting further away from the end the more I write it. I'm afraid I may need to post it three times... But anyway I should be able to post the first part before tomorrow night, and I will open a separate thread for LYF fanfic, everyone is welcome to create there~ :-)

The writer has the right to finish a story the way he wants and the readers the right to interpret that ending how they please, especially when there's not much closure in sight.

Totally agree on this. We can only venture to guess at what Tong Hua had in mind when writing this story. She's made it a point to remain mum on YaoLiu vs YaoJing. Likewise, she'll probably never provide a smoking gun to confirm or deny whether YaoLiu consummated their relationship and had a child. Each reader has the right to interpret the work however they see fit, and that's the way Tong Hua wants it. 

Personally, I find the trope of a knight in shining armor riding in on horseback (or swooping in on Mao Qiu) to rescue a damsel in distress to be unsatisfying. I don't want to view XY as idiotic and completely undeserving of XL's love.  I would much rather believe XY and XL are true soulmates who share common interests and core values. Since XL is devious enough to orchestrate his own "best ending", why shouldn't we believe that Xiao Yao is also capable of doing this? This idea sits with me better than the idea of XY waiting passively for XL to rescue her and arrange a non-tragic ending for her. I believe WXL when he tells TSJ:

Maybe many women will choose the pain of being held. At least there are a few drops of honey occasionally. At least they are not being burned. At least they can hope that the man will never let go. But I won't! I would rather be burned and suffer every day. My hands are free, and the pain will make me think about escaping. But when I am hugged by someone, I will use both hands to hold him tightly because I am afraid that he will let go. I would forget to think because of the few drops of honey he gave me.

-- Vol 1 Chapter 8

I believe Tong Hua respects this perspective and intended for XY to actively contribute to finding the strength to keep living, even as she knows that the man she loves is opting for death due to loyalty to his adoptive father and comrades.

I always thought the doll has a big belly because the crystal globe is hidden there.

The crystal globe could have been hidden in the head of the doll instead of the belly.

Xiao Yao cradled the doll and said to Jing “Ah Bi is so funny, other such dolls have big heads but this doll has a big head and a big belly. Does it mean this chubby doll got fat because it loves to eat?”

-- Vol 3 Chapter 18 (Chapter 51)

The only thing that raise a question mark to me and it's în line with this theory is XY's suicide attempt. I can't figure that out. I honestly believe TH didn't mention anything about XL with a reason, but I am not sure what that reason is. There is no way that XY forgot or didn't care that she still has her life connected to XL, no way. Not a plot hole either, because the first thing she saw when she woke up was XL's imagine through Lie Yang's figure. 

Good point! Also, Xiao Yao poisoning CX and attempting suicide appears to be a completely idiotic "damsel in distress" move, unless there is a hidden motive behind her actions. Did Tong Hua really intend to tell the story of a smart, capable, independent man (WXL) devolving into a mindless, helpless, lovesick princess (XY)? I hope not.

I understand why for some people the pregnancy theory makes sense, especially if you keep în mind TH's story about that woman who kept on living to raise her kids

All the main characters in this novel have character foils: XL and CX are foils; TSJ's foil is TSH; XY's foil is FFYY. Tong Hua extensively compares and contrasts XY and FFYY, examining their interests, behaviors, morals, attitudes toward status and wealth, treatment of others, reactions to betrayal, and the lengths they are willing (or unwilling) to go to in order to be with the men they love most.

Tong Hua has stated that this novel was inspired by the contrasting stories of two women: one who forsakes her children to be with her lover in death, and another who chooses to carry on living for the sake of her children after her lover passes away. We know that FFYY abandons her child in order to die with her lover. Why wouldn't Tong Hua demonstrate what XY does in the same situation?


Thanks for providing your thoughts! It's great to have a constructive conversation with someone who has a different perspective than mine.


"My better explanation is right there.  As I've said repeatedly, that whole chapter is confusing about XL's intentions and feelings and actions"

It is an explaination, but it doesn't explain much. I mean you say that my theory doesn't make sense, yet your theory is that XL was being confused. Let me reformulate then, XL was confused and even thought I believe that he took XY's refusal to kiss him underwater as a proof that she lied to him about everything, he still wanted to hear her explain herself. Again, as I said before, that part about XY being so close to die was stated by the narrator, it wasn't something that either XL or XY said. I take it as a fact. 

"And remember, he was trying to find out if the Lovers Bug could be removed because THAT is the first thing that XY asked him about.  She wanted to remove the Lovers Bug from CX."

I don't feel like rewatching that episode atm, but as far as I remember I believe the voodoo king had already told him that for the bug to be implemented, the receiver must accept it willingly. XL knew that CX didn't accepted it, so not that difficult to put 2 and 2 togheter and figure it out that the bug was not properly inserted and the way to get rid of CX's bug is to find someone who can accept it willingly, especially for someone as smart as XL. That last question, cause as far as I remember "how do you remove the bugs" was XL's last question to the Voodoo king, was asked for himself, IMO, as in how to remove the bugs once they are properly inserted. My memory might play tricks on me though, so if I am wrong, please correct me. You probably will anyway :) 

As much as I would love that XL left a part of him behind, I am incline to think that it's very unlikely XY is pregnant with XL child. XY wouldn't even kiss him, and rather kiss a man she was playing pretend with for more than half of thier relationship. And XL has too much dignity and wouldn't stoop low to do anything nonconsensual--even though others have argued otherwise. But the life back in Qingshui Town, as WXL, he gave permission to be XL man in exchange for WXL life for trespassing.

As much as I would love that XL left a part of him behind, I am incline to think that it's very unlikely XY is pregnant with XL child. XY wouldn't even kiss him, and rather kiss a man she was playing pretend with for more than half of thier relationship. And XL has too much dignity and wouldn't stoop low to do anything nonconsensual--even though others have argued otherwise. But the life back in Qingshui Town, as WXL, he gave permission to be XL man in exchange for WXL life for trespassing.

I choose to believe the consummation theory because it ties up a lot of loose ends in my eyes. Importantly, it allows me to see Xiao Yao as someone who ultimately took control of her own destiny rather than passively wait for the men in her life to choose her fate for her. That said, I can understand why some people don't like this theory or think it isn't possible. Tong Hua intentionally left a room for interpretation so each individual is free to interpret the work how they see fit. I'll just present my perspective with regards to the points you brought up.

"And XL has too much dignity and wouldn't stoop low to do anything nonconsensual"

According to the theory, everything was consensual. During the 37 years at sea, XL tried to wake XY up without committing the act, but it was a slow process. TSJ was about to die so the process had to be dramatically sped up.

Before deciding to wake XY though intercourse, he asked her opinion. He was able to gauge her consent through the PLB connection. Remember, Tong Hua doesn't give readers insight into everything going on inside the character's heads. This is the dialog where XL got consent. Presumably, both of them know that waking her up requires intercourse because for 37 years, they've been getting closer to it, but have stopped  just short of it.

"Xiao Yao, do you remember Tu Shan Jing? Wen Xiao Liu's Ye Shi Qi? Since you've been sleeping, he's also been unconscious. His life has been maintained by spiritual medicines until now but it's almost at the limit. He is on the brink of death."

Jing, Jing......Xiao Yao didn't feel sad when she died, life has its beginning so it must have an end. It didn't start happy and need not end sad. But right now she was very sad, she didn't want Jing to die.

Xiao Yao tried to move.

[XL senses through PLB that XY is very sad.]

Xiang Liu asked "If he died, will you be really sad and hate me to the core?"

[If I don't wake you up tonight, TSJ may die. What do you want me to do?]

Xiao Yao answered in her heart: I don't want Jing to die, but I also won't hate you.

[My opinion is  to wake me up, but it's up to you. If you are unwilling to do it, I won't hate you even if TSJ dies.]

Xiang Liu said "Tonight I'm waking you up."

-- Chapter 22

I noticed this passage was really strange even before I knew about the consummation theory. What logical reason would XY have to hate XL for Jing dying? XL didn't force Jing to commit slow suicide by napping for 37 years. It only made sense after I read the consummation theory and the double talk associated with it.

Furthermore, it's strange that XL knows how to wake XY up, but chooses not to. What was the reason for this? Did he enjoy being with XY so much that he didn't want to let her go? This doesn't sound like XL; this would be more of a Jing or CX move. XL is not possessive and he would do whatever's best for XY, which presumable would be to wake her up and set her free. She was bored to tears during much of those 37 years. 

It must be that waking up XY involves doing something he's hesitant to do. Intercourse without her conscious consent would certainly fit the bill there. Presumably, the PLB connection doesn't let the hosts read each other's minds, so I can see why people might have an issue with this type of implicit consent. But we don't know everything about the PLB connection--it may enable the hosts to intuitively sense consent, just like XY and XL can intuitively sense the other person even when they can't see the other person.

"XY wouldn't even kiss him, and rather kiss a man she was playing pretend with for more than half of thier relationship."

XY and XL's relationship evolves as they fall more in love over time. In the beginning, XY was resistant to a romantic relationship with XL, but during the 37 years under the sea, XY's perspective starts changing--especially since she is slowly getting more and more intimate with XL. XY was clearly upset when she woke up from her coma and XL was not there to meet her. 

After 37 years under the sea, her feelings for XL grew stronger, but when she woke up, he started pushing her away. My theory as to the primary reason why he did this is because he discovered the reason for her assassination attempt: she was Chi Chen's daughter and was targeted by those seeking revenge against Chi Chen. XL is often compared to Chi Chen in the story, and he must have realized that he would put XY (and even any future children they had) in danger if they pursued a relationship. Those who hated him would start targeting XY, so he pushed her away to keep her safe. XY probably understood his reasons and, for the most part, went along with allowing him to push her away.

Leading up to XY's attempted suicide, CX had betrayed her by orchestrating the assassination attempt on Jing. XY's loyalty to CX had always been the primary reason she held back on pursuing a relationship with XL.  But at this point, XY didn't owe it to CX to stay away from XL anymore and Jing was presumed dead. The problem was that XL didn't want to pursue a relationship with her because he was afraid of putting her in danger, forcing her to oppose her family, and condemning her to a life of solitude when he died on the battlefield.

Despite his reasons for pushing her away, XY loved XL and  knew XL loved her through the PLB connection. However, she also knew he wouldn't agree to give up the Chengrong army to be with her, so she decided to take matters into her own hands and secretly get pregnant with his child so she could keep a piece of him with her after he was gone. Her thought process might have been: I went along with you pushing me away even though I really wanted to be with you. Now, like it or not, the transaction is that you have to do something for me.

XY knows XL will have to perform intercourse to wake her up because that's what he did to wake her up from the 37 years under the sea. Since she was an effective fertility specialist in Qin Shui Town, she also knows exactly what to do to ensure a successful conception from the intercourse.