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Xiang Liu's Letter to Xiao Yao

Letter with montages from drama:


Letter only:




海上又升起明月,尽管没有我们共赏的那次好看,今天我终于集齐了铸造弓箭所需的物件,海妖狡猾,鲛人凶残,但海妖丹,鲛人骨组合到一起,却能成就一把真正的好弓,你若是想用好这一把好弓,需要勤勉练习箭术,方可有力自保,届时我会托人将弓交给你,因为不想让你觉得亏欠,因为我知道你什么都想还,若真的被你还完了,你我之间怕是真的再无牵连,小 夭,我会让你有力自保,有人可依,有处可去,即使此力伤我,此人非我,此处无我,但若你能代替我好好体会这人间,足矣。


Xiao Yao,

I hope this letter finds you well.

The moon has risen again over the sea. Although it’s not as beautiful as the time we watched it together, today I finally gathered all the materials needed to forge the bow and arrows. The sea demons are cunning, and the mermen are fierce, but the combination of sea demon elixir and merman bones can create a truly fine bow. If you want to make good use of this fine bow, you need to diligently practice archery so that you can protect yourself. When the time comes, I will have someone deliver the bow to you. I don’t want you to feel indebted, because I know you always want to repay everything. If you truly repaid it all, I fear there would be no connection left between us.

Xiao Yao, I will ensure you have the strength to protect yourself, someone to rely on, and a place to go. Even if this strength hurts me, this person is not me, and this place has no me, but if you can experience this world on my behalf, it will be enough.

— Xiang Liu

Feng Long's Letter to Xiao Yao





Xiao Yao,

After spending many days together, I often feel that my world has become more vibrant because of your presence. I have never met a woman like you—you excel at drinking, listening to music, and throwing dice, enjoying each activity, sometimes even more skillfully than I do. You bring me both joy and excitement. The joy comes from having you as a confidant, and the excitement is from your excellence, constantly reminding me not to become lazy and fall behind. I was taught from a young age to have great ambitions and responsibilities for my country, but I never imagined that such a woman who understands my aspirations and connects with me would appear in my life. Xiao Yao, knowing you has made me feel incredibly fortunate. I want to always hear your laughter. Please give me the chance to be the one who keeps you smiling.

— Feng Long

Tu Shan Jing's Letter to Xiao Yao

For some reason, I can't find the video on the official Tencent account on douyin, but some user had uploaded the video. 

Letter with montages from drama:


Letter only:





Xiao Yao,

Learning about longing led to suffering from it. You are the one who taught me about longing. From the day you saved me, I knew I could never leave you. Compared to you, I am neither carefree nor free-spirited enough. You are the best woman in the world. And I am just one of the many who gaze at you, but you saw me. Even after I disappointed you, you still steadfastly came toward me. From now on, I desire nothing more than to wholeheartedly be your Ye Shi Qi. No matter what happens in the future, I will never let you look for me in times of need and not find me. Xiao Yao, in the clear breeze and bright moonlight, I will surely accompany you.

— Ye Shi Qi

Seeing your letter feels like meeting you in person, and reading it brings a smile to my face.

Actually, "见字如晤,展信舒颜。" means "Seeing this letter is like seeing me in person, so I hope opening it will bring a smile to your face."


Actually, "见字如晤,展信舒颜。" means "Seeing this letter is like seeing me in person, so I hope opening it will bring a smile to your face."

Thanks Liddi, corrected it in the original post. I just quickly ran the translations through ChatGPT and haven't verified their accuracy.

I just finished watching the letters to XY while reading through this analysis of the videos. The author of the analysis also posted videos to Bilibili analyzing the videos. The analysis videos are easier to follow than the written analysis transcripts for those who understand spoken Chinese.

I'm thoroughly impressed that the production team packed this much meaning into four extra videos.

It was hilarious that in TSJ's video, after he said "but you saw me" (但你看见了我"), it was immediately followed by a clip of XY looking at FFB during their first encounter at the dance hall.

The analysis also explains how the videos reinforce the theory that XL gets resurrected/reincarnated and meets up with XY again. FL and Jing's videos are in ancient settings: FL dies in the book and Jing must not have been able to accompany XY for long because his loss of tails severely damaged his vitality. However, CX and XL's videos are in modern settings, indicating that XL somehow survived after his reported death.

Screenshot-20240624-114909-com-huawei-browserWhat does it say, guys? It's 8 july the airing date? 

OMG.  The trailer!!


And it looks like it is going to be July 8!  Announced officially on Weibo

Twitter link, if the above doesn't work for you.


Okay.  I watched it (without subs) several times, and I think I recognize all the important scenes, i.e. the XL / FFB scenes.  One made me really happy.

But I didn't recognize the scene where XY has her eyes closed and CX is about to kiss her.

Or the scene with the metal snakes biting TSJ.


Thank you, kokuto! I wonder how long it will take till we get an english subtitle for the trailer. I can guess some of the scenes, but I have no idea what they say. 


When you have time, can you, please, check if the trailer matches the leaked script? 



Thank you, kokuto! I wonder how long it will take till we get an english subtitle for the trailer. I can guess some of the scenes, but I have no idea what they say. 

I wouldn't think it would take long.  But look how long it has taken them to FINALLY give us some official news.

Here's a fan sub of the XL parts.



Okay.  I watched it (without subs) several times, and I think I recognize all the important scenes, i.e. the XL / FFB scenes.  One made me really happy.

But I didn't recognize the scene where XY has her eyes closed and CX is about to kiss her.

Or the scene with the metal snakes biting TSJ.

The two scenes you mentioned do not exist in the novel. 

Frustratingly, almost none of these scenes map back perfectly to the novel and most of them don’t exist in the novel at all. For the scenes that have been changed, some of the changes are truly atrocious. Like XY actually shooting XL in the part of the chest where the heart is after he indicates it, instead of missing and only grazing his arm because she can’t bring herself to shoot XL there (even after he tried to kill CX and succeeded in killing Feng Long).

 AH :

The two scenes you mentioned do not exist in the novel. 

Frustratingly, almost none of these scenes map back perfectly to the novel and most of them don’t exist in the novel at all. For the scenes that have been changed, some of the changes are truly atrocious. Like XY actually shooting XL in the part of the chest where the heart is after he indicates it, instead of missing and only grazing his arm because she can’t bring herself to shoot XL there (even after he tried to kill CX and succeeded in killing Feng Long).

Ah, okay, thank you.  I didn't recall anything close to that being discussed ... and we've discussed alot.  :)

Maybe the CX scene is a result of everything having been a dream -- which, to me, is one of the worst alleged changes.

Sigh.  Yes, the arrow shot.  It looks like they are stupidly going to continue to minimize YaoLiu.  But I predict they will fail miserably again.

 AH :
Like XY actually shooting XL in the part of the chest where the heart is after he indicates it, instead of missing and only grazing his arm because she can’t bring herself to shoot XL there (even after he tried to kill CX and succeeded in killing Feng Long).

Drama XY seems to be more and more heartless. And XL is still willing to lose 2 of his lives for her right after that?

What is she thinking then? If he died, she could not survise; doesn't she know it?