This added scene takes place after the wedding, while Xiao Yao is still in Qingshui town, and explains Jing's reason for ruining the wedding, with him acknowledging that the 15 year promise he exacted from Xiao Liu was out of selfish motivations.

Leaked script Ep 7 scene 12  (no equivalent scene in the novel)

After Xiao Yao was taken away from her wedding, Tushan Jing asked Lirong Chang about how Feng Long was doing, then requested him to spend time with Feng Long to cheer him up. When Lirong Chang asked if he was crazy, expecting him to go and become Feng Long's punching bag, Tushan Jing offered to share his business tips as repayment, and when he still did not move despite accepting the terms, Jing threatened to increase the rental of the gambling den, which proved effective.
However, shortly, Lirong Chang poked his head through the window again.

LRC: Your lover has been taken away by Fangfeng Bei, that Fangfeng Bei. Aren't you going to go to that place to look for them?

Without waiting for an answer, Lirong Chang immediately disappeared.
His fox spirit appeared in mid-air and indicated outside.

TSJ: You want me to look for her?

The fox spirit gestured agitatedly.

TSJ: You are worried that if I don't look for her, she will leave with someone else?

The fox spirit nodded, but Tushan Jing continued to look out the window without moving.

TSJ: Many years ago, because I wanted wholeheartedly to be with Xiao Liu, I took advantage of her kindness, and never gave her a chance to choose between me and Xiang Liu. However, in the end, I could not give her happiness. Now... I give the chance to choose back to her. This is what I owe her.

The fox spirit quietened down, and looked sadly at the sickly Tushan Jing.


Why it seems like in the drama, XY prefer FFB over XL? while the novel, even after XY knew FFB is XL, she felt relieved and the way her heart longed for XL.

So we are going for the companionship route huh? So there's nothing on since the start?
What kind of crumbs is this? lol haha

Let's be honest.  FFB is so much more fun than XL.  And none of her family is trying to kill FFB... though they should be, if they weren't clueless.  And the best part, is he really IS XL.


Come on, now.  The title  is LOST YOU FOREVER.  There is no happy ending there. lol

True. No happy ending. None.


Let's be honest.  FFB is so much more fun than XL.  And none of her family is trying to kill FFB... though they should be, if they weren't clueless.  And the best part, is he really IS XL.

Yes, I agree. And knowing he is XL makes it even better.

 AH :
Also an interesting add. It seems like this is confirmation that XL felt the same pain that he made XY feel?

YES. XL had the same pain (1:1)

But I think in different way. He didn't make XY hurt. That is the hurt he suffered himself (first). Normally he could suppress or contain the hurt so that she could not feel any of his pain. But sometimes, his hurt was so much that he could not suppress. He just acted to her to disguise his pain venting 

liddi 6 minutes ago
This added scene takes place after the wedding, while Xiao Yao is still in Qingshui town, and explains Jing's reason for ruining the wedding, with him acknowledging that the 15 year promise he exacted from Xiao Liu was out of selfish motivations.

Hmmm that’s actually interesting.

After Xiao Yao is taken away from her wedding, Tushan Jing asked Lirong Chang about how Feng Long was doing, then requested him to spend time with Feng Long to cheer him up. When Lirong Chang asked if he was crazy, expecting him to go and become Feng Long's punching bag, Tushan Jing offered to share his business tips as repayment, and when he still did not move despite accepting the terms, Jing threatened to increase the rental of the gambling den, which proved effective.
However, shortly, Lirong Chang peeked his head through the window again.

I NEVER want to hear another thing about how transactional XL is.  NEVER.

Seriously.  Take some damn responsibility and take care of your own business, instead of PAYING others to do what you should.  Jing is the absolute worst friend ever.

TSJ: Many years ago, because I wanted wholeheartedly to be with Xiao Liu, I took advantage of her kindness, and never gave her a chance to choose between me and Xiang Liu. However, in the end, I could not give her happiness. Now... I give the chance to choose back to her. This is what I owe her.


Like we haven't been saying this repeatedly.  Of course, he's talking to himself instead of admitting it to XY.

 AH :
They added TSJ asking XL to minimize the damage, which makes TSJ look better. It also makes it seem like XL choosing to maximize the damage was perhaps motivated in part out of a desire to spite TSJ / a desire to not let TSJ tell him what to do. Which makes XL look worse. I don't love that framing.

But they also added mockery from XL to point out that TSJ was using his wealth to get XL to do what he didn't dare to do himself. It is a bit satisfying to see XL call him out on that.

Yes, scenes are added to make Jing look less selfish. There is also a scene I just translated where Jing finally acknowledges his own selfishness in manipulating Xiao Yao's kindness back in Dragon Bone prison, taking away her right to choose between him and Xiang Liu, and his wish to give her back that choice. 

Also, one thing that is not clearly indicated in the script is that actually it was Fangfeng Bei's "coincidental" appearance in front of Jing that gave Jing the idea to get him to ruin the wedding. Here, it seemed as if Jing was the one who approached Xiang Liu. One more thing taken from Xiang Liu and given to Jing. 


Like we haven't been saying this repeatedly.  Of course, he's talking to himself instead of admitting it to XY.

Yes. Am so glad this scene is in the leaked script. It was a clearly manipulative act, especially when he himself was not even free from his engagement when he made her give that promise. At least he finally admitted it.

This added scene takes place after the wedding, while Xiao Yao is still in Qingshui town, and explains Jing's reason for ruining the wedding, with him acknowledging that the 15 year promise he exacted from Xiao Liu was out of selfish motivations.

That's an interesting take.  But if that were the case, why wouldn't he tell XY that when she confronted him?  He told her it was because HE decided she was unhappy and HE decided she didn't have the brains or strength to decide who to marry, so HE did it for her.


That's an interesting take.  But if that were the case, why wouldn't he tell XY that when she confronted him?  He told her it was because HE decided she was unhappy and HE decided she didn't have the brains or strength to decide who to marry, so HE did it for her.

Yes. I don't see him telling Xiao Yao after they met again, that he wanted to give her a choice between Xiang Liu and himself. All he did just when she was about to leave after finally thrashing out the issues between them, was to tell her that Zhen was not his son after all, which opened the doors for her to reconcile with him.


Let's be honest.  FFB is so much more fun than XL.  And none of her family is trying to kill FFB... though they should be, if they weren't clueless.  And the best part, is he really IS XL.

FFB is the escape route for her scenario of being with XL for long term.

My impression from the novel is that she loved XL(more than FFB, but anyway later she knew they are one person, FFB was XL without military duty, XL was FFB at the frontline). She first paid attention to FFB just because FFB looked like XL. She spent ~ 2 years hanging with FFB in Xuan Yuan capital. It was just friendship. During that time, she was more dominant in that relationship. 

But when FFB got into her room and revealed his true identity, she felt relieved.  By the way, when he sucked blood from her wrist, XY felt pleasure.  The previous time that TH used this word is when XL sucked her neck in the pool (via the feeling of CX). After that, when she met him again in Middle Plain, they continued hanging out, learning archery. She paid more attention on his temper/attitude. Then he was the dominant one in the relationship. Also, in the novel, TH always descripted XL's appearance (she used many words to descript his handsomeness) whenever he emerged. That was actually XY's observation. But TH did not descript FFB's appearance at all (only clothes). 

Additionally, she had affection with XL since the time in QS town, isn't it? I had the feeling that first she had crush by his appearance. She had kind of instinct attraction to XL 

I love that.

It's good when we hear it verbalised. Xiang Liu said pretty much the same thing to Cang Xuan too when he came to save Xiao Yao after her assassination in Plum Forest. And that is also a very real disadvantage Xiang Liu had in comparison with them - he was poor and was responsible for the survival and well-being of his men, which meant that most of the time, he did not have the upper hand in any deal.

Why it seems like in the drama, XY prefer FFB over XL? while the novel, even after XY knew FFB is XL, she felt relieved and the way her heart longed for XL.

So we are going for the companionship route huh? So there's nothing on since the start?

In the novel, she was hurt too when Fangfeng Bei died, because his persona as Fangfeng Bei was her hope of keeping him in a world where they could be together - and she desperately wished the hustle and bustle as well as the attractions of the mortal world would make him stay. No matter how bad a reputation Fangfeng Bei had, there would be little objections from her family if she were to be with him, and we actually see that in that added scene when the Gao Xin king was willing to have Fangfeng Bei as a son-in-law.

FFB is the escape route for her scenario of being with XL for long term.

Agreed. That persona was the only way she could be with him without any objections from her family.


YES. XL had the same pain (1:1)

But I think in different way. He didn't make XY hurt. That is the hurt he suffered himself (first). Normally he could suppress or contain the hurt so that she could feel any of his pain. But sometimes, his hurt was so much that he could not suppress. He just acted to her to disguise his pain venting 


It can be seen as either him feeling the pain he made her feel or the devastation she feels in her heart from his cruelty. But I do believe that it is more his own devastation as he sets things in motion to destroy every last vestige of ties between them and push her irrevocably out of his life into the arms of another man.