
No. This scene only shows that Jing Ye thought he was being charitable. She didn't know that there was an agreement between Jing and Xiang Liu to take Xiao Yao from her wedding in return for 37 years of provisions.

Tushan Jing quietly wrote two words on the paper: 忠义 Loyalty and Righteousness

Tushan Jing lifted the brush stunned, but did not reply.

Showing TSJ writing these words and then having him be "stunned" in response to Jing Ye's question seems like it's trying to convey (misleadingly) to the viewer that TSJ was at least partly motivated by respect for the remnant army and that he was acting charitably, instead of simply doing what he promised to do. 

Edit: To clarify, I'm not suggesting that *I* think TSJ was motivated by respect or acting charitably based on these scenes. I'm saying I'm miffed because it feels like the writers are trying to paint TSJ's actions as selfless when they weren't. 

 AH :

Showing TSJ writing these words and then having him be "stunned" in response to Jing Ye's question seems like it's trying to convey (misleadingly) to the viewer that TSJ was at least partly motivated by respect for the remnant army and that he was acting charitably, instead of simply doing what he promised to do. 

In the script, he does understand the reason for their struggles and is later shown to respect it as well.

About all these leaks that Liddi has been so wonderfully diligent in translating for us (thank you Liddi, 100000 times!!), has anything else been said about them since they know, leaked? It's been quite a while since they popped up and I was wondering if there have been any new developments.


Why don't you like these changes at all? 

I find the drama does allot more expositional dialogue of what the novel is about. In this case it is spelling out that he is clearly in love but being mean pushing her and she is buying it and sadly not facing into her feelings... She is hurt but because she clearly likes him and in denial. 

I can't say either way if I do it not but the exchange is so sad. Their whole relationship is so tragic it makes me so sad. 

XL: He was just an insignificant lower born son of a clan. So what if he dies, there is no need to grieve for him. Could it be Your Highness thought the game was serious, and had given your heart to this passerby of the mortal world?
XY (angry and sad): Yes! It was real to me! Because Fangfeng Bei is different from you. Although you have the power of nine heads, you do not have the emotions of a single heart. He was a lowly born son with ordinary abilities, but he would teach me archery, bring me to play, share delicious food with me, giving joy to others! It is human nature to grieve for such a friend. Don't worry! If someone like you died, I would not even shed a tear!

 liddi:XL: You flatter yourself. I have never cared for you, so why would I worry?

 liddi:XY (sneering): Yes, you never cared [for me] 无心, and I have no feelings [for you] 无意. That is for the best.

NOT a fan of these changes. At all.


About all these leaks that Liddi has been so wonderfully diligent in translating for us (thank you Liddi, 100000 times!!), has anything else been said about them since they know, leaked? It's been quite a while since they popped up and I was wondering if there have been any new developments.

The new development is that they came to their sense and decided to re film season 2 with the extra year....

I read earlier someone said TH pushed for a 1:1 relationship for XY. Why?

I get the script writers etc because of the extra rules etc but why does the author want that when the original work wasn't that way...

Whoever read it, did the author explain?

In the script, he does understand the reason for their struggles and is later shown to respect it as well.

I wouldn't mind it if they added things to show that he understood the remnant army's struggle and respected it. That's fine. But I don't like how they've done it in this scene because it feels like they're trying to portray that understanding and respect as part of the reason why he sent the provisions to them. It feels like giving credit where credit isn't due. 

 AH :
Wow. Huge timeline change. Instead of starting this work around the time she got engaged to TSJ and taking 42 years to complete it, it's already done before she even gets back together with TSJ?

Yup. She started it when she got bored after Cang Xuan dragged her back to Xuan Yuan after the 13 months, and completed it before Feng Long proposed that they marry after their long engagement.

I find the drama does allot more expositional dialogue of what the novel is about. In this case it is spelling out that he is clearly in love but being mean pushing her and she is buying it and sadly not facing into her feelings... She is hurt but because she clearly likes him and in denial.

I feel this way too. Same with the "rejection" on the beach.

But the Jingers will have a field day with this. They already cannot wrap their heads around the fact that XY loves both XL and Jing. You've probably already seen their comments: it's only one-sided, she's only friends with him, she only has romantic feelings for Jing, she only acts girly with Jing. 

Every time a war breaks out is because of one of two things: either someone points out that Jing's character appears to be weak (he does appear that way, I'm sorry), or because a Jinger says that XY only loves Jing.

If things are spelled out like this, with this whole "you never cared for me/I have no feelings for you", it's game over. Making an effort to read between the lines and grasp the hidden meanings of this story is not really their forte. Except when it comes to flowers. They love analyzing flowers.


I read earlier someone said TH pushed for a 1:1 relationship for XY. Why?

I get the script writers etc because of the extra rules etc but why does the author want that when the original work wasn't that way...

Whoever read it, did the author explain?

I hadn't heard that Tong Hua was pushing for that.  Do you have a link?

Unless, of course, she was pushing for a XY:XL relationship.  hahahahahaha!

 AH :

I wouldn't mind it if they added things to show that he understood the remnant army's struggle and respected it. That's fine. But I don't like how they've done it in this scene because it feels like they're trying to portray that understanding and respect as part of the reason why he sent the provisions to them. It feels like giving credit where credit isn't due. 

It was his payment. He made used what he knew what XL needed most as payment. That's very calculating in nature. 

That reminds me of the leaked scene where XY was upset about her identity he explains to XY the meaning behind the extra notes XL put on the pattern. It gives him the credit in the sense where the credit isn't due.. 


I hadn't heard that Tong Hua was pushing for that.  Do you have a link?

Unless, of course, she was pushing for a XY:XL relationship.  hahahahahaha!


5 hours ago

 nathsketch:Going by the leaks, that's one more thing the YaoLius will have to put up with. No more spending the wedding night drunk :/

We really can't have nice things, smh.

TH and the drama production have tried their best to push the 1-1 relationship (XY-Jing). I heard someone said the production team wanted to send the message of "HEAL" to viewers. 

Was TH on board or just made to suffer along. To me that's important.


The new development is that they came to their sense and decided to re film season 2 with the extra year....


But I didn't even get the chance to storm Tencent's offices haha

TH and the drama production have tried their best to push the 1-1 relationship (XY-Jing). I heard someone said the production team wanted to send the message of "HEAL" to viewers.

Was TH on board or just made to suffer along. To me that's important.

Ah, okay.  There's been lots of accusations from fans of both Jing and XL saying they have a bias, but I haven't actually seen anything from Tong Hua or production or the cast that says that.

I'm not even sure what the message of HEAL means?  They are killing off XL in a way that shippers can't stand.  There isn't going to be any healing from that!  :)

I find the drama does allot more expositional dialogue of what the novel is about. In this case it is spelling out that he is clearly in love but being mean pushing her and she is buying it and sadly not facing into her feelings... She is hurt but because she clearly likes him and in denial. 

Where they took things that were XY's internal thoughts in the novel and turned them into external dialogue, I'm generally okay with that. I get that it's necessary for the medium. 


Why don't you like these changes at all?

But for those changes that I quoted, I'm not a fan of them at all because they aren't consistent with the novel and they're so harsh. 

First, XY originally thought that XL and FFB were totally different, but later realized they were the same. FFB was just XL without his armor and commitment to the remanent army. 

And even if it's a blatant lie, I hate that they decided to make both of them say directly that they don't care for each other. It hurts to read it and it will hurt to hear it. 

The closest dialogue I can think of from the novel is when XL lies and tells XY that he only saved her / cared about ensuring that she didn't die in chapter 43 because he doesn't want to die (because of the bug connection) if she dies. But XL had to give her an explanation that wouldn't make her think that he cared about her (since he was trying to push her away and make her believe that he didn't care about her). So he had a good reason for saying what he said. These added lines can't be justified in the same way.