I think it's more than this.  Because he tells her, and she realizes, that FFB is the real XL, without any burdens of responsibility or commitments or the onus of being her family enemy.

So maybe phrasing it as "As FFB, XL was able to be patient, doting and fun-loving. And FFB wasn't a false form or fake persona for XL, but rather he was XL being himself without the burden of his obligations to the remnant army." ?

Also, I'd add, that XY knows she would like FFB is the ideal companion she wants to travel the world with, because she states that several times.

This feels more like it's about XY's feelings rather than information that she knows about XL/FFB, but perhaps I could add that XY knew that she and FFB were very similar people? That's one of the reasons XY thinks that she could have played with FFB forever. ^^

Also, I'd add that she knows she's afraid and an idiot.


I still think she had an idea, even if she wouldn't admit it, that:

XL made the bow for her.

Some idea why he coldly pushes her away.  She knows XL doesn't want a relationship for the same reason she does, they are enemies whose actions will end up hurting each other or their loved ones.

That he helped save Jing's life.

That he used at least one of his lives to get rid of the bugs.  Unless she did zero research on getting rid of the bugs.

If there was evidence in the novel showing that XY knew (or probably knew) these things, I would update the list. But I'm afraid I don't think there is any. 

Also I'd add that she doesn't know that XL is an idiot.

Well, she does call him the stupidest idiot in the world in chapter 51...

But then she concludes that she's actually the idiot. 

 AH :
Well, she does call him the stupidest idiot in the world in chapter 51...

But then she concludes that she's actually the idiot.

They're both idiots, which is why they're perfect for each other. Idiocy loves company.

And now, kiss.


They're both idiots, which is why they're perfect for each other. Idiocy loves company.

And now, kiss.

LOL!  If only!

 AH :
I think it's more than this. Because he tells her, and she realizes, that FFB is the real XL, without any burdens of responsibility or commitments or the onus of being her family enemy.

So maybe phrasing it as "As FFB, XL was able to be patient, doting and fun-loving. And FFB wasn't a false form or fake persona for XL, but rather he was XL being himself without the burden of his obligations to the remnant army." ?

Also, I'd add, that XY knows she would like FFB is the ideal companion she wants to travel the world with, because she states that several times.

This feels more like it's about XY's feelings rather than information that she knows about XL/FFB, but perhaps I could add that XY knew that she and FFB were very similar people? That's one of the reasons XY thinks that she could have played with FFB forever. ^^

Hmmm.  But some of that tends to cross over.  Perhaps the way to say it is that  XY knows that XL / FFB is her soulmate (can't remember the spelling in Chinese), who was her ideal companion.

But she knows XL can be patient and doting, cause of the 37 years in the sea shell.  It's like everyone has their aspects.  XL was just FFB at work.  FFB was just XL off work.  XY knew and cared for the XL whatever his name or aspect.

Also, XY knows FFB is an assassin who did not kill CX when he could of ... because of her.

 AH :
If there was evidence in the novel showing that XY knew (or probably knew) these things, I would update the list. But I'm afraid I don't think there is any.

Also I'd add that she doesn't know that XL is an idiot.

Well, she does call him the stupidest idiot in the world in chapter 51...

But then she concludes that she's actually the idiot.

Ah ha!  See, she knows she's an idiot has to be added to the list!

The evidence is there, she just doesn't want to admit it, by putting it together or make the effort to find out any useful information.


Just like Xiaoyao was curious about the doll Sir Bi gave her.

If she thought about it for a moment, she could easily guess who made the bow, the material used was closely related to XL, and who could command the mermen if not XL.

who is the ruler of the sea.



Just like Xiaoyao was curious about the doll Sir Bi gave her.

If she thought about it for a moment, she could easily guess who made the bow, the material used was closely related to XL, and who could command the mermen if not XL.

who is the ruler of the sea.

Plot hole. She’s conveniently dumb when the story needs her to be. Well, at least she says she’s an idiot. Self-awareness is important, I guess.

Hi guys

im just reading up to page 215, yeah that slow since this post is growing everyday I can’t keep up with reading

I didn’t really want to make bad comments but talking about girls end up with bad boy issue i remember Boys Over Flower, DMS was bullying the FL and then later love her and ends up with her, where as HZL was better boyfriend material but damm because DMS is ML people are obsessed with him. Love between Fairy and Evil, 2ML was way better than ML and was destined to be with FL if he has not think for her safety and protect her by staying in heaven but viewers seem not care about his “nice” personality because he’s not ML. And here Jing who appear “so nice” and is female’s ML so of course everyone loves. 

Honestly I like DW performance in Miss The Dragon, he and the 2FL has a lot of chemistry (I like their story more than the Leads) but here in LYF I like him as YSQ but when he became Jing I can’t stand him and I don’t see any chemistry at all between him and XY and to me Jing is either a selfish person or too protective of XY to the point of stalking her, constantly worrying she will leave him  and remind her of their 15 years promise when he himself cannot even resolve his own problems and breaking his promise but yeah it can be forgiven.  And XL who appear abusive is trying to redeem for his mistake and  try to find ways to save XY, empowering XY to become a better person. People who don’t understand XL are people who don’t have a heart to be honest,  don’t know how to forgive, like you do one thing wrong and go to jail for rest of your life no matter how many life he lost saving FL they don’t care or wait he not ML that’s why. They also forget that the genre is fantasy drama, and XY was in a male form back then and also try to kill him first using poison too yet after XL torture her WXL still cares for him so XL slowly falls in love with WXL decide to give his only heart to her when she’s a male. Oh yeah and he sacrifice one of his life’s to save XY in exchange for a mountain to bury his comrades, oh and use the blood oath, his only oath to snatch her from the marriage?, wow so much effort just for that even if he already taken 37 years of supplies. What did he gain from it? And what gives the right for Jing who is already married to FFYY to hire XL to snatch the marriage? The one who everyone thinks deserve XY because he doesn’t use XY to make any exchanges. Hah I don’t know what to think or what to say to those obsessive Jing lovers. 

Sorry guys I just had to vent my anger here after reading some ridiculous Jingers post lately. 

my therapy is never enter or read discussion or fanfic about Jing- XY Cp. It brings very negative energy for me


Ohhh, i guess i'll have to start my thread browsing. I'm currently reading the novel in wattpad, should be the Koala's version. 

Someone asked earlier about the 2019 version. Are there material changes to XL relationship and dynamic or just clarifications in some scene.

I heard she reorganize things with revision which seems to imply a larger change not just tweaking here and there.

 AH :
That post from the main comment section got me thinking about what XY knows and what she doesn't know.

I want to add some points:

XY knew

  • XL saved her life several times (Jing also acknowledged it): Merlin's assasination, first XingYue's assasination, indirectly in 2nd XingYue's assasination's 
  • XL used one of his lives to recue her under the sea: she knew he used Gu spell and his life in-exchange for hers (so extend her live).
  • They have similar characteristics and attitude towards life
  • FFB eventually could accompany her for a short amount of time
  • Both of them could hear the merfolk's love song that normal people or deity could not (they heard merfolk's love song 3 times: 1st time: just get known that she could hear it, 2nd time: knowing the meaning of it and the shell for merfolk, 3rd: when knowing the truth about their bug connection) 
  • Things that XL did for her such as saving her life (2 direct times), teaching archery, transfering poison bugs, wedding robbery were considered (or covered) as transactions 
  • XL could feel her emotional pain and heartache.  Sharing her sorrow and heartache over many years so that she felt be understood, a bit relieved 
  • XL is the only person who can enjoyed her poisonous cuisine skill. He is also the only one that she could not kill 
  • XL erased the memories in the Ape Mirror (but she did not know when he did it)
  • She knew XL's choice for his own ending - died in battlefield 

XY did not know that:

  • XL loved her but he chose to stand watch to protect her and fulfill her desires 
  • Her own love/affection for him. How deep was really it?
  • When he erased the memories in her mirror.
  • XL could not break the bugs between them but he could kill them
  • XL did not want her to feel that she was indebt to him for what he had done for her

Someone asked earlier about the 2019 version. Are there material changes to XL relationship and dynamic or just clarifications in some scene.

I heard she reorganize things with revision which seems to imply a larger change not just tweaking here and there.

What I was heard that the changes mainly related to CX, the names of some characters (e.g., Zhuan Huc to Cang Xuan), name of countries. The story line of XL-XY was kept intact (except the song that she sang to lure fie fie) . In the 2013 edition, the ending choire of that song differed from the song the she later sang for Jing. But in the 2019, there was 1 verson of that song, the Jing's verson. 

@ H19279

"XY did not know that

  • Her own love/affection for him. How deep was really it?"

You think she didn't aknowledge her feelings for XL or the extend of them? I, on the contrary, think she knew very well what she feels for XL, but I belive she was uncertain / confuse about what he feels about her. I mean the crystal ball IMO is a good indication of that, for one it is a good insight on her feelings and thoughts (hand on heart, hand towards him, him looking the other way), but also by sending it to him it shows that she is willing to admit it out loud and also commit to him. I would even say compromise to him, because at that point in time I belive she could have been even ok with him not giving up on his duty and accept the  outcome as it comes. And by that I don't meant that she would have joined him în the war against her family, but I belive she would have accepted to live the way they lived during their 37 years underwater, being togheter whenever he comes home. 

"Xiao Yao kept talking and crying until gradually her words trailed off and she curled tightly in Jing’s arms and stared at the tall Phoenix Flower Tree. Blooms of red fell to the ground carried by the wind as if frames of each memory passing by, no matter how beautiful it would all pass with the wind.

Xiao Yao wearily closed her eyes “Jing, I want to leave!”

“Where shall we go?”

To the ocean! The millions of miles of ocean and unending horizon, Xiang Liu said there were endless uninhabited and uncharted islands, perhaps we can find a beautiful island to call home.”"

Never thought much of it until windiaaa pointed it out, but I belive the red part is reffering to CX, since the phoenix tree îs their tree and the falling leafs are a metaphor for her closing the door on him forever. It can't be about XL, otherwise she wouldn't want to go to the ocean, it wouldn't make much sense that the memories she is reffering to to be about XL, since obviously she doesn't want to forget about him. I think because of XL's death XY did cut all ties with CX and as far as I'm concerned, în the end that did make him less important than XL. 

(Qingyang/ Zuyu) is a character in "Zeng Promise". Zhuyu was originally made of wood, does not understand love, and loves without knowing it.

Qingyang knew that Zhuyu liked him, but he didn't tell her.

There is a paragraph in the original work of "Zeng Promise" as follows: "Maybe the eldest brother understands, but the eldest brother who understands has always allowed ZhuYu not to understand, just because the responsibilities on his shoulders have not been fulfilled. Maybe he has thought that one day, when the responsibilities on his shoulders are fulfilled,  and then took Zhuyu to roam the south and north of the sky, just like when they first met. If there was no such day, he would rather ZhuYu never understand, never know how to be sad, but he didn't know that ZhuYu is ultimately sad."

Does this narrative have a sense of déjà vu for Xiang Liu?

The reaction that ZhuYu had when she found out about QingYang's death was identical to when XY found out about XL's death. It was at that point the readers realized that ZhuYu and QingYang love each other. XY never realizes how much she loves XL (or she just refuses to admit) just like ZhuYu to QingYang. She also doesn't know that XL loves her just the same as ZY/QY.