
yes..compensation psychology.
When she was in the brothel, and XL left her after eating poison, she ran into Jing.


sorry @Ah
I didn't mean that, it was just a joke.


Honestly, I cannot with the Jingers' fatuity anymore. 

Because of an interview that has been dissected countless times, you know, the one where TH says (1) that Jing is XY's lover (does anyone have doubts about that?), (2) that all characters got what they wanted, therefore the story in her perception is not a tragedy, and (3) that Cang Xuan is the main ML (again, is there anyone still not aware of that?), they somehow think that no further "brainstorm" is needed. Happy ending! Jing! Yay! 

They even consider that interview "a must-read" LOL

Imagine being so dense that they take all of this at face value and don't consider the many details and hidden meanings that Tong Hua left in her story.

In short, we have 262 pages of pointless brainstorming.

Has anyone seen Tonghua's expression in person?
because someone said it like this.
It's the same expression when XL says that the person XY misses is TSJ, even though it's just XL's joke.

Tong Hua is still like that, raising the corners of her lips, raising her eyebrows and smiling: "No, it's Xuanxuan thinking about Xiaoyao..." Pretending that she hadn't written one after another, she said: "It's just a special story, Love is not the most important thing..."


"Tong Hua added a ton of details in in chapter 22 and chapter 43 that are commonly associated with sex, but didn't intend for the reader to conclude that actual intercourse took place in those scenes." 

What I mean by that is that TH clearly intended for the readers to aknowledge that there is sexual desire between XL and XY

Agreed! ^^

and she did describe some sort of sexual intimacy going on, so same as her previous works, LYF is not lacking in this aspect either. The only one who's lacking îs Jing, he clearly didn't get any scene of this sort, that is why I am starting to belive that her love for him is more on the platonic level, though platonic îs not exactly the right word either. But no one can speak for TH, we can assume and interpret things to our liking, I don't belive she will get offended by any theory :) 

If I were to compare TSJ and XY's relationship to XL and XY's relationship, I would probably say that TSJ and XY's relationship is more domestic and tame / less intense than XL and XY's relationship. 

That got me thinking about the things TSJ and XL each taught XY. I had a longer version of this post with a bunch of excerpts tee'd up but I lost it in an accidental refresh <.< The short version is that TSJ spent six months "teaching" XY to play the zither, but she wasn't really interested in learning. The "lessons" were just an excuse for the two of them to spend time together. XY was more interested in listening to TSJ play for her while she snacked or did other things. They both assumed that TSJ would always be there to play for her in the future. 

Whereas XL/FFB spent more than 10 years diligently teaching XY archery. Although the archery lessons were the catalyst for the companionship between FFB and XY, the real reason XL wanted to teach XY archery was so that she would have a means of protecting herself when he wasn't with her. He empowered her and taught her everything he could about archery (and even anonymously commissioned a powerful, one-of-a-kind bow for her), despite knowing that she could use those archery skills against him (as she did in chapter 46) or to protect his enemy, CX (as she did in chapter 27). XY practiced diligently for years and was able to use her archery skills to save her own life against powerful assassins in chapter 44. 

I always think that this moment is a kind of milestone in the relationship. In her view:

XL didn't want to admit his love
Then she learnt that Jing didn't want to continue living because of her death. Or in other word, she was the most important one for Jing. "Xiao Yao turned to look at Jing and murmured “You really are so broken over me that you are seeking death?”Xiao Yao felt the shell around her heart shatter completely, all those threads that she tried to cut all those times finally weaved together into a web at last."

This boggles my mind still.  We repeatedly get people (and the author) telling her NOT to be like her mother who loved a demon general enemy.  Something she never really saw.

Yet one of the most traumatic events that happened in her childhood, right in front of her eyes, and warped her and CX's life forever, was someone so broken by the death of her lover, she sought and found death, abandoning her child.

How does that not resonate negatively with her?  How is that not a big neon warning sign for her?

In the specific scene where she met XL the first time after woking up. She didn't know how to face XL, still confused if XL loved her or not. She had chosen Jing but their relationship seemed to be hopeless. I

Much like the beach rejection scene after Jing roped her into the 15 year promise, there really wasn't a choice.  The fact that XL is absent, says he's not offering himself as a choice.  Jing is the only one there, so it's not really a choice of men.  It's a choice between Jing and nothing.  OR, even more frightening, between Jing and abandoning her fears, and trying to find a way to have a relationship with her family's enemy.


I did read the interview too and I honestly don't understand what's so wow about it? In fact I couldn't help but notice TH's choice of words, everyone got what they wanted, Jing wanted XY and XY wanted someone to accompany her no matter what...how does that makes a good case for Jing's fans? It sounds as if it could have been anyone, even Feng Long would have worked , as long as he was willing to dedicate himself to her...Jing on the other hand  îs quite clear that he precisely wants XY. CX being the main ml everyone knew that already, Jing being XY's lover is obvious (îs this the wow factor?)  If she would have said Jing is XY's love that would have been different though. The only thing that's new (to me, at least) is that eternally yearning for you reffers, indeed, to CX. I  know people were speculating on this since early on but I wasn't convinced. I thought that just the first book's title is his. 

The only thing that's new (to me, at least) is that eternally yearning for you reffers, indeed, to CX. I know people were speculating on this since early on but I wasn't convinced. I thought that just the first book's title is his.

It applies to both CX and XY, though obviously it is only accurate for XY.  XY isn't dead and gone forever, unlike XL, so there's always a chance that CX could end his love sickness over XY.  Though that chance is very, very, very tiny. lol

I did read the interview too and I honestly don't understand what's so wow about it? In fact I couldn't help but notice TH's choice of words, everyone got what they wanted, Jing wanted XY and XY wanted someone to accompany her no matter what...how does that makes a good case for Jing's fans?

Agreed. Also, when Tong Hua said "If you adapt your own work, you must break and remodel your own work, which is very painful" I think she was partially talking about censorship issues.....


Honestly, I cannot with the Jingers' fatuity anymore. 

Because of an interview that has been dissected countless times, you know, the one where TH says (1) that Jing is XY's lover (does anyone have doubts about that?), (2) that all characters got what they wanted, therefore the story in her perception is not a tragedy, and (3) that Cang Xuan is the main ML (again, is there anyone still not aware of that?), they somehow think that no further "brainstorm" is needed. Happy ending! Jing! Yay! 

They even consider that interview "a must-read" LOL

Imagine being so dense that they take all of this at face value and don't consider the many details and hidden meanings that Tong Hua left in her story.

In short, we have 262 pages of pointless brainstorming.

Not to mention selective.  They don't mention that Tong Hua also said XL was her favorite character and she tried to find a different ending for him.

Or that she calls XL loyal and righteous.

It's all this.

I always think that this moment is a kind of milestone in the relationship. In her view:

XL didn't want to admit his love
Then she learnt that Jing didn't want to continue living because of her death. Or in other word, she was the most important one for Jing. "Xiao Yao turned to look at Jing and murmured “You really are so broken over me that you are seeking death?”Xiao Yao felt the shell around her heart shatter completely, all those threads that she tried to cut all those times finally weaved together into a web at last."
After that she seemed to take Jing closer in her heart (than before her assasination). She treated Jing the same way that XL treated her: fed the medicine via mouth, slept next to him. Someone mentioned that she wanted to allocate things/action between her and XL to Jing (e.g, XL forced her to kiss in the water, she refused but then wanted to kiss Jing in the Dragon Bone Prison, she wanted to pass air to Jing while diving in the lake on Shen nong mountain). Therefore, it seems that here is the point where she made the decision to choose Jing (transferthe love that she and XL might have to Jing). Later when Jing became the clan leader, she found the relationship with Jing more obstacle 

That's a very interesting interpretation. 

I feel like the 15 year promise was also an important milestone. XY made a time-limited commitment to TSJ then based on his confession and promises and the sacrifices he made when he tried to help her escape from CX. It makes sense that TSJ's reaction to her assassination would be a second, even more important milestone for XY, especially after XL seemed to reject her when she woke up.


Not to mention selective.  They don't mention that Tong Hua also said XL was her favorite character and she tried to find a different ending for him.

Or that she calls XL loyal and righteous.

It's all this.

Hahah nope that's way too cute.

I'm trying to find that interview or something like that where TH said she initially wanted Xiang Liu to be the endgame.

Does anyone remember what that was? Was it posted here? I can't find it.


sorry @Ah
I didn't mean that, it was just a joke.

Is this about the suggestion that XL had intercourse with XY during the 37 years of healing? I'm glad to hear that wasn't a serious suggestion. I'm sorry if I come across as humourless when I respond to those posts. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. It's just... rape is something that I take very, very seriously. I know we're talking about fictional characters and scenarios here, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and tongue-in-cheek theories, but I just don't feel right if I don't put my own two cents in when that kind of suggestion comes up. 

Edit: Oh wait, were you referring to the comment about XY’s reaction (seeming guilty) when she first saw XL after the 37 years of healing?


"Pretending that she hadn't written one after another, she said: "It's just a special story, Love is not the most important thing..."

Yea, but that's one more reason to belive that neither CX or XY ended up with the loved one by their side. If by happy ending TH means that they both got what they wanted, because love îs not the most important thing, my understanding îs that în the end CX achieved his goals and was able to provide safety and protection for his loved ones OVER love and XY got a long term companion by giving up love. 

Much like the beach rejection scene after Jing roped her into the 15 year promise, there really wasn't a choice.  The fact that XL is absent, says he's not offering himself as a choice.  Jing is the only one there, so it's not really a choice of men.  It's a choice between Jing and nothing.

I agree with this. 

No, it's Xuanxuan thinking about Xiaoyao...

The only thing that's new (to me, at least) is that eternally yearning for you reffers, indeed, to CX.

It applies to both CX and XY, though obviously it is only accurate for XY.  XY isn't dead and gone forever, unlike XL, so there's always a chance that CX could end his love sickness over XY.  Though that chance is very, very, very tiny. lol

The title of the novel in Chinese is 长相思 which is normally translated/understood as "eternal yearning". "long lovesickness" in English. The word  长 means long

While the term "相思" (xiāng sī ) is literally means miss each other or think of someone or miss someone romantically 

In the song that WXL sang to lure fie fie which is considered as the song she sang for XL, the last 4 sentences are: 

"君若天上鸟  You are like bird on the sky
 妾似水中鱼    I am like fish in the water
 相忘相忆        Forget each other & Remember each other
 相忘相忆        Forget each other & Remember each other"

There is difference between between 相思 and 相忆

The term "相忆" (xiāng yi`) is usually used for remember of memory or people or thing that happened in the past. 

The song is a kind of prediction for the ending/result between XL and XY/WXL: they didn't have destiny with each other (bird on the sky and fish in the water). XL died - is considered as forget, left thing behind. And XY recalled him, but he did not exist in life anymore. He could only be lived in her memory

Precisely, "相思" can be applied for CX toward XY. 相思 can be used for XY (toward XL) loosely. 相忆 is more precise in case of XY towards XY. 

Tong Hua is still like that, raising the corners of her lips, raising her eyebrows and smiling: "No, it's Xuanxuan thinking about Xiaoyao..." Pretending that she hadn't written one after another, she said: "It's just a special story, Love is not the most important thing..."

I mean, Tonghua's expression of lifting the corners of her lips, raising her eyebrows and smiling… is what she said is not true.

So I asked, has anyone seen Tonghua's expression like that, because someone discussed it in one of the articles.