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 AH :
My delusion is not liking that idea because it feels like XY picking FFB over XL, even though they are the same person and we already know she wishes XL could have been FFB forever. ^^"

That makes sense. If only there were just those two options (or one). :(


I'm delusional and still think she was serious when she said she would drop everything if he dropped his responsibilities too. The Drama Version of Xiao Yao. I think she was telling him the truth while hiding it behind a smile/joke.

100% agree with you on the drama version, when I watched this scene în the drama that îs exactly what I felt too and I still belive that is what they went for. About the novel though, I think AH îs right, altough I think at that point în time she kind of knew FFB îs XL, I mean what responsabilies did FFB have to gave away în the first place? I felt as if her answer was meant towards XL, not FFB. 


I'm delusional and still think she was serious when she said she would drop everything if he dropped his responsibilities too. The Drama Version of Xiao Yao. I think she was telling him the truth while hiding it behind a smile/joke.

That seemed to be FFB's tactic.  Laugh when it gets serious.

When I first watched it, I thought the same.  Rewatching, however, I wonder if she meant it kind of like a test.  Like her constantly asking him "Who are you?"  Like, challenging him to take up the dare.

Had he, who knows what she would have done.

We knows XL's feelings for XY so it's reasonable to interpret this exchange as him genuinely, verbally expressing the longing in his heart (for once in the whole darn novel). This was as close to a confession as we ever got from him. I don't think he ever said anything remotely close to this elsewhere to XY. It's a confession and a probing into XY's feelings.  XY's responded in kind - there  is some sincerity in her response, but she was also calling bullshit to his proposal. But her respond did show him the barrier between them - their differing loyalties. And until one or both of them  shift, it's not going to happen for them.

This particular interaction embodied their relationship; shrouding real feelings and intentions behind jest and pretences. XL is really guilty of this, leaving poor XY confused about his feelings and intentions towards her. Sometimes I get frustrated that XY is so dense and buy into his bullshit, but given her history and fears, it's really understandable. I want to smack him more for being a noble idiot.

I‘m so torn…..usually I hate the noble idiocy trope with passion, as it take away the agency of one party to make decision for herself/himself, but XL really sold his noble idiocy beautifully that I even admire him for it and my heart broke for him. I want to hate XY for sometimes being so dense, but like @HeadInTheClouds said, I understand her reactions and decisions as well and where she‘s coming from. ‚sigh‘ I need to go back to my real life and stop obsessing about fictional character

I am halfway through DaMaYao and HQB and YE relationship  is so similar to XL and XY relationship, they are all so alike and passionate. 


I‘m so torn…..usually I hate the noble idiocy trope with passion, as it take away the agency of one party to make decision for herself/himself, but XL really sold his noble idiocy beautifully that I even admire him for it and my heart broke for him. I want to hate XY for sometimes being so dense, but like @HeadInTheClouds said, I understand her reactions and decisions as well and where she‘s coming from. ‚sigh‘ I need to go back to my real life and stop obsessing about fictional character

Same, all of the above.

That noble idiocy trope is so frustrating, but, as usual, he manages to turn it on its head and make it sexy. There, I said it.


I think XL could strangle puppies and you would still find it sexy 😉.  I know a lost cause when I see one 😝😃.  

If you're still in need of therapy, I'm happy to give you a reduce rate for my service. Can't do it for free  since I need to fund my own therapy when the shit hit the fan in season 2. Lol. 



I think XL could strangle puppies and you would still find it sexy 😉.  I know a lost cause when I see one 😝😃.  

If you're still in need of therapy, I'm happy to give you a reduce rate for my service. Can't do it for free  since I need to fund my own therapy when the shit hit the fan in season 2. Lol. 

I kid you not. I finally mustered up the courage to click on those cursed links with the BTS of The Final Scene™ and I was supposed to be sad and depressed, but I was like, hmmm, he's sexy even covered in blood.

So yeah, I'm beyond any kind of help, but I appreciate the offer. At this point, I'm just enjoying my Harley Quinn era.

Not puppies, but, am I supposed to have any other kind of reaction? 👇🏻

Excuse me sir,


That seemed to be FFB's tactic.  Laugh when it gets serious.

When I first watched it, I thought the same.  Rewatching, however, I wonder if she meant it kind of like a test.  Like her constantly asking him "Who are you?"  Like, challenging him to take up the dare.

Had he, who knows what she would have done.

“That seemed to be FFB's tactic.  Laugh when it gets serious.”

Definitely. Both XL and XY hide their feelings behind laughs and smiles often.

“When I first watched it, I thought the same.  Rewatching, however, I wonder if she meant it kind of like a test.  Like her constantly asking him "Who are you?"  Like, challenging him to take up the dare.”

I viewed the scene in the drama more that way. More of a test / challenge / call out like the novel. 

Where her “Okay. If you give up everything, I'll go with you.” Basically meant,  “What would you do if I actually said okay right now? Would you really be able to give up everything and leave with me? I don’t think so, and I’ll prove it.” Not “Okay, I’m genuinely ready to leave Cang Xuan behind to go wander with you, if you can also give everything up. Will you?” 

And when he can’t answer her with anything more than a laugh she doesn’t look disappointed. Her face says “That’s what I thought.” And out loud says “Don’t try to fool me. Don’t think you’re more bold than me.”

“Had he, who knows what she would have done.”

Even if he had made his offer 100% seriously and was prepared to give everything up at that point to disappear and wander with her (which he clearly wasn’t), I don’t think XY was ready to abandon CX and the rest of her family at that point. Her loyalty was as much of a barrier as XL’s, even though she didn’t know he was XL at this point. 


100% agree with you on the drama version, when I watched this scene în the drama that îs exactly what I felt too and I still belive that is what they went for. About the novel though, I think AH îs right, altough I think at that point în time she kind of knew FFB îs XL, I mean what responsabilies did FFB have to gave away în the first place? I felt as if her answer was meant towards XL, not FFB. 

“…I think at that point în time she kind of knew FFB îs XL, I mean what responsabilies did FFB have to gave away în the first place? I felt as if her answer was meant towards XL, not FFB.”

I don’t think she did. In the novel, Tong Hua told us what XY was feeling and thinking at the end of that conversation: “She felt like she called him on his bullshit. When she was wandering the world being a con artist, he was likely home tickling his maids!” That last thought is clearly about FFB, not XL.

Koala’s translation of the scene the morning after XY found out that FFB was definitely XL made it seem like XY kind of knew that FFB was XL all along, but liddi provided a more accurate translation that didn’t have that implication, which fits better with how XY interacts with “FFB” after finding out that he is XL. 

And I think the drama is the same. Think about how XY behaves when she sees XL/FFB for the first time after that reveal in the drama. In episode 26, she treats him differently, and when he offers to continue teaching her archery, she is surprised and questions the idea of learning archery from the great Xiang Liu.


Girl, just let your freak flag fly. You grow older and it gets rarer to find something that really captured your interest and enthusiasm, so enjoy it when it happens.  It's like having a crush on someone. It's exiting and fun. (And it gets rarer with age ☹️). As long as your not committing crimes, go nut with your fellow XL nutters in these threads 🙃

Anyone else seen The Journey of Flower? The main couple in that kinda reminds me of XL and XY dynamic. The FL loves her sifu (ML) and while he feels the same, for noble reasons he refused to admit to his feeling. Girlfriend spent 99% of the show crying "sifu, why won't you love me?" "Sifu, I know you love me; why won't you admit it". I was quite annoyed with her by the end 😄. But, man, I wish XY would takes a leaf out if Little Flower's book and nag, pester and cling onto XL until he gives in. If she uses some of her femine wiles, surely he'll cave eventually. 

Girl, just let your freak flag fly. You grow older and it gets rarer to find something that really captured your interest and enthusiasm, so enjoy it when it happens.

YES, so much yes.

As long as your not committing crimes, go nut with your followers XL nutters in these threads 🙃

Anyone else seen The Journey of Flower? The main couple in that kinda reminds me of XL and XY dynamic. The FL loves her sifu (ML) and while he feels the same, for noble reasons he refused to admit to his feeling. Girlfriend spent 99% of the show crying "sifu, why won't you love me?" "Sifu, I know you love me; why won't you admit it". I was quite annoyed with her by the end. But, man, I wish XY would takes a leaf out if Little Flower's book and nag, pester and cling onto XL until he gives in. If she uses some of her femine wiles, surely he'll cave eventually.

I haven't. It sounds lovely. I love those pestering ladies.

 But is there a happy ending? I need a happy ending. REALLY.

100% agree with you on the drama version, when I watched this scene în the drama that îs exactly what I felt too and I still belive that is what they went for.

Yes, exactly. We think alike :) 

 AH :
Even if he had made his offer 100% seriously and was prepared to give everything up at that point to disappear and wander with her (which he clearly wasn’t), I don’t think XY was ready to abandon CX and the rest of her family at that point. Her loyalty was as much of a barrier as XL’s, even though she didn’t know he was XL at this point.

Noooooo. Stop trying to break me away from my delusionnnnnn XD