AH :

Sound of the Desert gave me unreasonable hope about these things. 

Lol, I could see how. I love Sound of the Desert, I rewatch it a lot. I feel like over the years censorship especially for shows that are more popular has gotten tighter. There doesn't seem to be a lot of regulation with mini dramas though. 

 Sirry Usly:
There doesn't seem to be a lot of regulation with mini dramas though. 

Zhang Gong Zhu Zai Shang <3

 AH :

Zhang Gong Zhu Zai Shang <3

Haven't seen that one yet. I should check that out. I watched Butterflied Lovers though and it was great. There was so much in there that shocked me ?

 Sirry Usly:
I watched Butterflied Lovers though and it was great. There was so much in there that shocked me ?

I'll have to check that one out ^^

 Sirry Usly:

Where do you guys think s2 will start off/open? Also, when do you guys think we will see XL again in s2? 

Seems from the trailer released before, there's this scene where XY asks XL who he thinks she should marry then if not Feng Long. Idk if this was in the novel, too.

Some of the scenes in the novel I know are XL receiving XY's crystal ball gift, him taking her away from her wedding, and they stayed together for a while before she returned. This is where XL asked XY who she wants to spend the rest of her life with, which she wasn't able to answer or rather refused to answer. There were a few scenes of XL inserted into some of the chapters. Not a lot of his scenes but most are iconic scenes. When XL saved her when she was getting away from those who want to kill her, when she shot her arrow into XL's chest coz XL killed someone here, intending to kill him but can't. And then when XL saved her again when she was dying after poisoning herself. This would be their last scene together.

Am not sure if the drama will include some scenes not in the novel.

Seems from the trailer released before, there's this scene where XY asks XL who he thinks she should marry then if not Feng Long. Idk if this was in the novel, too.

I was thinking this too but there is the part in the novel where Xuan meets with CSFL, Jing, and other clan members to thank them and other things so I'm kind of hoping that they start by showing us what progress Xuan has made/how people are reacting to him becoming King tbh. 

Am not sure if the drama will include some scenes not in the novel.

Hopefully, because I'd like to know what was happening on XL's end during some of this stuff tbh. Ik there aren't that many episodes of season 2 though so we probably won't get that many additions but who knows? 

I'm really anxious to get XL's death scene over with though tbh.  

With what I heard on cutting many of the fights (and war) scenes, I have a feeling the focus would be on the romance and their love stories as probably was in S-1. I also heard that they added more scenes after the formal ending of the shooting drama just for S-2. Hope those would add more excitement and meaning to the show without sacrificing the novel's main lines.

Hope those would add more excitement and meaning to the show without sacrificing the novel's main lines.

fingers crossed 

I never wanted an alternate ending as much as I want one for this drama

Thanks to Ari_Lee I refound this gem from Chp 37: 

[Xiao Yao was so frustrated by him she was nearly hopping up and down in fury. 

"You broke the spell on Zhuan Xu so how could you not want to how to break the spell between us?"

Xiang Liu smiled until his eyes were slits,  "I don't want to know!"

Xiao Yao wearily asked, "What do you want then?"

Xiang Liu's body was slowly sinking into the water as he said, 

"Other than checking on how my wares are doing in your body, what else do you think I want?"

"Hey! Don't go!”

Xiao Yao flipped over the railing ready to dive into the water to chase after Xiang Liu but a pair of hands grabbed her hard and pulled her back on deck.

"Let me go!”, Xiao Yao struggled and then turned
around to see Jing. She meekly allowed him to keep her on deck. 

Xiao Yao tentatively asked "When did you get up?"

Jing said, "I've been up for awhile." 

Actually, he couldn't sleep either so he knew from the moment Xiao Yao went on deck. But it was clear she wanted to be alone so he didn't go disturb her.

From the very beginning Xiang Liu knew Jing was there on deck so Xiang Liu cast a spell that blocked anyone from hearing what he was discussing with Xiao Yao, except he allowed Jing to listen in.

Seeing Xiao Yao going to chase after Xiang Liu, Jing couldn't explain the feeling but he rushed forward instinctively and grabbed Xiao Yao as if afraid she would vanish from his life. ] 

This chapter has great jing and xl with xy moments. Thought I’d just share this one in this thread as well. 

I've GOT to start reading this book.

Also.  Must get my mind OUT of the gutter while reading this book.

I feel like I should too but I'm way too scared.

I've GOT to start reading this book.


Also.  Must get my mind OUT of the gutter while reading this book.

There's so much heartache, let yourself enjoy the rest. That's one part the novel definitely does better than the drama. Skip around in the gutter and have fun. 

I never wanted an alternate ending as much as I want one for this drama

I feel like I should too but I'm way too scared.

You might feel differently about the ending after reading the novel in its entirety. The ending sounds bad when it's summarized, but the ending is well written. XL is the author's favourite character and it shows. XL is my favourite character, and there is very little in the novel I would change if I could. 

 AH :

You might feel differently about the ending after reading the novel in its entirety. The ending sounds bad when it's summarized, but the ending is well written. XL is the author's favourite character and it shows. XL is my favourite character, and there is very little in the novel I would change if I could. 

I read that article on soulmates your posted on the main topic.  It was very interesting, and clarifies so many things I picked up on, but didn't realize fell under this concept.  I've always thought XL was the most perceptive of the characters.

Zhiji may also describe XL's relationship to the Invisible Gong Gong and perhaps even his rebel army.    At least the part about the bonds between man of service and patron -- it's beyond simple loyalty, which is partly why I had such a hard time with it.  Zhiji helps explain it, especially in regards to XL with his demon esteem issues. But this makes me even madder that we aren't getting to actually SEE that in the series, cause it shows so much about XL and his motivations.

I said much earlier, that the deal XY accepted from XL when they first met, made her XL's "man," and was more similar to a vassal or becoming his 'soldier' or man at arms.  After reading this article, it's clear that XL fits one description from the very beginning of zhiji.  He IS a man who knows the worth of others.  He recognizes XY's abilities and can see a connection forming from their experiences.  He is both patron and man of service, and he's found two that he thinks are worthy enough to die for.  The sad part is that XY lacks that perception, that sense of knowing XL's worth.  Of course, we don't know if Invisible Gong Gong has the same issues, because he's not in the damn drama!  grrrrrrr.