In XL's view, he respected XY's choice. He also knew Jing loved and cared for XY. He envisoned a free life for XY in the mortal world (instead of living in Shennong mountain or Qing Qiu). Her life then would be similar to WXL's life in QS town. XY thought Jing could prioritize XY and left his clan to be YSQ. WXL-YSQ life would be happy enough for XY. Besides, Jing's intelligence and business skill would be useful for their future.

I think so too. But again, it predicated on how Jing loved and treated Xiao Yao, and the lengths he would go for her. If Jing failed to meet the mark like the rest of the men, I wonder whether Xiang Liu would still have ensured he was available for her? Or would he have dared to let her be alone? 

There are so many accidents that XL ordered merfolk waiting for Jing's in the river or the sea. How could he keep, treat Jing alive for 6 years (before making the blood jade from XY's blood)? How could Jing wake up on time?

These were happenings in Qingshui town, so it was possible he caught whiff of what was going on with Hou and the arrival of the death squad. Knowing it was Hou, it stands to reason the target would be Jing, so it is not too much of a stretch that he would have been on the lookout for the eventuality that something might happen to Jing, either personally or through the merfolk. Jing had taken Xiao Yao's life-preserving pill beforehand, so I am of the opinion his injuries, while serious, was not as dire as Xiao Yao's back in Plum Forest. It is very likely he kept Jing unconscious all this while, because sending him back alive too soon would have made him a target of Cang Xuan's assassination attempts yet again, and outside of Qingshui town, he would not be able to keep a lookout for such attacks. As such, the timely awakening of Jing was possible, because he was merely kept unconscious for those 7 years. 

It is very likely he kept Jing unconscious all this while, because sending him back alive too soon would have made him a target of Cang Xuan's assassination attempts yet again, and outside of Qingshui town, he would not be able to keep out for such attacks. As such, the timely awakening of Jing was possible, because he was merely kept unconscious for those 7 years. 

This scenerio means that Jing's physical condition was not so serious, he was ready to be woken up. And  Using one dose of the blood jade one time for slowly consumed it during 1 month (there is 1 month gaps since XY's suicide and when he rescue her)is enough to wake him up. However, he was serious injured with muliple wounds and 7 tail lost. He lost ~ 70% health base and spiritual power. He fell inside the river thus, he needed to be rescued and had air transfer within short time. XL could help XY because they had the bug connection. For Jing, he could only use external medicine + spiritual power during the first 6 years to cure Jing.  

However, there were factors that are out of his control. XL probably didn't know that XY wanted to become royal mother. Jing just came minutes before XY became royal mother is just based on luck. Furthermore, as Jing said he went to Shennong and Yellow Emperor told him that XY was in Jade mountain. Keep in mind that CX went there just before the event 1 day was also by accident. He was not informed about the ceremony. If he were in Shen-nong and Jing was back, there was chance it would take more time since CX would keep Jing for clarify their issues. Or, if he was mad enough, he could order to imprison or kill Jing again (very low chance, of course)


As for the timing, I am of the opinion that Xiang Liu decided to wake Jing up when she commited suicide because it was obvious she had lost all will to live and he needed Jing to give her a reason to go on. Hence waking him up one day before he went to save her, even if it meant risking Cang Xuan attempting to kill him again. The likelihood of that was probably far less since Cang Xuan should be preoccupied with the war with Shen Nong army which was reaching its peak. It was simply double providence that Cang Xuan happened to be on Jade Mountain at the time. The likelihood that Xiao Yao would try to take her life again before Jing reached her should be minimal too under the watchful eyes of those on Jade Mountain. As for Jing stopping Xiao Yao in time from becoming the Royal Mother, it was out of Xiang Liu's hands and could only be chalked up to luck. Though with Sir Bi in the know about what Xiang Liu sacrificed to save Xiao Yao, I doubt he would not have sent word to him especially since he deeply objected to Xiao Yao's decision but could not dissuade her. Could he have been waiting in watch to intervene somehow in case Jing did not make it in time? Perhaps. We will never know.

Xiao Yao once said to Xiang Liu that “I told you before, I only bullshit but I never say anything fake. I like to talk because I’m afraid of being lonely. If I’m full of lies, then the more I talk the lonelier I’ll get.

But in fact, she constantly kept telling lies to others as well as to herself, especially when the topics tied to Xiang Liu. In this series of posts, I would like to discuss some examples of her lies which may mislead readers.

Xiao Yao's mouthful of lies

Part 1: "Back then, the only suffering thing in her life was Xiang Liu"

The original text of this sentence is "那时,生活中唯一的苦难就是相柳"

The word 苦难 means misery, suffering, tribulation which is a indiscriminate blow (not chosen by your will).

The context of this sentence is after CX got the throne, in the party where Jing was drunken, playing the rhyme of the song that XY had sang for him; FL and XY had a conversation about their engagement. XY said she was tired and wanted a home to settle; people that she met before: one had feeling but powerless, one was able but no intention and she thanked FL for giving her a home. When farewell, FL asked which gift she liked. She said being safe was the best present. However, she had different perception of gift in her mind. And she suddenly recalled the life in QS town.

A gift was such a strange thing. If she had to say what she wanted, then it wasn't the same getting it anymore. Actually, it didn't matter what the present was, it mattered what the giver meant. If someone was in the heart, then that person would naturally want to share everyday things with the other so even a wild flower or a rock could be a present.

Xiao Yao leaned against the railing and looked up at the sky. She suddenly remembered her life in Qing Shui Town, the countless muggy Summer nights when they sat outside on the straw pallet, with Lao Mu, Ma Zi, Chuan Zi all jostling with each other, and Shi Qi sitting quietly next to her as she gnawed on a duck neck and drank her plum wine and happily thought about nothing.

Back then, the only tough thing in her life was Xiang Liu.

Qing Shiu Town days seemed so long ago and so far beyond her reach, yet remaining vividly in her memories, leaving Xiao Yao’s eyes wet with tears.

For XY, the childhood time with CX on Cao Yun peak and the life time in QS town were her fondest lifetime. Did she literally means XL was her only suffering during that time? In order to answer it, let's look at how XY regard "suffering -苦难



“如果没有王叔的逼迫,我不会孤身去高辛,就不会看到另外一个世界;如果没有他们一次次的逼害和暗杀,我不会变得更狡猾、更冷静、更有力量。苦难之所以能成为苦难,只是因为遇到它们的人被打败了,而我们打败了苦难,并把它们踩碎,揉进自己的身体里,变成了属于我们的力量,所以,我们从不会把苦难看作苦难。爷爷和我们是一样的人,正因为他明白,所以他才选择了放手。” (chapter 15)

Zhuan Xu smiled “Xiao Yao, do you hate those two maids who were gossiping about you? Because of them you wandered for hundreds of years.”

“No, if it wasn't for those two hundred years, I'm not the person I am today. I would have grown up peacefully with my dad but I like who I am today. I'm not scared of anything because I've lost everything. No matter how terrible the difficulties I encounter, I will take a knife in my own hand to destroy my obstacle like I killed that Nine-tailed fox.”

“If the royal uncles didn't force me, I wouldn't have gone to Gao Xing, and I wouldn't have seen another world. Without their assassination attempts and plots, I wouldn't have become wily, calm, powerful in the face of danger. We vanquished obstacles and crushed it under our feet and put it inside of us to give us strength. We don't see obstacles as bad, and Grandfather is like us as well, which is why he chose to let go.” (Note: Kaola used the word obstacle for 苦难)

For people like XY and CX, they consider external obstacles (苦难as difficulties, tribulation (磨难)encountered on the road, which have sharpened their character, their spirit, and their skills, making them stronger and firmer. It's an ordeal. The ordeal makes sense to them and it made them to become the person as they are today.

Thus, the presence of XL in her life was not suffering for her it made her become who she was, contributed to her development. Moreover, she kept making poison - gifts for him which carried her thought, her emotion and experience that she wanted to share with him. She always cared for or wondered his reactions when receiving her gifts. As she admitted just above that paragraph: "Actually, it didn't matter what the present was, it mattered what the giver meant. If someone was in the heart, then that person would naturally want to share everyday things with the other so even a wild flower or a rock could be a present.", XL was in her heart (without her will) and he was the only love suffering in her life (at least by that time)

P/s: Later, XY told CX that "We endured so much, and as long as the tough experiences (磨难) doesn't destroy us then it is actually an invaluable asset in life. Xing Yue’s matter has prompted me to practice my archery and take up poison making again.” (Chapter 45)

XY's self-protection skills were taught and strengthen by XL, weren't it? his presence and those skills were invaluable asset for her.

Though with Sir Bi in the know about what Xiang Liu sacrificed to save Xiao Yao, I doubt he would not have sent word to him especially since he deeply objected to Xiao Yao's decision but could not dissuade her.

I don't think Ah Bi would inform him about that. XL said it very clear after today he and XY had no connection. He didn't want to see her again in life. 

Ah Bi was also glad that "the person that XL missed was Jing" . XL was busy with the big war, injured after recueing XY and killed the bugs. 


苦难 refers to tribulations, not obstacles. 

But great insight on how Xiao Yao's view of tribulations and sufferings correspond to her perception of Xiang Liu, who molded her into the person she was.


I don't think Ah Bi would inform him about that. XL said it very clear after today he and XY had no connection. He didn't want to see her again in life. 

Ah Bi was also glad that "the person that XL missed was Jing" . XL was busy with the big war, injured after recueing XY and killed the bugs. 

I disagree. He would have sent word and allowed Xiang Liu to decide what he wanted to do with the knowledge rather than just watch as Xiao Yao made a decision from which there was no turning back.



苦难 refers to tribulations, not obstacles. 

But great insight on how Xiao Yao's view of tribulations and sufferings correspond to her perception of Xiang Liu, who molded her into the person she was.

yes, i know. i checked dictionary. but i just kept the kaola translation intact. there are 2 words both mean tribulation but the difference is the above one is not chosen by your will while the other is

“I told you before, I only bullshit but I never say anything fake. I like to talk because I’m afraid of being lonely.

She's lying even when she claims to not be lying! Do we need to revisit that entire scene with the Voodoo King to show what a lying liar Xiao Yao is? And how many times did Xiang Liu call her a liar to her face?

I'm not scared of anything because I've lost everything.

I'm sorry, but what? Can I call her a liar again, please?

I'm in a bit of a mood at the moment. Discussing this whole marriage with Feng Long has brought up some of Xiao Yao's less-than-flattering behaviour and it's making me annoyed with her again. Lol.

There may be several reasons that XY refused to think about the matter of XL/FFB as her accompany partner for her entire life. I just meaned that she refused to think about that or to face that issue thus she resisted to answer the question.

Thanks for the quoted text. You guys quote the book to support your ideas, I just fly by the seat of my pants and give my "impressions" :-).

It sounded like Xiao Yao refused to think of the matter because she was afraid that if she acknowledged what she wanted, it wouldn't come through. And also because she felt as if she had no actual control or means to influence the outcome, so she doesn't think about and essentially doesn't take much action. 

I've always felt like Xiao Yao is quite passive and maybe these are the reasons for her passivity. Even the act of sending the crystal ball to Xiang Liu was a passive act. A more direct way would have been to go to Qing Shui and talk with him face-to-face since at this point she'd acknowledged her feelings for him and desire to be with him. Xiao Yao tended to let things happen more than fight hard for what she wanted.

Ok, enough roasting for today heheh

Darn nathsketch! Just tell us how you feel about Jing, why don't you? Have you been holding it in all these weeks? 

His only flaw. Reviving that waste of oxygen.

Tong Hua couldn't make him too perfect, got to slip in flaws somewhere. Otherwise, she'll be excused of being bias even more than she already was.

Xiang Liu didn't think this through at all.

And he doesn't have any other suitable options either. It's not his fault that Xiao Yao has such poor taste... I mean, issues :-). Why are we expecting Xiang Liu to solve all of Xiao Yao's issues for her? What's he supposed to do? Start a match-making business to vet potential candidates and have Xiao Yao go on dates (that might actually be fun to watch). The man has other pressing concerns to deal with - feeding an army, preparing to die :-(! He did his best, but after that, it ain't his concern anymore. She wants Jing, she got Jing, If he turns out to be a dud, that's on her.

Why are we expecting Xiang Liu to solve all of Xiao Yao's issues for her? What's he supposed to do?

I know, right?? He was supposed to be alive for her and be the pretty demon he is so we can sleep in peace at night *sobs*

He did his best, but after that, it ain't his concern anymore.

True. At least he'll finally be free to rest. I'm not crying, you're crying.

I do see a lot of disapproval for Jing here. In the novel, he is described as extremely intelligent, with strong business acumen, someone who if he had the ambition, could have been a threat to any kingdom. Likewise he is also one who, despite the terrible betrayal he experienced at the hands of his family - his brother, his grandmother, even his own fiancée, still did not allow hatred to twist his heart and chose to forgive while taking necessary precautions to ensure they did not have a chance to retaliate.

In XL's own words:

Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends. “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. He can time and again endure Tu Shan Hou only because he treats Tu Shan Hou as a relative. When he banished Tu Shan Hou to Gao Xing, he was well aware that the fracture between them would not end that easily. With Tu Shan Jing’s smarts, he would have been keeping guard against Tu Shan Hou still. He would have assigned someone to track Tu Shan Hou at all times in Gao Xing, and prevent him from growing his power again. That way if Tu Shan Hou still wants to kill Jing, he couldn’t even attempt it.”


Xiang Liu laughed and gently said, “I just wanted to say that Tu Shan Jing may not be vindictive, but he also won’t take anything lying down either. Do you agree?”

Xiao Yao spat out, “What if you’re right?”

Xiang Liu continued, “Even under Tu Shan Jing’s assigned surveillance, Tu Shan Hou managed to shake it and sneak to Qing Shui Town and secretly contact Fang Feng Yi Yang to set the trap. But at that time, there were many Tu Shan Jing’s people in Qing Shui Town as well, the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang and the guards protecting Tu Shan Zhen. You may not be aware but the Tu Shan clan trained guards are top rate, the clan does business so isn’t into battling but in terms of protection the guards are exceptionally skilled. As a killer for hire, I once saw a Tu Shan clan guard in action and after that I made a decision that, unless my adopted father’s life was in danger, I would never attempt to kill any Tu Shan clan leader.

Xiao Yao appeared to finally be processing what Xiang Liu was saying and listened raptly, and Xiang Liu slowed down his words. “Tu Shan Hou’s men not only killed all the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang, but also the thirty top guards Tu Shan Jing brought along to protect him. The remaining few who survived were rounded up by even more powerful foes so they couldn’t go save Tu Shan Jing. To dispatch so many top-notch Tu Shan clan guards, how many even more powerful fighters would that have required? Tu Shan Hou was banished to a life of no money or connections, and under tight surveillance, how could he have commanded so many people to pull this off. If Tu Shan Jing was stupid and careless enough to have let Hou pull this off, then all I can say is that for the past hundreds of years, I was dealing with a totally different Tu Shan Jing.

Xiao Yao raised her head to stare at Xiang Liu “What are you trying to say?”

Xiang Liu laughed and said nonchalantly, “Tu Shan Jing’s death appears like a brotherly feud, but in truth someone else wanted Tu Shan Jing dead. Without this person’s facilitation, then Tu Shan Hou could have never ever gotten close to Tu Shan Jing.

He is totally devoted to Xiao Yao, and would willingly follow her in death.

His willingness to follow XY in death made CX feel that TSJ was worthy of XY's affections: 

Zhuan Xu asked, “How is Jing’s injury?”

“Master Jing is just burned. Doctor Yin said his injuries are not severe but he’s inconsolable and his spirit is actively seeking death which is why he remains unconscious.”

Zhuan Xu was silent and then said, “At least he’s worthy of Xiao Yao’s consideration for him. Use the spiritual medicines to preserve his life. If Xiao Yao can make it, then he’ll wake up as well.”

TSJ told XY that CX didn't want XY to marry TSJ because he was afraid of letting XY marry someone who was too weak to protect her. But I think there was a lot more to it than just that. I think that CX felt much more threatened by the thought of XY marrying TSJ than the thought of XY marrying Feng Long for two reasons. First, Feng Long was loyal to CX, not XY, and would always be close by and under his control, whereas CX didn't have that same certainty with TSJ. Second, CX knew that XY did not love Feng Long, whereas he knew how strongly XY felt about TSJ, and it made him feel that XY's relationship with TSJ was a threat to CX's relationship with XY. That perhaps TSJ might even usurp CX's place as the "closest person" to XY in XY's heart (which was still how XY felt about CX as of chapter 47).


XL saw TSJ's devotion to XY the first time he met XY (when YSQ barged into his military camp with no sense of self-preservation in order to take WXL away). XL was also able to use TSJ's devotion to WXL to obtain medicine for his troops, and the two of them collaborated to save WXL from CX. XL also saw that TSJ was taken into custody with WXL by CX when he went to Five Gods Mountain to offer to rescue WXL. On top of that, I do think that TSJ's actions in chapter 21 and his desire to die with XY influenced XL's assessment of him. From chapter 22 on, XL starts to actively push XY towards TSJ in a way that he didn't before, even when TSJ was still married. 

Unlike CX, XL had the additional insight that the Lovers' Bug connection gave him. He knew better than anyone how much XY cared about TSJ and how heartbroken she had been when they broke up. He knew that she would be devastated if he died in chapter 22, and later he felt how devastated she was when he did die in chapter 42. He also used his powers in chapter 32 to confirm that she really did want to marry YSQ, despite the fact that TSJ had gone and married someone else and she didn't know that his son wasn't his at that point. 

That is not to say he is a saint - an innocent soul with no guile because he isn't - he is manipulative enough to take advantage of Xiao Yao's soft-heartedness to exact the 15-year promise, which he followed with repeated reminders about that promise.

On the one hand, the promise and reminders are annoying from a reader's perspective. They do feel a bit manipulative / a bit like a trap. 

But on the other hand, we know that TSJ thought to himself that he would understand if XY took back her promise after her true identity and form were revealed. We also know that he thought to himself that he didn't want to use her kindness, and instead wanted to genuinely earn her love. 

Also, XY could have chosen not to make her side of the promise, and she was upset when TSJ stopped sending reminders / stopped contacting her entirely (which he partly did because XY complained about the reminders and TSJ didn't want to pressure her). XY wanted TSJ's attention, and she wanted to feel wanted.

Also, one of the initial reasons (not the only reason, of course) she agreed to learn archery from FFB was that she wanted TSJ to hear that she was hanging out with another man. She wanted TSJ to be jealous. She maybe even wanted him to say or do something about it. 

Because of her trauma, XY wanted someone who was incapable of letting her go. It's difficult to relate to and definitely not healthy, but that's what she was looking for in a romantic partner. 


In this dark deep place, he once experienced the sweetest happiness, but the one who gave him the happiness was Xiao Liu. It wasn’t this girl before him now. If she took back her promise, he would completely understand. 


Xiao Yao laughed and pointed to her lips. “Why not here?” 

Jing said in a low voice, “Now’s not the time yet.” 

“What time then….?” Xiao Yao lowered her eyes and used her hands to cover her face and her embarrassment. 

Jing couldn’t answer because the choice was with Xiao Yao and not with him. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire her, but what he wanted was her love. He didn’t want her pity and care for him, she already gave him too much, he didn’t want to continue using her kindness.


“Xiao Yao, you don’t want to come to the Middle Plains?”

Xiao Yao shook her head. “No.” She wandered the world all over, and due to her issues with the Yellow Emperor and the Grand Emperor, she mostly stayed in the Middle Plains and she loved it there.

Xiao Yao lowered her head. “You sent me nine bottles of plum wine.


Then I heard nothing from you.

Jing thought carefully about what she said and then asked, “Are you asking why I didn’t contact you again?”


Jing thought about it and said, “First, Feng Long gave me something that was rifled through and I suspected someone close to me was not trustworthy. Before I find out who it is, I have to be careful. Second, both my identity and Zhuan Xu’s identity are very special and it’s not suitable to communicate often. Tu Shan clan has our clan rules. My grandmother already chastised me for sending a present to Zhuan Xu. Thirdly, the last time I saw you, you complained that I was trying to remind you of your promise so I controlled myself not to cause you any more stress.

The first and second reasons were totally acceptable, but the third reason…..Xiao Yao was so infuriated she flopped on the pallet and buried her head in her arms.

“Xiao Yao….”

“Don’t talk to me! I don’t want to talk to you right now!”

Jing really stopped talking, and Xiao Yao was such a talker she couldn’t take it anymore. “When you are leaving tomorrow?”

“First thing in the morning.”

Play with me tonight!


She didn’t reject Fang Feng Bei getting close because she wanted the news that she was hanging out with him to spread across all the powerful families and reach Jing. Xiao Yao wanted Jing to know but she didn’t know why she did that. She just wanted to do it so she did it.


Xiao Yao never concealed where she went and Jing knew she was spending a lot of time with Fang Feng Bei but he never said anything or asked anything.

Actually deep down inside, Xiao Yao wanted him to ask. But he likely thought he had no right to stop her so he didn’t ask. He never even mentioned that Fang Feng Bei looked just like Xiang Liu, not sure if he investigated and found nothing suspicious, or he didn’t think it mattered.


Jing said, “No, I see you as more important than my life. Xiao Yao, you resented me for saying I wasn’t good enough for you yet I refused to let go. Actually, I know that you can go on just fine without me. I know that Fang Fang Bei is more suitable for you. But I can’t let you go, as long as I am alive then I can’t! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…..”

Xiao Yao clamped her hands over his mouth. “You idiot! All I want is someone who will hold me tightly and never abandon me no matter what!” Xiao Yao’s forehead was pressed against Jing’s forehead. “You can’t let me go, I really like that!

He clings desperately to Xiao Yao, especially when he senses she is drawn to Xiang Liu, pulling her back for fear he would lose her.

Sometimes TSJ clings desperately to XY and pulls her back from XL/FFB. Sometimes TSJ holds himself back and watches (yes, the constant watching itself is often rather creepy) or holds himself back and does nothing. Sometimes XL pushes TSJ and XY together. 

Chapter 2 - YSQ infiltrates the remnant army's military base to take the badly injured WXL away. XL allows it, WXL willingly crawls onto YSQ's back, and they leave together. Later in the same chapter, when XL visits the clinic for Ma Zhi's wedding, and when XL occasionally visits for no reason after that, YSQ doesn't do anything to keep XL and WXL apart. 

Chapter 3 - After YSQ betrays WXL, WXL meets up with XL. YSQ doesn't try to find them to interrupt, but waits for WXL at the edge of the river. 

Chapter 4 - WXL asked XL to meet him to get XL to vent his remaining anger after WXL's charcoal shenanigans in chapter 3. YSQ doesn't try to interrupt, but tracks WXL down afterwards and helps carry him home. Later in the same chapter, XL came to WXL and WXL told YSQ to go home. YSQ was worried and didn't want to leave at first, but then he remembered the kiss mark on WXL's neck and left. 

Chapter 5 - XL took WXL to TSJ to ask him to procure medicine for the remnant army. Later, TSJ asked XL for help with rescuing WXL from CX, and YSQ brought WXL to the hunter's lodge near the remnant army's military base (basically XL's territory). TSJ doesn't try to keep WXL and XL apart. 

Chapter 6 - When TSJ finally tracks injured WXL down, XL leaves the cave first to avoid meeting him. TSJ doesn't actively try to do anything to keep XL and WXL apart. 

Chapter 8 - TSJ asks WXL not to leave QS town, but that has nothing to do with XL and he doesn't do anything to try to physically stop WXL from leaving. However, later in the same chapter, TSJ asks WXL to make a palm promise. WXL promises not to let another man into her heart for 15 years. TSJ promises to break off his engagement and return YSQ to her in 15 years. 

Chapter 16 - TSJ meets FFB for the first time. "All he could see was the way Xiao Yao and Bei were standing there looking at each other under the lamp light, and the indescribable feeling that was transpiring between them." He doesn't stop XY from leaving with FFB in that scene, and gets back into his carriage with FFYY. Later in the same chapter, TJS visits CX and XY's residence every day in the hopes of seeing XY. XY meets him after FFB invites him in while XY is napping. XY greats him coldly and leaves with FFB (she feels TSJ's eyes on her back, but it's not enough to stop her). The reason she turns around and goes back to TSJ is that she remembers the promise she made to CX.

Chapter 18 - TSJ follows FFB and XY and watches them, but does not interrupt them. FFB tricks XY into throwing an ice dagger at TSJ (and XY is furious with XL when she realizes that he manipulated her), which prompts TSJ to emerge. When TSJ moves to follow XY out of the clearing, FFB stops him and mentions FFYY, and TSJ feels compelled to stay back. 

Chapter 19 - TSJ and FFYY accidentally run into XY and FFB at the weapons shop. TSJ observes them, but doesn't say or do anything. Even when FFYY suggests that he should pay for XY's arrow, he says nothing. XY makes it clear that she wants FFB to pay for it, and so FFB does pay for it (and XL is furious with her for manipulating him). That night, long after XY and FFB parted ways and TSJ was rid of FFYY, TSJ sent his astral fox to XY to ask her to meet him. XY ignored the astral fox that night and all day the next day. She only went to TSJ on the second night after she found out that someone tried to assassinate him. Using his astral fox that way was a bit manipulative, but he left the decision to meet him or not with XY.

Chapter 23 - After the ceremony where TSJ became the Tushan Clan leader, XY was feeling lonely and seemed to have lost hope that she could be with YSQ one day.  

"Xiao Yao felt rather dazed, from this moment on Jing carried the fate of his entire clan on his back! He was no longer her Ye Shi Qi. When the banquet began, Xiao Yao started drinking and used the excuse of a headache and tossed all the duties to Ru So and snuck away. She followed the mountain path down the hill. The secluded mountain path was windy and uneven, rising and dipping in places, and there was no end in sight. It was just like life. Xiao Yao smiled – she hated loneliness and never liked walking alone, but life was naturally the journey of an individual and perhaps she was destined to walk her road by herself. The sound of footsteps reached her and Xiao Yao turned around and saw Fang Feng Bei."

FFB took XY to the gambling den and the demon death match arena. IMO, he wanted to ease XY's loneliness and give XY hope that she could still be with YSQ one day, even if it seemed impossible and would require a lot of patience and effort. At some point, TSJ started following them, but he didn't interrupt them. After XY said that she wished that she could have been the one to save XL from the death match arena so he could always be FFB, XL changed his behaviour so TSJ would step forward and XL scared XY backwards into TSJ's embrace. XY took TSJ's hand and ran away with him. It was only at that point that TSJ said, “Xiao Yao, don’t leave me.” Xiao Yao confirmed that she didn't intend to leave TSJ. “When I saw you become clan leader I was a bit down but not anymore.” XL's efforts had their intended effect. 

Chapter 26 - When XY sees TSJ for the first time a year after his marriage to FFYY, he does not approach XY until XL manipulates her heartbeat so that she couldn't catch her breath. It looked like she was in pain (but ironically it was interrupting her previously well-hidden pain), so TSJ used his powers to try to ease her pain. XY left as soon as she recovered, and TSJ let her go. After XY and XL spend a night and a day in the ocean, they bump into TSJ's carriage when they return. TSJ apologizes and doesn't do anything to try to cling to XY.

Chapter 29 - TSJ helps XY pick up boxes she dropped. She almost cries and runs away to the gambling den. TSJ watches her from behind the water mirror there, but doesn't interrupt even when she leaves with FFB. It seems to be a coincidence that Li Jie Chang takes TSJ to LJC's uncle's restaurant, which happens to be where XY and FFB are eating. TSJ tries to stop Li Jie Chang when he tells XY to consider being with TSJ rather than FFB. TSJ doesn't stop XY when she leaves with FFB. 

Chapter 32 - TSJ knew that FFB was XL. When FFB took XY away from her wedding and no one was able to find them for a month, TSJ didn't even try to find them. In chapter 33 he still thought that XL took XY to the remnant army camp in the mountains outside of QS town, rather than to QS town itself. 

Chapter 33 - "Jing didn’t dare to hope and he was already thrilled that Xiao Yao believed him. Before he resolved his mess, he didn’t dare say anything or hope for anything... Jing let out a pent up breath, as long as she was willing to see him, even if just as a patient, then he was happy."

Chapter 35 - TSJ doesn't interrupt XL and XY (even when XL kisses XY's forehead). TSJ thanks XL for helping XY and even creates a path for XL to escape safely. 

Chapter 37 - One of TSJ's clingiest chapters. He insists on accompanying XY when she asks the Voodoo King about the Lovers' Bugs. Afterwards, XY wants to stay another night on the ocean before returning home. She listens to the merpeople's song with XL and speaks with him about the Lovers' Bugs. TSJ watches and eavesdrops on the whole conversation (XL is aware and allows him to listen while XY is oblivious) but doesn't take action until XY moves to dive into the ocean to follow XL. Then TSJ panics and does physically pull XY back. XY struggled until she realized TSJ was the one holding her back, and then stopped.

Chapter 38 - TSJ asked XL to meet to discuss the poisonous bugs. After they finished speaking, TSJ saw XY. XY had run into XL (in disguise) on the street earlier when she left her medical clinic and was walking home. She looked for him all over and eventually went to the gambling den (presumably where TSJ and XL met to have their conversation). When TSJ saw XY, he watched / followed her but didn't make his presence known to her. When XY saw XL (still in disguise again) she approached him, and TSJ followed them through the gambling den but didn't interrupt their conversation. TSJ only revealed himself when XL told XY that TSJ had been behind her the whole time. At that point, TSJ walked forward and took XY's hand and XL left. 

He makes sweeping promises, but his indecisiveness results in a string of broken promises.


Although, IMO, XY also didn't keep her promise to not let another man into her heart for 15 years. Like TSJ, I do think she tried, but it wasn't a realistic promise to make. She was either oblivious to her feelings for XL, in denial about her feelings for XL, or a bit of both. She wasn't able to harden her heart enough to keep XL/FFB out of it. Just like TSJ was either oblivious to the realities of his family dynamics, in denial about them, or a bit of both. He wasn't able to harden his heart to go against his grandmother.

He would not let her marry someone else who, at that point in time, is in a better position to ask for her hand, even when he himself is already married and has no legitimate claim on her. He is not above courting her under his best friend's roof, and destroying that same friend's marriage plans, even if it means hurting and humiliating his friend.

I don't view TSJ's decision to "hire" XL to end XY's wedding with Feng Long as a selfish one or one that makes me think less of him. I believe that he thought XY was forcing herself into that marriage (which she was), and that the marriage would have made her miserable (as it likely would have). I imagine XL agreed to end the wedding (and likely intentionally bumped into TSJ in the hope that he would ask XL to do so) for the same reasons. Which is why I also don't think that XL was selfish and don't think less of him for being the one who ended the wedding. 

I believe TSJ when he says that he never imagined that XL would interrupt the wedding the way he did (which hurt both XY and Feng Long). I also don't think badly of XL for choosing to interrupt the wedding that way (even though it hurt XY), since I believe he intentionally did it that way to ensure that XY would never be at risk of being forced into a marriage with someone she didn't love in the future. 

After FFB took XY away from her wedding, TSJ didn't try to find her. When she came to see him, he pretended he was fine and did not let XY take his pulse (which would have revealed how ill he was). He didn't want her to leave in the dark, but was about to leave himself to give her space. XY was the one who called him back to give him a piece of her mind, and she ended up revealing that she was still very much not over him. At which point, the narrator tells us that TSJ would rather that XY forget him than be in such pain. 


Chapter 33:

The final bit of anger inside Xiao Yao vanished and she stared at the cup of tea in her hand in a daze until she finally calmly spoke. “Xiang Liu said that you gave him a lot of money to hire him to prevent me from marrying Feng Long.”

“I did do it, but I never could have imagined that Xiang Liu was so extreme in how he did things.

“Why did you do it?”

That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long. I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no. I wanted to find you but I knew I was pouring oil on the flame. Right when I was at my wits end, I ran into Fang Feng Bei. I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu. Since Zhuan Xu became Emperor, the provisions have been scarce in the army base so I discussed a deal with Xiang Liu to buy the promise you made to him. I asked him to beg you to cancel the wedding. But I couldn’t have imagined that he would show up at the actual wedding ceremony to ask you to fulfill your promise. It was my fault, Xiao Yao, I’m sorry!”

Xiao Yao coolly said, “Nothing to be sorry about, it was a willing transaction between us all. My deal with Xiang Liu was fair and willing, your deal with Xiang Liu is also fair and willing. But I hope that you will never get involved in my life again! Whether I’m happy or not has nothing to do with you!”

Xiao Yao felt her coming to Qing Qiu was ridiculous but now that she said her piece, she had nothing else left to stay for so she stood up to say her farewell to leave. Jing jumped up and blocked the door while calling, “Xiao Yao…..” while his body shook like he was about to keel over.

Xiao Yao quickly assisted him and took a look at his ill visage and wanted to take his pulse.

Jing pushed her hand aside. “I’m fine! It’s dark now so please stay one night. You can leave in the morning. If you don’t want to see me, I’ll leave immediately.” 


Jing walked to the door when Xiao Yao suddenly said, “I have something to say to you.”


Jing felt like a knife was cutting his heart when he heard Xiao Yao crying. This was the first time she ever cried for him. When she heard Yi Yang was pregnant, she smiled at him. If he could choose again, he would rather that she act like she didn’t care, he would rather that she really forgot him. He didn’t want Xiao Yao to be as pained and tormented as him.


Xiao Yao hit Jing hard and cried, “Why didn’t you let me get married? Why can’t you let me act like I’m fine and keep walking forward with a smile?

Jing couldn’t answer. Why? Perhaps it was Xiao Yao’s look of sadness as she stood on the streets of Qing Qiu. He didn’t want her entire life to be like that. Perhaps he loved her too deeply and couldn’t let her marry another man. Perhaps deep inside his heart was a sliver of undying hope.

Jing said, “I apologized earlier but I take it back now. I don’t regret it at all, even Xiang Liu using such an extreme means that caused the entire vast wilderness to descend into chaos, I’m still very happy that you didn’t marry Feng Long.”

And yet, this is the man Xiang Liu went to such lengths to ensure he could be the lifelong companion Xiao Yao longs for in her life, telling her not to give up hope when hope is bleak, forcibly waking her up so that she could go and save him just in time, saving him when he almost died, deliberately making her hate himself as he forced her to give her blood, which he used to save his rival, and ultimately giving his blessings to them through the addition of the man in the crystal globe. 

Yes to all of this. 

So my question is this. Would Xiang Liu have entrusted the most precious person in his life, to someone who he deemed as less than worthy?

In response to your question, I think the answer is "no". We know so because he ended her wedding with Feng Long, which was a wedding that XY chose to proceed with, despite CX and her father insisting that the wedding could be called off. But it wasn't a match that could make her happy. So both TSJ and XL chose to interfere and end it. 

Or was Xiang Liu simply giving Xiao Yao the person she identified, regardless of the kind of person he is?

Again, if XL was going to respect XY's choice in any circumstance, even if that meant respecting her decision to marry someone who would make her miserable, then he wouldn't have stopped her wedding with Feng Long. 

But would he really just blindly follow her wishes, if he himself, perceptive as he is, does not believe the man would be good to her, for her?

IMO, he would not.

If he did approve of Jing, was it after the Plum Forest assassination, seeing Jing ready to give up his life when he believed Xiao Yao had died?

I do believe that was a turning point. But in addition to that, XL had also seen glimpses of TSJ's devotion earlier (e.g., when TSJ retrieved WXL from the remnant army camp) and would have also had a direct line of insight into XY's feelings for TSJ both before and after the assassination (including this moment from chapter 22: "Xiao Yao turned to look at Jing and murmured, “You really are so broken over me that you are seeking death?” Xiao Yao felt the shell around her heart shatter completely, all those threads that she tried to cut all those times finally weaved together into a web at last."). 

All Xiang Liu did was to make sure that Jing/17 was available as an option for Xiao Yao. Whether she chooses to go with 17 or to be on her own was still entirely up to her and he couldn't control or want to control that anyway.

I agree with this.

If Xiao Yao had chosen Feng Long as her lifelong companion, Xiang Liu would have done the same thing.

If XY truly believed that Feng Long would make her happy and genuinely wanted to marry him, I think XL would have helped her to be with him.

But if XY put on a false smile and forced herself to marry Feng Long even after she was told that the wedding could be called off (which is still a form of choosing him to be her lifelong companion), we know from the novel that XL would not respect that choice. He would interfere and make sure that XY did not marry Feng Long under those circumstances. 

I don't consider Xiang Liu as having chosen Jing for Xiao Yao either. I agree that he made him available for her to choose. However, would he have really made Jing available if he believed that the man was not someone he could entrust Xiao Yao to? If Xiao Yao had extremely poor judgment and chose a man who would give the rest of her life a whole lot of grief, would Xiang Liu really have made him available, he who wanted her to have a lifetime of carefree happiness? I don't believe so. In other words, Jing must have some redeeming qualities that made Xiang Liu hope, if not believe, that Xiao Yao would have a chance at carefree happiness with him.

I agree with this. 

In Feng Long's case, the way I see it, he believed Xiao Yao should not marry him because from the appeal she sent via the crystal globe, he knew that deep down, she did not want the marriage, and as such, is unlikely to have the kind of lifetime happiness he wished for her. Thus, he stopped her from making that mistake through Jing's hand, deliberately manipulating the situation such that Jing saw him and thought of hiring him to stop the wedding.  

I agree with this, except I'm not sure I would say "through Jing's hand". TSJ used XL (and the promise that XY owed him) to get what he wanted (an end to XY and Feng Long's wedding), and XL used TSJ to get what he wanted (an end to XY and Feng Long's wedding with a "transaction" that he could use as cover to explain his actions). To me, it feels like XL was the active one. The "hand" if you will. Even though they both used each other. 

 AH :
In XL's own words:

Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends. “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. He can time and again endure Tu Shan Hou only because he treats Tu Shan Hou as a relative. When he banished Tu Shan Hou to Gao Xing, he was well aware that the fracture between them would not end that easily. With Tu Shan Jing’s smarts, he would have been keeping guard against Tu Shan Hou still. He would have assigned someone to track Tu Shan Hou at all times in Gao Xing, and prevent him from growing his power again. That way if Tu Shan Hou still wants to kill Jing, he couldn’t even attempt it.”


Xiang Liu laughed and gently said, “I just wanted to say that Tu Shan Jing may not be vindictive, but he also won’t take anything lying down either. Do you agree?”

This all may be very well true in the novel, but in no way they were able to convey it successfully in the drama. He's the embodiment of a weak fool.

The lying down part is actually funny and ironic.

YSQ's obedience is a factor that XY liked. Maybe it was Jing's manupulative tactics. But in front of XY, he always obeyed her without any hesitation.

I'm not sure I would agree with this 100%. From the moment YSQ was well enough to get by on his own, WXL told YSQ to leave. YSQ refused and insisted on staying at the clinic to serve WXL. When WXL went into the mountains to collect rare herbs, YSQ followed her. WXL told him to go back, but YSQ refused and insisted on following WXL. At the edge of the remnant army's territory, WXL told YSQ not to follow "him" and to wait for "him" there or to go home if he got tired of waiting. After a long wait, YSQ disobeyed WXL's order and tracked "him" to the remnant army's military base. 

Later on, there were multiple occasions where XY tried to kiss TSJ and TSJ refused (which upset XY) for various reasons. For example, because XY didn't truly love him yet (chapter 14) or the person in XY's eyes wasn't him (chapter 18). 

And if TSJ always obeyed XY without hesitation, he would have done whatever it took to break his engagement with FFYY. Even if that meant taking drastic measures that involved hurting other people. 

There are so many accidents that XL ordered merfolk waiting for Jing's in the river or the sea. How could he keep, treat Jing alive for 6 years (before making the blood jade from XY's blood)? How could Jing wake up on time? XL said the truth "there aren't that many maybes!" 

I did always wonder about the timing involved in TSJ's return. How did XL manage to control the timing so perfectly? It did seem rather far-fetched. 

I don't agree that his reason for stopping the wedding was because Feng Long won't give up everything for Xiao Yao. I am still of the opinion that he knew that Xiao Yao herself did not wish to marry him deep down, which meant that this marriage won't give her the kind of happiness he hoped she would have. Hence, manipulating Jing (so ironic, considering Jing is the master manipulator) to hire him to do the job, so that even his act of taking her away from her wedding would be written off as merely a job he was hired to do.

YES. I believe that was the main reason, and I think the turning point is seeing that Jing loves Xiao Yao to the point of being willing to die with her after the Plum Forest assassination. It is noteworthy that after the 37 years back from the ocean, he encouraged her to hold on even when hope was bleak, ostentatiously talking about Left Ear and his will to survive, but hinting for her to not give up with regards to Jing even if he was still unable to disengage himself from Yi Ying.

It feels a little unlike Xiang Liu to be willing to go with Jing as Xiao Yao's lifelong companion as long as Xiao Yao thinks he meets her requirements, without considering other aspects of the man. As I previously mentioned, if she suffered a terrible lack of judgment and picked someone wholly unsuitable, would he have gone along with it? I am not as sure he would have. It is true that her choices were really limited - with him taking himself out of the equation, Feng Long not loving her, Cang Xuan married to multiple women which Xiao Yao would never agree to, all that was left was Jing, who was engaged and incapable of disengaging himself at the time. As such, I believe Jing's love to the point of death, was a very strong deciding factor for him too.

I agree with all of this.