We are performing scheduled database maintenance, which may cause temporary downtime. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
Newest Shows without specific dates are appearing. For example if they show 1/?/2012 they appear. This is causing an influx of "newest" shows when their dates aren't confirmed yet.
Skye, that's not a bug. There isn't really good solution to deal with that. ? date is 0 as the system default, we can't really filter that out without adding more performance to the server.
A quick question more than a report; I do not seem to be able to delete messages from my outbox folder. Are they supposed to get deleted automatically or a button for that will be added at a later date? Because underneath my poutbox I see no button, just a number 1.

And we can search in native title! I love you too!!!
You're right there is no delete button.
In the admin cp approve area, the Japanese/Korean/etc language becomes "ãÂ?Â?ãÂ?«ãÂ?Â?ãÂ?¨ãÂ?ȋÂ?Â*ãÂ?Â?ãÂ?¨"
http://mydramalist.com/japanese-drama/2914/boku-to-star-no-99-nichi when episodes + duration are unknown put a ? instead of 0
I can't choose Ikuta Toma as a favorite actor; whenever I try to press the "add actor"-button after having searched his name and he pops up, nothing happens. Every other actor I wanted to put as favorite actor worked, just not Ikuta Toma...
Weird, I can add Ikuta Toma just fine.
Not really a bug I think but after the update the actor pics (on the actor pages) have gotten really messy and pixelated..
Well, I still can't... :/
Musicismylife wrote: Well, I still can't... :/

Does it give an error or something?
It's possible that the problem was caused from the old MDL.