I have to agree on what other users said, some actresses are younger than their own sons. I spent one episode thinking one of the woman was the wife of the prince instead of the king. This is bad casting choices and together with the direction and tons of name it generated a messy introduction of characters. 

what’s the point to have a brilliant plot and then not being able to present characters in a proper way. -.-

At least the plotting of ML is getting more clearer. 

Back to the story, will the royals member of the family be punished only by demotion instead of being killed? Cause it’s extremely boring seeing evils persons get away with it. 

 Vya van Velaris:

I actually think it gets better with each episode. Most of the talk is about what happened in the past, which I think is kind of difficult to "show" without giving a spoiler. I admit it's on the heavier side, though. 

I disagree on the spoiler thing, some more flashback when they talk about past events/people don’t hurt anyone if not the budget. 

They probably didn’t have the time nor the money to add scenes so they use this kind of storytelling. And in this case I agree with @kate, you can have the most brilliant story ever, but if you suck telling it, the story lose too. 

@musicalveggies: "We often have to piece together a person's life or situation from these bits and pieces, and draw our own conclusions."

I also like stories where you have to put pieces together, but in this case they over do it. The show has introduced us at least 20+ characters and is talking about current events related to past events that cover 20 years of history. And it’s only ep. 4

More the story is big and less you can play the card to let the viewers to put the puzzle together. Even if they cant show everything, they could at least give a better introduction of characters and past events. A few more detailed flashback of the key events and less talking. 

And since I have rant enough here the good part for @meng peace of mind.

I like the ML!!! 


Cause the only reason I am watching this is the revenge and I like my ML being all plotting like J.Hyuk in Money Flower.

 I have an opposite view on this matter respect to @kate. If my goal is revenge everyone is a pawn, he has to do what I plan without question and then die if necessary. 
actually I wish he would be more evil and stop worrying about the good deeds. Revenge is not for doing good is called revenge for a reason!!! Nothing good can came out of it if not pain and blood! Bwahahahahah

(I also like misunderstood and estell recaps!!) 

Notes, Reactions, and Recap

[*My VocabularyMCS=Mei ChangSu=Su Zhe=Lin Shu, Jingy=Xiao Jingyan=Prince Jing, (Dirty) Old Man=The Emperor of Da Liang, Princess=Mu Nihuang, sweetie=it may refer to either Fei Liu OR Yan Yujin, ge/gege=endearing "older brother", xiao-Shu=literally "little Shu" - refers to Lin Shu as Meng Zhi calls him (who is older than him), Meng dage=literally "Elder brother Meng" - refers to Meng Zhi as Lin Shu calls him, Best Boy/Our Boy=Fei Liu=Cutie (Pie), MZ=Meng Zhi, Two Heroic Youths=Xiao Jingrui & Yan Yujin, jianghu=pugilist world/world of martial artists/underworld, CP=Crown Prince]


- The little boy servant that the eunuch is mistreating has something to do with Prince Jing. That eunuch dares to speak blatantly disrespectfully about Prince Jing, and is hitting the boy forcefully, until the man himself appears, to put the disgusting eunuch in his place! Eunuch keeps being shameful and mentions Noble Consort Yue's name (that's Crown Prince's mother, if anyone isn't keeping tally).

- Princess finally gets rid of the trash eunuch with her whip!! You go girl!! ^_^

Hit me with your whip, Nihuang!

- Jingy kinda feels useless, although he appreciates Princess's good intentions. Important info reveal during their conversation: Prince Jing is in this situation due to Prince Qi (Prince Qi was the Eldest Prince, now dead, and he was related to the Lin family case 12 years ago), he's now the punching bag of all the other princes, and the people within the palace of course take after them.

- Meanwhile, MCS takes care of the poor boy, whose name is TINGSHENG (He's one of the main characters of NiF 2!). He seems to contemplate something as soon as the boy tells him his age – he's 11 years old – but Jingy interrupts.

- Back in the arena, everyone's still watching the duels without a sling of interest, and CP even yawns (it's funny how unrefined of a prince he is!). Well, correction, the princes are far more interested in when MCS is returning, to start measuring it up against each other again! XD

- Noted how the CP tries to get Xie Bi to check up on MCS. It's interesting to see the power dynamics unfolding; is the Xie family just sucking up on everyone?

- Yujin sweetie tries to find an excuse for our protagonist, and Prince Yu plays along. Probably to show up how gracious he is, compared to the impatient CP – who shows up how gruff he is with his more than apparent annoyance!

- Mei Changsu/Su Zhe and Prince Jing finally meet! Jingy is suspicious of how a mere “commoner” – as MCS put it – is able to come into the Palace and be with /accompanied by the Princess. Nihuang changes the subject to the child who Prince Jing visits often.

- The child is supposedly the son of some woman who's become a servant due to a crime, and Jingy just took pity of him. MCS offers to help the child with his studying. That's not easy to achieve since the child is to stay a government servant (slave) all his life, and cannot just go wherever he wishes to. But MCS “will find a way” as long as the child is willing.

- Tingsheng is a servant from the slave's prison, from which only the Emperor himself can order anyone to be let out. Even Prince Jing himself couldn't accomplice that. But MCS is insistent that there's no harm in trying! Jingy is once more suspicious of why he would want to even try to save this particular child. Nihuang drops the ball of the question back to Jingy, and he stays silent.

- MCS insists to try to help, and this time he says the exact words “Where there's a will, there's a way”. Prince Jing says he'll wait for his results, takes the child and they leave. Nihuang says flirtatiously that “she'll also wait”, and MCS is stuck with a lovestruck expression for a minute. :D

- Mu Qing wants to defend his sister's honor, and test this “scholar” that she was seen strolling with. He sends one of his men – LAO WEI, GENERAL WEI – to see what kind of man this scholar is (or if he really doesn't do martial arts).

- MCS contemplates the loneliness of the hero – no one seems to really know him. No one understands him nor recognize him – except for the old Great-grandmother. :( General Wei rudely interrupts his thoughts, and sends the eunuch who accompanies him away, to test MCS's mettle. (Note that “to introduce yourself” in this context means to show the kind of martial arts you use.)

- MCS, in a cheering-deserving show of both how much of a bad-ass he is and how much he trusts his cutie-pie bodyguard, doesn't move an inch and lets Fei Liu do his job! :)

Lessons on How To Be A Badass, by Mei Changsu & Fei Liu

- As soon as the guy tries to get back up from the ground where Fei Liu dropped him, General Meng makes his appearance.

- Meng Zhi sends the guy away, and then the eunuch, and now he's completely alone in the corridor with Mei Changsu (and Fei Liu).

- He begins to walk dramatically towards MCS. MCS, with a bittersweet smile, orders Fei Liu to back down, who reluctantly complies.

- He walks up to his ear, and he stops.

- “Twelve years. It's been twelve years. You finally came back.”

- “Yes, I finally came back. I'm finally back.”

- And it sounds, if you don't watch it and just read it here, as the most simplistic or stripped down dialogue, but in reality, the way these lines are delivered and how meaningful they are, it carries such a heavy emotional weight that – that they – this was the place I stopped recapping & just got drown into the moment no matter my willpower, paused, repeated about ten times, and then stopped to take a breath, and got back to it after one hour and a new cup of iced cold tea. 

- He's the first person who recognizes him, recognizes Mei Changsu as Lin Shu, a man (then teenager) that Meng Zhi hadn't seen for 12 whole years. But he knew he was alive for a while, as it's revealed they've exchanged letters before, letters in which Meng Zhi advised him to never come back, to stay safe! MCS argues that nobody would recognize his face as the face of the one who was sentenced as a criminal 12 years ago. And indeed MZ admits that he has changed far beyond recognition – due to his illness, as he had written in his letters – so completely beyond what he imagined he would have, with no traces of his past self. ...Yet that day at the Marquis of Ning's house, MZ recognized MCS in one glance!

- MZ once again worries about his old friend's safety, while MCS only worries about his plans. He claims he has prepared enough, all these years. They set up a meeting point at a place called Snow cottage, and discussion ends there.

- Nihuang scolds her little brother for being impulsive and messing up with MCS. She implies she knows MSC is much more important than just being Xiao Jingrui's buddy.

- Back into Marquis's mansion, MCS expresses his desire to Jingrui to be excused from the rest of the arena fights, and they say goodnight to each other. I have a feeling that MCS won't rest early though.

- Info reveal: 2 years ago, someone, Princess guesses from Jiangzuo Alliance, helped Mu House in a fight at the borders with Southern Chu (battle at Qingming river) when they had no way out. MCS, she deduces, who helped her without seemingly having any connection with the Mu house, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the Princes' fight for the throne, is NOT just another jianghu person!

- The mystery man himself has fallen asleep, and Fei Liu, who's officially the sweetest boy ever, covers him with a blanket. ^_^ He notices someone coming... and it's Meng Zhi! Goes to show these two are almost equal in martial arts if one notices the other coming. Ooh, their rivalry is adorable!!

- Meng Zhi wants to help xiao-Shu with any way he can, but MCS doesn't want Meng dage to risk himself, his reputation, or... his own plan. MZ (who, btw, important reveal, was in the Chiyan army for just one year) declares his utmost loyalty & trust to xiao-Shu & the Lin family. MZ asks if anyone else survived, and the answer, only MCS and someone named WEI ZHENG. Out of 70,000 people!! You can understand why our protagonist is so pissed, and so keen on revenge!

- 12 years ago, “70,000 Chiyan warriors, nearly all died. Meng dage, when the time is right, I'll tell you all the details.”

- MZ asks again what he can do, we don't get an answer on screen, but MCS's expression revealed he did agree to give him something to do.

- The two heroic youths may compete in the arena fights for the Princess's hand themselves? Anyway, I love Yujin and his comments on the 2 princes coming as early as possible to suck people up. :D Jingrui doesn't like his little brother (Xie Bi) immersing himself on politics so much (in fact, he seems to dislike politics himself in general, and who can blame him?).

- Both the two youths are doing marvellously in the fights, Yan Yujin especially feels exceptionally proud of himself. (Did I mention I love him? He always makes me smile.)

- Another warrior shows great moves, though as Mu Qing comments, “His martial arts are good, but his looks aren't great.” :D (It's funny 'cause personally I find Mu Qing himself even uglier than him, I guess there's a bias against facial hair in this world, lol.)

- Jingrui comments that there's just 1 day left to the tournament, both him & Yujin are in the top 10, though Yujin may fail in the written examinations afterwards. :D

- Dirty old man is with his Noble Consort, who advocates for the Crown Prince's rights with her... hands and mouth. CP is of course concerned with the contest for the Princess's hand, and suggested a bright young man (his man obviously), SIMA LEI from the ROYAL GUARD, to be brought forward, without regards to his written examination results. (Non) surprisingly, the Empress had the same idea, for some other man (a Prince Yu's man), some LIAO TINGJIE, MARQUIS OF ZHONGSU.

- Dirty old man has taken precautions, and he declared that he found someone else to look at the papers for the written examination. Someone the Princess herself has suggested. A man with no position, a man of the jianghu...

- Mei Changsu – who is obviously the man the Emperor meant – looks surprised that he was chosen for that job. Note that the one who's first informing MCS of the fact is Xie Bi, who as we've seen works for Prince Yu. He claims that the Emperor probably got the idea to give MCS the job from Prince Yu – a blatant lie that MCS doesn't seem to believe.


I've been enjoying reading everyone's recaps, it's so interesting to see how different people focus/ pick up on different things, plus some of the humour you all throw in now and then really make me smile. Thanks everyone for sharing, and I'm looking forward to more of @Estelll's remaining recaps.

I'm sorry if I keep butting in even though I'm not really part of the group watch, please let me know if I'm being too intrusive here and I'll refrain but in the meantime, I thought I'd share another couple of things for those who are interested.

And indeed MZ admits that he has changed far beyond recognition – due to his illness, as he had written in his letters – so completely beyond what he imagined he would have, with no traces of his past self. ...Yet that day at the Marquis of Ning's house, MZ recognized MCS in one glance!

and @YuWei Meng's question: 

"Commander Meng is on the Lin family's side. But there is one thing I am really confused about. Commander Meng said, although he wasn't in the Chiyan Army for a long period of time, he recognized Mei Chang Su as Lin Shu with one glance. That means they were super duper good friends right?"

I'm not sure if this will help but here are my 2 cents:

- The first time Commander General Meng met Lin Shu was in Ep02 when he visited Marquis Xie Yu's house. He fought briefly with Fei Liu and observed the young bodyguard's outstanding martial arts and that not many people can have such an outstanding bodyguard. That was hint #1. 

- The next time they met was in Ep03 at the Palace grounds during Princess Nihuang's suitor competition. Commander General Meng mentioned exchanging several letters and asking Lin Shu not to come back to the Capital. Commander General Meng also mentioned that Lin Shu told him about his change in appearance from illness in his letters. This is hint #2.

- So, putting these bits of information together, we can infer that Commander General Meng was already corresponding with Lin Shu for quite a while i.e. several years. So, he already knows that Lin Shu is Mei Changsu of the biggest pugilist sect (the Jiangzou Alliance) during their period of correspondence.

- It was also public knowledge that Mei Changsu had little to no martial ability despite being the head of the largest pugilist sect (this was mentioned in Ep01 by various personnel) so it is entirely fitting that he would have an exceptional bodyguard by his side. The fact that Marquis Xie Yu and Princess Nihuang immediately put two-and-two together (i.e. Su Zhe = Mei Changsu from hint #1) shows that this is an entirely valid and normal inference.

- So, Commander General Meng already knew that:-
a) Lin Shu's appearance would be vastly different from his old self, and
b) Lin Shu is also Mei Changsu, therefore
c) exceptional bodyguard = Mei Changsu => therefore must be Lin Shu.

They set up a meeting point at a place called Snow cottage, and discussion ends there.

'Snow Cottage' is actually the name of the residence Mei Changsu is currently residing in at Marquis Xie Yu's compound. It's probably a guest/ side courtyard which are often given names like 'Fragrance Court' or 'Bamboo Manor' or some beautiful sounding name, haha. 

Finally, just wanted to add that Mei Changsu mentioned that out of those in the Chiyan Army who survived the Meiling Massacre, Commander General Meng only knows Wei Zheng. It's a subtle hint that there are actually more survivors out there, but they are likely lower level lieutenants or officers who are not as recognisable or visible as Wei Zheng or Lin Shu.

PS: I find it interesting how Nihuang is already so curious and trusting of Mei Changsu (without actually knowing his true identity as Lin Shu) that she even recommended to the Emperor for Mei Changsu to oversee the written examination for her suitors. She knows next to nothing about him except that he helped her out of a military pickle in the past and that he was also bold enough to hold her hand in front of the Grand Empress Dowager. 

PPS: I love Yan Yujin too! He's like your little spark of carefree, cheerful and cheeky sunshine in this often rather serious and weighty show. He and Mu Qing make quite a precocious and unrestrained pair.

Wait a minute, are you an intruder?? I thought you were in the group LOL. You are free to post and stay of course. ;) 

When we thought the master plan was to bring the kid out of the palace, there was even a bigger plan than that to protect the princess from unfavourable suitors. Didnt expect that BaiLi Qi would be from Su Zhe's side. That was the best moment of this week's episodes for me.

Me: Time to post thoughts on episode 5&6.
Also me: I refuse to post any thought except HOW DARE THEY EXCLUDE MY FAVORITE BOI FEI LIU FROM THESE 2 EPISODES!

But okay, I'm now on episode 18 and Fei Liu hasn't been missing on any episode after 6, so I am appeased.

1. It's the battle day between the kids and Teddy Bear. People are still arriving, and already our ML made a slip-up that shows he knows Nihuang more than he should. I wonder if this is a real slip-up or intentional, tho. I mean, how else could he prevent Nihuang from marrying someone else?

Oopsie... sorry, not sorry.

2. He is saved from having to answer by the arrival of the boys. Yujin (I'm also starting to like this funny guy) cheerfully approaches them, but is scolded by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing the matchmaker brother.

And Yujin's reaction is PRICELESS.

3. And so the battle begins. I'm still struck speechless by what 5 days training with my monkey (read: missing) boy Fei Liu can achieve.

Monkey boys battle formation. READY!

4. Monkey trainees won! But did they really? Apparently there's a reason why our ML was more interested in cakes than the battle. 

To (ch)eat or not to (ch)eat... that's the question.

Another didn't-see-that-one-coming-moment: Teddy Bear is part of the Alliance! Our ML has prepared his man (read: bear) beforehand.

5. Long story short: our ML's plan to free Orphan Boy is a success.

If only you knew, you old fool!

6. Then comes the part that makes me REALLY mad. Consort Yue's rape plan! I don't understand why Nihuang drank the wine even after hesitating? She should have pulled a clumsy act, drop the cup on her lap and use it as an excuse to go home to change her clothes!

Ladies, this is what you'll get from being reckless and stupid!

7. How to be a Crooked Emperor 101: 

  • if a rape plan fails, a Crooked Emperor is "forced" to give a lighter sentence.
  • if someone saves a rape victim but threatens the culprit, a Crooked Emperor "has" to give the reward to someone who does nothing but talk. 

8. With the unsatisfying outcome, no wonder our righteous Prince Jing thought he's been had by our ML. Sorry Pretty Prince, this time the scheming wasn't for you. It was to save Former Fiancée! 

9. And our ML makes it clear he is prepared to do everything for his plan. I think you'll get desperate if you know you don't have much time left to live. 

10. Luckily, after some heavy stuff, we get some relief by the reappearance of Funny Boy Yujin. Not only does he have the cutest expressions, he's also a great friend who can cheer up the gloomy Jingrui. I love seeing their friendship.

Final thoughts: 

  • I think it's too easy that Nihuang can just defy the Emperor's wish to marry, especially after such a major public event.
  • Teddy Bear can be seen as a clever scheming, or as a mere plot device, pull-a-bunny-out-of-a-hat cheap trick. I still can't decide.
  • How our ML's scheming is both meticulous and impressive is better shown in how he came up with plans to save Nihuang and Prince Jing, while deluding Prince Yu that ML is on his side.
  • Nihuang has proved she can scheme, too (and therefore worthy to be at our ML side). It's great to see their synergy (which I think happened without preplanning) in fooling the Emperor to release TingSheng.

I also missed Fei Liu these last 2 episodes. :(

Episode 5:

1. We finally have the anticipated match between Bear Guy and the three kids.  Poor Bear Guy, everyone keeps calling him names and making fun of him.

He's like look at these cute little munchkins.
The three musketeers.

2.  The kids win the match.  Nihuang gets custody of the kids. Fei Liu loses his playmates? :(  Nihuang is still not convinced he could be defeated that easily.  MCS makes a confession.

You would think MCS would be too noble to cheat! But nope cheating is fair game when it comes to  fulfilling his plans and getting what he wants.

3. And finally, the other moment we were worried about.  The princess finally receives an invitation to the palace.

4. I thought we had another orange sighting, but it turns out it's pomelo.  Look at the size of that fruit! I'm still counting it since it's still a citrus fruit.  Orange/Citrus count: 2

5.  Princess Nihuang successfully avoids Empress's invitation to go somewhere else (Zhenyang Palace?), but ends up having to go to Crown Prince's mom's palace instead in order to do so.  I will be calling her Black Witch, since she is wearing black in this episode.

 We're just home town buddies. I'm totally not offering you a poisonous apple.  I'm innocent. See? Drink up.

6.  Princess Nihuang trying to escape was the most nerve wracking scene this episode.  Luckily, Prince Jing, General Meng, and Empress were able to come to the rescue. (Damn, quick thinking on MCS's part). Princess Nihuang is shook and pissed. She demands justice!

7.  The witch keeps denying the accusations and pleading innocence despite all the witnesses! Finally, the last witness General Meng shows up saying he captured Sima Lei (the guy who Witch set up to rape Nihuang).  There's no way the witch is getting out of this one.

Bye, Felicia.

Episode 6:

1.  And so the witch is stripped of her noble title and has become some low level concubine.  She's basically put under house arrest indefinitely.  CP is also under house arrest for 3 months and  things look really bad for him even though he hasn't lost his crown prince position.

2. Luckily, Unfavored Prince avoids punishment because Sideburn Prince literally takes all the credit.  This is all part of MCS's plan and there are multiple benefits to this.

  1. Prince Jing (unfavored prince) gets saved from punishment.
  2. Prince Yu (sideburn prince) thinks he has won over House of Mu (Princess Nihuang's) favor.
  3. Prince Yu thinks MCS is leaning toward his side.
  4. Prince Yu gets rewarded even more.  This means that Crown Prince will most likely go after Prince Yu instead of Prince Jing for foiling his plans, especially because Princess Nihuang is thanking Prince Yu in such an extra manner even though she knows the real person who saved her is really Prince Jing.

3.  The Empress and Prince Yu rejoice.  It will only be a matter of time until CP loses his position. Prince Yu thinks MCS is on his side now.

4. Things are about to heat up...or get real cold. (I'm resisting the urge throw in some GoT references).

5.  Prince Jing visits MCS.  He realizes what he's gained by saving Princess Nihuang.

6.  They lay down some ground rules.

  1.  Warriors of bloody battle fields (like Princess Nihuang) cannot be used as a chess piece.
  2.  Good people who are free of any conspiracies should not be used.

MCS says it's a ruthless world out there.  The people who should be used will be used, but he will ensure these people do not get harmed.

7.  I almost forgot about the Duke Qing incident.  It seems that Xia Dong (FBI Lady) has discovered something regarding this incident and it can be tied back to Prince Yu (sideburn prince) and the Marquis.  Marquis is more tight with his son in law than he is with his two sons. xD  He (or is it Prince Yu?) hatches  a plan to prevent FBI lady from returning to the capital with her investigation results.

8. Jing Rui is so pure! We have this scene here where he is talking to his friend Yujin, who says even though they are of noble birth and MCS is technically a commoner, they are not worthy to be his real friends.  To which Jing Rui responds, "Must the relations between people be so cold and placed on a scale?"

9.  And lastly, the FBI Lady shows up injured and is being followed.  She seeks help from these two dorks since she can't take them all on my herself.  She is such a badass.  Gotta love her.

@Misunderst0_od I really enjoy your post and the comments on the images!

Because you're counting, I've been noticing the citrus fruit also, and yes.. they're in many, many scenes.


I guess we can't quote a pic here. I was SO surprised to see your version of translation about "that slut Yu". I watched NIF on Youtube and their translation is very polite: "It's quite satisfying to watch Yu's great downfall".  Your version seems more satisfying to watch. LOL.

Also a great observation about Su behind the curtain! I never notice that kind of details since I'm too busy following the sub and the story at the same time.

9.  And lastly, the FBI Lady showed up injured and being followed.  She seeks help from these two dorks since she can't take them all on my herself.  She is such a badass.  Gotta love her.

I also felt her transition from being injured to being able to fight quite jarring. I'm still not sure if she pretended to be wounded in the beginning to fool the assassins (and also when she pretended to be dead), or if she was really badly wounded, but because of some bad screenwriting and directing, she could miraculously fight again.

 Vya van Velaris:
Also a great observation about Su behind the curtain! I never noticed that kind of details since I'm too busy following the sub and the story at the same time.

You should focus on visuals too, because NiF is full of it! 


You should focus on visuals too, because NiF is full of it! 

I'm trying, but it's hard enough to follow the story and read the subs. It's different with English movies because I understand a lot from hearing, too. That's why I thought I better learn Chinese, but that only gets me even more distracted, coz now I'm trying to understand what they're saying or read the characters behind the English sub lol.

 Vya van Velaris:

I'm trying, but it's hard enough to follow the story and read the subs. It's different with English movies because I understand a lot from hearing, too. That's why I thought I better learn Chinese, but that only gets me even more distracted, coz now I'm trying to understand what they're saying or read the characters behind the English sub lol.

I switched from English subs to my own language cause I can read faster and process the story better. This drama destroyed my self esteem in languages, apparently my English is not that strong. xD


I switched from English subs to my own language cause I can read faster and process the story better. This drama destroyed my self esteem in languages, apparently my English is not that strong. xD

God, but the amount of text we need to read! And some subbers just don't give enough time for the text. I keep rewinding and rewinding lol.

 Vya van Velaris:

God, but the amount of text we need to read! And some subbers just don't give enough time for the text. I keep rewinding and rewinding lol.

Yes, I am watching it on viki and subs are fast considering the amount of dialogues.