Last NON Asian Movie you watched?

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'Battleship' (2012)
Bringing Up Baby (1938) [comedy movie] :D
Batman Begins
the avengers!!.. so good!
Maundy Thursday...whatever possessed me to watch this movie just before going to bed....*sigh*
A SUMMER IN GENOA. A good movie. The opening sequence had Chopin's Tristesse playing in the background & that reminded me of AUTUMN TALE.
Blood and Chocolate It was good, but it was nothing like the book. They changed everything. The only thing that was the same was: werewolves Seriously, that it. I'm going to treat it as separate from Annette Curtis Klause's awesome book. According to wikipedia, it's loosely based on the book. This makes me ok with it. If only BBF had had the same sense to say that. :p
PandaBearTrio wrote: Wicked.

Jealous :p