Here is a Goblin quiz for fun :D
I will translate the questions, so feel free to try it after reading through :) 
Q1) If someone comes and tells you "I will offer you immortal life", would you take it? O (Yes) X (No).
Q2) Who scares you more? 1- Goblin 2- Rim reaper.
Q3) Which one of the two do you think is a fateful encounter? 1- A passer by whom you connect with. 2- Someone you fall in love with at first sight.
Q4) So does this mean that you believe in fate? O (Yes) X (No).
Q5) What feeling do you get from looking at this picture? 1- loneliness. 2- Dreamlike/Dreamy atmosphere.

My "ideal type" according to the results is the sexy Rim Reaper! (although not what my heart desired but I'm still honored) Let's see if someone is lucky enough to get the Goblin! Haha
Hope you enjoyed it ^-^/
With love, Gong Yooholic :D
haha noo I didn't get the one I wanted eather. it tells me that my ideal type is the one with good sense, who knows the heart of a woman just by looking at her expression, which is Yoo Deok Hwa xD
Thank you so much for translating this! It was so cute~ I got Gong Yoo yay!
It tells me that visuals from the sky snatch my heart and how 'daddy long legs' type of guy is a perfect match for me haha
As long as it's Gong Yoo I'm good ^^
I got the Goblin... and a friendly reminder that he's over 900 years old hehe
I got Sungjae's character :D

I was so surprised when he popped into the frame of this drama actually hahaha i had noticed that Lee Dong Wook& Yoo In Na were playing in it but somehow didn't check further. I love him (and the drama!) a lot so far :3
Thanks for the translation! :D

I got Yoo Deok Hwa (played by Yook Sung Jae)
Hmmm.... not what I was hoping for.  I would have liked to get the Grim Reaper. :P
I got the Goblin!!!
Thanks for translating the quiz!! :)
I got the grim reaper ???????????? oh how I wanted goblin!
Thank you Marooya for the translation 
i got Goblin ^^
I got the Grim Reaper :D
I got goblin wOOOHOO
got Grim Reaper, its ok as long as i get Goblin or Grim Reaper