[ This fanfic short piece is for fans looking for the “missing kiss.” ] 

[Episode 44- at 17 minute mark with the forehead kiss. I inserted a lips-kiss into this scene.  ]


Changge looked at Ah Sun. This handsome man who vowed to protect her with his life. 

Never before had she ever wanted to spend the rest of her life with another person, let alone a man, and once  an enemy. But now she knew. In fact, she  had known, just wasn’t ready to fully admit it. At this very moment, with her tender heart, she realized the warrior in front of her was the one.  The man who she would love for eternity.

Strong emotion overwhelmed her, wanting to burst through her chest. It was so powerful she could hardly contain the feelings. The urge to feel his touch was unbearable. She had never felt like this before and she didn’t quite understand why.

Ah Sun cleaned her wound and treated it with medicated powder. Sitting on the bed by her side , he took great care bandaging the cut on her shoulder.  

She turned her head and looked at the hands tying a final knot of the gauze strip.  Masculine hands that had wielded swords in countless battles, strong and deadly, yet so very beautiful, magically turned gentle in dressing her wound. The medicine numbing effect  started to work.

Resting back against the bed frame, she raised her doe eyes to Ah Sun, and found him looking straight into hers. His pupils were dilated and the irises the color of dark honey, holding her in a trance. After a long pause, his gaze lowered to her lips, settled there for several  beats, and returned to her bright eyes. 

Slowly raising his left hand, Ah Sun reached out to tuck a few unruly strands of hair behind her shapely ear, then gently ran the back of his fingers down her jawline.  He cupped her face and leaned forward. His lips touched her forehead, ever so affectionately.

He leaned back a fraction, his deep eyes looking down into hers, seeking for permission. 

Changge’s heart began to pound loudly, blood rushing all over her body.  She lifted  her face, gazing boldly back at him, then gave a subtle nod.

Ah Sun lowered his head and his lips touched the corner of her mouth.  He kissed her soft lips with exquisite gentleness. They were so sweet he could do this forever.  He had wanted to kiss her a long time ago, but he didn't want to rush her until she was ready.   After what had happened at the house in the outskirts tonight, he couldn't hold back anymore. He almost lost her.  The kiss was so much more than he expected, hot flames spreading throughout his body. 

Changge wasn’t sure what to do but followed his lead and kissed him back. The pressure of his mouth increased, his tongue tracing the contour of her lips coaxingly, persuasively.  Her body reacted with fire coursing up her spine. Her breathing quickened and she heard herself whimpering. Surprisingly, she didn’t want to stop.

Ah Sun kissed her one last time and pulled back, wanting to make sure he wasn’t rushing her into the act. She was injured after all. He perused her flushed face, eyes hazy and lips still red and puffy from the kiss.  So innocent, yet so seductive at the same time. He called forth all his inner strength to control himself. 

His woman. This smart and capable female warrior.  He would willingly give up everything and spend this lifetime roaming the world with her.  He loved her. Heart and soul.

What a beautiful piece!!! Your writing skills are really good, if they told this piece was writing by a professional writer I'd believe without doubt. I love how you get into LCG's head. She is a very reserved female character, when it comes to her emotions, she feels very deeply but keeps her heart at bay due to her past experience. Here, at that moment in time, this is what I imagine her feeling for AS.

And his feelings for her were just as strong, if not stronger. Sure, he fell first, but he kept falling deeper and deeper as he got to know her more and more, and finally when she let down her barriers, maybe when he was shot by the arrow, they finally met equally, loving each other body and soul.

I'd been desperate trying to find some fanfic for this couple. There are a few works in AO3 but they are about the manhua, published years ago, and nothing in whatpadd. Hopefully more people will follow your lead and we'll create a small fanfic community for these two. They totally deserve it!!!

Fantastic read, wish this scene was real. 

thank you so much <3 for this....... you are such an excellent writer .. May I request the kiss scene from episode 40 too? >.<