Some like authentic, unique, and fresh dialogue. i take pulp fiction for reference or below than that. If can, please see my List for making recommendation

Some movies that I think might fit with your criteria:

  • No.3. Most of its characters are pseudo-intelectuall gangsters who like to talk big but don't necessarily understand what they're talking about half of the time. Also featuring a ridiculous poet-wannabe called Rimbaud.
  • Guns and Talk. Another movie with philosophizing criminals--guns for hire, in this case--one of which is having an existential crisis (if I remember correctly).
@IzzyDramaLover i'm not sure since i watched few of them and think their dialogue isn't something special. like Doctors, Man from nowhere and TTB
@kura2ninja thanks a lot. Any romance genre with kind of stuff? and are you Indonesian?
@8man: None that I can think of. If you're looking for snappy, unique dialogue in romance dramas, I think you'd get a better chance of finding them in Japanese rather than in Korean dramas. And yes, I am Indonesian.