Usually it's rich guy/poor girl. Any where it's the other way around? I'll take all the drama I can as long as it's a happy ending. Love triangles are a bonus. Mainly if the SML is going after the FL and he is also rich. Any where it plays up the class differences? Like the SML thinks he's better for the FL instead of the ML because he's rich as well. Maybe she likes the SML at first, but falls for the ML in the end.

Lovers in Prague - ML is an average (so not really poor) detective while FL is a diplomat who is the president's daughter. SML is from a chaebol famiky who is the first love of FL, that comes back in her life when she meet ML. He doesnt play the I-am-rich card, but he does think he is the one for the girl because of their history. This is one of my fave dramas ever. 

Breathless - just watched this old drama yesteday and i loved it. ML is dirt poor who has no college degree and tends to get booted out of his living place because of rent, while FL is from a well to do family with a father who is professor (so not really chaebol level but still way above his level). There is a a male character (though not really SML) who likes the FL, he grew up with the FL and is now a doctor. He and her parents doesnt think that the ML deserves the FL.

Stars Lover - FL is a hallyu star while ML is just working his way to being a professor in a university. But even if he has a college degree, money still is hard to comeby because of he has to support his sister as well as finance her in her weak type body or some disease she has. L and FL  meet when he agrees to be her ghost writer, and despite him abhoring the Fakeness of ghostwriting, he needed the money so he accepts the job. SML is her childhood friend though they never really had any relationship in the past. Her first love does make an appearance to mess with their very fragile relationship. The star power of the girl as well as the money that he doesnt have,  is deterent for all things in their relationship

That Fool - another hallyu star-average man story like Stars Lover, though in this one they enter in a fake marriage to protect her career and to hide that she is really in a relationship with a rich guy who is the SML.

Mr.Duke - FL is a chaebol heiress who is kinda forced to get married, but she is an idealistic type of girl and wants to fall in love first before marriage, to to deter her family into the arranged marriage she offers a job to the ML who is a water delivery guy to act and play a her BF. They make him act as a rich heir of somekind. SML is an executive of somekind though he doesnt really have any love connection with girl, he just wants to take over her fathers business. Because he thinks he is better than anyone else.

Ugly alert - this is probably the best rich girl-poor guy story. The FL actually hides being a heiress to the chaebol family and just is introduced as a hard working self made woman. The ML is orphaned at a young age and had to raise his 3 younger siblings before he goes to jail. ML meets FL when is released for good behavior and he works under her. SML is one sick jerk wjo just wants the girl for personal gain in the company, though he is from a a rich family also. He definitely thinks he is way better for the FL.

others to check out with Rich girl-poor guy plot: I am bliss, please take care of Ahgasshi, I am Sam, innocent man, that winter the wind blows, snow queen, angel eyes, golden time, green rose, cloud stair, yongpal

If you're willing to check out jdramas, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi fits exactly what you're looking for! Spoiled rich girl falls in love with poor bad boy + a minor love triangle + a happy ending <3

My fair lady 

Mr Duke

Do you mind secondary couples and longer dramas? I usually find the dramas I watch with that type of couples (minus the love triangle) in longer dramas. 

*I am always looking for this type of plot too Rich girl Poor Guy. 

  • Tatta Hitotsu no Koi
  • That Fool
  • Phonenix
  • Green Rose 
  • Endless Love 
  • Boku to Star no 99 Nichi
  • High Society

Are you that member from baka manga I'm looking for?

Celeb to binbo taro.

Hello, my people if you're willing to help the MDL community find tropes that they want to see then add tags to dramas. If you feel like the dramas you mentioned here really do fit under the "Rich Woman/Poor Man" tag, then please add it on, Thank you! ^-^

Innocent man 

Is about a poor man that to get revenger against his ex he start dating his ex's daughter-in-law. The rich girl(daugther-in-law) will eventually discover the true. 

But he will real falls in love with the rich girl.

I just finished « Encounter » and it fits that bill completely.  Enjoy!

-The Innocent Man

-The Princess's Man

-Dream High

-High Society

-Beauty inside

-Hogoo's love

-Fool love

  • Naked Fireman | He's an orphan, she's rich.
  • Gu Family Book | Fantasy/Period drama. ML is an orphan, she's the daughter of the master of a martial arts school.

Korean drama - All about the mom. FL's youngest brother and his lover who eventually marries him against her father.