Personally, I could never sit down and watch a dubbed over drama. I even have trouble sitting through cdramas because of the dubbing. I much rather hear the original actors do their thing. However, my sister has recently wanted to try Asian dramas, but she has a reading disability and is very slow at reading because of it. She can't keep up with subtitles unless she pauses the video after most sentences, which is very frustrating for her, so she's only seen one or two dramas to date.

I know Netflix has dubbed a few dramas here and there, even if it's not a significant amount, and a lot of the best dramas out there will probably never see an English dub, but if anyone knows of any decent dramas that have dubs that I could recommend to her, I'd love to hear them!

I know that Nirvana in Fire has English dubbed version on Viki but I didn't watch that, so have no idea how good that is. Alternatively, watch it on Youtube. I'm not sure if both are the same version though.  The channel has other C-dramas dubbed in English too, so you can have a look at it.

Thanks, I'll be sure to look into that!

I'm with you on the dubbing of the C-dramas.  I tried to watch a drama that had English dubbing (sorry, I can't remember what it was), but the voice acting was SO BAD I couldn't finish it.  I'd love to hear if you find something that you watch and it ends up being good.

I've included dramas that I know are popular or have been popular in the past, so they should be quite decent. 

Kdramas on Netflix (at least that's available in my region) that I know of:

Cdramas on Youtube (you can also try checking out the channels for more):

I have heard that Netflix released an English dub version for Alchemy Of Souls.

The availability of English dubbed dramas probably varies with regions.