Stuffed Cat:

What gets me is, unless I'm seriously missing something, this should be SO easy to implement.

Whilst MDL is a fabulous database for the drama output of a large chunk of the Asian countries, the number of comments every single entry and article gets shows that the ability to comment is nearly as important as the data itself.

If it really, really, is that hard to do, why not just use Disqus for comments instead?

"If it really really is that hard to do, why not just use Disqus for comments instead?" I'm going to move this comment forward because I think it's a great idea! It's easier to hide spoilers using that comment platform as well.

I can't believe they haven't implemented this yet.

@ace: Aww, come on, don't rush them. I mean, it hasn't even been five years yet ... quite!

love this idea! hope it gets implemented.

Please can we get this? Always found it weird that there's a comment count but no comment history. Even if we only get a record of all comments we make from the moment the feature is rolled out, I'll still be happy with that

Thanks for the reminder, @HolyAvocado0o. I know I'm a few days early, but thought I should stop by to wish this request a very happy FIFTH birthday. I'm sure it must be nearing the top of the pile of things to at least get responded, if not actually actioned, very soon now.

Happy 5th anniversary yall