For the past two to three days, I have been unable to access the MDL website. Initially, I assumed the site was under maintenance, but today I discovered a message in my inbox dated yesterday, indicating that others could access it. If others could access the site yesterday, why couldn't I? I should note that all other websites have been loading fine on my system, except for MDL. This isn't the first time I've encountered this issue; it also happened a month or two ago. 

has anyone ever faced this?

Aoi Community Manager

We can see some hiccups here and there, but no downtime from what we can tell.

Despite trying different browsers such as Chrome, Edge and Firefox, as well as different systems including two mobile devices and two laptops, I had problems accessing the site. Despite these efforts, MDL remained inaccessible to me. even i changes the network but it didn't work.

Aoi Community Manager

That's interesting but it could be DNS-related.