
If you have a lot of threads, I can resubscribe all for you.

I just have a few, thank goodness. 

I have one notification for the BL Drama Club thread  but there are 16 new posts! 

Aoi Community Manager
 American Fan:

I just have a few, thank goodness. 

I have one notification for the BL Drama Club thread  but there are 16 new posts! 

That is correct. The notification will only notify you once. It will not update or notify you about the other 15 posts. Since you haven't seen the first notification, there is no reason to notify you 15 more times. This will help us keep costs down and prevent email spam.

I don't receive any notifications either. I have tried to unsubscribe several times, but in the end it still doesn't work..

hello, me too. i have not receved notifications and I have to open all the discussions for knows.

Same. I'm not getting any either. I received a notifcation or two after resubscribing to the forum game I follow, but I have already looked at the notification and there have already been 10-20 replies posted on the forum after I opened the notification and not recieved one since the one I opened.

Therefore, I have to check the game myself to see if anyone replied.

Not too sure about my other subscribed forums though as they are not nearly as active as the one I mentioned above.

me too! once in two, I dont receive ans I have to open all the subjects....


That is correct. The notification will only notify you once. It will not update or notify you about the other 15 posts. Since you haven't seen the first notification, there is no reason to notify you 15 more times. This will help us keep costs down and prevent email spam.

Thanks, that's good to know! I understand why. :-) I just got my first 2 notifications today since my last post here. 

It's been almost 2 hours since someone commented, after me there  no notification for that thread.And I have resubscribed to it and still this happened.

That is correct. The notification will only notify you once. It will not update or notify you about the other 15 posts. Since you haven't seen the first notification, there is no reason to notify you 15 more times. This will help us keep costs down and prevent email spam.

understood thanks


Same. I'm not getting any either. I received a notifcation or two after resubscribing to the forum game I follow, but I have already looked at the notification and there have already been 10-20 replies posted on the forum after I opened the notification and not recieved one since the one I opened.

Therefore, I have to check the game myself to see if anyone replied.

Not too sure about my other subscribed forums though as they are not nearly as active as the one I mentioned above.

Seems like it might finally be working now, but only time will tell.

seems like i'm not getting notification for this thread also

I noticed there was another comment in this thread, but I didn't receive a notification for it

In threads that we log into daily, we are naturally alerted to any new posts. However, it's more challenging with threads we only check when there's an update.

It still doesn't work for me.

I haven't gotten any notifications for this thread.

Same here.