
Oh and if anyone needs a translated copy of peach blossoms just let me know the translator was nice enough to give me a copy after she took it down.

can i have one? please T_T [email protected] THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSS Love lots! :*

I will email it tomorrow I will be away from my computer for 24 hrs thanx for the patience!

@Jordan yes it will be great to watch donghua finally fall for feng jiu - he’s really weirdly funny about it. I hope they at least get that right.

@alon- luna ==right?

@kimberly amor I sent the file to the email you provided hope you like it I like pillow book more but its also a longernovel

Thank you so much dear. I'll read this while waiting for Pillow Book drama ????


@alon Luna I hope they adapt pillow book itself and sort of ignore the 3L3W Blossom plot  but I don't think they will.  I liked the drama plot, even if it was made up, but I would also like to see the novel fully adapted....

I'm also conflicted: I really liked the drama plot - the stakes felt much higher, but also really loved Dong Hua's attitude in the novel - he sees her for the "first" time, decides he wants her and lets nothing stand in the way of making that happen. I love when he says: "I've never feared Destiny, and I certainly don't need its charity". Whereas in the drama, he seems to accept that they can't be together. That's the biggest difference between the drama and the novel for me.

In terms of events that happened in the drama vs the novel, I don't think that they're that far off that they can't do a faithful adaptation. Jiheng can easily be added in with flashbacks to the time when Feng Jui was a maid in the palace. The setup for Aranya's dream could have taken place in the drama in the 300 years between when she left Taichen Palace and when she went to the Mortal Realm for him. 

The biggest obstacle to a faithful adaption, as I see it, is how to reconcile the leads attitudes in the drama vs the novel: at the end of the drama FJ is still hopeful about them having a relationship whereas at the start of the novel she has been so deeply hurt by DH that she's completely given up and refuses to entertain the possibility that he might be interested in her; similarly in the drama DH is hyper-aware of her throughout the drama, but keeps pushing her away, in the novel he only becomes aware of her at a much later stage and then actively pursues her. The former is easier to reconcile - they can just add in some flashbacks to her being hurt by things that DH has done (or not done), just like the novel does, to explain why she's given up. 

The latter is the trickier one. I'm interested to see how they'll handle it. Will they completely ignore the drama and start fresh or will they try to reconcile the two? Perhaps some amnesia potion or an accident to make DH forget FJ and only remember the red fox? Or perhaps FJ's fated husband from the drama will ignite DH's jealousy and spur him into action? 

I'm both looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time...


Oh and if anyone needs a translated copy of peach blossoms just let me know the translator was nice enough to give me a copy after she took it down.

Can you please send it to me?

Thanks a lot in advance. 

[email protected] 

@ Raven Girl--I sent it to the email you provided.  If you pass it please just give the translator, Hamster428, credit.



You make some really interesting--and valid--points (and I love that line). If I could pull out my favorite line...I would need to reread it and since I am watching two shows right now I can't. I can at least relate my favorite scenes: When FJ (Feng Jiu) loses her bracelet and has that embaraing scene, When FJ tries to get the fruit and once DH (Dong Hua) learns she is off to see Yan, he gets jealous and blackmails her in a funny way, When FJ confronts DH before they fall asleep in the dream, When DH learns he is 100% responsible for FJ recklessly trying to get the fruit, when they consummate, and when FJ learns of DH's deception.....oh and when they choose to die together.  That's a lot of faves!

I liked how in the novel FJ was VERY similar to the FJ in the show: she wore her heart on her sleeve and was very impudent and bold, trying her best, even if she knew in her heart that things would probably not end well, AND she always seemed to be in these embarassing situationis with Dijun like the novel.

BUT because the novel starts out with her no longer pursuing him, she can appear frightening but really isn't. And they are consistent in making her lean closer to emotions instead of logic, but she isn't stupid.  Her logic is clouded by her emotions.  Almost every major choice she makes in the novel and the show is influenced by her emotions. And she seems to be cursed to have bad luck, because she tries to go against fate and the advice of others.

DH, in the show, CLEARLY likes her.  I say this only because he is notorious for not showing an interest an anyone or anything. I think he initially kept her around because he hoped to learn more about Mo Yuan's disappearance (and this, I think, only because he is interested in either relieving his boredom or MAYBE saving the world I don't know) but he has a clear attachment to FJ because it takes him forever to finally dismiss her and even then he only does it because he realizes he has fallen for her.  He does the Bai Zi Hua thing (JOF) and wants to keep her close but can't because of the fated calamity that could happen....luckily for him FJ does not turn into a god of destruction.  

In the novel, he is clearly fascinated by her once he notices her, and unlike the show, is quite direct and ruthless in pursuing her. 

So that was my long winded perception.  It overlaps a lot with yours.  In terms of adapting...I honestly don't know.  But you made very valid points that I did not think of because I forgot how time flows.  You are very right.  A lot of time DID pass.  The biggest plot hole, to me, is the mortal world trial, which for me, should not have been included, and also Xize, who is like the Su Jin of this novel, is turned into a whiny brat but in the novel she is very poised and elegant and manipulative.  They made it seem like all the teenagers want Di Jun.  

But the way she looks at the end is how I think she is viewed in the novel's beginning.  It will be interesting.  Do you know how is directing it yet?  Is it the same guy?  I always thought Pillow Book was more romantic than Peach Blossoms because BQ had a lot of things to do other than being with Ye Hua (like resurrect Mo Yuan).   

Maybe they will take the mortal arc as the failed shadow ac? Remember how their shadows did not get together so a slim fate was created??  Would be interesting, and it would be nice to meet some of the other gods because the Demon Tribe is HUGE and I know that Mo Yuan is supposed to hook up with a demon goddess however I think Lion Song's book is next....

Sad that there's still no new news/update about the drama :( Been waiting everyday for an update but :( 

yea i have checked but the last update I can find is from Jan.  and the writer has so far not continued writing the stories for Mo Yuan and Lian Song....


Oh and if anyone needs a translated copy of peach blossoms just let me know the translator was nice enough to give me a copy after she took it down.

Can you please send it to me too??? :))))

[email protected]

Thanks in advance!!!

@ebonyandlace I just sent you the translation :D

can someone please translaaaaaaaaaaaaaate the books in english?? HUHUHUHHU