Hessa Volunteer Staff

Netflix original doesn’t mean Netflix has any say in the production and could westernize dramas.

1. Only a minority of the dramas are real Netflix originals such as Kingdom. This is the only can when Netflix could westernize things.

2. Also, production companies could film entire low budget dramas and then sell it to Netflix, and Netflix has no say in it, they only distribute it.

3. In this case, as this is actually a TV drama, Netflix is only investing in it to get the distribution rights, they cannot change or westernize it. Korean TV channels are the decision makers as they are the ones that okay the series and give it a time slot, without that the drama would not have been made for Netflix to allegedly “westernize” it. Also, Korean TV channels could change things if they dislike the production company’s scene, concept, etc, as they could get reprimanded by the Korea Communications Standards Commission and they are the most affected party if the drama flops, while Netflix wouldn’t.

I think what I find more interesting than the ratings, is how many companies I've seen the king/ new KGE or LMH ads for DESPITE it's big flop. LMH is a given I guess, but most of his new ads I've managed to see are related to TKEM.

The other day I saw either a mom's touch, or lotteria commercial that was related to the king.. but I can't see how such and ad would cause anything but eyerolls. Also none of my 20 something friends are watching the show, either. I'm just sticking it out to see how it ends, but I refuse to stay up late to watch it live on TV as it airs.

They managed to get back upto 8% for a single ep, but I can't see that lasting with how 12th ended. As it is I ended up skipping half of it, and missing nothing.

Just no. Netflix doesn't really care whether they are getting content from Indonesia, China, Taiwan or Korea, they have no real loyalties to Korea. And the truth is, more than half the world do not want to read subtitles. It's a hassle, the translation are sometimes off, and somethings like humor just does not translate well. Plus add to the fact that the PPL are usually restrictive to the countries market.

A quick internet search shows, 2M accounts in Korea for Netflix. In total Netflix has roughly 190M accounts globally. I think they ahve maybe 7M accounts in SEA. 

Doesn't make sense for them really to focus and invest so much on Korean Kdrama. I'm guessing the rights to these drama are not that expensive, that's why you see so many of them on Netflix. 

But, compare that to spanish shows, where Netflix spends the money to dub them. 

Once I see Kdrama beings dubbed in english or other languages, then I will know that Hallyu has reach that height already, but for now, it's not even the same vein as Bollywood, which probably has more viewers worldwide. 

yeah sure, we would all love to believe that everyone in the world watches Kdrama and are into Kpop, but it's really just some rabid fans who are super loyal. The main base for Kdrama and Kpop is still Korean fans in Korea.

The King Eternal Monarch is currently #15 streamed TV show on Netflix in 2020 per:


I agree with BAFati.  International ranking is important.  Also,  I watch Kdramas because they are not like the garbage the west spews out.  I think most kdrama watchers feel this way, so I am not worried about the west affecting Kdramas.  I hope Kdramas will affect the quality of the shows produced in the west ( especially the US and Mexico).  Raising our bar would be a good thing.

@Kiana Marie
Also,  I watch Kdramas because they are not like the garbage the west spews out.  

Same here. I'm tired of too much sex and violence in US-made shows. I like the wholesomeness of kdramas. That was why I was horrified when I watched Parasite; it felt like a Quentin Tarantino film.

Just because you like Kdrama, don't insult western shows lol. There are a lot of amazing western shows. 

You don't need to bash one thing to make another thing seem great.

Both have their place. Western shows are much better at researching technical aspects of show, like medical dramas, law dramas, and etc... 

Eastern shows are much better at showcasing strength of relationships.

After reading so much bashing against TKEM, KES, KGE, LMH, etc lately, one can't help contracting the bashing fever :)

R-rated shows made in the US don't hide their obscene content. In fact, their ads flaunt the obscenities. So I'm sure they won't mind being called as such.

I would love to say cultural differences, but GOT, which has loads of nudity, is pirated and streamed worldwide, includin China and Korea. 

So obviously even more conservative countries have a demand for these type of content. Maybe they don't want to produce dramas with oversexualized content, but the viewers certainly don't viewing them.

Sex sells, it just so happens most asian countries tend to have strict censorships that doesn't allow overt sexualism in media. 

Except maybe Japan....


@Kiana Marie
Also,  I watch Kdramas because they are not like the garbage the west spews out.  

Same here. I'm tired of too much sex and violence in US-made shows. I like the wholesomeness of kdramas. That was why I was horrified when I watched Parasite; it felt like a Quentin Tarantino film.

Exactly, I am so tired of the sex and violence.  I was thinking of watching Parasite.  Now I won’t.  Thanks for the heads up!

 Kiana Marie:

Exactly, I am so tired of the sex and violence.  I was thinking of watching Parasite.  Now I won’t.  Thanks for the heads up!

Korean movies are a bit the opposite of Korean dramas.
Often violence or twisted stuff. Take "Old Boy" for example. ^^
The first half of "Parasite" doesn't contain any violence, it's my favourite part of the film, a social satyr.


@Kiana Marie
Also,  I watch Kdramas because they are not like the garbage the west spews out.  

Same here. I'm tired of too much sex and violence in US-made shows. I like the wholesomeness of kdramas. That was why I was horrified when I watched Parasite; it felt like a Quentin Tarantino film.

Too many obscenities, trampled human values, and inability to convey emotions.
I also stopped watching western shows because it has gotten worse in recent years.
Some older American shows were much better by the way (24, BSG).
Sometimes there are good comedy shows (Angie Tribeca).
It's normal that there is more care for details, they have teams of writers, sometimes 6 or 7.
In Korea, there is a single writer, with one or two assistants.

@W two worlds Season 2

Too many obscenities, trampled human values, and inability to convey emotions.
I also stopped watching western shows because it has gotten worse in recent years.
Some older American shows were much better by the way (24, BSG).
Sometimes there are good comedy shows (Angie Tribeca). 

There are gems like The Crown, Wolf Hall, Chernobyl and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. But yeah, the amount of obscenities in western shows is appalling.