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==Project on Hiatus==

I'm just going to get straight to the point. I'm putting together a new version of this drama, for fans and new would-be watchers. This is a fan edit and I'm calling it the TLC Edit. TLC stands for Tender Loving Care,  I figured that would be an appropriate name because I'm attempting to give this drama all the love and attention it deserves. 

How this edit is different.

The TLC edit of The Legends is an attempt to combine the best of all versions. To even make this edit, I'm re-watching all the versions out there simultaneously, so I can make shot for shot comparisons in order to know what changes need to be made.  Working with the Blu-ray rip as a base, here's the type of corrections I'm making:

Scenes that played before the intro, will now play in the correct timeline sequence. I'm fixing small random flukes such as black screens, effect flaws, poor transitions and etc. I'm combing and leveling the audio so the sound is smooth and doesn't spike randomly.  I'm adjusting the coloring whenever it's necessary. The night filter issue is a beast of an issue but I'm doing my best with that too.  The list could go on and on but basically what I'm saying is, if I encounter something weird or off, I'm doing my best to patch it up. Also, I'm going to edit the last few episodes in the same manner I did my other ending edits in. So this TLC Edit will not conclude the same way the broadcast version did.

I should also mention subtitles. Because of the changes, episodes are inevitably going to have new runtime lengths and need new subtitles to correspond with them. I'm not fluent in Mandarin and cannot create new subs from scratch, but I took this opportunity to at least improve on the subs that do exist since I have to re-create the .srt file anyway. Like the videos, I'm drawing from four sources of existing subtitle files. I'm hoping that, at least in that way, I can get a good sense of the context for each line. From there I'm working the English so the dialogue sounds and reads naturally to an English speaker.  But, if you come across any mistakes in the spelling, grammar or interpretation, please feel free to let me know about them and I'll make corrections.

This is an ongoing project.

I wanted to wait until I had a fully completed drama before I even started posting but my sister convinced me it might be nice to start posting now. Because this edit is labour intensive and time-consuming, my rough estimate is that I won't have this fully completed for sometime. Because of that, I have to stress that the wait time in-between episode releases will be long. I'm tackling them one by one but not rushing. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of doing this. But if that doesn't bother you, here's what I have so far. 

Right to the good stuff.

To get the files, I've gone with two methods. You can either torrent them or download them. My Dropbox account is where I will store the files to do so.

This is the url to my Dropbox account, just take out the space.  --> http ://bit.ly/35jOUvL

I figured one link to everything would be easiest. Inside my Dropbox I have two folders. One folder contains torrents to the individual episodes, the other folder is for subtitles. The 2K torrent files include the episode and it's corresponding subtitle. The 1080p torrents are of the episode only. will seed all the torrents via my laptop 24/7. If I make changes to a subtitle file, like a spelling correction, don't bother torrenting again for the new .srt file, just simply download the updated .srt file from the sub folder. Because when I update an .srt file, this will effect the torrent too and I have to create a new one. So be sure you're grabbing and using the most recent torrent in my Dropbox and delete any older versions you may have downloaded; as I can't see why they would continue to work.

If you can't torrent, inside my Dropbox I've also included .txt file which will contain links to where you can download the episodes instead. The downside to the downloading method is that it may take longer and the links are vulnerable to perishing due to the volatile nature of file hosting sites. I'll try to keep the links fresh and include a few to choose from. These links are for the videos only so make sure you download the subtitles from my Dropbox folder.

Also included in my Dropbox is an extensive list of changes. This log details every difference I find and every change I'm making to each individual episode. I will update this .txt file as I release more episodes.  

Before you start.

This post is long enough but I have just a few more things to say. 

The episodes, as you download them, will very quickly take up space on your computer/device. I run these episodes though Handbrake to bring down the file sizes as much as I can, while preserving the high quality of the Blu-ray rip. The 2K version of these episodes are 2560 x 1094 and average in file size of about 1.5 to 2 GBs. Even though they're 2K, the quality very closely matches the original 4K, (I've done extensive testing) even when stretched out to 3840 x 1640. As for the 1080p version, I've made these with storage space in mind. These are 1920 x 820, with average file sizes of about 600-800 MB's. It's very decent quality and only shows signs otherwise during action or dark scenes. But, not every episode has a 1080p version yet, I will work on that periodically.  

Another thing. Episodes uploaded without a 1080p companion are actually older versions of the TLC edit. I've since found that there is more editing I would like to do with the earlier episodes and plan on going back to polish them up. Syncing is a real issue I failed to noticed, and the DVD's audio is consistently off by a few seconds. I will go back to fix this when I re-render the episodes again. But, in the meantime I can offer a Band-Aid fix. If you're watching on VLC player, you can use the J and K keys to delay or speed up the timing of the audio. I found it does the trick as a temporary solution.

Last but not least, my sister has been a great help getting this project off the ground and running. She's created a Pinterest page and a Instagram account for The Legends and will make updates on them regarding this edit. Here's a link to the page if you're interested. Pinterest Page | Instagram   

That's everything. Thanks again for waiting. I hope you enjoy. I will also update this post when necessary.

Enjoy!  :)     |     Episodes 1 - 35  released.   http ://bit.ly/35jOUvL

==Project on Hiatus==

You are awesome!!

The weird editing made me drop the show and I am so very excited to be able to watch it with your loving care version and I will wait forever if need to.

Thank you so much for the hard and absolutely amazing project!

 Lady Marguerite:

You are awesome!!

The weird editing made me drop the show and I am so very excited to be able to watch it with your loving care version and I will wait forever if need to.

Thank you so much for the hard and absolutely amazing project!

You're more than welcome. I saw your sad post and thought now might be a good time to start releasing them. I'm very aware how confusing it can be to watch. And when something is confusing, you don't engage. I didn't want that to be the fate of this drama. I'm glad to hear you'll give it another shot! :)

Thank you so much for all your effort!!!!

You're so amazing!  I've shared your edits with my friends


You're so amazing!  I've shared your edits with my friends

Lol, not problem. :) I got you're message in my inbox too but I have no option to reply to those.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

I'm really lucky to have found your edits for the later episodes when I just finished watching the drama... And I was blown away =)

If you need any help with translating any of the new subtitles, can feel free to call on me.


I'm really lucky to have found your edits for the later episodes when I just finished watching the drama... And I was blown away =)

If you need any help with translating any of the new subtitles, can feel free to call on me.

Wow, thank you for that offer. I will keep that in mind. I'm sure there will come a point where I'm going to need it.

In fact, if you decide to watch the new episodes I'm putting out and find at any point where I misinterpreted what a character was saying, or totally missed a Chinese nuance,  I would greatly appreciate further insight. I want to get these English subs right. Even though I don't have to build the ground work since It's been done four times already, when I'm only drawing only from other interpretations, it's possible I'm losing meaning when I can't read the native language.  I'm trying to tighten the subtitles so they read nicely but I never want to lose meaning. 

Thank you, again. :)

Wow! That's wonderful and nice of you! Now, I'm excited to watch your edit version of this drama. 

i really appreciate you doing this & i can tell this is a huge labour of love!!! thank you so much for your hard work, great quality & even the notes detailing of your editing and the changes. <3333


i really appreciate you doing this & i can tell this is a huge labour of love!!! thank you so much for your hard work, great quality & even the notes detailing of your editing and the changes. <3333

I'm tickled to hear that. Thank you.  I am pouring a lot of love into this project, It warms my heart to know that that fact shines through. :) I appreciate every response dropped on this thread.

 I hope you enjoy the episodes to come.

New episodes! Nice! :)


New episodes! Nice! :)

Enjoy. :)