Ending Spoilers ahead…

For those who need closure after the cliffhanger ending, you can click the links below for the English translation of the novel ending, followed by a few chapters of epilogue where Ning Yi n FZW lived happily ever after. In the novel after FZW jumped off the cliff Ning Yi and Gu Nanyi couldn’t find her. They finally came to the conclusion FZW didn’t want to be found so Gu Nanyi pretended to kill Ning Yi who was the emperor then. FZW came to view his coffin n they both went off together - Ning Yi abdicated and left the throne to his youngest brother. Another major deviation from the tv series is Ning Yi became almost blind in Min Hai after being attacked by a poisonous animal and that affected his life description in the novel ending.

Summary of TROP novel ending :


A few chapters of epilogue after the novel . The epilogue sounds like a totally different story because Ning Yi  and FZW lived harmoniously and without the earlier misunderstandings




credits to ninjareflection 

Can u pls share the link ?