Hi K

The Ep 21 & 22 is on youku no English subs.

Which Ep do you need to re-watch?  Ep 20? It just ended at the part where Song brother pointed to FL and said he wanted her. 

Yes Ep 11 ? he was angry because she drew another man. She said something about she’s not the only one who thinks(I have forgotten)  so he said ‘ you have accomplice?’ He kissed her then told her if she can put that in her picture book, something like that. The physician wasn’t happy that she drew him coz he wants to marry Ning Xin. 

Crazy cousin pushed FL into the water. Anything’s that’s no good she’s got a hand in it. 

Boba tea is nice but don’t take too much of black pearls.

Waiting for Ep 21. 

Hi C Where did you find previews of ep 21 22?  Can t find it..but it might be in Chinese  & those only come up on my computer with a link

Aye, I thought you guys were talking about ep 21 & 22... so I assumed that you watched the preview.

So the price of the bubble tea is similar in our cities. The bubble tea craze was in SG so many years ago, then died down and coffee franchise came up. Now it is back with more varieties and class.

@K, think I am just like M getting a bit tired and impatient. There were days when I needed the spark from the drama to make me want to continue to watch episode 2... I think hardly any nowadays. Oh you finished MH, now you can start SL if you haven't and see the ML in modern setting.

@M yeah it is hot here as well. Even if you are indoors, the UV affects you so sunblock is necessary. I am having ice coffee from a small cafe (opened by an Australian dude).


Aye, I thought you guys were talking about ep 21 & 22... so I assumed that you watched the preview.

So the price of the bubble tea is similar in our cities. The bubble tea craze was in SG so many years ago, then died down and coffee franchise came up. Now it is back with more varieties and class.

@K, think I am just like M getting a bit tired and impatient. There were days when I needed the spark from the drama to make me want to continue to watch episode 2... I think hardly any nowadays. Oh you finished MH, now you can start SL if you haven't and see the ML in modern setting.

@M yeah it is hot here as well. Even if you are indoors, the UV affects you so sunblock is necessary. I am having ice coffee from a small cafe (opened by an Australian dude).

Hi C

I got two large teas one called tiger with the brown sugar ( black sugar in Singapore) with pearls and another passion fruit, orange, grapefruit (POG) for Aud$9.90 /USD7( buy 1 second 50%)

The durians sold here are from Malaysia. Can get Musang King here but I don’t know the price. 

Got most of what I wanted from the trip to city. Got green mangoes  to make Thai mango salad, 

Are you up to Ep 18 for Sparkle love? Saw a bit of trailer for 19 & 20. Is ML’s knee issue getting worse? 


K&C do you have San Churros? Today they were giving away churros snack packs so we got 3 packs. They were good size too. When it’s our birthday we get free churros for 2 pax. Similar with Krispy Kreme-a box of 4 doughnuts for birthday . The other day my younger daughter’s birthday fell during COVID-19 lockdown so when they  re-open the store those with birthdays during the lockdown get a box of dozen glazed donuts for free.  We get a lot of freebies here-yogurts, ice-creams, energy drinks, dog food/shampoo, even lipstick. I got free Bodyshop lipstick without any purchase. Boost and Chatime give free drink on birthday. 

Hi C 

For SL is it someone reported that ML takes drug for swimming competition? 

I am actually having a bottle of hoegaarden outside right now! TGIF!

Hi M! There is a Tiger Sugar near my place that is having brown sugar milk tea as the main product. Not surs if it is same you are having.  

The price of durian is very seasonal... depends on the harvest. I didnt check the price of 猫山王 this time round. Ah mango salad... i like mango sticky rice ;)

Churros is not a big thing here... we have specialty shops but not popular.

Yes I am up to 18, think his knee is fine as long as the FL is with him. The issue now is that he is suspected of using enhancement drugs to win the competition that got him into the province team. It seems that the jealous SML may have something to do with this... and he seem to refuse to clarify because it may have something to do with the FL ability being exposed? I just hope it has nothing to do with the friend who is in the province team with him as he seemed frustrated with the ML.

Hi C

Was that what the report about that? My husband didn’t want to read the report for me. I saw the trailer and he said he will always choose FL so my guess is if he’s found guilty he’ll be expelled. FL confronted 2ML but they didn’t show the part about him admitting to it.

When mangoes were in season during summer I made mango sticky rice. 

I think Tiger Sugar is the same thing here. Made with fresh milk.

I’m having a bottle of Two Suns at home ( better try before my husband finish all the stock) so cheers to you.

I am continuing at home with blanc 1664, a pity they don't brew this in France for our market anymore. Cheers!

Watched the preview last week, yes should be about a report or something like that involving the SML. Basically I remember the FL confronted him for missing the interview to clarifying himself but he told her that he knows what he is doing. The parents are worried too.

I wonder when i can visit bangkok again.

Hi C

How’s the taste 1664? 

I thought the interview was sometime back when he rescued FL? Or another interview. FL suspect he’s hiding something.

As soon as it’s safe you can visit Bangkok-food’s good massage also good. My husband used to travel to Bangkok on business-I miss the dried longan. Here it’s so expensive 



Hi C

How’s the taste 1664? 

I thought the interview was sometime back when he rescued FL? Or another interview. FL suspect he’s hiding something.

As soon as it’s safe you can visit Bangkok-food’s good massage also good. My husband used to travel to Bangkok on business-I miss the dried longan. Here it’s so expensive 


1664 is my fav. It has a citrusy aftertaste... i have been drinking it since it came into SG. Unfortunately it became so famous that it shifted the production to Asia. I have been drinking it so much that I can tell the diff.

Yes the interview was sometime back but I am not too sure at the moment who spread the rumours about the drug. Previously he was just known as hiding his injury and the SML was in fact helping him.

I guess travels will be in 1 year or 2. Bangkok not top of the list, probably korea or Australia. 

Anyway SL just released to 22 on Qianxun so I am going to catch it. Before this I caught more of 18 again and I really like it.

Edit: I am watching the recap, someone actually whistleblow that he took stimulants. So it is not the previous interview.  It could be the SML or the friend threatening to expose the FL ability.

I don’t have it on Mangotv. Let me know if it get more interesting.

Maybe I’ll back to LIS. Going to bed. Good night. 


I don’t have it on Mangotv. Let me know if it get more interesting.

Maybe I’ll back to LIS. Going to bed. Good night. 

I think I guessed correctly who is behind it. It is not exactly very interesting but still okay. Goodnight and sweet dreams!

Edit: the whole drug saga is a bit too long, took up almost the 4 new episodes... anyway I finished 2 episodes of LIS-still not feeling it especially the ML.

Hi C&K

I'm at the beach now and up to Ep 2 of LIS. You were correct. It gets better. 


Hi C&K

I'm at the beach now and up to Ep 2 of LIS. You were correct. It gets better. 

The ML looks too sickly for me... he does the same smiling as the ML in OMSL too when the FL does "silly stuff" but still not there. I don't like how he grabs the FL's wrist just like in those K-dramas. The SFL is still a bit too bimbo like herself in My roommate is a detective.


The ML looks too sickly for me... he does the same smiling as the ML in OMSL too when the FL does "silly stuff" but still not there. I don't like how he grabs the FL's wrist just like in those K-dramas. The SFL is still a bit too bimbo like herself in My roommate is a detective.

Hi C,

Sickly? Lol. I see what you mean. Yes the smile did not reach out to me. Is that what they do in K-drama? I don’t watch K-drama. I didn’t watch My room mate is a detective. Didn’t quite like ML.( Hu Yi Tian). Bai Lu’s acting is so-so only, unlike the FL in OMSL.


Hi C,

Sickly? Lol. I see what you mean. Yes the smile did not reach out to me. Is that what they do in K-drama? I don’t watch K-drama. I didn’t watch My room mate is a detective. Didn’t quite like ML.( Hu Yi Tian). Bai Lu’s acting is so-so only, unlike the FL in OMSL.

Hi M, I almost wanted to say he is like he is on something but I think it is really rude to say so. He is just too pale. Too much make up? Yes grabbing of the wrist is common in K-dramas and it has been seen as sexist...


Bailu looks a bit unnatural in some scenes... especially when she is observing the ML from a distance. 

I know you dislike HYT, but he did really well in that one... he chemistry with the SML is really good. The FL though seem like an extra and drew a lot of flak.