Hi K

Just an update the jade pendant is now with FL. Her mother left it for her when she left the Li mansion. 

Hi C

I really don’t like the mean girl, she’s annoying. Always mentioning her own name as if people cannot remember her name. I know that’s the custom but so annoying.

I love South Korea-the food is simply divine . We stayed in Myeong Dong. Had a layover on the way to Italy in December’17. I truly understand the meaning of biting cold. It was even colder than the Swiss mountainside. Even here we often eat Korean bbq ( pre -COVID-19). There’s no chili sauce in fast food chain  in Australia unlike Singapore. I don’t mind the heat in Singapore but not the monsoon time.

Why was the title held by ML’s father instead of the uncle? Is it because he’s not married  or no heir? Uncle’s been trying to kill his own nephew for sometime. If he’s part of the Li family it doesn’t make sense that he doesn’t know where the Lohan painting is. The painting has the 4 fat guys. It’s so funny that FL asked to paint 2ML in the nude and ML too with a leaf covering him. 

I like both FL and ML equally. They are good at bringing out the characters they are meant to play. 

In Ep 20 when FL got the 1s ( dice)she should have open the container and reveal what she got then she would not have lost the bet. I hope we get to see Ep 21 this week. I think the Song brother takes  her back and force her to paint the painting. 

Going back to the office takes getting used to. I went back in late July. 

Just an update the jade pendant is now with FL. Her mother left it for her when she left the Li mansion. 

Yes along with the letter that cleared the misunderstanding.

I really don’t like the mean girl, she’s annoying. Always mentioning her own name as if people cannot remember her name. I know that’s the custom but so annoying.

I love South Korea-the food is simply divine . We stayed in Myeong Dong. Had a layover on the way to Italy in December’17. I truly understand the meaning of biting cold. It was even colder than the Swiss mountainside. Even here we often eat Korean bbq ( pre -COVID-19). There’s no chili sauce in fast food chain  in Australia unlike Singapore. I don’t mind the heat in Singapore but not the monsoon time.

Why was the title held by ML’s father instead of the uncle? Is it because he’s not married  or no heir? Uncle’s been trying to kill his own nephew for sometime. If he’s part of the Li family it doesn’t make sense that he doesn’t know where the Lohan painting is. The painting has the 4 fat guys. It’s so funny that FL asked to paint 2ML in the nude and ML too with a leaf covering him. 

I like both FL and ML equally. They are good at bringing out the characters they are meant to play. 

In Ep 20 when FL got the 1s ( dice)she should have open the container and reveal what she got then she would not have lost the bet. I hope we get to see Ep 21 this week. I think the Song brother takes  her back and force her to paint the painting. 

Going back to the office takes getting used to. I went back in late July. 

Think the worse thing is that she kept mentioning her sister until ML said she is not fit to mention her. They should have just sent her back when her wedding plans crushed.

I was in South Korea for work a couple of time, and yes I love the food too! Watching the K-Dramas makes it worse so we can only satisfy our cravings in the local Korean restaurants. I last visited a pricey Korean BBQ  2 weeks back. Chili sauce is a integral part of food in Singapore, many establishments thrive or fail just because of it. And the chili sauce in this region is pretty different from other parts of the world. I like the sun but not the rain/passing showers.

The background of the Uncle I am also not too sure. Probably as you said the father has the eldest son who is next in line. Haha.. we are thinking the same... in the beginning I already guess that he is the secret dude, but it is weird he don't have access thought he is staying with them. So if he can't find it, how can the FL find it? Actually the interpretation by the FL is lo=naked & han=man, that's why she has to paint them nude. Funny she didn't question why... LOL

I will watch episode 20 tonight and look out for this part. I guess 21 is later part of the week.  Maybe I can read the recap in Chinese to find out about the situation with the uncle. I am thinking maybe the grandfather selected the ML's father as the uncle is next in line. That's why in the beginning the ML didn't want the title and ask the father to select the SML instead.

 Tonight I am also waiting for LYLB with subs that probably release after midnight.

It is the driving back to office that is so tiring... LOL

Hi C

I think only the next in line will know the whereabouts of the painting. There’s 4 of the males in the family. So who are the other two ? She didn’t paint any other naked man. I don’t see the significance of the painting yet-probably a clue to something? Yes she didn’t think to ask why she needed to paint them in the nude. The 2ML wasn’t in the nude though. Did you think ML suspected she painted his brother? It will be obvious because she has certain style of painting like all artists do. Interesting misinterpretation. 

Maybe ML’s father is more capable that’s why he was selected not because of birth right. Thanks for the reminder. ML was only interested in being general and going to war. I don’t think he was in love with the dead cousin but the brother was. And this is first cousin, why would his mother even encourage marriage between the two?  

Asians cannot go without chili. I make my own chili sauce. I can still eat very spicy food. I like street food-Lau Pa Sat is good. Newton circus is over-rated . Korean food is quite reasonable here. My husband likes the Korean beer. I get free alcohol from work , beers by the cartons but I don’t really drink. Just interested in the Kahlua to make cake but my husband almost single handedly finish the whole bottle. 

Yes driving is tiring. I walk to work so it’s ok for me. 

But if only the next in line knows about the painting, how will the FL find it? Or it is not a painting, a mural that is not mobile - can only photocopy etc... There wasn't 4 males since the luohan is supposed to be  Arhats instead of naked man, that was why she was looking for the other 2 that is non-existent. Maybe the 3rd uncle can apply? SML was half-naked and I think he painted it himself. That was why if I remembered correctly the FL saying she stumbled upon it when the ML confronted her about it... would have been different if she painted it.

The ML I think wasn't in love with the deceased cousin... that's why she waited for him at the Lees while he was at war... and the SML who loved her questioned the ML if he wanted the same to happen to the FL if he keep her. I think they are distant cousins no? Since she will be going back to the rural areas if she didn't managed to get wed at the Lees.

Ah you know your stuff, satay club at Lau Pat Sat. Newton circus you have to know which BBQ seafood stall to order from, some just overcharges (same with Lau Pat Sat). I like to go East Coast Park Food Centre as well... Korean beer are basically quite light, really good with fried chicken. For me I like wheat beers and IPAs. Haha... Kahlua reminded me that we used to mix it with cold fresh milk when just started drinking...

It takes me 50 mins to drive one way... I am heading home after this. :)

Hi C

Yes you are correct. Arhat -that make sense. That why I thought it resembled Buddhas. Yes perhaps Little Uncle can apply but who will be 4th candidate?lol.

The difference is deceased cousin is one sided love but not FL. I like the part when the ML hid under her blanket. That was so funny. 

Korean beers are light and refreshing. Try Two Suns. Wheat and low carb. It’s light as well. 

Drive carefully. 

Vanguard is screening in cinema tomorrow. Lucky you . We don’t get it here.

Halo M,

Yeah I got home safely. Traffic was good- just had dinner and drinking my bubble tea now lol.

4th candidate can ask the Song brother... he is quite cool, I like the voice-over. 

Nowadays I keep seeing the term 1%. The Kdrama I watched and I think I saw it in love is sweet trailer... so the FL and the ML 1% over here... lol. It is fate as they say. Yes I had a good laugh at the blanket scene, they are darn cute. I was thinking about the SML though, at the cold palace the FL got banish to, he managed to cheer her up and he told the ML that FL won't leave him. Then after that when she wanted to leave he told ML to let her go... and the end of episode 19, FL say she likes the ML and SML got surprised. He is one weird one.

Two suns, let me see if beer delivery has it. Nowadays I drink mostly from alpine beer company.

Vanguard? The one with jackie chan and yang yang? I saw the trailer at the mall... looks funny.

MDL having problems today... 

Hi C

My kids love bubble tea but apparently it’s not good for you-the black pearls. I like the brown sugar jelly. 

I’ve just finished my bible study. 

He he! Song brother 4th candidate.

What’s the meaning of the 1%?

I think that 2ML was hoping that FL will leave ML to be with him. It’s a struggle for him to see the woman he likes, in love with his brother( yet again). Only the Song girl left. She’s mercurial , one moment like first brother then move on to another brother. 

ML doesn’t have much power over FL. He shook his head to indicate to decline the bet but she took it up much to his surprise and dismay. When he gets drunk it’s quite funny. I see the jug of wine at the banquet, maybe just water for him. At the archery (?) competition he was looking out for FL and when she arrived ,his whole face lite up. He manages his expressions very well. 

The bird’s funny.

I love Korean fried chicken no one does it better than the Koreans. I love the Korean side dishes. Not too difficult to make. 

Yes the one with Jackie Chan and Yang Yang. Funny, the  two persons speaking, one in Cantonese and the other Mandarin. I don’t think Yang Yang can speak Cantonese. He’s usually in romance dramas but this time action drama. Are you planning  to watch Vanguard?  

Do Singaporeans learn Cantonese in school? 

Hi! M&C

i  rewatched episodes 7 to  9 last nite bc they got subbed (OMSL)  .. the wedding ceremony was really beautiful.. (i love the red gowns with all the head pieces as opposed just plain white) I can see that he really likes her. (sand she nods to him when she sees him as if to say I’m here let’s get married..and he looked happy and relieved.

 I thought it was funny the bird kept calling the song girl a slut and she kept yelling at him.. the uncle is kinda spoiled ..couldn’t handle  loosing at majong  I loved this when she kept wiinning  and then when she drew the picture.. that was really cool.... ..but he def likes the song girl.. 

 M- i seriously thought the pillow  that was under her pillow was her family pendant.. :)

C : that scene where Fl is kneeling in front  of mom asking about the baby, ..initially I thought she gets thrown. Out but I’m not sure bc she did save their lives., although ML  says in one trailer “let’s come clean” or something along those lines ..and he does rescue her from the evil guy in the trailer 

M: i cant cut and -paste  on this I pad for some reason (it wont let me copy) anyhoo.. I live on the west coast of US. I was Born & raised in New York  near New York City.  they get  all 4 seasons, hot summers cold snowy winters , fall and spring .  Lots of snow in the winter, and it continues from December to March ..varies from (20- 50 F) we’ve had snow storms in April ..  summers were hot and muggy .up to high 90s .  rain storms come and go but I don’t think there are any rainy seasons on the US.. 

I had a friend who lived in Thailand for a year and he was telling me about the rainy season and then when they burn the crops? He loved it and was studying muy Thai.

   Now I live further south (North Carolina ) and that is much warmer and hardly Any snow. We do get hurricanes and such but the weather Is much nicer here.

I. eat more Mediterranean but I do love Chinese and Japanese food.  Korean and Thai food really interests me too it looks fascinating. I watched ”lets eat 1 2 and 3 “ and was enraptured..ill try anything (except spicy:)  I would love to see Chinese New Year celebration.  I’ve heard about them and seen them in movies. -

C I know what you mean about being a zombie.. I binged OMSL to ep 20 and was falling asleep next day at work.. its so,easy to get sucked in to the dramas ..and say..just one ,ore episode!!:)

just saw interesting one Love is sweet about 2 friends  who become rivals at work..gonna check that out after I finish typing this

C our summers are generally 85 to 95F (I have to look up C) (32C)  I think 0 is 32 F so I have to look up 20 (68F) that’s too cold for me too. 

0h England Scotland and Wales.. Beautiful.. I want to go back.. pretty cold though I went in May and needed  a coat. London was awesome  busy city ..so much to do and we traveled all over the country.  very friendly people.

  Honestly there is not much in Wales, but I did like Scotland  and all the castles. Things there were like hundreds of years old. Here it’s like 200 is super old :)  

how is sparkle love? It’s only subbed to ep 3 so I’m waiting on that

ok gonna see about love is sweet:)

have a great day!!!

Hi M,

I normally drink it without the pearls. That is unless I drink the Boba Tea. The 1% is a saying in that show: A person can have 99 good traits and 1 bad one and you dislike him/her for it, but a person can have 99 bad ones and one good one that makes you fall in love with him/her. Guess this is a rationale behind those enemies turned lovers plot.

The SML is quite poor thing, both women he loves eventually loves his brother. The Song girl she is just a kid that is there to fulfill a mission - thus she is not really in love with who she chooses - it more like picking toys.

The FL is really confident and that is her charm. As of such genre, they are always the troublemaker but things always turn out okay. I like the acting of the ML, never did once I find that he looked awkward. If you see TSP or TROTAR, sometime you can feel that the ML looks a bit unnatural in some scenes as the focus is on the FL. Not for this ML.

Haha... we are talking about the bird and fried chicken LOL. Nowadays I only have fried chicken once in a while... it is "heaty" especially in SG. That's why a fresh beer is a crucial accompaniment.

Vanguard probably I just wait for it to be released online. YY started out as a child actor... btu I only watched him in loveo2o and king's avatar... not too bad but not crazy over him.

No, Cantonese is a dialect here. We only learn Chinese.

Hi K,

Many of the scenes in the show is quite well done, even the mid-autumn festival. The wedding scene is well thought of and very convincing.

The bird is a very important part of the show. We know at episode 20 it was a gift from the sister of the evil cousin. The 3rd uncle is just a spoiled brat, but he is quite smart as well - at least he is kind-hearted just like the Song girl.

The pillow, you should be referring to the one ML gave for protection of the baby?

So the kneeling scene should be coming soon I think. That is when the truth about the pregnancy comes to light. They should have just used the evil cousin to say she caused the loss of the baby.

I am just lucky I can work from home today, if not the driving is going to make it worse. Last night I was waiting for the Chinese Subs for do you like brahms... and I slept at 230am. Let me know about love is sweet... it is definitely a show with many eye candies. There is a big spolier in one of the trailers - that is what I hate about cdramas.

It is bloody hot now in SG, I have sunlight coming in from my windows. I reckon it is 30+ degC now. Humidity prob 70%?

England I have only been in Heathrow Airport LOL... on my way to Geneva.

sparkle love, a bit messy in the beginning, sometimes the script etc. is just weird. ML is a darling and I have to point out goes shirtless many times. From ep. 10 onwards it get better and sweet. FL hair is horrible.

Have a great day too!

Hi K & C

We use Celsius here . Our summer can go up to 40C/104F. My winter is colder than yours. The other day I was practically shivering on my way to my morning run as it was only 6C/43F. Our summer is dry, hence the bush fire. I don't like muggy weather.

I know what you mean about being Zombie. When I stay up until just past midnight, I'll be so sleepy at work, because I wake up at 4:50am (to go for my morning run at 5+).

The wedding costumes are more dark red , not the usual chili red. They both look lovely in them. Asian wear white to funerals. Red is auspicious colour for us. (success, happiness, good fortune etc).

The part in Ep 18 where the FL was supposedly stabbed by the knife was well acted. ML carried her and the relief on his face when he discovered she only injured her hand. The was pretty smart of her.

C did mention about the part she knelt in front of her mother-in-law and asked about the baby. We haven't come to the episode yet.

When FL read the letter from her mother, in the letter the mother said that to know if the husband treats his wife well is to see how he treats her family. I don't know much about mah jong but I think he deliberately let his mother-in-law win. ML also assured his MIL that FL will be the only wife for him. It is common practice in those days to take concubines (CG offered herself as one). The bird is funny. 

I have downloaded Love is Sweet and will watch that soon. (It's subbed on Iqiyi). It's my day off tomorrow and I'm taking leave on Friday plus the Labour Day holiday on Monday, I will have a stretch of six days. Enough time for binge watching. I think I am up to Ep 17 for Sparkle Love. It's quite entertaining . I prefer that to DITK. 

I enjoy Thai food .I just love spicy food. I enjoy Indian cuisine as well. My colleague gave me some string hoppers which I have not eaten for so many years. It was so good.

Crop burning is to restore nutrients to the soil. (Thailand grow rice). This practice in Indonesia is referred to as slash and burn. Every year this causes problem for neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Singapore. The haze is so bad.

I love castles. Edinburgh should have some lovely castles. Hope I can visit in the near future. As Australia is so far from everywhere else except for New Zealand, it takes us a long time to get to Europe.

@C,  are you planning to watch Love is Sweet?

Catch up soon.

I don't know much about mah jong but I think he deliberately let his mother-in-law win.

Yes, he actually got the "window tile" and could have game. Instead he discarded a crucial tile for the MIL, the FL suspects it.

Every year this causes problem for neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Singapore. The haze is so bad.

Definitely, this year it was okay. Normally the haze comes in Sept. There were years it was so bad that ppl are falling sick.

@C,  are you planning to watch Love is Sweet?

Yes, I will start it this weekend. I am finishing something about 1%, just pending sparkle love and record of youth this week.

Hi C


Yes, he actually got the "window tile" and could have game. Instead he discarded a crucial tile for the MIL, the FL suspects it.

Definitely, this year it was okay. Normally the haze comes in Sept. There were years it was so bad that ppl are falling sick.

Yes, I will start it this weekend. I am finishing something about 1%, just pending sparkle love and record of youth this week.

Wasn’t it nice of him? He treated his MIL well even though she’s just an ordinary business woman. I like it that he doesn’t have airs. 

I don’t know why I am not getting up to Ep 18 for Sparkle Love. Hopefully will be updated today.

I don’t feel that ML in TSP was unnatural in some scenes but certainly for ML in TROTAR. 

Third uncle and Song girl are just spoilt kids -just there for some entertainment but both have good hearts. It’s not that easy to play her role. She did well.

Feel sorry for 2ML but doesn’t look like there’s anyone for him. He treated FL very well. ML is jealous of his brother but there’s no need as FL only has eyes for him. What happened to  A Shuang? I saw trailer of her asking FL (when she was bathing )about the drawing.

I also saw trailer of FL with Song brother. I think she went off with him after losing the bet. You think he also falls for her? He certainly finds her interesting. I am sure he knows she’s Happy Fairy, hence his interest in her.

Poor physician Ye. He always look very flustered when caught in the middle. He has to lie for FL several times. 

Thanks for explanation of the 1%. 

Is yogurt drink a hit in Singapore? Here it’s popular but I prefer bubble tea ( with the brown sugar jelly, just thinking of it makes me want to go out and get one). 

Yo M,

In fact the whole family is great, the parents were mad just because of the bitchy cousin. When the MIL was being uncouth in front of them, they didn't show disrespect either. And the ML didn't stop her from being herself.

I think because sparkle love is not to popular? Probably the top shows get priority.

TSP is one drama that got me a bit disappointed in the end... more so as the start was so great. I haven't even go watch the alternate ending...

The SML in TSP also treated the FL very well... both of them don't have alternative love interest... A Shuang, I believe she is still in a coma after being injured by the ML? That's why the song dude acted.

Does he know she is happy fairy? I don't think so since ah shuang is the only one that knows that in the bad guys camp. He probably is really interested in her.

The physician is a nice chap. He is even willing to sacrifice for the FL - good that he found happiness.

Yogurt drink not so. The craze now is the black sugar boba milk tea. The are queues for real popular ones. They even sell the ice popsicles. I am going for starbucks this afternoon. :)

Hi C

The MIL is funny-especially how she hits FL in front of ML . She’s unpretentious. How she spiked the ML’s soup is also funny and she spent so much time making it. And she played mah jong with the servants. 

Wonder if Father-in-law finds out that FL is Happy Fairy.  He had grand plans to make money using her talent. There are so many things about FL that ML kept from his parents which is good. He’s always proud of FL, I like how he beams when she stood up to Song girl.

I re-watched the trailer where FL knelt in front of MIL. Song brother was there and so was the evil cousin. I thought she was banished. 

I think A Shuang eventually comes out of coma and look for FL. The guy rolling the wooden balls is ML’s uncle? 

I feel that the way the drama is going FL will find out the identity of her biological parents ( jade pendant is a hint?)

I’m not crazy over yogurt drink. Black sugar? Not palm sugar? Interesting. We have Starbucks but not Coffee Bean. How I miss that. Here every corner sells boba tea. Enjoy the aircon and your drink. 

Edit: I have just started on Love is Sweet so far so good . I like FL’s hair

Sparkle love-yeah maybe not so popular. FL’s hair is not that bad at least not a wig.

Alternate ending to TSP is ok for first half the second half not worth watching.


The spiked drink/soup scene... it was so funny! How the ML nearly got "eaten up".

The FIL is another funny one, his character is just like the one he acted in I have fallen for you, just more serious. In that drama he is paired with FL's mom. I think all the dudes that like the FL in the show knows that she is smart enough to do things differently right. The ML really believes in her, just not those dude who are interested in her.

There is something on between the song brother and evil cousin, they had a moment just before she got banished. 

The wooden balls? Yes I think it is him, there should also be a main mastermind - probably song father? Since the uncle and the sing brother spoke about a third person. A shuang will wake up, I miss her funny accent.

She will definitely find out who she is, however there are no links yet to any missing person or another clan in the show. No special event as well.

Yes black sugar. It is really famous in Taiwan. In Singapore (or Malaysia) we have been using it in our ice kachang (Peanut shaved iced) since many many years ago. Palm sugar or Gula Melaka has similar taste and used in shaved iced too.

Okay, I guess we can talk about love is sweet now. let me start it as well.

Haha... I know that Bai Lu wore a wig in one of the dramas.

TSP, and even L&R I have already moved on from those. :)

Edit: eventually i had CBTL instead of starbucks