Hi M! I was at episode 7 and I thought that I could catch up... and gosh they suddenly released until episode 20! By then I was catching something about 2 percent an decided to carry on. This show the leads is also having a contract to pretend they are dating so it is almost the same story in modern setting. The romance is quite cute too. Tonight I continued and OMSL and just finished episode 12! Yeah I saw the part on the jewellery, it is quite funny. I really like tye ML, as you mentioned he really loves her and respects her despite her background. He really reminds me of the MLs of TROTAR and LOJY though I prefer him to them. The cousin though is a bit weird as the baddie, not too clever imo. Yes I realised the eyes of ah bu too. I like that they have a sidekick that is not too handsome and more realistic, we have seen so many similar shows having good looking sidekicks.

The same trip to fremantle and went to perth as well. Really like it and will revisit. Didn't visit the quokkas  though we went to a see the koalas, kangaroos and wombats. 

Hi K! Singapore is a "fine" city they say lol. Yes crime rate is low and it's quite clean... though I'll always think the grass and also greener on the other side. I used to travel quite a lot before the situation now so probably have to wait for a few years b4 we can travel again. 

You guys are too far ahead of me... I gotten sleep now since going office tomorrow...


Hi K

Yes Christmas in summer sounds strange for you? It’s hot in summer.

Singapore is a clean and orderly city as C can tell you. I love the Christmas lightings. When I was still in school  my parents would take us to Singapore during Christmas season. The streets are beautifully lighted  with Christmas ornaments unlike Australia during Christmas. Here some houses will be decorated-that’s the best we have and also the shopping mall with have nativity display in the shop windows. The “mannequins” can move and sing and lighted in the night.

It was not a game but a bet. Whoever get ‘1’ in all three dices win the game. FL got three ‘1’ but when the Song girl’s second brother smacked the table the dices flipped to ‘6’ so she lost the bet. The winner was Song brother. He said he wanted FL. I am sure not in the romantic sort of meaning but as a bargaining chip. 

Oh yes you are right about the Christmas lightnings in Singapore especially in the City. There is a theme for orchard road and the malls will be outdoing each other. I remember going around carolling during my school days and taking photos with the lightings. 

Good morning C

I just finished my morning run.

Pretty soon you’ll catch up. I have to watch the entire episode from Ep 15 onwards.

ML is an open book where FL is concern. I like how confident he is when he said FL will fall for him. They can communicate with just a look and shifting of the eyeballs . ML is cold ( even his father made a remark about that) towards everyone else but looks at FL very tenderly. He’s very anxious when it comes to her. From the start he has made it clear that he will only have one wife. He doesn’t have the intention to ever let her go. It’s going to be interesting to see how he’s going to solve the issue of FL losing the bet. This drama has not only chemistry but mutual respect and communication. The miscommunication is minimal which I like. Hope they get on fast to solve fake pregnancy. They don’t have much time left!

Poor Ah Bu no lead roles for him , with his squint.

Maybe try visiting other cities besides Perth unless you have accomodation provided. 

Singapore and Hong Kong have lovely Christmas street lightings even better than Italy when I was there in 2017. Switzerland was a bit better but cannot compare with S and HK. Chinese New Year here is getting to be a bigger event as years go by. 

Got to get ready to go to work.

Have a good week C & K!

Hey C & K 

Did you see the  part when the FL rolled on the ground in front of ML’s house on her way to practice the drums? She wanted to avoid being seen by her husband. She’s one funny girl. Both Xia Ning Jun and Xi Zi  play their roles very well. The script writer is so far doing a good job. 

@ K 

I know you probably want to pull your hair out when FL was given chances to announce miscarriage but she didn’t take the opportunity. She was only thinking of others which is typical of her ( she gave most if her jewellery away to her mother). She didn’t want her in-laws to feel bad ( after all she saved their lives) and they were sick , with all the commotion going on. 

I wonder if we get to watch Episode 21 this week. The early release of 6 episodes is a pleasant surprise.

Thank you !!!i was a big lost on some things.. 

plus I was totally wired last night so I just stayed up and watched all the episodes (too much coffee!!)

so much happened in those episodes and I’m pretty sure he confessed to her and she was not sure of him, but when he rescued her from the fire she became sure.. the way she looked at him was so sweet..
not sure when he said he would take the relationship further but they have a lot to accomplish in the next 9 episodes bc from  the recent trailer, they confess she’s not pregnant, she gets kicked out ..her has to rescue her from Evil Guy and she gets pregnant....tally Ho!

I have not had this much fran with a drama in a long time..it’s a really cute addicting drama and the FL is just getting prettier as is the ML.. at first I thought the younger brother was much better looking and now I’m thinking different.  I think it’s bc the ML lights up when the FL is around and he enjoys Her independence and kookie ways (I love how she really came into herself after ep 4 or 5 .. her meekness was getting to me. There was one scene where he was laying next to her asleep and I thought... they look so beautiful together.. 

and that’s not her mom??? Hmmm wonder who her parents are..wouldnt it be funny if she’s from a really wealthy family.. do we know anything about where she might be from? I never caught that that woman was not her mom..subs really help:)

Christmas in summer..:) I forget Sometimes  that seasons are different across the world, so it’s  interesting.. in the south & lower west coast here .. it’s always warm for winter..  I don’t know if Australia gets  snow in general at all.. 

ok gonna check out dramanice and try to finish up maiden holmes next it’s getting subbed again:)


Hi K

It’s my lunchtime now so I can reply quickly.

Maiden Holmes-subbed until Ep 30 on Viki.


Yes ML confessed his love for FL in Ep 15 I think and in subsequent episodes.I recalled he told FL whether he was not clear enough in his explanation or was she stupid? And he also said that he wants her head filled with nothing but him. She reminded him in Ep 20 that he agreed to  her go when his father is better. He said if she goes he will bring her back. He wanted her by his side for his whole life. 

I don’t depend on sub, just listening. Sometimes I miss out some because I watch/listen and cook(or do something) at the same time. 

I don’t remember that there’s any information on FL’s parents. 

Song girl is just so desperate to marry into the Li family but she’s naughty and childish. ML’s brother is desperately hiding from her. Song girl’s brother is so horrible looking. He’s behind the assassination attempt and possibly the fire as well. 

Hi M! I am at work now!

I'll probably catch a few more episodes while waiting for DYLB tonight. The ML is one of the most pleasant I have seen in a while... the last one being  skate into love. The FL like you said grew on me. Their interaction is really good in this. It really quite similar to something about 1%, they kiss but the FL is cautious about the ML on other contacts lol. It's so cute.  The ML loves & respects the FL not matter the background. The MLs in both dramas asks directly if the FL is unhappy and not just guess.

The wedding scene as you mentioned is really beautifully done. I haven't caught the dancing scene yet, may have something to do with the doctor? You mean you are at ep. 20 the pregnancy issue still not solved? I thought they should have gone on the the schemer plot already. The trailer did show the ML's mom questioning the FL about her pregnancy... guess that part not shown yet.

I have been to Sydney during ny school days and  performed in the opera house. I think I may wanna go Melbourne next. 

I have been to HK during one of the xmas and new year period, nice atmosphere.  Singapore is better to walk around due to the compactness. Oh yes the chinese new year here is also big!

Yeah, I am havjng many meetings this morning and I just finished 3 in a row.

Edit: M, i haven't seen the rolling part ;)



trailer for OMSL

I’ve watched this trailer before. When I rewatch it I recognise Mei Xiang as the maid in the earlier episode who assigned FL to ML only now she’s FL’s personal maid.

I did wonder why the eldest brother didn’t have the title. He’s now trying to reclaim what he thinks should belong to him. Betrayal within the family. 

Also Song girl’s brother’s sudden appearance in the Li mansion was because no one was able to get the Lohan painting so he has to do it himself.

Hi K

Forgot to reply regarding snow in Australia. There’s snow in Mt Buller in Victoria and Perisher Blue in NSW. These are suitable  for skiing. Some mountainous parts in Tasmania has snow as well.

Hot climate during Christmas is the norm for me because I grew up in a country near the Equator. 

Hi C

Do you like Sydney? Did you get the chance to visit Blue Mountain? Melbourne has 4 seasons in a day so you will always need to bring a jacket and possibly umbrella  with you. 

In Ep 20, note that someone put the bird outside the house. It was not rescued by the servants. It was already there when the servants put out the fire.

The mother ask about the pregnancy was it the one where she was dreaming? Or you referring to Ep17 I think when she drug the soup that ML is supposed to drink but FL drank.

My lunchtime is ending so quick  reply -pregnancy issue not solved at Ep 20. They still have not been a proper husband and wife. Taking their own sweet time!

Did you watch how they get the bird to apologise for them? Wasn’t it smart? 

I like how the ML carries FL, quite a number of that like TSP. 

Chat again after I finish work.

Hi C

You will see the rolling part in the same dancing competition episode, maybe 13 or 14, not long to go. 

So funny! Her husband saw her sneaking out of the mansion so he followed her. And to think that in the early episodes he threatened to flog her for every small mistake. Who knows that  she’ll turn out to be the one holding the power. A general himself and he’s a softie where she’s concerned. 

Hi K

To answer your question. FL’s mother doesn’t know who FL’s parents are but the jade pendant that was on her ( when her mother found her)shows that she’s from a family with high social status.

ML’s mother send her to isolation because she’s angry with FL.  FL refused to break ties with her mother because her mother raised her up. 

CG told FL that ML wanted to beat her mother. FL got angry and refused to listen to ML’s explanation and wanted nothing to do with him. ML had to pretend that he wanted to beat her mother so that his parents will let her mother go. Her mother knows that her son-in-law is good. He was in a tricky situation. Later his parents were able to accept FL’s mother status as ML told his father that she took in about 7-8 other girls and raised them . ML’s mother regretted her actions but she wants face as well. 

CG was the one stirring all these issues. She’s one mean girl. 

In Ep 20, ML told his parents  that CG set fire . She put the bird outside before setting fire. The bird belong to her late sister. When ML carried FL to bed, the bird was there. 

Edited: jade pendant that was on FL when FL’s mother found her

C& M :D You both are Awesome!!   Thanks !!
I just read through your comments and they totally helped  me out together what I did not understand....(I really missed a lot!!!)  

I thoughtML was trying to get FL to be nice to his parents but he was actually trying to protect her mom. And protect her from his moms anger 

  FL doesn’t know how to not speak her truth and you can see all her emotions on her face.   when she’s mad you know it.  From the look on FL  moms face she was totally understanding as ML walked her to the gate and when FL cried , I was kinda teary eyes .. she didn’t understand and ML seems like he has so much explaining to do at times ..all the rules and regulations of his home and I think it’s nothing like FL has with her Home.. hers is fun and family... Hopefully she will let ML experience some of that as he grew up so structured.   but I can see he really loves her..

so CG (crazy girl) is the sister of the woman who was in love with ML.. was he in love with her sister? I see second brother loved her but she was sick.  If the bird was not in the room it would make sense that CG started the fire.  I thought it was Song Gir;s  girls brother 

and I think the episode where ML asks her to marry him he holds up the  pendant that was under her pillow..(at first I thought the mom ran a brothel :):). ML says something to her and I think refers to the pendant. That episode  May be subbed so I’ll take a look.  Gosh she could be someone really important.. (if she is can she talk back to the mom in law? ..)

I like that ML said her mom had taken in the girls that made her seem so nice..he is sweet and looking out for FL... wow so he really told her if she leaves her going to bring her back....awe   He’s really in love.. now I have to watch the episodes subbed (I only watched up to 6 subbed and just dove in..as he falls in love with her he gets better looking!!

and I finally finished maiden holmes.. it was sweet and the leads had great chemistry..happy ending

so what else are you two watching ? A lot of dramas just got subbed and popped up on dramanice
im off today so I’m cleaning and watching:)

i haven’t traveled much outside the US.. I’ve been to England Scotland and Wales some years ago, I’d like to Go back there again.  So much history and Scotland was awesome, beautiful rugged green i Went I n May and it was Cold!!!) 

what do you do for the Chinese New Year? When I lived in NY I could go to Chinatown.  (loved Chinatown, I had a friend from  China and we would go and she would bargain for me and translate everything..   had a great time. 

 In NY Christmas  was  usually very cold and snow would be starting ..December to March 

, where I live now it’s like 50-65 degrees F.. for winter :) much different , we get snow maybe 1x a year and they shut everything down..I do not miss the snow.. or driving in it:)

ok time to clean ..thanks for all the info!!!! 

take Care!! 

Hi K,

You are most welcome.

Are you referring to the red pouch under FL’s pillow at home? That was given to her by ML.An amulet to prevent miscarriage. The jade pendant is kept by her mom. The mother runs an academy where the girls sing and dance . There’s a fat girl there always eating sunflower seeds. Don’t think she’s cut out to be that sort of girl so it must be clean business.

ML’s mother was angry for being deceived. FL’s mother is just an ordinary business woman. She’s not classy or anything but she raised those girls and cared for them. She begged ML’s parents to punish her alone and spare FL. FL’s mother warn ML that FL will be angry for some time. He knows what he’s going into but didn’t expect  that FL didn’t want to have anything to do with him. His brother asked him what he said to her that made her this way. During the competition then he found out the CG visited his wife and confronted her if she was the one who told her that ML wanted to beat her mother. She of course denied.

ML’s expression is always readable when it comes to her. His pain and hurt when she pulled her hand away from him during the banquet. His relief when he discovered that only her hand was injured. I think he’s suspicious of his brother’s feelings for her. They argued and the physician asked them to calm down. His brother said that if she still wishes to leave the mansion he has to respect her wishes. Of course he will not agree to that. Leaving the mansion means leaving him. She changed her mind after her  father in law apologised to her. She sees their sincerity and acceptance of her into their family despite her low status. 

ML then begins to actively pursue her and reassures her of his feelings for her. He’s always holding her hand. I like that. 

No mention if whether ML love the dead sister.

Which part of the States are you in? I have not been to U.S nor Scotland and Wales.

Chinese New Year is quite festive with decorations according to zodiac. This year is the year of the rat, the first of twelve. Last year the shopping centre were lined with little gold pigs. Do you like Chinese food? 

Going for my morning run now.

Edit: still watching DITK and Sparkle Love

You may be correct regarding the FL’s background Now that we know from the jade pendant that she’s not a lowborn perhaps we’ll get to know who her biological parents are.

Christmas in summer..:) I forget Sometimes  that seasons are different across the world, so it’s  interesting.. in the south & lower west coast here .. it’s always warm for winter..  I don’t know if Australia gets  snow in general at all..

Here is Singapore we have only summer and the tropical heavy rain. So it get really humid that for us it sometimes get unbearable. I like the Sun but not the rain. So like recently in the morning to early afternoon you get the Sun and it rains in the afternoon followed by the Sun again. I like the weather in Perth though, in Singapore we adjust the AC to 20degC so the malls are often really cold.

C& M :D You both are Awesome!!   Thanks !!
I just read through your comments and they totally helped  me out together what I did not understand....(I really missed a lot!!!)  

Ah... sorry I didn't help much cos I am not to focus on the drama and now work has started - it's even tougher. I watched OMSL and DYLB last night and slept at 230am, I am a zombie at work now. Fortunately all my meetings are in the morning so I have a bit of freetime now.

Do you like Sydney? Did you get the chance to visit Blue Mountain? Melbourne has 4 seasons in a day so you will always need to bring a jacket and possibly umbrella  with you. 

In Ep 20, note that someone put the bird outside the house. It was not rescued by the servants. It was already there when the servants put out the fire.

The mother ask about the pregnancy was it the one where she was dreaming? Or you referring to Ep17 I think when she drug the soup that ML is supposed to drink but FL drank.

My lunchtime is ending so quick  reply -pregnancy issue not solved at Ep 20. They still have not been a proper husband and wife. Taking their own sweet time!

Did you watch how they get the bird to apologise for them? Wasn’t it smart? 

I like how the ML carries FL, quite a number of that like TSP. 

I was in Sydney for a competition so the schedule was pretty fixed. Remembered the opera house, town hall, harbour bridge and eating macdonalds burger and fries with curry sauce (they didn't have chili sauce for condiments lol). Thanks for the heads up on Melbourne, just hope the travel restrictions will be lifted soon. I have planned with my siblings to visit South Korea after all these.

I am actually at episode 19. I didn't really like the parts beginning with the FL mother, though the good thing is that it showed the how the ML is being filial and respectful. It is important but I just wished that it flowed better. And the part when the FL got stabbed, wanted to leave and the SML told her to let him go, and then the parents coming etc... just a bit too abrupt in the plot.

I watched the trailer sometime back, it was actually the fun bits in the front part and the seriously stuff in the latter - the ML mother actually question her about whether there is a baby and FL knelt down in front of her. Think she was wearing red... don't think I see that in the 19 episodes.

Haha the bird is just so cute and a main character in the show.

I really like the ML more than the FL. :) I will be watching ep 20 tonight!