Dramas I’ve Finished: Ranked

based on my attachment, enjoyment, and investment in the show and the characters and how much it connected with me. also kind of based on overall show quality.
queercia Apr 27, 2021
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  • Chicago Typewriter

    1. Chicago Typewriter

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    9.75 the supernaturally forceful grip this has on me…this show is truly special and is etched in my heart. its  slow build, nuance, found family trope, and painful yearning  combined just make it perfect for me.. the modern/present timeline is great (i love stories about writers), but the 1930’s storyline makes this show spectacular it has never left my mind or heart truly the best thing to ever come out of tv. i wish over half or all of the show was the 1930’s sometimes but i think its best for my health that it wasnt and both make each other more impactful esp the slow build up of the past life and realizations from the present it made it so rewarding and all the more impactful. i was so incredibly invested and attached to the characters and the story. the plot is amazing and is very well written and executed. the only parts i didnt care for too much are tae min (crazy eyes man is a menace and a nuisance to society), his family, and the stalkers sister but i do appreciate their significance to the story and se ju's character development. the acting and chemistry among the 3 leads is just phenomenal. i love their friendship, bromance, and the romance so much. the 1930’s story ripped my heart out especially i was uncontrollably sobbing it really hurt. shin yul/yu jin oh is a scene stealer he is charismatic and fun. se jun/hwi young is so well developed and written i love his character even when i wanted fight se jun and that man is so fine it’s distracting (especially his 1930s look he’s a menace too damn fine). jeon seol/su hyeon is a fantastic and strong character i love her strength and resilience and optimism she is so sweet. the ost?!?? satellite??? best ever i cant stop listening to it. i have so much to say about this show its truly fantastic. i spent hours on tumblr, twitter, and youtube watching every possible edit crying and listening to the ost unable to let the show go after finishing so yeah. even better on rewatch.

  • Extraordinary You

    2. Extraordinary You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    9.75 superb. excellent.  the way this show immediately connected with me is something special. this show is so damn smart and is just so damn cute and innovative. eun dan oh is such a fantastic character i love her so much and i really admire her determination and strength and her optimism. dan oh and ha ru are so freaking wholesome they are so freaking cute i love them. ha ru is the sweetest man to ever exist i swear so kind and considerate i adore him.. baek gyeong is such an interesting character i really wanted fight him 99% of the time but i empathized with him and i rooted for him to grow as a character. i love all of the characters esp joo da and dok hwa  ( my king he deserved better i love him). A3 is iconic. this show does really well as a satire of high school dramas as well. .25 taken off because of the horrible wig that rowoon wore in the previous life scenes. i like how the story took its time and got more complex but never overly convoluted.  i also didnt hate the amnesia plotlines like i usually do because of how they did it and how it fit into the plot.  something about a show where the characters really strive to find themselves and make their own meaning is so amazing and inspiring. idk what it is about the show that connected so deeply but it just did. the show has an intense hold on me.

  • Someday or One Day

    3. Someday or One Day

    Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 13 episodes


    this show broke me forever in shambles like their love was so beautiful only to be erased from history to save their friends?? tragic and romantic and so well planned out. truly the best execution of time travel and time loops. innovative and genius. this show was so well done. a truly beautiful star crossed romance that feels so epic, earned, and truly romantic. the movie ending healed my heart but even without it the show itself is a masterpiece. jun jie is my son. truly stellar use of music

  • Mr. Sunshine

    4. Mr. Sunshine

    Korean Drama - 2018, 24 episodes


    truly think this is one of the best pieces of media ever made. excellent, outstanding, a masterpiece. i feel like im too dumb to fully grasp all of the layers in this lol. not only is the romance amazing and moving between the mains, but the story is fully enthralling and heartbreaking. i kinda rooted for dong mae but i also loved him with the kudo hina and loved the character of ae shin's fiancé as well this love pentagon was a lot i love it but the way none of them had a happy ending broke me. i loved all of the 5 mains' dynamics a lot it was so interesting. even though i had an idea of what would happen bc of the history, i still couldnt help but root for them with everything in me. i love the themes of this show and how it shows the horrific nature of war and colonialism. the way it shows the evils of imperialism and colonization and war while showcasing the strength and resilience of the people is so well-done. every single character is amazing. ae-shin, dong-mae, and young hwa/kudo hina are the absolute standouts for me. the women on this show are phenomenally well written.  the fight scene between ae-shin and kudo hina?? a masterpiece. kim tae ri truly is a phenomenal actress. this is the hardest i have ever sobbed in a show. the cinematography is stunning. i will never recover from this show. all i know is pain. this is one of the best shows i have ever seen. sad march top tier ost.  truly excellent should be number 1 but my top 3 have a hold on me im sorry.

  • 18 Again

    5. 18 Again

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    9.75 shows about family and growth always hit me hard.  i knew what to expect bc of the movie, but this show really turned it into something so special. the acting here is so incredible from everyone especially lee do hyun. the story is so incredibly nuanced and moving and i was so invested and emotionally attached. the love between da jung and dae young is so sweet and i love that they found their way back to each other after growing as people on their own first. dae youngs character development was so amazing watching him learn to appreciate what he has and overcome his resentments was great. da jung is a bad bitch i love her a lot she deserves the world and her plotline with her career was so well done. si ah's character and romance really stood out as well. every major character had such good development and i loved most all of them. i really like ji hoon his  story was so touching. there was some stuff that should have been left out or changed like the kinda creepy older friend characters and some of the romantic scenes with older da jung and younger dae young were a little weird (wish they showed older dae youg for this kiss scenes). the family stuff with their parents and their kids and watching them in flashbacks...its just so excellent. the flashback where dae young draws the wrong whiskers on the kids and he walks them home in the rain...i cry its so good. i also love the ost. here is so much too talk about and i have a lot to say. this show is so warm and special i love it sm.

  • It's Okay to Not Be Okay

    6. It's Okay to Not Be Okay

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    ohmygod. its so???????? magnificent. this show is so masterfully crafted. the depth the show has. the implications it has. lol. sang tae, gang tae, and moon young are all such fantastic, well-developed characters and i absolutely adore all of their dynamics and relationships especially sang tae and moon youngs friendship. gang tae and moon young have such electric chemistry. i appreciate how they communicated about the unhealthy and kinda toxic behaviors and worked through those to have a healthy relationship!! i really like the nurse and the ceo characters. i liked all of the side characters. kwak dong yeon's character stands out a lot he's an icon.  i love the aesthetic and vibe of the show!!! the plot avoids being overly convoluted which i really appreciate and the setting is perfect. i love how it committed to the dark fairytale genre with the evil mom and everything even if it made little sense how she is still alive. i loved her books they were so creepy but so good. all of the side characters from the hospital have my heart. the plot twist though!!!! omg!!!! i felt so stupid.  the ost is so so excellent as are the outfits.. this show is truly that girl and if you disagree... its whatever but still. lol.

  • Reply 1988

    7. Reply 1988

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    9.25 yeah she’s excellent idk what to say. they really put something in these shows im never gonna move on. these shows sneak up on me everytime i dont think im too into it until i realized im compeltely attached. i truly love this show with all my heart. it has everything i love: a focus on family, friendships, and a love triangle bc i love pain apparently. the characters are all so well developed and the dynamics between them all are so heartwarming. first off, sampcheonpo from 1994 is my favorite always thats my king so him as the dad here is iconic. the mom trio have my whole heart. i loved all of the family dynamics between the parents and their kids and their siblings and i love how everyone on that street was one big family. jung hwan made me so mad i love him and my heart hurts for him. him and deoksun were so cute and so much potential. however, taek is my baby i love him i adore him and his cute smile. him and deoksun are so cute together i absolutely adore them. i will say that the love story between taeks dad and sun woos mom outsold though. i really cried watching the last few minutes of this show and took a few hours after to process and sit in the pain i felt knowing the show was over. damn. its just so warm and comforting.

  • Just Between Lovers

    8. Just Between Lovers

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    9.25 this drama grew on me and i think its gonna stay with me for a bit. i love the drama so much. i love how well it handles its serious topics like ptsd, trauma, and grief and holy shit was that so incredibly traumatic and sad. this show is very sad but also healing. the character development and mutual healing is done so well. kang doo and moon soo are such incredible and strong characters. they both have my whole heart and their romance is so so so amazing honestly one of my fave pairings their love is so pure and their chemistry is great. kang doo is my baby i love him he is so fine and so sweet. their trauma is no joke and i sincerely hope that he, like every character, esp moon soo, is getting therapy (love her mom getting help at the end). moon soo is such a quietly strong and resilient character she is so warm and kind i love her a lot. while some stuff was a bit underdeveloped, like the joo won(a bit meh but not a bad character)/yoo jin (love her wanted more) family stuff, and moon soos pretty writer friend (wanted more of her)! i really loved ma ri and gran a lot. rip gran. ma ri deserved better. the memorial plot and flashbacks to the mall crash were really well done. so fucking glad they didnt kill my baby and let my babies be happy.  i have a lot to say about this show, shout out to granny you anti-capitalist queen. this show so so great. the ost is amazing. ** even better on rewatch

  • When the Weather Is Fine

    9. When the Weather Is Fine

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    9.25 i love it. i loved the slow, moody, and emotional vibe. perfect casting. i was invested in everything except for the aunts ex boyfriend he was meh but she was funny with him. the leads chemistry? the cuteness of the book club? i was so endeared by it. i love how the show is about healing  from family trauma and how you grow from that. truly felt like a healing show. the relationship between her mom and aunt and what happened...oh my god. i love a quiet and healing show even if its very slow. its weird to see park min young with the dark hair and bangs in the flashbacks. her ex friend character got a little annoying but i glad to see them work through everything esp the lesbian vibes. i really love the relationship between hae won and eun seob characters sm they are one of my fave couples they are so sweet. his character is also really interesting and his story really hurt my feelings. his relationship with his family is so heartwarming and his sister is a gem!!! i love his friend lee jae wooks character he was so funny and such a mood. the show is really slow and calm but i love it bc of that and how it took its time.

  • Coffee Prince

    10. Coffee Prince

    Korean Drama - 2007, 17 episodes


    i freaking love this drama. its so amazing. its such a fun and upbeat show. eun chan is such a great character i absolutely adore her she is so funny and sweet. love a good tomboy who eats all they want and never gets fat character lol. i loved watching her find something she is passionate about and go for it. she may have taken the whole pretending to be a boy thing too far but a girls gotta do what shes gotta do but she put him through so much lmao. gong yoo is so fine in this lmao he looks like a butch lesbian i love it. his character was a lil bitch i love him. them as a couple just give me that buzz they’re chemistry is just too good. the side couple wasnt as interesting but I  was still invested and liked watching them grow as a couple. i liked all of the cofee princes and the friendships. this show is honestly so fantastic. one of the only older dramas that i think still holds up pretty well. i love the social commentary and its progressiveness for the time although its still very hetero and cis normative and i wish it did have an explicitly queer character, but i still think that the main dude is 100% bisexual so yeah.  the humor on the show is great and the yearning and pining are top notch and caused me great pain at times but it was so worth it. i really loved the ending of this show it was very rewarding. its just such a comfort show i love to rewatch it just makes me happy

  • My Mister

    11. My Mister

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    i-.. this drama is so rich and grounded and human. i am so grateful that the show went so far to ensure that ji an’s and dong hoon’s relationship was never romantic but was just about the companionship of two lonely people who found solace and comfort in each other. ji an is such an amazing character and i was rooting for her so hard and the way her character grew was so satisfying. her relationship with her grandmother is so special to me and will always be my favorite thing about this show. dong hoon is so interesting and relatable and i appreciate just how kind and patient he was which made his development very rewarding.. the women on this show outsold, of course and i wish the show did more with yu ra and jeong hui. the brothers were cool and i loved seeing their relationship. this show is so special and im definitely going to need to rewatch it. i love it the more i think about it.

  • Hospital Playlist Season 2

    12. Hospital Playlist Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    9.25 im a mess i was under the impression that we were definitely getting a season 3 and finding out thats not the case last minute broke me. this show is everything to me i love it so much im so invested and attached to everyone it brings me so much comfort and joy. this season  is just as good as the first but i think i may have enjoyed this one slightly more idk why. i love everyone sm. i got more interested in jun wan and seok hyeong’s characters this season. jun wan is so funny he’s such a mood and him and ik sun are suer cute (and angsty)  and i love his friendship with jae hak. seok hyeong shined more this season idk why. that's just a good man.  i love him and min ha!!! min ah finally getting screen time and development i love it! so happy they got together. ik jun and song hwa i love them!! ik jun cracks me up and song hwa is so cool i love them sm. watching them slowly get together was so rewarding. jeong won (lml) is still such a king so sweet. im glad gyeoul got more development this seaso . winter garden couple has my whole heart. i love watching all of the lacking 5 together those scenes are always the best. their kareoke scene, the snowcrab scene, it killed me.  jeong rosa and her ex chairman friend are fun too love them.  i loved seeing more of the patients and other doctors and interns it made the show more immersive and grounded. their band performances were so good this season too. i just im so sad its over but imma rewatch this show is everything i love it sm. this ost gives me pure joy.

  • Hospital Playlist

    13. Hospital Playlist

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    this show is really cute and warm. i was really invested and was more emotionally attached than i realized by the time it ended. this show is really nuanced so a lot of the character, plot, and relationship developments really sneak up on you and feel earned.  i really like all of the characters especially ik-jun (cutest father-son relationship), song hwa, and jeong won and the side characters the twins, min ah, and gyeo wool! i liked the old people too they were fun. there were some aspects that interested me less than others but they never really bored me or disinterested me. the winter garden couple really is great the slowly built up tension and a lot of subtlety really made the confession/kiss so great. ik-jun and song hwa are really cute i hope they get together. i also really like how the show handled religion it handled the priest storyline a lot better than other shows. i also liked the medical and patient stuff. i want to see more of them in the band!! i really look forward season 2. best ost pure serotonin.

  • Youth of May

    14. Youth of May

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    *screams* this shit is so sad oh my god. i knew it was gonna be tragic but this broke me. this show is simply excellent it has fantastic acting, go min si and lee do hyun are spectacular, they had amazing chemistry and just really stole my heart they deserved sm better myeong hee deserved better its just fucking sad. i really felt attached to all of the characters i am so relieved that most of the characters survived but myeong hee and her dad and hye guns deaths were so devastating. im glad that soo ryeon grew and started to take accountability for herself and soochan i wish they gave his character more to do but i really loved him. im glad that hee tae and myeong hee’s brothers lived. hwang ki nam is rotting in hell. it would have been good to have more of  the politics of the uprising but i still think the show did a great job considering its goal and massage of showcasing the bravery and passion that all of the protestors had and how it impacted everyone in that time. i hope those who lost their lives in gwangju are at peace and that their families and loved ones are okay what happened is so horrific and i hate that it is not rare and that it still happens today. the military is truly so evil and vile by nature and governments are just so fucked its sick. that scene with the military firing at the protesters was so hard to watch a lot of this show can be and it was so well done. i love this show a lot the first half was so cute and so gradually became sad and intense by the end of ep 8 with the alarm blaring...haunts me. this show… really hurts but its so so good and beautiful and haunting and will stick with me.

  • A Piece of Your Mind

    15. A Piece of Your Mind

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    i did not understand what the heck was happening til half way through ep 2 but once i understood.... i love this drama. why did it flop and get cut short im bitter! who cares if it makes sense its good anyway good vibes.  its very a healing and soothing drama. i liked the cute romance and their many hugs.the concept of the tech is so fascinating i want to know more about it the whole thing with that kind made no sense but idc i just went with it.  i liked how the romance was a slow burn and took its time they developed so healthily and i appreciate how they took time for themselves before coming back together. the husband pianist character was so dramatic but same that guilt he carried is so heavy and that piano song he wrote was so beautiful. i just really loved this it connected with me sm the way it talked about grief and love and moving on was so well done its a shame it was cut 4 episodes short. great ost.

  • The Light in Your Eyes

    16. The Light in Your Eyes

    Korean Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    8.75 this show made me feel like curling up into a ball and dying. this is so fucking sad oh my god. okay yeah so i knew going in she turns into an old lady and then sad stuff happens but she an ALZHEIMERS PATIENT REIMAGING A LIFE WHERE SHE WAS THE DAUGHTER AND HE WAS ALIVE?!?! thats so painful and twisted a knife in my gut. the first part started off fun and then the first twist happened and shit got sad and them it went on and the THE twist happened and ruined my life. it was so well done and shocking. rethinking the show knowing the truth makes everything make so much more sense. theres so much to talk about. the family relationships were so touching. her sacrificing her youth for her father and secretly looking out for her son and choosing  her mom/daughter in law in the divorce. joon ha’s life was so miserable and what really happened to him in the 70’s was so tragic. hye ja is such a great character old and young. their romance broke me and their bond when she was “old” was so touching and him actually being her doctor!!! he died when they were young and she died when he was young!! she imagined rescuing  him bc of what really happened!! SHE WALKED TO HIM IN HER FINAL MOMENTS. i can go on. im a wreck. before the reveal was made, some stuff mainly with the brother and the center felt a little too goofy or out of place and caused odd tonal shifts  and after the reveal made it seem a little wasteful of time but it also helped the “story” be so immersive that the twist worked even better?!?! yeah i have a lot of feelings. it was so excellent even though the overall show could have been a bit smoother. this show will stay with me for a long time.

  • One Spring Night

    17. One Spring Night

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    so cute i cant. i absolutely adore the main couple so much. they both have such a calm and reserved strength and assertiveness that i love i really like their characters they both of my whole heart. im sucker for painful yearning and i really felt it with them. the messiness of the circumstances surrounding their relationship with her ex had me dying sometimes the ex was so pathetic it got almost funny he was such an annoying little bitch. her father is so annoying i hate him. her younger sister is the best character love her what a mood. the kid is so cute i love him and their little family sm. its really soft and wholesome. i liked the plot with the older sister a lot im so proud of her her husband is going to rot!. the dads fighting each other in the last ep was so funny. plot wise and vibe wise itis very similar to something in the rain but different enough.

  • Lost

    18. Lost

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    9.25 slow, depressing, philosophical yeah this was for me. i loved this show. i liked its messages and themes about grief and loneliness and sadness. i enjoyed watching the characters develop and change their outlooks on life. i think each pairing had good chemistry and i was at least moderately interested in all of the dynamics even though i forgot about some when they werent on screen (justs sister and her bf (?) and bujeongs husband and his exgf) but i was never bored. just and min jung were really cute and provided some good levity to the show. i really liked the friendship between bu jeong and her husbands parents. i also found a rans character to be really interesting. bujeong and gang jae are the standouts though and what kept me watching mainly. as individual characters, they are both really interesting with compelling personal arcs. as a pairing, they have electric chemistry and a beautiful relationship together. the hotel/oranges scene and the tent scene (especially the tent scene) permanently changed my brain chemistry. they were so intimate i felt like i intruding on them. the tent scene was the most intensely intimate scene i have ever scene like i stopped eating and breathing to pay attention it was so well done. i liked their open ending  and im interpreting it to be they get back together. the use of jeff buckleys hallelujah was fantastic i loved how it was a motif throughout. amazing show.

  • The Red Sleeve

    19. The Red Sleeve

    Korean Drama - 2021, 17 episodes


    9.25 oh wow yeah this is so excellent. its so well crafted from the writing to the directing to the cinematography. the is acting is absolutely phenomenal. lee jun ho and lee se young are amazing in their roles and their chemistry is top notch. i read a lot of the history and their story and im so glad i did even though it made me even more distraught. the more i learn the sadder i get.i wish there was something left from deok im herself in history for us to know her perspective. (talking about the portrayals of the people as the characters) i rooted for deok im unwaveringly and fully i understood her and loved her so much. i admire her self respect and self love. i loved her friendship with the other court maids and her mentor. she is so kind and resilient and courageous. yi san is very intriguing i understand him i do but the way i wanted to deck the shit out of him sometimes is very real. his relationship with his grandfather was fascinating and he seemed to be a good king from the show and what i learned from history. i could really feel deok im and san's love for each other and my god their *scenes* had me sweating. their love was so  bittersweet and im so thankful that yi san commemorated it so there story could be told. the stuff with the fairy palace and court maids was so interesting and made me think of court maids differently. the politics and royal dynamics were also interesting to watch! this show had me fully engaged and on the edge my seat like 95% of the time. truly excellent oh wow theres so much i want to say about this drama. it broke me so bad. so romantic. so tragic. so moving. 

  • Pachinko

    20. Pachinko

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    9.25 a poignant and beautiful drama that encapsulates the themes of identity, loss, love, and family. this show was hard to watch at times and was so emotional. the narrative structure was very interesting and played with the themes of generational trauma and the long term impacts of colonization on individuals, families, communities, and generations. the acting is this show was amazing across the board but kim min ha truly shined as sun ja she was so well characterized and developed and youn yuh jung was phenomenal in that role as well. lee min ho also gives a career best performance in a role where i dont know how to feel about his character but interested in his story as well. the end scene of episode 4 really stood out to me it was very moving. i also love the title sequence its so interesting and fun and  matches the sentimentality and hope of the show as well. the story in 1989 added so much to the emotional weight of the show. i’m looking forward to season 2 and seeing more the stories of the characters.

  • Little Women

    21. Little Women

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    firstly , the writers should ’nt have used the vw if they were not fully prepared to do in depth into the severely vile actions that sk and sk soldiers took against  hundreds of thousands innocent Vietnamese people . it spent too much time on the vw vets w/o fully exploring those war crimes and sk’s wealth accumulation in direct connection to US imperialism and the growth of the sk military. it felt insensitive and they should gone deeper to not only critique the sk gov but also the actions of the sk soliders as well. painting SOME of them as villains is not enough. it made its otherwise well done analysis and critique of capitalism and class structure in sk feel abit lacking and tone deaf bc of it fully didnt commit to the role of imperialism in that commentary.  but, outside of that, this show was phenomenal. i loved the characters individually and their dynamics amongst each other. the sisters should have a bit more screentime as a trio but their dynamics between eachother were still well developed. in joo is my girl she may be dumb but she is not stupid. she is kind hearted and brave. in kyung was very interesting and i rooted for her to get to  the truth. in hye the best and most interesting sister and all hate is from dumb people who hate lesbians. her arc and loyalty to hyo rin and difficulty accepting the love from her sisters was very well done. do il was interesting and trying to determine his loyalties and motivations was stressful. jongho was there to look at in kyung with heart eyes and i respect it. hwa young is a bad bitch and a legend and her and in joo make a beautiful couple. hyo rin deserved better parents and im glad she had in hye by her side. jae sang was a nasty rat who got what was coming to him and sang a was a crazy and sexy milf who got what was coming to her. this show was an event every week and i was so invested every step of the way.  disappointments aside this a great show that requires a critical eye.also its gay.

  • Hotel del Luna

    22. Hotel del Luna

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    everyone is so beautiful is hurts. i love the main couple and wish they had more time but the individual stories per ep and each of the side characters are fantastic. i sobbed. this show is so beautiful to look at the hotel is gorgeous and the cinematography is stunning. I loved the past life/history plot its so heartbreaking and tragic. i forgot that was lee do hyun until a rewatch he really stole the show. that plot was very well done and was so interesting and watching how it all connected to the present was so great. i loved man wol she is such a fantastic character she is so badass and strong and stubborn and beautiful i am in love with her. chan sung was such a funny and passionate character i loved him and felt so heartbroken for him. i loved the romance between hyun joong and yoo na it was so cute. them and the other hotel staff were so great. i loved them all a lot. this show just felt so charming and fun and i was so invested and attached. this show just felt so charming and lively and fun i love it. great ost.

  • Goblin

    23. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    an instant classic for a reason. the OST?? the best ever. the whole cast is great and so beautiful. i am in love with this show. i love the vibe of this show and the plot a lot. i loved the past life stuff and how it all connected to the present. i also liked how they included God as a character and the lady in red. i was so invested in this story and each of the characters. the unexpected goofiness of this show is a part of why i love it so much. best bromance ever. i love eun tak so much she is such a great character and i love her and  kim shin sm even though it took my time to get into them bc of the age gap but the show handled that really well and also im a hypocrite bc i ate it up from the start like i love tvd and vampire shows so immortal beings and teens... im so awful. lol! sunny and grim reaper steal the show though their story and tension is the biggest highlight of the show!! they both stand out and are amazing characters even though i wish sunny had more screentime. the plot of this is so intriguing and beautiful, although i feel like the ending with kim shin still being immortal and coming back is weak but i still liked the ending overall even though it fucking broke me and ruined me completely.  this show is just so charming and moodily endearing. a surprisingly funny, moving, and romantic show.

  • Crash Landing on You

    24. Crash Landing on You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    my grams’ was invested and only saw bits of like 5 eps. its fantastic. seo dan best character. the second couple/leads deserved better.  they were so interesting and fun i wish they had more screen time and im still bitter at his end. loved the side characters better than the mains but i still loved them with whole heart. her family can rot. the nk group of soilders have my entire heart i love them sm. i also love the village ahjummas!! i love the melodramaticness and some of the absurdity too. very grounded yet large scale feel. i love se ri a lot and her family can choke. the switzerland arc is beautiful. this show is really pretty to look at. i love the score and ost a lot too. the side arc with the wiretapper broke me that was so sad. evil guy is evil and mean didnt like him. the plot overall never felt too convoluted which i appreciate i like that it took its time and had a lot of smaller moments for character and relationship development. i love how we got 2 fish out of water perspectives with her in nk and them in sk that was a lot of fun. the kim soo hyun cameo is iconic. this show is just so excellent its fun and feels full and lively. very immersive and easily bingeable

  • Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

    25. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    iu is a goddess. took me like 3 eps to get into it and i am glad i watched this. i cried so incredibly hard. i never really fully shipped the mains but my god did i feel for them and root for them like felt how much they loved each other and it was so fucking sad. i was so invested in each character and pairing and story. everyone was so interesting.  the plot was always interesting to me and even if they completely forgot it was a time travel show that was still cool. the royal politics stuff was fascinating and the way people became more and more corrupted by power was intense. i loved the bad boy thing lol it was fun but his scar wasnt even that bad he's so dramatic. the other prince in the love triangle was a little bitch. i liked all of the crown princes esp eun and jung. iu's  character just maintained her kindness and was such a good main character she was strong and passionate she is the only character i didnt want to fight at least once i adore her. wang so is such a fascinating and interesting character i understood him i did but some of the things he did made it hard. this show as a romance was amazing and the show as a tragedy broke me. i will never recover from wang eun that hurt. the ost is so good too. the end scene is amazing. i am in pain. even better on a rewatch

  • Moving

    26. Moving

    Korean Drama - 2023, 20 episodes


    literally kinda changed my life. this a very ~moving~ show that kept me thoroughly engaged and entertained with very few dull or unnecessary moments. the characters are all well developed with interesting backstories and motives. this is more a show about family and the strength that comes from that kinda of love than superpowers which  is where the bleeding heart of the show comes from. i loved seeing everyones backstory (which is a good 50% of the show) which fits all the puzzle pieces together making for an earned final battle. this show set the stakes immediately while introducing lovable characters that you want to root for. i loved loved LOVED the fact that the superpowered people on both the “good” and “bad” sides found understanding and solidarity in eachother at the end (i wish there was more of this bc it was powerful) and the fact that they decided to go against their exploitative “bosses” (perpetrators of the state interests) made me smile. there were characters i wish we spent some more time with (jae man and ganghoon) and there were times i wished we’d get some forward momentum instead of more set up or backstory but those moments still interested me and added to the story. i absolutely adore bong seok i feel so protective of him like he’s my own son. also i love that the show did not have suddenly get “skinny” to be seen as a hero or a love interest while other shows have had “non skinny” protagonist lose weight for a sudden “glow up” before being taken seriously as either. this show made me laugh, cry, gasp, scream, cry some more, and be on the edge of my seat. truly amazing and awesome.

  • Are You Human Too?

    27. Are You Human Too?

    Korean Drama - 2018, 36 episodes


     cheesy, messy, with some nonsensical stuff but idc it made it better and what about it? i love this show a lot.  it challenged me ethically with the robot and human emotion stuff. i genuinely fear human android robots so i really  hesitated to watch this but i am so glad i did. this show is so smart and has so much to say about what it means to be human. (most of) the acting?!?!?! phenomenal. had me floored. seo kang joon masterfully portrayed the different nam shins and i was so fascinated by it all. the scenes where his characters were together are the absolute best. i also really loved the character of so bong and how brave and passionate she is. her and nam shin 3 have such a beautiful and interesting dynamic but i cant tell you if i truly believe that them ending up together is good because he’s a fucking robot. there wasnt a part of this show i hated, except for how freaking dumb everyone is to talk to openly about “top secret” stuff and have the audacity to be shocked when they get caught  and the rushed and kinda sloppy writing of the ending. even the antagonist and business stuff didnt bore me as much as it could have (still kinda meh but not too bad). i am in love with seo kang joon. this show just really connected with me. this is my stupid  show i love it even though i know its mid idc.

  • Vincenzo

    28. Vincenzo

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    this show had no right to be this good! melodramatic, funny as hell, over the top, and so so so entertaining. watching this weekly gave me such a high. i love morally grey characters and mains who actually kill and do  morally grey things. yeah some stuff could have been better developed like the stuff with cha youngs dad and mom situation and cha youngs character kinda got a little left behind in the last bit, but those are my only complaints oh also han seo deserved better i love him. tacyeon looked like he was having the time of his life being the villain he was so scary! it was so satisfying watching his and myeong hee die they were so vile.  i love the character of vincenzo he was so badass and dumb but smart. i love cha young she was so funny and badass. i liked their romance as well.  their romance!! painful slow slowburn but so worth it!! the cassano geugma plaza gang!’ they have my whole heart i love them all!!! the show gave me such a high from start to end it was such a fun and exciting show to watch and i will be rewatching and praising its name for forever

  • Happiness

    29. Happiness

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    this show is very excellent and entertaining i love it a lot. i didnt expect to like it this much. i was super invested and engaged throughout and i was so attached to the main characters. i really like how the show handled the whole zombie thing. im bad with zombies they can be too much but thankfully they werent rotty fleshy so i could tolerate it. also how they had those infected still be themselves for most of the time was very well done and fascinating and made everything seem much more emotional and helped me get more invested. i absolutely adore yi hyun and sae bom as individuals and as a couple they’re both so badass and kind and are just so sweet together. i also like how han tae sook’s character was written and portrayed he had a lot of depth for a character who could have been a caricature. seo yoon is so cute love that kid. a lot of those in the apartment complex are annoying bitches. i liked the siblings a lot they were interesting and the dude on the 15th floor deserved better. the ost and music in this show is also very good i loved it. this show also had a great opening scene. great show i loved it a lot. goodending albeit a little rushed. would have loved even an extra 30 minutes. 

  • The Uncanny Counter

    30. The Uncanny Counter

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.75 i say these are my babies and i’m proud. i love this show so much. i feel so attached to and invested in these characters and god i love them. this show is freaking cool like the lore and the action and the story are so fascinating. the villains werent boring and the demons were so intense and interesting. this show had me on the edge of my seat sometimes. the show did portray the deep corruption among cops and law enforcement but it did the bad apples approach that i don’t like which is why its not rated higher. i will ignore plot holes bc i liked the show’s vibe. each character is so well rounded and developed and i love their dynamics amongst each other. so mun in my son and ha-na is the loml. i love it sm. i cried. i laughed. i love it.

  • Move to Heaven

    31. Move to Heaven

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    this is the saddest and most touching, the most heart breaking and warming thing i have ever seen. my god i was crying in literally every episode. the show is excellent. the writing of the show is really strong with great character development. i really liked all of the main characters. sang gu is such an interesting character i wanted to fight him a lot but i understood him and watching him grow and learn to accept family was touching. the scenes with him and seok chul were so hard to watch. geu ru my son i love you he was so sweet and considerate and i think they portrayed his autism really well and respectfully that boy has such a big heart and watching him grow and adapt and accept change was nice. i felt so bad for him he had such loving parents and how he felt their loss was heartbreaking. nam ru was cute and fun i wish she had more to do though she had such a big heart. the main family story with sang gu and his brother was so fucking sad and the story of geu rus adoption… i liked all of the episodic stories especially the one with the gay couple that broke me and the one with the old couple.. this show was so interesting and moving i really liked it and the messages behind it and the business move to heaven that they run really does good work.

  • Because This Is My First Life

    32. Because This Is My First Life

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    8.75  a fantastic show. i really like the leads. the second couple were cute and she was such a baddie. third couple kinda annoyed me but i didnt dislike them. this show is the one that got me back into kdramas after drifting for a like a year. i love marriage contract tropes and this show did it so well. the main couple had such a fun dynamic and watching their relationship develop was great. the second couple kind outshined them though they were so much fun i loved them a lot. this show is a lot of fun.

  • Thirty but Seventeen

    33. Thirty but Seventeen

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    8.75 very cute. very wholesome. i loved it a lot. i really loved all of the characters (jennifer best character) and their dynamics and relationships. i absolutely love seo ri i relate to her airheadedness. i love how optimistic, kind, and resilient she was, and holy shit i felt so bad for her. woo jin was a fun (frustrating at times but i get it) character i really loved watching his growth. yoo chan is my baby love him and his friends (my bb lee do hyun was a surprise love him) are so fun. jennifer is so fucking funny (her going “oh my god” that one time took me out) i love her and watching her grow too. man just watching all of these characters develop was so rewarding. the main romance was so fucking cute i love them a lot. the nephew liking her made sense i would fall for her too. the amount of misunderstandings and how long is took to realize things did get old fast but its whatever i still enjoyed the show a lot.

  • Familiar Wife

    34. Familiar Wife

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    8.75 i surprisingly did adore this show more than i thought i would. i loved this show a lot honestly. i loved the ost. the writing was fantastic it was well paced and the dialogue flowed well and the character development was very well done. i have some bones to pick with the writing of hye wons character and how she could have gotten more screen time for character development (i couldnt hate her but she did some really awful things). i also dont like how they called original wu jin a monster she wasnt she was just super stressed and i get it i would be too. also they really said 1 minute to mourn the children he erased from existence. ju hyeok was a selfish sexist ass and his character development was great. watching him learn the role he played in what happened to him and wu jin and learn to accept accountability and responsibility was great. wu jin is a truly fantastic character i love her she is badass and determined and so smart and kind i stan her so much. watching them get back together and work through their issues was great. i liked the bank characters they were fun. his sister and his friend were cute too. i just was really endeared by this show and its cute intro. idk its just great. yeah

  • Our Beloved Summer

    35. Our Beloved Summer

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 cinema!!! i love this show a lot. its chill and cute with heart and character development which is my combo. i looked forward to this weekly.  i was very attached. i adore yeon soo and woong so much like those are my babies. watching them grow as people and as a couple from high school to adulthood was rewarding.  they have stellar chemistry. their kiss scenes and that montage when the first kissed again in the rain? cinema! yeon soo’s relationship with her grams is very special to me. i related to woong too much i also liked nj a lot she was cute and fun. ji woong could frustrate me but i felt bad for him. sol-i and woong’s manager were fun!! the ost is amazing. i just really loved this and resonated with it a lot. the documentary aspect was really well done too. i wish the show did the 2 main couples route instead of the unrequited love storyline. ji-woongs mom dying kinda felt odd but the storyline overall was good. i hate the study abroad last minute trope gut im glad they didnt drag it out so it didnt really bother me. this show was just heartfelt and romantic i loved it.

  • Angel's Last Mission: Love

    36. Angel's Last Mission: Love

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    8.75 its beautiful. they have such a cute dynamic. i didnt quite vibe with the other dude or her cousin and family though. i love this couple and the plot a lot. i love the main leads a lot. kim dan is such a cutie he is so sweet and funny and has this great energy to him. i love yeon seo a lot what she went through was so awful and her character development was great she was so strong and passionate i really rooted for her and i rooted for them to be together and happy they had such a cute dynamic. this show is just so great. loved the ballet bits. loved the lore and the stakes. great ost. love how the show found a way to do the childhood connection trope. 

  • Yumi's Cells

    37. Yumi's Cells

    Korean Drama - 2021, 14 episodes


    this show is cute and charming. the show balanced the animation and cells with the real life story really well because it never felt childish like it could have but really elevated the story and the developments of characters and relationships. yumi is such a great lead character she is so nice and sweet and strong and resilient i love her a lot i look forward to watching her grow even more im always gonna be rooting for her she’s such a mood. woong is such a sweetheart i love him and his big heart if only he wasnt so damn prideful. him and yumi were so cute i was rooting for them sm they had so many sweet moments their breakup hurt me so bad i cried that final scene with them was really well done.  the side characters are cool. sae yi is a menace and ruby is so cute. ugi is a gay icon. yoo bobby is so hot and sweet cant wait to see more of his character. the cells are so much fun lust cell and fashion cells are icons. i cant wait for more seasons!

  • A Time Called You

    38. A Time Called You

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    8.75 whew this is a hard show to review beause i cant review it solely based on it as its show on its own merits because it is so similar to original show which is one my favorite shows of all time. i kept trying not to do direct comparisons but it was impossible.

    to the best of my ability, as a show on its own, i think this a good show with good emotion and heart. thats literally all i can say without talking about the original show, someday or one day (sood)

    sood feels more raw and bit more goofy and present in playfulness and humor, both giving it a certain spark i just cant shake and still makes me more attached to it.

    this iteration feels more polished and serious and dramatic in tone and flare, which makes me feel less of a magic spark personally. however, this version had the heart it needed to make me care. even though i basically knew everything that was gonna happen, i was still sitting in anticipation and excited for each episode. i was sobbing during it which is a good sign. i think the show picked a perfect theme song with seo ji won’s in my tears. i felt the romance and the pain. i could NOT take 2002->2023/Current Day ahn hyo seop seriously. i think that jeon yeo been (esp her) and ahn hyo seop did a great job the chemistry and bond between the main trio wasnt as good as it could have been and as it was in the original and same goes for the villain. i cannot tell you if the show on its own makes sense bc i have watched the original several times and understand the plot based on that, but i do appreciate some of the holes/unanswered questions it  fixed. LOVE the final scene.

    in short, this made feel the romance and pain and yearning i wanted. its a great remake and a good show on its own. sood is just that girl to me. always will be. glad i watched this though.

  • When the Camellia Blooms

    39. When the Camellia Blooms

    Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    i hate the ex boyfriend i cant even look at him he is such a little bitch number 1 on my hit list. but the main couple is so pure they have my whole heart!!!! i absolutely love dong baek sm she is so strong and kind and soft and i love how she didnt let people walk all over her but watching her grow  and become more confident was amazing.!! hyang mi really broke me i felt so bad for her. the stuff with joker didn’t always flow the best but i still was really interested in it and it was still well done. i like murder mystery plots.  hwang sik is a top tier male lead he is so thoughtful and nice and cute, i would change their early story a bit he seemed almost stalkery but he was just so eager and puppylike.  i hate cops so im a hypocrite for liking him he should find another job but i cant help it he's so sweet. him and dongbaek are a 10/10 couple. the best part of the show though is absolutely everything with the mom dynamics. her/ her mom, her/pilgu, and just like her mom is such a great and interesting character. great ost.

  • Something in the Rain

    40. Something in the Rain

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    i truly love a slow, soft, melodramatic show. the vibes of this show were just so warm and it really did feel like the best, most comforting rainy day in. their romance is actually probably one of my favorites. they had the cutest dynamic and sweetest relationship i absolutely adored them. they had such good chemistry. i liked the workplace sexual harassment storyline a lot. i liked the friendships on the show a lot and wish that jin a and gyeong seon’s friendship had more screentime. i absolutely hated jin a’s mother with a passion like i kinda get where you're comingbut also you’re being a bitch and are saying awful things. i wish the last ep of the show had a happier vibe and my feelings were hurt but im actually okay with how it ended it made sense and their last scene together in the rain was so cute. love the happy ending. this show annoyed me a lot less than i thought it would rewatching the second half is almost impossible i skip 70% ofit when i rewatch.with what i had heard and i really fucking loved this show a lot it just connected me.i love the way it was filmed, the ost is so good, and the acting is amazing. but mainly the main romance had my whole heart.

  • See You in My 19th Life

    41. See You in My 19th Life

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    8.75 i actually found this to be an incredibly beautiful and moving show. i’ve always loved reincarnation and reincarnated lovers stories, so i was looking forward to this. that interest plus my deep and utter love for shin hye sun made this my most anticipated kdrama of the year, and i am very thankful that it did not disappoint. there were some minor points of the show that made me roll my eyes but overall this was a really well done and executed show. i kinda wish it was a full 16 episodes but the 12 episode format kept the show from dragging although the ending eps did feel a tiny but rushed. i loved hye sun’s character a lot. seeing her many past lives was very interesting and the way each life was portrayed as all being an equal part of who she was as a person and the way that all of those memories mattered to her was very moving. her 18th life was so beautiful and tragic like jfc that was so traumatizing like no wonder it kinda deeply fucked seo ha up inside. seo ha  and ji eum had such a romantic and beautiful love story. i was rooting for them so hard. i also adored her relationship with ae gyeong it was so sweet and warm. i also love seeing her and cho won reconnect. cho won was such a sweetie and  ray of sunshine her romance with doyun wasnt like my favorite ever but i dont dislike them im happy that they got their happy ending. overall, this show was beautifully done with a lot of heart, sentimentality, and a bit of existentialism

  • Twenty-Five Twenty-One

    42. Twenty-Five Twenty-One

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.75 the ending has me so distraught but i adore this show overall. i looked forward to it every week and until the last few eps, it was my serotonin of the week. i absolutely adore every character in this show. hee do is everything to me she’s such an inspiring and amazing character i rooted for her so much. yi jin is also such an amazing character he went through so much and i was so proud of him as he worked his way up. him and hee do had the best friendship and the cutest relationship. HOWEVER, there was no need for them to be in high school since the exact same story could have been told if they were college freshman and he dropped out senior year. also who advertised this as they fall in love at 25/21 the writers are a bit nasty for making them get together right when she turned 20! also they dididnt end up together and it hurts!! but they gave me so much joy and i wanted them to be happy together forever i love them so much. yu rim is lucky they developed her character because she really annoyed me at first but after her and hee do (should’ve been a lesbain drama with them i love their friendship though) became friends i started to like her! her and ji woong were super cute. ji woong is the funniest person ever and i mean it i love him i wish we got more of him and also seung wan!! the icon the myth the legend i love her she was so badass i wanted more of her. the future plot with minchae was really interesting. the reporter plots with hee do’s mom and yijin were super interesting. the ending felt rushed i wish it was  20  ep drama. i love this squad and im gonna miss them. i looked forward to this drama for a while and im so glad it didn’t disappoint. the show had truly beautiful scenes and beautifully captured youth and growing up. i love it a lot.

  • Into the Ring

    43. Into the Ring

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    8.75 this show is actually excellent. i picked this show randomly and had no expectations or even an idea about the plot and i was delightfully surprised. i thoroughly enjoyed this show. i was invested in the main plot, most side plots, and the main couple. i was attached the characters and rooted for them. goo se ra is an actual legend, an icon if you will. she is so relatable and understandable and is easy to root for. her character is inherently caring and passionate about the people in the community and even when she plays it off, that always shines through. she is so fun y and such a girlboss. good character developmenti rooted for her through and through. gong myeong is such a good character and male lead he is the stoic type but isnt cold and has this boyish charm to him and the actor portrayed that really well i really liked his character development and watching him open up was rewarding. they are so cute together and have such a great dynamic. i liked se ra’s friends and that one kid. the politicians were fun too like they were all so annoying and infuriating but were good characters and fulfilled their purpose without much development but the show disnt require it. yoon hee and maeng deok stood out because of their arcs and i wish they had more fulfilling arcs and developments but their consistency does make sense. most of the political and civil complaint plots were actually really interesting and i enjoyed watching se ra advocate and work hard on behalf of the people. this show was auch a surprise and i really do love it a lot.

  • Age of Youth

    44. Age of Youth

    Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes


    8.75 i dropped this years ago and couldn’t remember why but im glad i tried it again bc this show is so cute i really liked it a lot. i like all of the main girls and liked of the plot lines! eun jae is so sweet i rooted for her to speak! up! her backstory was wild and her and her boyfriend were super cute! ji won is so funny and relatable bc like also forever single i wish she got more development i hope to see that in season 2. kang is my girl!!! i love her a lot i loved her confidence and take no shit attitude. what happened to her in the past was so sad. i wish the show handled her job as a sex worker a bit better but at least the show didnt shame her for it unlike the other girls who owe her an apology!!! like really!! especially you ye eun i almost put on my hit list. she kind of annoyed me mainly during that story line but i rooted for her to get away from that nasty man!!! her being abducted by him was so fucked.  i really liked jin myung a lot her story was the most interesting to me aside kangs. her family situation was so tragic and her workplace harassment storyline was handled well. her and the chef has amazing chemistry like wow they were cute!! i’m rooting for her success. the friendship between them all was so fun to watch. the show was a bit more serious than i expected. the ost is really good!! i liked this show a lot more than i expected to. looking forward to season 2.

  • The Hymn of Death

    45. The Hymn of Death

    Korean Drama - 2018, 6 episodes


    a beautifully told story. it was so very tragic and sorrowful. i really felt the love between them. i wish it was longer so certain aspects of it could have been more fleshed out but i think it worked for the best as a short mini drama. also, i love that they used the set of chicago typewriter and didnt bother to change anything.

  • Alchemy of Souls

    46. Alchemy of Souls

    Korean Drama - 2022, 20 episodes


    oh wow i am in shambles. i love fantasy i love action i love romance and this show did all of them so well it had me by the throat! i love the world the show built (and their max 3 sets and plot devices). i absolutely love the fantasy powers and lore built. i love jang uk and mudaksu (mudeok and naksu) as characters and as a couple. i rooted for them as individuals to gain their power and autonomy and i shipped them so incredibly hard a couple. talk about a power couple they had the angst, the interesting master/pupil dynamic, and the chemistry ooh i love them i will kill someone if they dont get a happy ending in part 2. jung so min absolutely devoured this role and im going to miss her but i am looking forward to how her departure will change their dynamic and chemistry if it all. danggu is my son! him and choyeon were cute. ngl i found yul a bit boring. i think the story with jang gang was a bit anticlimactic and could have been developed more. buyeon/mudeok was honestly just a plot device im hoping for more development on that front but with so min gone idk how but so-i’s story is interesting i feel for her. the leader/maidservant kim/master lee was fun. jin mu is very cunty and i have to respect the power that unlimited tea gives someone but i want strangle himfor the carnage he caused. the plot with him and the queen was interesting. shoutout to the crown prince he was a scene stealer. the last like quarter of this show was so goood like ep 19 in particular was 1000/10 especially since the middle but kinda had parts that felt like the plot was kinda draggy and repetitive plot resolution wise. the ost for this show is excellent. the comedy was good too. i need part 2 to come stat. this semester needs too wrap up so i can get december faster. im so serious.

  • Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow

    47. Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow

    Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    HAPPY ENDING!!! THANK FUCKING GOD! part 2 was really good even though part 1 still was a leg up because i love the training and master/pupil dynamic. somin was very missed, but yoon jung did such a good job and i loved watching her story this season but i feel bad that she must keep living as buyeon and not herself. uk was as badass as ever love him. watching them fall in love again was beautiful and frustrating but im so happy they have a happy ending that they deserve. kim doju and park jin and danggu and choyeon im also happy they got their happy endings although i wish they had more to do as individual characters. seo yul had a standout arc this season and im glad he lived. rip so-i. master lee is the mvp love him. jin mu annoyed me to no end but im satisfied with his death. the crown prince is the standout scene stealer once again him and his turtle. i just love this show and these characters so much.

  • My Roommate Is a Gumiho

    48. My Roommate Is a Gumiho

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show is so so fucking cute it’s absolutely delightful honestly it had me giggling it was so cute. i love rom coms and fantasy things so much so this was for me. i love the vibe of this show. it does a really good job of world building that was consistent throughout so the rules of the world made sense and the mythology was well developed without the plot getting convoluted. the parts where his fox nature like the human energy thing causing problems for them was well handled almost annoying bc i hate problems for my babies but it made sense. i love all of the characters everyone is so fun and well-developed. i love shin woo yeo he was so sweet i really appreciate a fantasy male lead that isnt all doom and gloom. lee dam is my baby she is so great i love her boldness and optimism. her and woo yeo were sickeningly cute i really rooted for them. i felt bad for sun woo though that plot with him and the red string was so interesting. hye sun best character i love how she was written she was so so nice and honestly a mood what a bad bitch. jae jin, my son, what an absolute king such a sweeheart that boy has such a big heart i absolutely adore him and hye sun they were my fave part of the show honestly. i love the amount of cameos in this esp go kyung pyo my king love him. love this show so cute what a good time. more college shows please!

  • Doom at Your Service

    49. Doom at Your Service

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 well, EYE really liked this. it wasnt the fantasy epic i originally expected, but instead was more of a slice of life melo with fantasy elements and i think it worked really well.  i do wish they did more with the fantasy elements of the show since it felt very underutilized and made the show feel plotless and meandering a little bit. the god stuff and garden was interesting. i loved all of the characters and relationships. the development of the main relationship was a little quick but they were so so cute together my god their chemistry was great i rooted for them and was so invested in their relationship. doom was so hot i cant the bad boy vibe in the first few eps was great and his jealous bf act was so funny. dong kyeong is a sweetheart i love her with my whole heart i felt for her and adored her. the second leads stole the show its true that love triangle was so interesting it would have been its own show. that storyline did feel disconnected so it felt like 2 shows but i didnt mind that much. joo ik was such a fascinating character and him and ji na were so cute. the family stuff was sweet but that white man always took me out of the show i couldnt. i loved the vibe of this show and was very invested and attached. super chill love it

  • Our Blues

    50. Our Blues

    Korean Drama - 2022, 20 episodes


    8.75 i actually adored this i did. i looked forward to it every weekend and enjoyed each episode and learning everyones stories. my faves are absolutely my mother eun hui, jeong joon and young ok and young hui, hyeon and young ju, and seon a!! absolutely. having finished it, i can say the first story with han su and eun hui was the weakest but i still enjoyed it afterall it gave me eun hui. mi ran and eun hui were also interesting but i wish they were lesbians!!!! young ok and jeong joon are scene stealers i wanted more of them they are so cute. young hui is actually the best she is so funny and petty love her. i wish young ok apologized for calling her disaster but their sister relationship and story was a series highlight. jeong joon and young hui besties for life. i like hyeon and young joo too i do think the abortion plot could have been handled better and more tactfully but their story was very interesting and i just rooted for them. their dads  were also very interesting. they were some pathetic ass grown men but they were entertaining. dong seok and seon a!! okay dong seok grew on me especially once we learned more about him i actually felt so bad for him. seon a is my girl i love her im happy she’s happy and thriving with her son and i am glad that her and dong seok ended up together. chun hui and her granddaughter are another series highlight for me i cried so much i did thank god everything worked out and her dad is okay. i completely get why the ended on dong seok and his mom ok dong their story is incredibly moving and tragic and touching. this show is full of beautiful story telling and well rounded characters. some plots were more interesting than others and some characters were more interesting than others but I truly did enjoy this show a lot.

  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo

    51. Extraordinary Attorney Woo

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show very good but could have been amazing if it actually people with autism on the screen and behind the scenes. park eun bin did a great job but this role should have been played by an autistic axtress. having writers with autism or people with autism in the writing room the show wouldnt have reinforced as many of the misconceptions and stigmas about autism as it successfully subverted and corrected.  i really did thoroughly enjoy this show though those issues did leave a bitter aftertaste. i really loved the story and character of young woo she was a very great character who had interesting development. i absolutely adore her and jun ho together they were perfect for each other i love them so much. the other attorneys were also all interesting. i liked a lot of the individual cases too. this show was very entertaining and important, but it could have been elevated so much by including actual people with autism

  • My Liberation Notes

    52. My Liberation Notes

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.75 i liked this more than i thought i would it really grew on me after the first few eps and im glad i stuck with it. the yeom siblings are all interesting (chang hee a bit less but i disnt dislike him at all). gu is a fascinating character he is i wish he would get legit therapy and join aa but hey if he’s happy lol. mi jeong is very interesting and relatable her saying worship me is kind of iconic like good for her. her and gu have electric chemistry its true they were so fascinating as  a couple and i rooted for them. i loved the liberation club that was really neat and tae hun!! that actor finally played a character i dont dislike!! good for him. him and gi jeong are so cute i rooted for them hard and kicking giggling and screaming. im so happy both couples got their happy endings. chang hee was there lol his story of finding peace and his path was interesting and im glad he found both! the story with him, hyeon a, and hyeok su could have been better developed. gu’s jump truly changed life trajectories it was quite something it was. i like the ost here. the show was very good and bery relatable and moving.

  • Mr. Queen

    53. Mr. Queen

    Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes


    8.75 this show was a lot of fun! the entire premise (mainly the ending) had a thin layer of homophobia to it but im a gay and i love it so whatever. its the closest to a full queer drama so the the fact that they technically didn’t end up togetherand went back to their places was a disappointment but i expected it from the beginning. i really enjoyed it. the acting and the chemistry and the comedy were all so amazing. i love to trio of the queen and her court ladies it was so fun! i enjoyed the rivalry among the queens. i really loved most of the characters but some characters bored me and annoyed me but not too bad. I really liked the political aspect as it developed more, although it started off a little boring, it got so interesting and i really loved and supported the kings mission. however the ending message with the carceral punishment didnt quite sit right with me. i loved the music and score of this show too. especially  that upbeat one that said his name a bunch. i always enjoyed myself watching this and was really invested

  • Lovely Runner

    54. Lovely Runner

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    i believe in love again

  • While You Were Sleeping

    55. While You Were Sleeping

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    8.75 best first ep ever. its fantastic. i cried when they killed my king though so im bitter but it was really good. plot twist that made me feel stupid for not guessing and an antagonist that made shake in rage like how is so brazenly audacious with his assholeness. cute main couple. wish they gave my man jung hae in more to do him quitting the force to be a lawyer is the best the he ever did. i really enjoyed this drama. it was really smart and had me on the edge of my seat at times. the romcomy aspects were great i loved it.

  • W

    56. W

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    8.75 i love the plot its so fascinating and riveting. plot holes? who cares? excess deux ex machina? who cares. its fun!! i was fullly invested and enthralled and at the edge of my seat every episode. the chemistry of the leads was excellent i loved them as a couple. i really liked the action and the plot stuff i was fully invested throughout. the dad/authors face being stolen and the villain stuff was kinda scary like him faceless? haunting. the big confrontation scene when he comes to the real world and first confronts the author/dad was so good very intense should be studied. i thought the comedy was funny too. this show just ruled idk what else to say

  • Tomorrow

    57. Tomorrow

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show was really good and entertaining. i was emotionally invested in the main characters and most of the episodic stories and characters. i loved koo ryeon a lot i love her hair and outfits and her warmth and her badassery. her and jung gil had the most interesting dynamic that i wish we got to see more of especially since lee soohyuk ionly has like 2 minute cameos every episode until the end. ryung gu was also really interesting and his story was very heartbreaking. jooj woong is a ray of sunshine golden retriever whom i adore he has the biggest heart. while im bummed he couldnt remember everything when he woke up, im glad he gets to live out his life. the stories with the couple, the veteran, the sexual assault survivor, and the comfort women stood out to me the most with the last 2 being very hard to watch. this show could have had tighter writing about the lore it was building and some of the humor didnt work and caused some off tonal shifts. but overall i really enjoyed this

  • The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch

    58. The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    8.75 this is my family!!! delightfully corny and goofy with a lightning fast pace, high intensity, and great fight scenes. i do wish it was longer so i had more filler stuff with my family but i still loved what i got. the villains were sooooo good this season. the main villain trio with hwang coin guy were fun and ma ju seok made my heart ache. i loved the ending too.

  • Glitch

    59. Glitch

    Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    8.75 this show was fun as hell. it was wacky and it didn’t take itself too seriously which made watching it enjoyable. the acting was great across the board. i loved the dynamic between my lesbian couple jihyo and bora they are so funny together. the mystery of the aliens v hallucinations  and the inclusion of the cult was well done and i absolutely love that there were actual aliens it made everything so worth it. a highlight of the show is the storyline with direct kim and younggi/abigail that was great. i enjoy wacky, queer-coded things so this was made for me.

  • May I Help You

    60. May I Help You

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.75 i actually really did enjoy this a lot more than i had expected to. i was really invested in the story and the characters. i loved the concept of the main plot with her being able to help those who have passed find peace and those left behind find closure. the stories of the people she helped were so sad. i really loved dong joo is a character. hye ri looked so good in this show. i also really liked tae hee’s character and watching him let go of his grief and move on was nice. i’m glad he went back to being a doctor. i absolutely adored them together i liked their not-quite-enemies to friends to lovers progression it felt natural and they had some of the cutest moments. the story with his brother was very tragic. all imma say about the cop guy was that i fucking knew he was bad news he gave me bad vibes from the jump so that plot twist didnt annoy me but more so vindicated me. the story with chung ha also didnt annoy me as much as it could have. her dad shouldnt have died but but oh well at least it was a heroic death. at the times the tone of the show could be a bit off balance because the tried to do a lot and sometimes it didnt quite mesh as well as it could have. i also really liked the uncles they were funny. while i do wish the last ep had a bit more happy romance stuff it did wrap everything up with a nice big bow like in the show title logo.

  • Be Melodramatic

    61. Be Melodramatic

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    i liked this a whole lot more on rewatch. this show had a unique narrative flow and developed its many characters really well. i think each character and pairing got good developments that were interesting and earned. eun jung is the best character and had the best plot and arc. she was the most interesting character to me i loved everything to do with her including the process of her documentary which was cool. seeing her therapy sessions also was very interesting to me (not only as a training clinician myself) but like those scenes were so well done. i have a lot of appreciation for han joos character and found were to be very interesting and funny seeing her job was cool and the arcs with her son and ex were well done and i want to kill her ex. when i cirst watched it, i was upset that her and jae hoon didnt get together but on rewatch i actually really like the choice to keep them platonic. i also liked jin joo and beom soo as characters and a couple a lot moreon rewatch. i didnt really connect with them much at first but i think they’re so funny and cute now like they have a fun dynamic and back and forth. hyo bong was fun too i just wish we got more of his character. i also really liked the story with so min and her manager. overall i really like the vibe and energy of this show. bonus points for its progressive messages. i really liked it and enjoyed seeing the different aspects of the drama and entertainment industry as well.

  • Jealousy Incarnate

    62. Jealousy Incarnate

    Korean Drama - 2016, 24 episodes


    this show is the embodiment  problematic, messy, and chaotic nature of romcoms that i love so much. i will say that the treatment of the asexual character and storyline is awful and further stigmatizes it and should not be forgiven. this show didnt need to be this long but im glad it was bc i thoroughly enjoyed this show. it was absolutely bonkers sometimes. it was so funny and heartfelt. i fucking loved the main love triangle bc it actually felt like one in all its dramatic glory. i loved all of the characters and especially the dynamic between the moms that was a lot of fun. i wish the high school kids were better developed and that more time was spent on the family aspects. the romance was fun and the bromance and fights had me losing my shit it was so funny and the tension among all three was great they had great chemistry. i just love mess and melodrama especially when its funny and chaotic with an actual heartfelt core to it so this show was made for me..

  • Find Me in Your Memory

    63. Find Me in Your Memory

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    8.75 the world is so mean to my babies and it hurts my feelings. i absolutely love this show and the main leads and them as a couple. the show feels so warm and healing. i absolutely love the main leads they are my babies and i want them to be happy always. they have my whole heart. i loved the sister relationship and the sisters romance was cute! the bitchy antagonists were bitchy nuisances but their purpose made sense and i was invested in the stalker/murder plot even though it annoyed me solely bc it kept my babies from being happy. the age gap didn’t bother me but the fact that they had her play like 30 wasn’t believable but its whatever lol. i really did love the show so much

  • Racket Boys

    64. Racket Boys

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show is an absolute delight oh wow its so fun and heart warming i really adore it. it had a funny energy and put me in a good mood every episode. the friendships in the show are so special to me they’re so sweet and watching them grow as friends and as a team, and also individually as teens and players, was very well done and so rewarding. the romances were so cute and fun to watch. han se yoon really is that girl. i rooted for the everyone to win and i did cry when they won the finals in the finale. most storylines were great and really interesting like the mystery surrounding white wolf and the story of tae-seon. the stories with the evil coach and the evil land developers did seem a bit over the top but werent bad and were interesting. the village people were so fun and their stories were moving. shoutout to the 90yo grandmas force ghost. i love found family and this show gave many examples of them. i loved watching their matches a lot. this show is just so great i love it i liked it more as it went on.

  • Soundtrack #1

    65. Soundtrack #1

    Korean Drama - 2022, 4 episodes


    8.75 i wish with all my heart that this was longer but it was so cute for what it was! han so hee and park hyun sik had good chemistry and had me screaming kicking and giggling at points especially at the confession scene!! watching them both realize and seeing their hesitation hurt actually like but they ended up together and are happy so yay!!!

  • Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung

    66. Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung

    Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    8.75 i adore this so much. hae young and yi rim have my entire heart as characters and as a couple. they are so cute and wholesome. i love hae young and her consistent determination to stick by her beliefs. yi rim is my son, my baby, my child. eunuch heo is the mvp. the king can croak. crown prince was on thin ice for a bit but i still sort of stan. i loved the plot and story of this show. the group of female historians are great and everything to do with the historians were great. some parts were a little meh and could have been further developed but i very much love this show. again, i love a show that challenges my ethics

  • Daily Dose of Sunshine

    67. Daily Dose of Sunshine

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was really nice. a little cheesy and a little after school education special at times but overall an engaging and thoughtful show. love you pby

  • Navillera

    68. Navillera

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    this so so so beautiful and moving it’s definitely a new comfort show. i love this show so much. i love ballet already this was definitely up my alley. i love the relationship between deok chul and chae rok it is so sweet and wholesome and watching them grow as people from their friendship made me so happy. watching the cute old man do what he loves is so moving. him having alzheimers is heartbreaking im so happy he has a big supportive family. his family was so nice i loved seeing them. him and hae nam are so cute. i like his granddaughter too she was so sweet. chae rok frustrated me at times esp in the beginning but i understand him i loved watching him grow and open up to the world again. this is so beautiful.

  • Age of Youth Season 2

    69. Age of Youth Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2017, 14 episodes


    season 2 is just as fun and cute! i will be ignoring episode 2 because it pissed me off and made me like the entire season less than the first. so ignoring season 2 which almost made me hate some of the main characters, i really liked it! i really like cho euns character she is so sweet and cute. her and ye ji should have been a couple and im so bitter but her and her dude were cute and her dynamic with the other girls was fun too. ye euns story this season was really interesting what happened to her was really traumatizing and her recovery was great to watch glad she never forgave her awful friends her and her dude were super cute! eun jae scared the living shit out of me at first THATS NOT HER the recast took me out of the show for a while and sometimes her portrayal came across weird and freaked me out, but her story this season was good moving on is hard. i love that ji myung finally got a good job her story with the band member was so sad i felt bad for him and their dynamic was fun i wish we got more of her and the chef. ji won!!! her backstory with her friend was so fucked up and tragic oh my god. her growth was really good this season in particular her and sung min have such a good dynamic i love them. i am IGNORING the epilogues alluding to something awful so no! everyone happy ending. i miss kang so much but glad she's doing well. the episode where that guy broke in and held them hostage (?) was so intense and well done. i loved the apple picking episode. i love this show (s1and2) a lot and im glad i gave it a second chance!

  • Yumi's Cells Season 2

    70. Yumi's Cells Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    i loved yumis cells season 1 and was very excited for season 2!! i liked season 2 overall, the first half was fantastic and had me excited for each episode but the second half had me nervous and delaying my watch and i think this is because they made babi way too likable i got so attached to him and yumi they were so cute. i think the writing for babis character could have been better like if we got to really know  him the way we did woong their relationship drama would have been less frustrating to watch. i think thats why fhe second half didnt feel as strong. and while the messiness if the woong v babi bit was fun, it also wasnt the strongest writing decision. i loved woong and yumi and letting them go was hard and i wish they had let woong just move on instead of dragging it on. while i dont think babi should be crucified i also think he could have done better to set stronger boundaries with da eun and he needed to stop hiding thing and lying, so whole i loved him and yumi im okay with them not ending up together because i undestand her decision. yumbab is this seasons highlight and downfall.  i also dont think yumis character development was that strong this season. i still love yumis character thought!! i rooted for her and am so proud of her. the cells were even more fun too. i loved ruby even more this season.  i love yumi and i still love this show overall. i still feel jipped give us a season 3 or a special or something

  • Crash Course in Romance

    71. Crash Course in Romance

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    this was my weekly serotonin rush. i was so fully invested and attached to the story and characters. nam haeng son in the milf of my heart i adore her character incredibly much and rooted for her. chi yeol is literally the funniest and frailest man on the planet but his big heart complimented well with haeng son and i adored him and them together. hae e is a great character as well i loved her character. i did love the romances here. haeng son and chi yeol are soulmates. i liked the hae e and sun jae and gun ho dynamic that was fun and i think its cute how har e and sun jae ended up together. i really liked the commentary on the intensity of the education system and standards and the impact it has on kids the stories with su-a and sunjaes families were really interesting. however, the writing and execution of some elements of the show were a bit a mess. mr ji. was an interesting character and his obsession with chi yeol (gay) and his murder plot started off interesting, i just feel like the writersdelayed getting into that plot way too long it ended up feeling rushed and underdeveloped. the way they wrapped it up and never mentioned it again felt cheap and lazy and undermined its impact on the over all story. the story with su-a felt unfinished and underdeveloped like i needed to her in therapy. jae woo’s character was important for overall representation however, once again in kdramas, they should have casted an actor with autism and they stuck the very specific mold of an autistic character which undermines the importance of the representation. his romance with yeong joo came to late it felt forced and unnecessary. they did have cute  moments thought so i feel like if they started it earlier in the show it would have felt more natural. also the stuff with hae-e’s mom coming back was so rushed and forced in there. but in the words of my beloved haeng-son, anyways… overall i really enjoyed this show and am glad i decided to watch it!

  • Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    72. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    sha  la la la la la i miss my romantic sundays already. this show gave me pure joy this was an event that got me through the week. this provided me the needed healing from start up. i adore everything about this show. although i do wish the show hadn't dragged out dushiks past so much and i wish that the divorced couple did not get back together. the love triangle was done really well i appreciated their dynamic a lot. i love gongjin and the people there so much and appreciate how they all had their time to shine and have their story told.  hwajeong is an absolute standout i love her character sm she deserved better than that little bitch of a husband. choi hui my lesbian queen ilysm you deserved more!! bora and ijun my babies and gam ri (rip legend) and her friends ily. ji pd i love sm he’s so sweet. miseon is a queen and her and eunchol are so cute  dushik is a legend and an icon a man of many talents i adore him and i root for him nothing was his fault he deserved better he’s so kind and watching him open up was amazing. hye jin i love you i understand you i am a hye jin apologist she’s so strong and inspiring her character development is everything. SIKHYE COUPLE DESERVES THE WORLD. i adore them their development and build up was amazing they have excellent chemistry and i just rooted for them so incredibly hard. homecha is just so great i love it and miss it already

  • Oh My Ghost

    73. Oh My Ghost

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    this show had no right to be this good honestly like its absolutely delightful and fun. the plot initially put me off bc it seemed a little..yeah and at times it did get to be a little..yeah but the show handled it well as comedy without going to far over the line although especially early on that ghost went a little too far i was screaming. there were some bad and offensive jokes that i didnt like but outside of that the comedy was great. the romance was really cute and their scenes were so cute i loved them the love triangle with the ghost was really weird but very entertaining in a less disturbing sierra burgess way. i loved the characters a lot. soon ae deserved so much better i felt so bad for her i literally sobbed in the last ep it was so sad i love her sm especially once her character development kicked in. bong seon is so sweet i love her and watching her come out of her shell was great. seon woo is such a lil bitch love him he was so funny i actually felt so incredibly bad for him. i love soon ae’s relationship with the shaman especially. her interacting with her family was so sad but sweet. i loved the chefs at the restaurant they were funny esp hot cordon chef guy. shin hye sun my queen love you your character deserves better than that scary man. this show really surprised me i was so invested and entertained i really love it.

  • He Is Psychometric

    74. He Is Psychometric

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    8.75 i liked this show a lot more than i thought i would like i was so incredibly invested in the story and attached to the characters. i really wish that we could have murder mystery type shows without cops being themain characters and i wish this show stopped the “not all cops” propaganda that bothered me a lot. this show is just so good and well done. i was interested in every plot line and never got bored. the plot of the show with his abilities is really cool and well executed. lee ahn is my son i love him so much he is freaking cute i stand it. he is so dumb and funny and sweet and compassionate i just love him so much. jae in is my baby i love her and wish she would quit being a cop like she joked about she is so smart and badass and kind i love her. her and lee ahn were so cute love them. ji soo deserved better. seong mo is definitely the most interesting character and i am kind of on his defense squad because yeah i get it what he did was wrong but i totally get it what happened to him and his mom is absolutely horrific i felt so bad for them and rooted for him tbh. i couldreally feel how much him and ahn loved each other and my heart broke for them i hope they can mainain that brotherly connection somehow. this show was just so much fun and had a good energy to it and i just really liked it

  • Psychopath Diary

    75. Psychopath Diary

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    this show was truly so fun and enjoyable to watch. i was fully invested and entertained throughout. i liked the comedy and i liked the more serious/intense parts and i really appreciated that this show embraced the campiness and didnt take itself too seriously because it wouldnt have worked otherwise. the plot of this show is fun to tell others because its so fun like. i love yoon shi yoon and his comedic style and he is really great here and pulls off the part where he acts like a psychopath and the emotional stuff really well. dong sik was truly a dumb ass and did some really fucked up stuff while under the deluison which wasnt fully addressed and i would have liked to see him work through what he did under that delusion but thats kinda nit picky. he was so fucking funny i loved him i did i rooted for him. seo in woo was really fun and interesting the actor did a great job and because the show didnt take itself too seriously the character didnt come across as like unserious but just a campy serial killer who turns 45 degrees to laugh sinisterly and smile menacingly when no one was looking it truly cracked me up but i also did get creeped out by him at times when i was supposed to. bo gyeong is a really easy character to root for she was interesting and watching her investigate was fun. shoutout to chil sung love him actually. nothing like profound and also spewed the “not all cops” propoganda which i always hate but we seemingly cant have a murder thriller kinda showwithout centering cops. but that aside it was still super entertaining i dunno i just have a dumb and easy sense of humor and love camp so this show was really enjoyable to me 

  • Mystic Pop-Up Bar

    76. Mystic Pop-Up Bar

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    8.75 found family (that actually ends up being family) tropes always get me. this drama is a lot of fun. the plot of this show was so fun and fascinating and the afterlife stuff was really cool. wol joo's story was heartbreaking and im glad she got her family back. chef gwi is so fine.  kang bae is so funny. the one off characters and episode side plots were always fun too.

  • Sell Your Haunted House

    77. Sell Your Haunted House

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    actually excellent like i was surprised by how good it was. i love supernatural shows and jang nara so this show was made for me. this show had the ghost of the week structure that never really got old or repetitive and most of the weekly ghost stories were really interesting and some broke me heart like this show got several tears out of me although some stories werent as interesting but at least they weren’t dragged out. the plot with the evil redevelopment gentrification man was interesting too but it was a little dragged out. he got what he deserved. the story with their mom and uncle was so heartbreaking jang nara really broke me during several pivotal scenes with her mom. the egg ghost was terrifying although defeating it was a little underwhelming.  i love the characters a lot. ji ah is so sexy love her such a badass with a heart of gold an icon a legend. in beom is such a sweetheart i loved his development in particular. i love their dynamic so much they have great chemistry. love the show a lot.

  • Sweet Home

    78. Sweet Home

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    the show is really fucking cool. i had a lot of fun watching it. i really loved the design of the monsters and how they were kinda cartoonish that scene at the end of ep 1 with all the monsters and imagine dragons (oh my god freaking imagine dragons) was camp i love it. the vibe of this show is so fun. i was never like scared from the show but i was scared for the characters i got attached to them. the last few eps were so interesting and while i do think the first half of the show was more fun i really do like where the show went. the design of hyun su’s demon form with the wing was so cool. lee do hyun is so fine i love him his character was the backbone of this show i loved him. i also really loved ji su and jae hoon and go min si’s character was really fun love her no fucks given attitude.  i really liked all of the characters and how they all worked together their dynamics really did feel so real. my faves had to d-word :/ good times.

  • Extracurricular

    79. Extracurricular

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    8.75 my god this show really stressed me all the way out. i didnt really full on root for anyone but i sure did feel fucking anxious for everyone like that shit is rough and yeah their is no way they are getting away with that. every character in this is fucked like wow. ji soo is interesting like i didnt think he did anything *that* bad until the end bc like he wasnt forcing anyone but its not exactly the lightest work ever my girl min hee deserved better than that like. gyeo ri was annoying at times but like every character was and like every problem started because of her but like she’s a badass like i cant hate her. ki tae is an absolute asshole he is very attractive so i kinda stan and minhee does deserve better than him but im glad to see that he actually did careabout her. mr lee!!! best character an absolute sexy badass legend. the plot of the show was gripping with really good pacing and amazing acting. the world just needs to decriminalize sex work and provide fucking effective protections for sex workers esp minors like my god.

  • D.P.

    80. D.P.

    Korean Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    oh my god like this show broke me. i can go on and on about how fucking vile the military system is inherently no matter the country like i fucking hate the military so much especially compulsory enlistment like its awful and this show really exemplified many reasons why i feel this way. this show was so well executed from the directing to the writing to the exemplary acting. this show is really great and impactful and did a lot with its short run time. the military creates so many victims and soliders who are forced to enlist like this are so fucking traumatized and gives assholes a place to exert their power through horrible abuse and this show portrayed that really well. i was rooting for those deserters and i really appreciate how the show made it clear that the main dp’s did not like or want to bring them back. the ost is really good too. it really added a lot to the show. this show was so hard to watch and left me in shambles when it finished. really good show fuck the military

  • D.P. Season 2

    81. D.P. Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 6 episodes


    this show is bleeding with empathy, compassion, and heart. while it does not take anti-military stance (which would be badass so i consider it a missed opportunity), it does take a strong stance against forced enlistment and the toxic and violent culture of the military. that is an incredibly important message which when paired the shows endless compassion for the victims of the forced enlistment and the endlessly violent and bigoted nature of the military (even the victims that were driven to commit violence back which i appreciate) is what makes this show work so well. an jun ho is the perfect main protagonist for this and his drive to expose the injustices committed within the military at the negligence of the state was very engaging and emotional. his dynamic with ho yeol was energetic and investment worthy. episode 3 with nina is the season standout and that episode broke my soul and i hate the ending of that episode, but i do think its an important story to tell and im glad that it was. i’ll never get over this shows ost it’s haunting and beautiful. this is a harrowing and heavy show to watch, but i’m grateful that I did watch it. fuck the military!

  • Save Me

    82. Save Me

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    this is without a doubt the most bone-chilling, horrific, and haunting thing i have ever seen. it feel all too real because it is, and thats a testament to the fantastic writing, acting, directing, and execution of the show. its such a thorough and deep portrayal of the insidious nature of cults. the sexual/rapey undercurrents to everything is sickening but i know it is realistic.  the governor plotline was genius. i am so glad this show didnt go through a romance plot and just subtly hinted at future potential for one, and its so on point that these boys helped her at first because she was hot. i love how the beginning failure of the boys helping her drove them to save her later on. i also appreciate that she show knew that she wasnt a damsel and was going to save herself but that she did need help. i love sang mi and dong chul a lot they are fantastic characters. the way sang mi fought and protected her mom was so well done. i rooted so hard for her. watching the spiritual father burn was so satisfying. apostle jo is the most despicable human being alive right behind the SF.  the cult and apostle kang going on...i hate it but i get it.  i will never watch it again.

  • The Glory Part 2

    83. The Glory Part 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    an exciting execution of the first parts build up. i was thoroughly entertained and stayed invested throughout. i rooted for dong eun through and through and was glad to see her get her revenge and find happiness. the stuff with her mom made me feel even worse for her my god. while i dont the romance was necessary i actually enjoyed it a bit and appreciate dong eun having that partner to lean on that gave her the love she deserved. her friendship with ms kang is still a strong point of the show im happy that ms. kang is free of that nasty man and i choose to believe that she reunites with her daugher.  im glad that yeo jung had more to do this part and his story arc and character being developed more and im glad that his revenge wasnt left hanging! although do hyun and hyeo kyo didnt have the best chemistry they still had an engaging dynamic and i rooted for them. i can be at peace wth their happy endings and with the revenge and endings on the many nasty vile people. yeong jin, jae jun, and myeong ho are three of the nastiest people i’ve ever seen and they all get the endings they deserved esp jae jun like oof. yeong jin remaining so remorseless was a great character choice and im glad that no attempts at redemption were made for the 3 of them or sera and hyejong. just nasty people. do yeong is kinda the surprise standout of the show he is such an averagely decent guy he’s not a nasty person but he is cold and cut throat (he’s a king for killing jae jun) and im so relieved that him and ye sol (who is his daughter idgaf) got away together. while this show isnt all that deep or inventive or profound, it does have some good themes and messaging about classism and how survivors dont need to forgive their perpetrators. love this! its fun and engaging and so entertaining.

  • The Glory

    84. The Glory

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    looked forward to this all year and thank god i was not disappointed. this show was riveting and i am so so so invested like i didnt even think to play on my phone and that says a lot. the bullying scenes are so brutal that if they happened to me i would be planning the downfall of even their great grandchildren like my fucking god. every single one of those bullies deserves to be mutilated and sent straight to hell. song hye kyo is fantastic in this role. i feel so bad for her character and root for her thoroughly. i screamed and laughed when she got a good hit, hair pull, or dig at the bullies. lee do hyun had surprisingly little to do but i think he will hopefully play a bigger role in tbe second half because his character is really interesting to me. i like the relationship building between their characters they have good chemistry and some great scenes together. park sung hoon really unnerved me here he is a standout performance. shin se yeun is also phenomenal in the flashback scenes. i like the dynamic between mrs. kang and dongeun and hope to see them kill her husband. im looking forward to part 2!!

  • My Name

    85. My Name

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    han so hee is such a badass. i love revenge stories honestly and this was really well done! i rooted for jiwoo so much and felt so bad for her. watching her get her revenge was cathartic and sad. pil do was cool and they have a fun dynamic they’re sex scene felt a little out of place but idrc they’re both hot and deserved a breather so why not good for them. im bitter he died tbh. moo jin is a nasty evil man hate him but his character was really interesting! gangjae is a stinky vile pos rotting in hell. the show was just really good! really intense and had me hooked. the ost is really good too.

  • Strangers from Hell

    86. Strangers from Hell

    Korean Drama - 2019, 10 episodes


    oh my god this show genuinely scared the shit out of me. i legit screamed like 2-3 times its so creepy and disturbing and unnerving. its really well done. the writing is great, the acting is phenomenal, the directing made everything so creepy and the cinematography and music were really fitting and made it so much more nerve wracking. the residents all creeped me the fuck out esp the pervert. the actor that played the twins did a great job and while i wish his characters mannerisms weren’t portrayed as inherently creepy he did do a great job. i kinda resent this show for making me root for the cop but my god.  watching the main character lose his mind was so fascinating and hard to watch they fleshed his character out really well esp with the flashbacks. i wish his gf wasnt just the gf character and got more development. honestly lee dong wook and lee jung eun stole the show. lee jung eun was so fun in this i love her. lee dong wook is ~a dentist and a success~ and so fucking hot my god his character scared the bejeezusout of me so creepy. his dynamic with jung woo was fascinating he really groomed him and won huh the bitches really are of the homosexual persuasion. good for them. the ending fucked with my head.

  • Anna: Extended Version

    87. Anna: Extended Version

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    8.75 i did not watch the 6 ep version and only watched this and based on what people say im glad i did. from what i know the 6 ep version has better pacing and has a more exciting energy, but im glad this one was released because i prefer a slower character study. bae suzy is as absolutely phenomenal in this she did such a great job and played such a compelling character. i was rooting for her to get away with everything! in my eyes the only thing she did wrong was marry that asshole. the real anna was fucking awful! i wish yu mi had take  even more from idc about ethics imma root for the poor and imma root for women idgaf. i was really invested in the story. the pacing didnt bother but i wish it got even deeper into yu mi thought process and her moral development. i just really enjoyed this. its not perfect but it tells a compelling story with a great lead at its center. ily suzy

  • Revenant

    88. Revenant

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    8.75 this was was actually really fucking good especially when i actually paid full attention to it lol. it was scary and unnerving with a good mystery element. i actually felt really bad the evil ghost and kinda wanted to root for her like omg what happened to her was horrific. i also like the class elements of the show and how wealth was the driving force behind creating that evil. kim tae ri was scarily good here like wow

  • Flower of Evil

    89. Flower of Evil

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show is very very good and intense and well-done. but no one in the show is smart and it’s so annoying. the show is good and the tension and plot and chemistry are there. it does exposition really well. sometimes the pacing was a little too slow this is a very good show and i really liked it though. the tension and build up were great and the acting was phenomenal. it really did keep me on my toes. something about just didnt like really connect with me but i was very invested in it

  • The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

    90. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    8.75 my my god this show is so sad. they really had no chance was a doomed and twisted relationship my god i felt so bad for everyone. all of the characters are so interesting like i wanted to know what was going through everyones mind. the brother….yeah i wanted to fight him but i felt bad for him. moo yeong… wanted to fight him but i felt so bad for him and rooted for him. jin kang…i felt so bad for her she’s done nothing wrong in her entire life. seung ah deserved better moo yeoung was wrong for that. killing her ex fiancés sister… he shouldn’t have but she was annoying. go min si was the killer wow love her an icon. this show was very alluring i was so drawn in and invested. it kinda dragged a little but i never got bored and couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. i never like sobbed or got too emotional but that end scene did hurt like damn i felt so bad for everyone

  • Mine

    91. Mine

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 women winning. lesbians winning. lesbians! happy ending! what else is there that matters??? this show is so great and a lot fun. i loved hi soo and seo hyun a lot and hye jin annoyed me at first but i grew to really like her so watching them all come together to bring down  that pathetic scum of a man was great (i did feel a lil bad for him but like dude..no). finally a man is the dead one in one of these dramas. i loved the lesbianism i want more of it seo hyun carries best character. her husband was a pathetic little bitch but at least he was on the right side. mother emma was cool love a cool nun i loved the mother son relationships so much it was so heartwarming hi soo is sucha good mother that boy is so lucky to have 2 mothers who love him that muchz the romance with the maid and “young master” was meh no chemistry. the  story did drag a little but i was never bored. i loved the estate employee characters they were fun esp ms joo what a queen. the peacock was funny. overall great, fun, and is stellar when its women and lesbian!

  • Persona

    92. Persona

    Korean Drama - 2019, 4 episodes


    very interesting. im considering this is a collection of short  films and not as a tv show but i’ll still count it as a kdrama for my list. this first film was unsettling and intense, but i couldn’t look away. its as if wii tennis had even more disturbing sexual tension. the second film i think is my favorite bc iu was so hot not caring about mens feelings. it was very confusing at first but all of these are so.. the third one was really fun and more light hearted which i appreciate. the friendship was really cute and god that poor chicken. the fourth one was really sad :/ but i appreciate the message. it was really pretty too like i love the grayscale it used. i had to look up explanations to understand it but even when i didnt get it i liked the vibe!

  • Twinkling Watermelon

    93. Twinkling Watermelon

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    8.75 a show with this title has no right to be this charming and heartfelt. i cried literal tears watching this.

  • Reply 1994

    94. Reply 1994

    Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes


    8.25 no what the fuck did they put in these shows? crack? how can i feel mad at the show one minute than all sentimental the next? i am doomed to have second male lead syndrome no matter what. my boy chilbong deserved better this show didn’t need to be this long but i really loved the characters so it wasnt a chore to watch. i really felt like i was a part of their gang i was so attached to the characters and i didnt even realize it. yoo jin and samcheonpo are the superior couple i love them sm. they are both the biggest moods. trash is 100% a bi icon love that for him. this show got me frustrated over the love triangle but it was still so good. this really feels so grounded and like they are real people that i know which makes it so easy to get invested.

  • Reply 1997

    95. Reply 1997

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    8.25 yeah she’s cute. this show snuck up on me all of a sudden i was emotionally attached and invested. i love all of the characters sm and their friendships and relationships were cute. i really love si won and yoon jae they were cute. many cute moments that had me screaming.  hak chan and yoo jung were also super cute. i absolutely hated her and his brother together it is was creepy and inappropriate. that man is a nasty man.  this show kind of reminded of freaks and geeks which i love. also yay for the gays its always heartwarming to see but jun hee deserved better!! the fangirl stuff was a highlight it had me cracking up everytime. i liked the structure of the show and how it was filmed and edited it feels unique.  the cameo is 1994 made me emotional i didnt even realize how i attached i was to the characters until i saw then in 1994

  • Encounter

    96. Encounter

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    i liked this a lot. you could not pay me to care about her ex husbands family or her father’s politics, but i did like watching her break free of the shackles both put on her. i liked the vibe of this show a lot it had a sentimental and calm energy to it which I really liked. the ost is great and so is the cinematography its a really pretty show to look at. i love the animations in the credits its stunning. love love the scenes in cuba those were standouts they filmed those scenes so well. i really liked the two leads as characters and them together. i genuinely believe that they invented love they are actually the best couple to ever couple. soo hyun is a very interesting character hye kyo portrayed the effects that heavy burdens and weight can have on someone and watching her open herself up to love and independence was great. jin hyeok is my son i adore him. he is a supportive sunshine he is so sweet and understanding i love him park bo gum was really great here. i loved their relationship together i love that they went for it and worked hard together they were so sweet and so in love and im happy that they’re happy. i liked the dynamic between secretary jang and the whelk shop guy that was fun. manager nam is the mvp here love him. this show could be a bit meh  when the two leads werent together onscreen but i still liked it!

  • Do You Like Brahms?

    97. Do You Like Brahms?

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    i really love and appreciate a soft, quiet drama. the leads were both very soft and passive people (i love that their kisses were not chaste in contrary to their personalities) , which made their dynamic together and with others very interesting and its enjoyable to watch their relatively petty moments even better. i really liked the characters of joon young and song ah they are my babies and i was very invested in their romance and their breakup made a lot of sense so im glad they took that time apart to grow and heal before getting back together. people were too mean to song ah it pissed me off!!! i really loved her character development. watching her accept herself and become more confident was great. the love pentagram (pentagon) was messy as hell. i barely liked jung kyung at the beginning because she annoyed me but i grew to understand and like her more as the show went on she had good development.  hyeon ho is my son i felt so bad for him. also, i love the petty older women on this show especially those two rival professors.

  • Run On

    98. Run On

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this show had a fun energy to it and i liked seeing more about the film industry from the perspective of a translator/interpreter. the sports stuff and minor political stuff was not too interesting to me but i still see the merit in it. the gay and asexual representation was bare minimum but its still relatively progressive for a kdrama and seeing gay characters on screen always warms my heart. may is the best character! i wish the gay characters had more screen time and i want my sapphic representation already!! im really glad that dan ah apologized for pretending to be a lesbian bc that really bothered me. i like all of the characters a lot and they all had fun dynamics amongst each other.  the two leads are both great and have really interesting personalities. i really liked the main guy in particular he was so unique and definitely on the spectrum which i wish was explicit bc that would be really cool to see. the second leads were also fun although they bothdid things that bothered me. the main couple is really cute and i love that they communicated!! they made me happy and healed my heart. the second couple grew on me but they had really cute moments and i like that their ending was more open. its a good show!! i like it a lot.

  • Search: WWW

    99. Search: WWW

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    should have been a lesbian love story but i like lee jae wook so i let it slide but still bitter. cha hyeon is the best character!! she is literally hilarious and badass. she has a big heart too. her romance with jae wook was cute. tammy was an interesting character i liked her assertiveness and ambition. her and morgan were okay i dont have strong feelings about them they had cute moments i guess.  ga gyeong was kind of everything like girlboss of the century maybe also she’s the gayest.her story with her husband and his family was really interesting and i rooted for her to break free. the three women had fun dynamics amongst each other. seeing their work was also cool it was fun to see them competing and the business aspect to it a lot it was interesting. it could drag a bit in some places but it wasnt boring. the show also has fun and pretty stylistic choices with the framing and cinematography. im obsessed with the title sequence song.

  • Dear My Friends

    100. Dear My Friends

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    this show is cute! i like it. i did start to kinda get bored but i was invested but not overly attached. it did make me cry a few times. this show is very funny and chaotic it had some of the funniest and saddest scenes i have ever seen in my entire life like oh wow. the friendships and rivalries were so entertaining. the friendship between jeong a and hui ja is so special to me and the relationship between wan and her mom is relatable to me. im very glad that wan and yeon a ended up together. this show could be very hard to watch at times but im glad i watched this.
