The story is based off of her trying to making a name for herself after years of settling into her party girl life style, but the story is not as shallow as it may seem. The drama tackled issues of peer pressure, self worth, and self esteem.
There were memorable cute scenes from the main couples and just when it got too serious there was comedy relief from the side characters. Also there are strong women all through this drama. Some are accomplished and teach others or they have ambition to do great things; such a girl power feel to it.
The OST was amazing, Onew has a magical voice that made the main couple's song come to life. There was always good music playing in the bg; it helped with the story telling in each scene, i felt more in love, more nervous or mad because of the music. I loved the OST so much its going on a playlist.
Overall I would recommend this drama when you need a break from crying or being frustrated with the other hundreds of dramas we watch. If we had to label this drama it would be a "slice-of-life". There was comedy, romance, and a bit of angst but not enough to be the central theme.
Rewatch value went down just because i would go back only for specific scenes that i loved, and not the whole drama.
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The story was new to me in many ways. I'm not a fan of cop dramas for many reasons, main reason being kdramas tend to have the dumbest cops in all of tv history. Gladly, this drama didn't have that. The cops were decisive, alert, smart, and most of all they put two and two together. The story was also a great mystery, i was guessing up to the last episode about who done it and honestly surprised when info was revealed. Adding a cherry on top, physiological thrillers are my best friends late at night; who needs horror when i can watch something like this.
Jang Na Ra and Seo In Guk did an amazing job as the leads, there was enough romance to satisfy my craving but it never took away from the main story which some writers don't know how to do. The supporting cast brought more greatness to this drama adding to the story by giving comedy, sorrow and irritation at the right moments.
Music was on also a selling point, I enjoy a good OST and will download it and even research the artist. This drama was no exception.
The rewatch value is low because idk if i would want to watch it again. The suspense and mystery behind it is all reveled and that takes away from the greatness of the drama..for me. But i would watch it again with someone who hasn't seen just to enjoy their reactions. I would most def recommend it. Whether you like mystery thrillers suspense or just looking for a good drama this should be on your plan to watch list.
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I enjoyed watching the drama week to week and even re watched some of the episodes. There were great elements to the drama and bad but the overall outcome was worth watching.
~The story was good but lacked some depth for a melodrama, the problem was not only the writing but the editing. There were many scenes that seemed choppy, and I would end up confused. Also, some aspects of the story should have been cut to make room for other story lines. That would make the drama more enjoyable.
~Acting and Casting was great for the most part; the bad guy was believable, the love story was believable and the character growth was also believable.
~I am a big time music buff, so if an OST is good then i give extra points to a drama/movie. Even thought i didnt care for one song in this drama i did enjoy the music, instrumentals and all.
~I did re watch some episodes while it was airing but i'm not inclined to re watch the drama over again. Maybe episodes 4-9 for romance feels, and a few of the last episodes..or.. if i get in the mood for Hyun Bin TLC.
Overall I enjoyed it but it wasn't a favorite or a recommendation type drama.
**Vitamins FIGHTING!**
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Story set up was different, the female lead was hateful and very manipulative, traits usually reserved for second female leads, she needs to teach a class on how to manipulate. Even though she was a baddie in some respects i wanted to see her succeed in her plans. Honestly i was happy for this, dramas usually give the female lead the nice, optimistic, fluffy, characteristics..... This was a breath of fresh air. On the other hand we had the male lead wasn't a jerk or a rich boy, but a relationship pessimist that had never dated. He loved the environment and animals more than his job as a divorce lawyer. Those are very interesting personality traits to pair together, will they get along or claw at each others throats?
The entire cast have a past together, ex-bf, ex-bff, or siblings who get pulled into revenge plots. With that knowledge we get the first 3 relationships of the main cast. The first half of the story consist of several ruined relationships and surprising yet funny introductions. The interesting part starts with ridiculous antics of the main couple trying to out wit each other..or should i say out flirt each other. They both win points that are well deserved but only to the embarrassment/shame of the other. It was extremely funny and worth the week to week wait to see what would come next.
Acting for the most part was amazing, you could feel the pain or embarrassment through character portrayal or rolled your eyes at the lack of sympathy for those who didnt deserve it. There were plenty of characters to hate, some more than others. The second couple was less interesting to me and had half my attention during their scenes. They were less interesting in character, or story-line.
Music was decent, i enjoyed the opening song the first few times but i could have skipped it most episodes. The ending song was good and i always loved to hear it through out the drama or during the ending credits.
I did rewatch the first half of the drama as it aired and i would rewatch the drama in its entirety again but skip some of the ending episodes.
Overall i enjoyed this drama and would recommend it to everyone as a great Rom Com.
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