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Drama Special Season 7: The Red Teacher
8 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jun 16, 2020
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

A story that will make you laugh to death and melt your heart, the story you deserve.

WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO FEEL GOOD AFTERWARDS, if you want a story that will have everything we, as viewers, deserve.

The Red Teacher use the comedy of writing smut fanfiction in the 1980s to tell the story of the educator's redemption touching on topics such as lack of sex education and general bad education biased by misogynistic, traditional and harmful stereotypes that hurts true teaching. The transformation of a man that begins as a teacher and ends up as an student thanks to his own female students, finally understanding that there is more to school than discipline.

The relationships between students and the protagonist are represented phenomenally thanks to the performances of the entire cast, although obviously those of Jung So Min and Lee Dong Hwi stand out with undeniable on-screen chemistry and flawless acting, they are so good together I am dying to see them back again, even if they only get together to eat. This story is so complete that it surprises you that it only lasts an hour, it handles the comedy in a masterful way thanks to the talent that Dong Hwi has, he makes you die of laughter in your seat with each scene he is in; Although to say that it is only comedy is to belittle everything else it has to offer since it handles the drama equally well, I even have to admit that I tear up in some parts.

It is a special that in just one hour achieves what others try to do with 16, shows a perfectly written script with complex characters who confront their reality in different ways but always with the same goal of making it better. It's fun and deep with performances that are not far behind and will make you feel refreshed after watching it, like lemonade on a hot day is what we all need.

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The Negotiation
15 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Feb 21, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
(Before talking seriously about the movie, I want to say that HYUN BIN IS FREAKING PERFECT, I ALMOST CAN'T SEE IT CAUSE HIS BEAUTY ITS TOO DISTRACTING. That's all, thanks)

The negotiation is a police drama that features Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin in a story about a series of kidnappings executed by Min Tae-Ku in which a negotiator in crisis will be involved. The plot is quite predictable and simple, there are no plot twists that surprise, as well as most of the characters are flat and with nothing to rescue, but still manage to entertain for two hours and maintain a decent suspense that hooks the viewer. And how did it do it? Thanks to two performances that take your breath. As for the characters there is no depth in them, the protagonist Ha Chae-Yoon is sentimental but stubborn; the villain on the other hand is apparently vile and bloodthirsty, but he does everything for a "noble" reason that puts him as sensitive and more of an antihero than a bad guy. In general, you see a simplistic and empty character writing, that without the amazing acting would be completely forgotten.

Now let's talk about the performance, which makes all of the above fall into oblivion for a second, Hyun Bin had a typical character and took him to the screen giving everything of himself, his mood swings, the want for violence and the power of Min Tae-Ku could be felt from the small square of the video-call. Also, Ye Jin gives a nice touch to a character who would otherwise be clumsy and intolerable. Both have what they can do with a plot that must be carried completely by them, with their conversations and their relationship. And I'll have to applaud the chemistry that the two have in the only 5 minutes they face each other.

Finally, and as I mentioned, the plot is based almost on the relationship between the main characters, because, although it is a police movie, there is very little action and the flow of the story is led by the conversations between them, so thanks to the stellar performances it ends up well. It's two entertaining hours, mainly for the performance, because the story delivers nothing more than a mediocre plot. It's something to see if you just want to spend time and give yourself a guilty pleasure with very good performances.

ALSO, if you like Hyun Bin and the undoubted chemistry it has with Son Ye Jin, then it is a must watch, there is nothing more to decide.

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4 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Sep 11, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

"If you keep staring at me, I'm gonna kiss you so hard you'll drop"

There's no more iconic line when meting someone for the first time than "If you keep staring at me, I'm gonna kiss you so hard you'll drop"... Only if they could have kept that feeling all the way.

I've been watching LB for as long as I can remember and because we don't have that many live actions takes on it you kind of learn to appreciate everything its thrown to you, so I don't care much about the acting (not expecting an oscar's perfomance) nor the plot (I'm a sucker for LB cliches), and also have learn not to be SO put off by harmful stereotypes or toxic relationships. Saying all this, by episode 10 I was so done with this that I hated myself for watching it. The catch here's that is not so easy to just say that I hated it, because I absolutely loved the first 5 episodes, I can watch them everyday all day. So what, in the name of hell, went wrong? The story got drag so much it was painful to watch, the characters went from adorable dummy to insufferable stupid, there's no stop to the level of stupidity in some of this people!
The relationship went downhill just when it was beginning, it was perfect when they weren't dating but suddenly everyone was too afraid to show some feelings? some chemistry?? anything other than toxicity traits??? gosh, you realize those two were dating because they kept saying it, but girl it was not shown; my god! that pat in the head killed something inside of me!! The side stories were just rubbish, not worth a single minute of my life. ALSO, I get that in most of boy love stories the women either do not exist or are just used as plot device, but this is made for a larger audience of FEMALES they should, at least!, not used women as background figurines that can help your shitty couple to fight and made up one more time.
But the music was great, the actors were all really handsome and not half-bad at acting... and yes, that's all the good I can say. The first episodes were so good but I don't know if its worth the trouble.

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Sherlock: The Untold Stories
4 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Aug 6, 2020
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

A solid retelling of a loved story with strong performances, and a really handsome Shishio...

Shelock: untold stories takes the classic story and inserts a unique japanese's point of view that makes it refreshing enough to be fun to watch even if you've already seen every single adaptation there is of the dramatic queen of the 19th century. So, because it's a retelling I'm gonna focus on that, on how the sherlock lore is proyected on it and why is it good. for me. But maybe you're asking yourself what if I just like a good detective story, I'm not a fan of sherlock holmes and just looking for good jdrama to watch, would I like this? I'm gonna try to answer to that too.

Let's start with my favorite thing, the characters, whatever they're adapted or original they nail most of them. There's an evolution and you see them changing with the episodes and it's great to have a drama focusing on character growth. There's no bad acting in anyway, it's solid all the way. Dean Fujioka is such a good Sherlock! Shishio stole my heart from episode 1, he is classic with the hobo clothes and so fun to watch go around, doing his things, being a drama queen, he is adorable, nice and heartwarming. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW HOT DEAN IS? Wakamiya, on the other hand, I didn't like him at the beggining it was too simple and too bland for me, but half way through he started to felt like a real companion and a friend to Shishio, someone who did something at least. Etou is an amazing secondary character and so are the other support cast.

Now the story: this's a 'case by episode' kinda thing so besides some little things here and there, there's no real continuation in the general plot. And here lies one big flaw the drama has, in the early episodes the cases are very forgetable, there's no point in watching for the detectiveness of the series because its kind of bad, and I even would say that there is none; they are very easy cases, you know who did it by the first 5 minutes so even Shishio doesn't have to explain anything, it kind of goes like this: there's a murder, there's like a little thing that's wierd and gets Shishio interested, there's a woman/suspect acting not very normal aaaaaand that's it. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun to watch but it's not very innovative in terms of writing. BUT IT DOES GETS BETTER, episode nine (if anyone care) was my favorite because it nails the classic 'who done it' and it's so simple that it fits perfectly with the drama, it plays with the characters rather than with the story and it does so much with a single stage, Shishio felt more connected with the secondary characters and with the mystery itself, anyway it wasn't twisty or anything but it felt so good.
*Hardcore spoilers ahead* The finale is mediocre at best, Moriya is the weakest character, he doesn't do anything to make you afraid of him and his power, It's bad, really bad and not in a villain way. I though they were going for Etou-san being the real Moriya and that would've been so freaking cool! the reaction that we could have had! but no, we had that... what a loss. Also that "death" was so wrong, I appreciate the reference to the waterfall but that was a 5 meter fall, bitch you swim! It doesn't ruin the rest of the drama for me but it still shitty they did that.

SO ANYWAY.... The music is also great, bringing the classic back is nice and those violint scenes are just perfect. So... if you want to enjoy a simple detective story with nice characters and good perfomances this is for you. AND if you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes and doctor Watson it's a fun new way to see the characters that are loved so much around the globe, so definitely don't miss it, it's not perfect but your time will not be wasted.

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This Is Not What I Expected
4 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jan 16, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This is by far not what I expected...

Usually, never really, I write reviews but this time I need to do it, and I know that many people say it but trust me and my full sincerity. When I started watching this movie I did not expect anything but just to hang out and watch something to distract me, but right now I feel so happy I did, This is not what I expected is sweet, romantic without being the cliche that many of us got bored long ago, It is aesthetically beautiful: its colors, the locations, the direction were simply perfect.

The performances were faultless there is nothing more to add except that now I am in love with the protagonist and is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. The music was in accordance with the environment and gave a nice touch to many of the scenes. Now yes, the story is simple and beautiful, when reading the description it's like okay, I know what's coming, but when you see it everything changes, the way it's written, the performances, the direction change the perspective of a story of 'meh love' to a sensation, especially because of the main theme, FOOD:  indispensable for all and has as many meanings as there are people in the world, and that is the reason why this film is so perfect for me, is the way to see love as something special that needs time, space and good chefs, a love that connects and unites even when there are differences. So that's why If you want to see a simple but beautiful movie in every way and you like good romance then it is for you, everyone ha watch it.

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Drama Festival 2014: Old Farewell
2 people found this review helpful
by Nat
May 13, 2020
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
So... en honor a mi tercera repetición de Fated to love you decidí también repetir este especial, que en un inicio tenía un puntaje bien alto de 9 y que acomodé a un adecuado 8.

Old farewells es lo que de alguna forma promete con su título, las viejas despedidas de un amor trágico. En una hora te transporta al matrimonio fallido de dos personas abatidas por la vida, heridas desde lo más profundo, pero que todavía tienen el deseo de ser felices juntos, es así que de manera breve te lleva por los caminos de la memoria y del destino cruel e imparable. Un romance lleno de una nostalgia palpitante y que en su tragedia de alguna forma logra mostrar una pizca de esperanza.

La historia que se trata de contar en su corta hora pudo ser logrado en su perfección en tiempos de película, por esa razón, se ve una producción un poco desprolija en la que ninguna escena termina sobrando si se mira en su totalidad, pero que, al terminar de verla no se puede evitar pensar la necesidad de un poco más de cohesión. Sin embargo, logra conectar con los espectadores sólo con la actuación y la fuerte relación que tienen Jang Hyuk y Jang Na Ra, así como por su ambiente casi onírico creado gracias a la actuación de ambos protagonistas, la música y la fotografía.
Este especial es una buena hora gastada si estás deseando una historia llena de nostalgia, de sueños imposibles y si no te importa la forma apresurada en la que pueda ser presentada.

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The Fatal Encounter
3 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jan 18, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
I started this because of Hyun Bin, I didn't have any expectation of it, I didn't even knew what was all about. But even if I had had the the biggest expectations in the entire universe, this movie would had not disappointed me. The highlight of the movie was the stunning acting of both main and secundary actors. Hyun Bin portrayed a perfect alone, afraid but brave king who's looking for some changes, but he alone was not the only amazing thing. The acting of Han Ji Min as a despicable, evil and young queen was not a joke, I finished Rooftop Prince only a couple of days earlier and I though she was a good actress, now I realize I needed to see more of her to know she was not only good but Great with a big G. The others actors were all at the same level of greatness. The cast, the action, the story, ect. it made the best historical movie I have ever seen.

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Into the Ring
1 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Aug 21, 2020
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

El romance más adorable y relajante que podrás encontrar en el 2020.

El romance más adorable del 2020 y la prueba viviente que sí se puede hacer una buena pareja sin tanto drama... La historia no es del otro mundo, no busca ser innovadora o crear tramas complicadas; ella es simple porque así lo quiere ser, se contenta con ser buena y lo logra. Y aunque sea así de sencilla atrapa al espectador en esa aura tierna y relajada desde los primeros capítulos, ver esto es dejar el estrés en la puerta y prepararse para una hora de dramas and chill, porque aun si pueda sacarte de quicio alguno que otro personaje y la forma en que tratan a nuestra protagonista, la manera en que se resuelve todos los problemas y en cómo las relaciones (entre los dos protagonistas, entre los amigos y entre los familiares) son retratadas, alivia el dolor casi de inmediato; todo esto gracias a la comprensión y el apoyo que hay en el aire, es simplemente magnifico. La pareja principal es quizá una de mis favoritas de los últimos años, es lo que siempre busco en los dramas románticos y nunca encuentro: naturalidad, entendimiento entre las partes, madurez, verdadero apoyo y amor del bueno ¡carajo! no hay más palabras para describir lo que hicieron con el romance en esas 16 horas que Perfecto, al finalizar cada capítulo mi cara me dolía de mantener la sonrisa de estúpida por tanto tiempo. Es el mejor romance de este año por mucho, y me agradezco a mi misma por haberlo empezado aun si pensaba que no era lo mío.

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1 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jun 15, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

It shows the very fine line between reality and fiction thanks to an astonishing performance.

This movie gave me the chills. I loved from the get go Park Sung Woong's flawless performance and one of the best in my whole time watching korean dramas and movies, the way he delivers every piece of dialoge is impecable, just amazing. Thanks to that I was invested in the story in the first 5 seconds. But that's not the only great thing, the concept of the story and how fiction and relality intertwine in a seamlessly way, it just takes your breath away. It says a lot about what Art does, and how every artwork takes a piece of yourself till you don't know who you are anymore. The entire final part (the actual play) is a master piece, the ending, even if its not what I wanted for the main characters, fits perfectly to the movie.
The sound of the movie is its soul, you really don't notice that is there but it blends with every though and every action and highlights the emotions the best way possible.
In general, is a really well build movie with a spectacular cast and an enteresting narrative. I do think that is not the greatest representation of LGBTQ community, but at least it touches the matter.

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The Fiery Priest
1 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jun 11, 2020
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

El combo perfecto de comedia y acción, flawless.

En medio del capítulo 5 y con el reloj marcando las 4 de la mañana decidí que era de suma importancia levantarme a escribir mi opinión sobre The feiry preist, un drama que en cuanto leí el sumario quedé enamorada. El primer capítulo fue perfecto, te atrapa en el mismísimo instante en que el sacerdote más guapo que se pueda imaginar entra a escena como digno personaje de film noir, con ese saco/capa flotando detrás de él mientras se prepara para la pelea definitiva; desde los primeros momentos te muestra el dramatismo cómico tan bien ejecutado que será parte de todas las veinte horas restantes. Es que aunque la trama no sea única (hay un misterio, villanos detrás del misterio y héroes que quieren sacar a la luz los secretos) sus personajes sí lo son, la bondad y la maldad están en constante lucha dentro de ellos; pero así mismo, es ahí donde me falla algo, en cómo representan esa lucha. Dejemos algo claro, un policía que esconde y manipula las pruebas de un asesinato no es inocente, una fiscal que se deja comprar, decidiendo culpar inocentes y liberar culpables no es inocente, pero a veces en el uso de la comedia siento que me quieren hacer sentir lo contrario. Tal vez sea mi culpa porque cuando leí la trama del drama me imagine algo más oscuro, divertido sí, pero más oscuro y me terminé estrellando con la pared de SBS, una pared comercial. Pero en general, excluyendo los momentos donde el uso de la comedia busca permear mi mente con la idea que todos son buenos mientras nos reímos, es un policial que te absorbe y no te suelta hasta el último segundo, que aunque su trama sea seria y tenga muchos momentos dramáticos te deja respirar con momentos divertidos en los cuales no podrás evitar reír para después volverte a sumergir en la historia.
Update: Ya finalizado puedo decir que estaba equivocada en muchas cosas, porque sí es un drama más comercial que los thriller policiales de OCN por ejemplo pero ahí está su fuerte, en ser más ligero sin perder la profundidad de la historia. Lo complicado de la moralidad y la posibilidad de cambio comprendiendo otras perspectivas y puntos de vista es el corazón del drama, las relaciones que se entablan evolucionan hacia un mejor entendimiento de esto y te enamoras aún más de ellas; así que, lo que al inicio me pareció un problema terminó siendo una de las mejores cosas que tiene este drama para dar. Y esos grises dentro de la maldad y bondad se ven mejor en la creación de los villanos, hay una gran cantidad de villanos pero nunca se sienten demasiado porque cada uno tiene su propia personalidad, ninguno se parece, ninguno es igual de malo ni tiene las mismas razones para hacerlo; esta variedad exquisita permite que puedas amar a algunos, detestar a otros y querer asesinar con tus propias manos a alguno que otro.
Pero para mí, el punto más que tiene el drama se encuentra en la mezcla de la comedia y la acción, logra compenetrarlas como pocos lo han logrado en el mundo del kdrama; es increíblemente chistosa sin dejar de ser profunda, no hay un solo momento en que te aburra y quieres seguir viéndola, es una de esas pocas veces en que 20 capítulos son muy poco. En fin, sin nada más que decir, es un drama fuerte y en su género uno de los mejores, con personajes que son y serán amados por siempre, actuaciones sin un solo defecto y escenas de acción que todavía me tienen con la boca abierta. Definitivamente vale la pena volver a verla muchas veces más y esperar que Kim Nam Gil le dé por ampliar su filmografía porque nunca voy a tener suficiente de su hermoso rostro y la actuación estelar que siempre me saca diez mil sonrisas.

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The Guest
1 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jul 3, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

This show is so worth watching if you are into darker and mistery themes.

Okay so let me explain... The moment I lay my eyes on the synopsis of The guest I knew that I was gonna like it, it's OCN, it's dark and has a good premise, and in the end I did. I didn't love it, I felt like I couldn't conect with the characters as much as I should've, and frankly they were pretty dumb and made me annoyed most of the time, but they weren't bad characters overall. The acting was okay, nothing too admirable but not bad, even when things could've gone wrong with all the screaming and possesions and crazyness, it never felt too over the top.
The best thing about this by far is the writing, the story is so well develop that it doesn't need a thousand plot twist to make it good to watch, for me there was only one thing that I was kind of shock the pull off but that was it, and still was worth it.
The way the relationship of the main characters was portrayed was great, at the end you felt their conection and why it was important to them. Also, each of them had their lifes, their own stories to tell, and it was made clear in how they had their solo adventures during the whole show; it was focus on what each could bring to the team more that the team alone.
Everything came together and nothing important was left in the dark, not a single loose end. You could feel that it was written with the finale in mind and all the plot was driven to that, which seems normal but it's very rare to find a drama like that. And that's why the finale it's the best, it made me tear up for characters I didn't actually care five minutes before, for characters which deaths I was okay with, and expecting, since episode 10. Even if it wasn't the real ending the whole dead scene was beautiful, I loved Hwa Pyung's sacrifice because it was closure, the thing he wanted since the beginning, to avenge; and Choi Yoon giving his life, his strength to him in a image that send me The creation of Adam's vibes broke me. It was perfect, it made sense, it felt right, the three of them in the face of death itself just like the start, so intimate and yet so powerful. And nothing changed for me when I figured that it was gonna have a happy ending, because they deserved it, it was their win and they should be happy.
In the end it's such a worthy drama to watch, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who like dark and mistery theme dramas.

Bonus: me bitching about the other drama.
This is pretty much what possesed* wanted to be, and it was faaaaaar from it. I even thought about how similar they were, I kind of acepted that this was a much better prequel. It kind of shock me.

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Another Parting
1 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jan 27, 2015
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
Well, that was weird but in a good way. The story was good, I would had give it a higher ranting but everything happens in one day and I don't like rushed stories but even so it was a good 50 min.
The cast was absolutely amazing, both main actor deserves a whole 20's episode drama.
So if you don't mind a good story maybe a little rushed with great actors, great music and really short, my advice is ''watch it!''.
Its a good spend hour.
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Memories of the Alhambra
0 people found this review helpful
by Nat
Jan 30, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A very well built cast and an amazing direction with a lack of good writing.

I started this drama with very few expectations. To be honest, with expectations that it was gonna be a lost of time. I have never been a lover of Park Shin Hye, I find her adorable and beautiful but when talking about acting she has always sending me varied experiences, and almost never good ones.
Buttttttt I started it and it really surprised me, in a good way.

Let's start talking about *acting*, I can not say anything bad about the actors, I'm not "bias" for Hyun Bin, but I've always praised his great performance despite some bad scripts and characters; this time, Hyun Bin presents a character with a deep emotional pain, with behaviors of anxiety disorder, the best of this is that we see how the character Yoo Jin-Woo goes from being mentally balanced to an alcoholic with problems to face the reality, a person who has to deal with post-traumatic stress day after day. Although not everything is perfect in this point, because it lacked depth on the part of the writers who easily forgot the problems that the protagonist had shown two episodes ago. Park Shin Hye, showed me a facet of good performances (and good Spanish! What a shock! so great!) A great repertoire of expressions and new ways of relating to their co-stars, was something beautiful, although not perfect as lacked a bit of depth to her character. The other supporting actors were between "fantastic, I love you" and "I do not know what you're doing here and I don't care" the latter is mainly directed to both ex-wives, I dont know what happened there, it was a horror to see their scenes without any meaning but to stole time, it was fatal; although it is also divided the fault with the writing of characters so vague and without depth.

Let's continue talking about the quality of production, I do not know how much Netflix had to do in the production, but I could see within the first 30 minutes of the first episode that it was going to be fantastic. The interactions between the real and the virtual world were impressive, the changes were made as if by magic (the magic of technology). And, most importantly, you could still distinguish the real from the virtual reality, or at least the first chapters, because we, the spectators, also get involved in the same way that the main character Yoo Jin-Woo, without knowing everything transforms and we can not distinguish if what is shown on the screen is reality. I can not but express how great the direction and production is, it is a real delight to see it on the screen.
*Here is the problem*
Writing was what I liked the least, it started very strong, every week I wanted more and more, but after a while the problem lengthened, forgetting the problems raised before for the characters, the non-main characters were vague and without depth, I could not care less what happened to them. There was never a Villain with a capital V, which could be good if it highlighted the demon that had the protagonist inside him, his own battle with himself, but it was not achieved. Here is the weak link of the whole drama, a tremendous pity because it started with great potential that was lost over time.
For all the above, I can say that it is a drama that is worth seeing, it entertains you and it is beautiful when you see it, with great performances and a tremendous direction. While it has its weak points, they are not so tragic when viewed in a casual way. For these reasons I give it an 8 and I am left with my thought, that I already had some time ago, that Hyun Bin is a tremendous actor.

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Tell Me What You Saw
0 people found this review helpful
by Nat
May 10, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
Hay muchas cosas para hablar de este drama, personalmente creo que no es lo mejor que OCN ha sacado o el mejor drama policial que haya visto, pero de alguna manera logra ser bueno; incluso si durante los primeros diez capítulos quedes con un sabor de “meh, pues malo no está”.
Empecemos con lo no tan bueno: la trama es bien usual y reutilizada por muchos, tenemos a un detective retirado que tiene la inteligencia para acabar con todo el crimen del mundo, obviamente representado por Jang Hyuk, así como la pequeña policía que sueña con ser mejor; hay una serie de asesinatos que los une y pues de ahí ustedes se imaginarán. La trama se vuelve, no sé si para bien o para mal, más complicada, puesto que se da una carrera entre el gato y el ratón, pero el ratón no es lo que piensas y eso está genial, pero en este caso, el ratón no es DEMASIADAS VECESSSS, hay que saber dónde parar muchachos. Igualmente, la historia es bastante predecible con uno que otro plot twist que te vuela la cabeza por completo.
Pero como al final del día es mas lo bueno que lo malo, empecemos por porqué es un must watch:
1. La trama, aunque previsible, te toca el corazón y no importa si ya se sabía que alguien iba a morir igual duele, tampoco se vuelve aburrida con el paso de los capítulos, todo lo contrario. El hecho que dejen uno que otro plot twist para morirte también ayuda, aunque sean muy pocos.

2. LOS PERSONAJES SON LO MEJOR Y LO QUE HACE QUE AL FINAL FUNCIONE TODO TAN BIEN, no importa que tan usada sea una historia si tus personajes son fuertes ya lo tienes ganado todo. Y en este caso existe un cuidado con cada uno de los personajes, principales o no, que los hace únicos. El personaje principal no es El Héroe, si no más un antihéroe que en su complejidad puede lograr incluso hasta el odio; pero aquí lo principal son las mujeres que, aunque solamente sean dos, te llenan el alma: son complejas, con miedos, son rudas sin llegar a ser “un hombre con cabello largo”, son ellas mismas con sus errores y son imperfectamente perfectas. Así mismo los demás personajes, aun teniendo poco tiempo en pantalla, logran compenetrar y te hace interesarte en ellos, algunos más que otros eso sí.

3. EL VILLANO es complicado, pero al final logran demostrar un psicópata en todo su esplendor, entiendes el miedo de los personajes. Es alguien muy calculador y al mismo tiempo tan caótico que te atrapa.

4. La actuación es muy buena en general, pero me gustaría exaltar la de Choi Soo Young que brilla con su naturalidad especialmente durante el mar de dramatismo de Jang Hyuk en los primeros capítulos (digo eso con el mayor amor y respeto que se puede tener hacia Hyuk).

Para concluir, este drama tiene buenas y malas partes especialmente durante los primeros capítulos, pero logra algo con los personajes que pocos han alcanzado, consiguiendo así que la balanza se incline un poco más hacia lo bueno. Yo odio esos dramas que tienes que ver 20 capítulos para llegar a algo bueno, pero con este lo vale. Así que, si eres fan de OCN, de los dramas policiacos o de Jang Hyuk esto es para ti, tal vez al principio no sea lo esperado, pero al final terminarás queriendo más. El arcoíris al final del camino.
Y si eso no es suficiente… solamente hay que recordar que es Jang Hyuk con el pelo largo. La bendición más grande que hay.

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