When I started watching this drama I thought it just had 16 episodes, I didn't expect 28 episodes at all, that's why in the first 4 or 5 episodes I thought that the drama was way to slow, the screenwriter was wasting too much time and I also thought that the drama would be boring, but then I saw that in fact this drama has 28 episodes and then I had another thoughts... The screenwriter took the necessary time to develop the story and help the view to not just get used to the main character, but know personally each and every character that is part of the story.
In this drama the screenwriter knows how to control the characters and the history being faithful to each of them and as the viewers get into the story - as a viewer I can say that - they learn to develop different feelings towards the characters. The story has different levels and in each level we can see new sides of the characters as the story develops naturally. There's nothing forced about his script, it is the most natural one and at the end... I must tell that everything was thought carefully. This end was one of the few ones that gave some satisfaction, it was a really good end.
The music is nothing special, I like the OST, but there was nothing too memorable for me.
As for the acting... It was brilliant! I didn't expected that Han Hyo Joo would pull out such a good acting as she did with her character Go Eun Song in this drama, the actress Moon Chae Woon also did an awesome job and as for me deserves a round of applause for her performance as the second main female lead Yoo Seung Mi, also the actress Kim Mi Sook just wooow, really good one. Really good acting. But of course Lee Seung Gi as the main male lead and Bae Su Bin as the second main male lead did a good job.
I'll watch this drama again someday for sure since is such a good drama.
Even if the OST isn't that memorable, from the acting, screenwriting to the directing this drama is the best.
I highly recommend it.
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Everything about this movie is brilliant, the direction, the plot, the actors and the soundtrack.
This is not just a sad movie, it can make you cry easily if you're (unlike me) are able to. I was surprise by looking towards my own life and concerns by watching this movie.
There no words for it.
It is a memorable movie.
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You, the reader, might be suspicious of such high ratings I gave to this movie, you might be wondering "Is that movie so good?", well I don't know how to answer you that question, because I don't know your personal preference, but I hope this review will help you to make a decision to either watch it or not.
When I first saw the recommendation for this movie at Kimi Ni Todoke's page (here at MDL) I thought it could be a good movie, the synopsis that I read later made my expectations drop, but I'm glad I manage to watch it. I could never imagine how intense and touching this movie could be, while watching it I couldn't look away from the screen, it is such a inspiring movie and at some point, to some people can be personal in so many different ways - even aside the main plot it can happen, even for someone who never have been through something like that, at some point, it can become a little personal. I, myself, at some point of this movie could see me in the character's shoes.
But I must make the "cryers" aware that, if you use to cry easily, this movie will absolutely make you cry a river, so please keep some tissue by your side.
Like I've already wrote, the story can be very touching and inspiring, but this wouldn't be possible without the work of the screenwriter and the collaboration between the crew and the cast, the main character's performers were a really good choice, they're chemistry, I mean the fictional relationship they portrait for the movie, seems so natural that at some point I thought by myself if that was really a movie, the only thing I didn't liked much was the ability of the main male character to cry at certain scene because seemed a little forced, but since everything else was so good I couldn't complain for much longer than a few minutes. The OST is the best and I wish I could have it, it matched very well with the movie and it was well applied in the different scenes.
I gave a 9 for Rewatch Value because for me, at least, this is one of those movies that should be watched carefully so I can still fully appreciate without ever get tired of it.
This movie is one of those that can make you smile instead laughing, the kind of movie that make you anxious with the happiest scenes between the character's because you don't know what's next (if you, like me, haven't watch it before), you can either hate or love the main character as much as you can learn to love or hate the secondary ones, but I won't say why because that you'll need to find out while watching.
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From the storyline to the photoshoot, everything was very good. The OST is amazing, and how could mention the acting skills of the actors and actresses that play the main roles?
I already knew Lee Tae Sung from Playful Kiss and since then I just thought that he should play a villain, I thought about that for so many time and then it came... Rooftop Prince granted my wish (hehe) and I need to say that Lee Tae Sung is as good as I thought he would be in this kind of role, actually a little more better than that.
I've being planning to watch Park Yoo Chun acting since his first role, but I never did so I didn't know what to expect about him as an actor, but I need to say that it was great. I like Park Yoon Chun very much as a singer and a dancer, but I need to admit that he is way better as an actor, he surprised me, a very good surprise actually.
Han Ji Min was brilliant, about her... I really don't know how to describe it.
I first saw Jang Yoo Mi in the Jay Park MV and she end up being a good actress I don't know about her career, but I want to see her playing more good roles.
Jung Suk Won also were very good here I want to see him again. hehe
From the first second to its very end Rooftop Prince is an amazing drama, it has both comedy and touching moments. This drama is one of my favorites and there is no doubt about that. It's not because it has Yoon Chun, not because it has Tae Sung, Han Ji Min or Yoo Mi in it, but because it really is a Masterpiece, everything in this drama fits almost perfectly, everything happens at the right time, the collaboration between the team behind the cameras seems to be amazing and it reflects in the drama itself.
I highly recommend this drama, for the drama addicted I say that this drama need to be watched it is a wonderful drama in every single aspect.
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Acting/Cast: 3.5/10 || It was stated before, but I'm a VIP which means I'm a huge BIGBANG fan, however being a fan doesn't mean saying 'amen' and just straight up loving everything they do and this movie was a representation of it. It was indeed entertaining to watch Seungri's character struggle here and there, but I couldn't really take him seriously, it is Seungri for God's sake!!
TOP wasn't that much of good actor back then, I'll stop here.
As for Heo Yijae, this is the second time I've watched something with her, the first being Goong S. I like her and I like her acting in this movie, so most credit of the rating I gave here goes for her, also I liked Jung Seungil's acting in this movie, so that rating is good enough.
Music: 2.5/10 || *sighs* Well, TOP's rap was good at the time, it has his marks everywhere, so it's obviously his. Looking back at that time It's interesting to see how much his style has changed, also Seungri's song... No comments!
Rewatch Value: 9.0/10 || Well, the movie is not that good, but here's something about me, the less I like a movie the more comfortable I am in rewatching in whenever I feel like, the movies, dramas, TV shows, cartoons or whatever I like the best I don't watch it all the time, the more I watch the more I get tired of it for some reason, it gets kind of mundane for me, so I'm mostly to rewatch a movie that is not my favotire, though that doesn't happen with movies I dislike, that's another story.
Overall: 4.5/10
Nineteen tells the fictitious story of three teenagers, strangers to each other with different lifestyles, stories and personalities, but all of them share the same age, 19.
Park Min Seo is high schooler from a wealthy family who didn't make to university, Seo Joong Hun's a freshman from a middle-class family while and Eun Young is also a freshman in university, a very poor girl who work as an assistant in a hairdresser's saloon while taking care of her mother admitted into the hospital with a lethal disease.
None of them know each other until Oh Young Ae, a girl common known to the three of them is found dead, after being instigated during interrogation by the officers in the police station the three of them individually run from there and from then on they're treated as fugitives by the detectives in charge for the case.
Deciding to stay together, the three teenagers start to move from place to place, not telling each other's real name, Joong Hun as #1, Eung Young as #2 and Min Seo as #13, they don't establish any actual plan of escaping or whatsoever, only doing whatever they want to and mostly treating the situation as a casual vacation with friends.
Because his father can protect him, Min Seo doesn't really need to be on a run, but decides to because is something new and thrilling in his life which is usually controlled by his parents, mostly his mother; Joong Hun, who is constantly criticized by those around him, especially his family, deposits his trust in the wrong person.
The main plot is well known and was explored for many movies before, it does had potential to be a good movie, but as I could see, Nineteen was solely a way to promote TOP and Seungri as actors, also promoting BIGBANG (boy group that Choi 'TOP' Seunghyun and Lee 'Seungri' Seunhyun are part of)) in the process, somehow.
Even if it wasn't for that reason, it really looked like that to me. As a VIP (BIGBANG fandom) is was kind of hard to watch the movie without imagining the behind the scenes, mostly considering Seungri's personality and TOP's as well, but that 's another story.
My conclusion is, even though I really like them and Hong Yijae as well, yet this movie was horrible. It was entertaining and I'd recommend if you want to mindlessly watch something, but aside that, nothing much. Don't expect much from this movie or you'll get disappointed.
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This review may contain spoilers
[ Rating: D+ ]Based on a novel written by Takahisa Igarashi, 'Daddy You, Daughter Me' tells the story of the growing distance between a father and his daughter as time goes by and she grows up into puberty. Even if you've never heard the titles 'Papa to Musume no Nanakakan' or 'Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter' - the titles for both the original novel and the Japanese drama adaptation of it -, but saw Freaky Friday, then that's all you have to know about it, there isn't really anything exciting and new about this film.
Freaky Friday aside, the film's concept has been overly used many, many times before and unfortunately 'Daddy You, Daughter Me' doesn't really bring anything new to the plate, doesn't add anything and the story goes on predictable and rushed, even though I did not see the original material this movie was based on, still I could tell they were only scratching the surface of story only to jump into scenes that are way too appealing to the viewer.
I was indeed interesting in the movie at the opening scene, however as the first minute of the movie went on I kind of had the feeling the movie could be disappointing when the Je Moon breaks the fourth wall and as the next scene went on; this film is lighthearted, so much that it doesn't really take itself seriously enough throwing in jokes directly for the viewers that aren't really part of the story itself, simply a excuse for a promoted extra feature, shamelessly breaking the characters and the movie to do so and I'm not taking about the extra scene in the end, that's a different issue, that scene seems like the director's saying "just kidding, there won't be a sequel", but also, it was completely unnecessary if in the end, they would just... do that.
Sure enough I wasn't looking forward to a award-worthy performance, but I did expect more from Je Moon and Jung So Min than I actually got to see, still they did a fairly well good job and managed to play their roles in a way to convince the viewer of the different situation they were in, however most jokes weren't all that funny, most of them went by unnoticed and there were too many plot holes, and unnecessary scenes.
The soundtrack... I did got interested by the songs they talk about at that one scene in the vintage shop - this isn't a spoiler and I won't talk about it in depth -. but aside from that the music in the movie is very uninteresting.
Talking about that one scene--- They broke their character there and that kind of left me confused for some time, for a second or two I was unconvinced of what was going on, it didn't seem like they exchanged bodies.
Not sure if I will re-watch this movie again, there's a chance if someone wants to mindlessly watch with me a chick-flick with a chance of laughter and inside jokes added to make it funnier and have more fun.
One more thing, just one last thing before the review is over. There were many things unnecessary in this movie, I cited two before, but there's nothing as much unnecessary as the ending, the recorded message from girls/women to their father - not spoiler, promise -, if anything, that only makes one thing how superficial that was in so many different levels. The old ladies probably delivered the most truthful messages, but then, you realize why when you pay attention to the different backgrounds. It is more like a invite to discussion on Korean social issues than anything else.
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The only reason why I gave this a go was because of main leads, I thought that if the movie was bad, the acting would've paid off a little, needless to say how wrong I was. There's nothing to this movie to look forward to and, to be honest, I gave up on it midway, only sitting back and eating whatever, waiting for it to end.
Lee Min-Ki can be a good actor, Park Sung Woong too, but not in this movie, they were quite boring to watch. The movie itself is boring and repetitive with unnacessary plot twist, better yet, they're poorly played out.
The very best this movie can be is entertaining if you're up for a slaughterhouse kind of movie with lots of CGI blood and bad stunt, along some R rated scenes with Lee Min Ki and Lee Tae Im.
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