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On Your Wedding Day korean drama review
On Your Wedding Day
48 people found this review helpful
by hardpliers
Oct 28, 2018
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers
Fun fact: this movie came out on my birthday. But then of course, we had to wait a little to finally be able to see the subtitles. A love story? *reads the plot* Love it. The actors? *checks the cast* Yes, two of my favorite South Korean actors, both such beautiful and talented human beings. The decision has been made - I'm watching this!

I have a thing for love stories set in the 90's or the early 00's: how the set design is specifically made to reminisce the flip phones, dvd's, etc. I even noticed how the filming style varied a lot in this movie, from shaky to cinematic and professional. So even the little details stood out to me. Now, the main characters and their relationship seemed to genuine. They had amazing chemistry and character development. People gave this film a lot of backlash because of the sad ending, but I found it quite contemporary. The writers of the story didn't want to sugarcoat anything. This movie depicts how relationships in the real world work: people might have a strong belief in fate and how it brings humans together, but love doesn't last forever. Personally, I was balling my eyes out and had a thought that life is, indeed, so unfair sometimes. I'm still convinced that the main male lead Hwang Woo Yeon had the biggest character development. From a stupid jock to a mature and sweet teacher, we all wish him true happiness and to look back at everything as memories that shaped him. Even the female character Hwan Seung Hee changed from someone unapproachable to a loveable and hard-working woman. In other words, the story is important, but I though that observing the main characters was more fascinating. So if you're still on the hence whether this movie should've ended on a bad note, take your time to rethink if it would've been better with a happy ending.

Overall, this exceeded my expectations. I definitely recommend watching this and myself, I'll go and rewatch this movie sometime in the near future!
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