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Us and Them
9 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
I watched this movie and got the exact vibe and storyline that I was expecting from it. The actors portrayed such beautiful and touching emotion throughout the movie I was so moved. The movie highlighted the themes of future (success) and values (family and love). The message the movie sends is beautiful and so relevant and relatable to today's world. This movie was painful to watch at some scenes and it really hurt my heart for it was super heart wrenching. However, although it was obvious how things would end, it is definitely worth watching . I have not cried so much over a movie for quite a while. I am very moved. I highly recommend this movie it is one of the best :)

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Fallen Angels
8 people found this review helpful
Nov 7, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

grungy but strangely comforting

I'm a big fan of not only Wong Kar-Wai but contemporary HongKong. This movie was both amusing/comical and heartfelt. The noncholant-ness of the main characters made it felt so cold but at the same time really relatable. The cinematography per usual is pure art. Lots of relations to Chungking Express; the setting, the characters, job occupations, references, etc. The music and soundtracks that are paired with the scenes make it 10x more mesmerizing. Acting hands down 10/10, nothing new. I personally loved Fallen Angels and would highly recommend it to those who want to experience a solid cinematic film in 1 hr 30.

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4 people found this review helpful
Nov 17, 2019
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I don't want to give this movie a high score because it's obvious how awful the situation was in real life. It pains me to think that this happened over 10 years ago and situations similar to this are still happening in the world. The movie sickened me and I felt as if my soul was as black as a tunnel. Many reviews mentioned crying however by the end I was so built up on rage and hatred. For those with weak hearts, I recommend you to prepare yourselves for what you are about to witness. The actors did a great job portraying the actual situation/film plotline. However, I cannot help but feel pain for the innocent and disgust for our corrupt world. damn that's deep af <.< just expressing some kept in rage (the end scene was so painfully realistic however I am certainly glad that the teacher is gone once and for all. 1 down, 3 more to go.

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When We Were Young
4 people found this review helpful
Dec 30, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
My first impression of this drama was that it gave off major Reply vibes (Reply 1988 especially). I personally really enjoy cdramas and ones that are more of the late 1900s really hit the target. Since I'm Chinese as well, I am pretty used to the language and the way they speak however for kdrama viewers, it might take some time to get used to. The OST is incredibly sweet and it matches with the nostalgic summer feel of childhood. All in all, the acting was on point. There was not a single character I didn't like in the series which is rare. I loved how every character was in the spotlight and their family issues are portrayed. I'm not sure if I want a second season since the openness of the ending is pretty nice, however an epilogue or one more episode where they all meet up at the end would definitely be nice. Although this drama is under the genre of romance, there's more comedy involved and don't be fooled, there are certain scenes that really tug at your heartstrings. TTT prepare tissues guys! I encourage you to watch this drama, it's one of a kind :)

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Imawa no Kuni no Alice
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 1, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

shits wild

well now i NEED to read the manga. came from watching Sweet Home cuz i heard they were suited for similar audience. exceeded my expectations 100%. when did japan live action get this good?? visual effects and cinematography were astounding. seen a handful of the cast before but they did such a great job recruiting the actors. for me tbh it reminded me of mirai nikki and a more messed up and upgraded version of battle royale. suspense was there for sure and looking forward to season 2.
(also noticed that they filmed in pretty iconic parts of Japan. dope edition to the cinematography)

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To My 19-Year-Old
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
I enjoyed this movie a lot. I normally enjoy watching movies about youth and how the characters grow to learn you should life to its fullest without any regrets. This was exactly what I was looking for. It does bear some resemblance to Orange (japanese live action and anime) however the plotlines are both very different. The casting was great-ahh mo xiaofeng is so cute and the girl is so pretty TT Overall, I highly recommend this movie *SPOILER* I did end up crying two times throughout this whole movie however most of the other parts are super cute and fluffy. <3
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Our Beloved Summer
3 people found this review helpful
May 6, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0

nostalgic summer

If you're into slow-paced, healing dramas, this series will be the perfect fit for you. The character development/relationship development is fairly slow-paced but it's a good pace especially because they have interesting flashback scenes as well as shifts between the characters. I really appreciated getting to know the stories of the side characters as well as the main characters, the directing and cinematography is definitely top tier as well...

The peaceful and calmness of this dramas as a whole was incredibly healing,, I think the last time I watched something that gave me such vibes was When the Weather Is Fine. The acting, as expected, was so realistic and the feelings were portrayed so well. Kim Dami and Choi Wooshik definitely did the original characters & the webtoon justice. Unlike most rom-coms, the second leads (Jiwoong and NJ) gave such great vibes/characteristics, it was such a breath of fresh air that they were so easy to understand and empathize with.

The OST was also wonderful, everything fit so well with this nostalgic-summer esq vibe that I long to revisit, it's like experiencing sweet first love moments when things were carefree :) Big props to the whole crew and this series overall. <3

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Do You Love Me as I Love You
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

a light youth drama

Decided to watch this movie because G.E.M. sang the OST and it's honestly one of the most fitting songs. Honestly, this movie was alright, it's definitely kind of predictable but not too cliche. If you're looking for a light romance/youth movie to watch, this is the one. It's not too emotion-heavy or deep, and pretty comedic in some scenes, so it's on the more playful side.

First time seeing the actors/actresses but I enjoyed their acting, it definitely wasn't a let-down, their depictions of their emotion was really convincing, so props :)

If i had to critique it: It's kind of frustrating in some places because misunderstandings between the male and female lead, also it doesn't help that the second lead is the obstacle 99% of the time. (I know this is part of the plot to build up the finale and make the ending climatic)

Overall, though, Do You Love Me as I Love You is a pretty decent movie to watch and definitely enjoyable.

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Go Ahead
3 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2022
46 of 46 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

heartwarming family drama

This was probably the best drama i've seen all year. So endearing and wholesome family dynamic (the main family of 5). The dynamic between the 5 family members is so heartwarming and there were so many emotional scenes. This series definitely made me emotionally invested, the plot, characters, and acting were all superb.

Speaking of casting, SongWeiLong has been one of my favorite actors for a long time but I have never seen the other two main leads. I loved the casting as well as the super natural sibling/family dynamic. The sibling bond between the three is so strong it makes me envious T^T The characters were so well-written and everything was an emotional rollercoaster. I'd be laughing my head off in one scene and be sobbing so hard within minutes of the next scene.

I definitely recommend this drama to those who are looking for some quality character development, family bonding, and romance content. I'm super glad that I finally binged this series and I highly recommend watching it. The OST is by far one of the best I've heard yet.

This drama also represents a handful of Chinese family dynamics, which is always appreciated, it has a lot of relation to Chinese culture and the way that we are brought up as children. I think that this is what really makes this drama special--aside from the character relations and ever-changing plot. This drama is similar to the kdrama Reply series but also highlights a lot of Chinese cultural differences which is always eye-openiing.

HUUUGE props to the director, screenwriter, cast, and production team. this is definitely deserving 10/10 stars. one of the best acting as well as screenplay i've seen in so long~

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3 people found this review helpful
Jan 17, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

finding happiness

The chemistry between park hyungsik and han hyojoo was unbelievable and something I didn't know we needed :') The thriller with slight romance has a parallel to Sweet Home, the genres are pretty similar: neighbors in an apartment complex transitioning into the infected. I was really impressed with the chemistry and duality of the power couple though-- the plot didn't have a lot of romantic scenes, but their compatibility was insane and there was definitely chemistry w/o even portraying skinship. This power couple was probably one of the best I've seen;; she's hot headed and aggressive but smart, while he's calm, rational, and logical. They balance eachother out perfectly :))

Superb acting from ALL casts; the variety and diversity of characters was really a breath of fresh air that I needed; there weren't many cliches and each episode was pretty unpredictable. The cinematography and OST was done extremely well; the soundtrack fit perfectly with the overall vibe.

I'm slightly salty that the residents who were incredibly twisted and made selfish choices weren't ever properly punished/got what they deserved but the ending makes up for everything :') iykyk

One of the best dramas I've binged in a while; I guarantee it's worth the watch (unless you're not into horror/thrillers)

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Ugly Duckling Series: Perfect Match
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 29, 2018
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.5
I'm going to completely honest, this was the first thai drama I have ever watched so it took me time to get used to their language and their style of film. I enjoyed the character development and oh gosh thai girls and guys are so attractive. THEY ALL LOOK SO FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL HOW. The osts were ok they weren't particularly catchy (i dont remember how the opening even sounds like) but the casting was really great. I enjoyed the story line but I felt that some parts went a little too slowly. Other than that, the first thai drama I've ever watched was pretty decent.

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The Last 10 Years
2 people found this review helpful
Feb 26, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

a reason to live

like the title suggests, this movie is definitely a tear-jerking one and that's not a spoiler. After the midway point I was just trying not to tear up every 5 minutes. The movie definitely gets you thinking about life and the beauty of living life to it's fullest. It also gets you thinking about death, how nobody is truly prepared for when the time comes. Overall the film is so sad but so beautiful. I appreciate how the screenwriters kept it real up until the end.

Nana Komatsu and Kentarou are pretty solid, veteran actors so there's definitely no disappointment in the acting. The OST was so beautiful as well (radwimps..what could go wrong). Overall highly recommend if you're up for some super heartbreaking content. (preferably not in the middle of the night though) ^^

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Romance Is a Bonus Book
2 people found this review helpful
Feb 8, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

fluffy romcom

I was looking for a drama that gave off the light-hearted romcom feeling but also something that wasn't your typical main leads. This drama was exactly that. I appreciate how they made the female lead so human, it felt more natural and realistic. Like a normal person, she struggles with her job, she has financial obstacles, and she is also incredibly open to new possibilities and meeting new people . Those are some points I really liked out of the FL. As for the ML, quite literally everything about him is pretty ideal, there's hard to find flaws lol.

Onto the plot...the flow was pretty good up until episode 8 ish. It started to feel really slow afterwards...the progression of the relationships between characters was fairly slow and at some point it felt like we only saw the tip of the iceberg. Cha Eunho and Kang Danyi are really good characters on their own however I just felt like the plot was getting lost after a few episodes. I really wanted to hear more about the backgrounds of the side characters and the other editors on the team as well. The chemistry between the two second leads came off pretty strong, almost stronger than when the two main leads were together.

Acting/Cast= 10/10 OST is amazing

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Seasons of Blossom
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 29, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

"a most beautiful but sad memory"

I read the webtoon prior to watching the series and it was 10/10. I'm glad that the webdrama did the original justice because everything from the plotline to the characters were so well conveyed. I don't have any complaints, except for the fact that I wished that the ending didn't have to be so heartbreaking. It's pretty obvious that HaMin wasn't coming back but it felt like a slow burn and a emotional climax at the end.

Bomi and Jinyoung's relationship development is so cute, unexpected couples >>>>> The acting was also 10/10 I'm pretty surprised at how accurate the characters were, especially Sunhee and Jinyoung. Looking forward to season 2 if they plan to continue the webdrama series~

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Youth of May
2 people found this review helpful
Sep 5, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

breathtaking and emotional

I think it's pretty clear from the start how there's going to be a tragic ending...Nevertheless the entire series was a piece of art. The shooting style as well as the overall tone the drama gave was so on point. I regret not educating myself more about the Gwangju Uprising and its history before watching this because then things would have made a lot more sense.

The cast was impeccable...expected nothing less from the main leads Dohyun and Minsi (came from Sweet Home aha) as well as the second female lead (she did so well in Class of Lies). This drama felt similar to "When the Weather is Fine" where it was so relaxing and satisfying--until chaos strikes and nothing goes right. This melodrama was great depiction of reality merged with fiction. The harsh reality of what was politically going on especially amongst those who were hierarchically involved.

The joy and sorrow were expressed so well from the characters. I shed a few tears especially towards the ending episodes because the storyline was so moving. The OST played a big part in the success of the film. If you are someone who likes a nice drama with a peaceful and realistic vibe, definitely watch Youth of May.

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