I think the best thing to say is that I'm a dorama, manga, anime, kpop lover °("3")°
I first started watching dramas because of manga, with the drama version of Gokusen, wich i find much better then the manga. I was already in love with kpop and that made me interested in kdrama, the first one was Playful Kiss. Later I watched my first tdrama, Romantic Princess. My first trip into the world of Thai dramas was through the movie Crazy Little Thing Called Love and I've jus began my adventure into the Thai lakorns.
It's hard to choose my favorite actors and singers because I have so many, except T.O.P, T.O.P is forever
Well then, hope you find something in common with me and feel free to befriend me (^-^)
Pangapsumnida \(*-*\)
The Official Pimp a.k.a T.O.P <3