Dream High Season 2
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 13, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I rated this season lower than the first one. Why? Because obviously, the first one is better when it come to story plot, acting, music and impact. At first the story was confusing, suddenly introducing different characters confuse me. The flow of the story wasn't really that good. The acting of the characters weren't really that good as well compare to the first season. How should I say it. Ahm, I wasn't carried away with their acting. Music wasn't that really good maybe because they are not really gifted with such talents unlike in the first season. But the songs where cute. So i enjoy the songs too.

What I like about this drama is that the main lead character has a bad attitude too. When I found out that she was the one who did such action, I was somehow amazed because it was unexpected. As for JB I didn't expect that he will really fell in love to her. I was asking too, why her? haha.. Then when she mentioned about the cubic puzzle? I was,, "woohh that's why" It makes sense. Maybe, it's really like that that's why there are people who fall in love to each other unexpectedly.

Oh, and in all of the characters I really like Nana. She is funny and kind :)

that's all ^^

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Love for Love's Sake
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 3, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Nothing has made me cry like this in years!
I never rewatch shows normally, but I've gone back to this not once but twice since finishing it - I just wish it was longer.
The world feels so rich, the actors have amazing chemistry and give such raw performances you can't help but feel for the characters with your whole heart.
It switches seamlessly from being a cute love story to Black Mirror style sci-fi horror with some truly terrifying moments and resolves well, though there are many mysteries left when you look at the details.
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Flourish in Time
0 people found this review helpful
by yas
Jul 19, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
it started off soo good i loved the cinematography for it and the castings (until i found out the age diff between the leads ,, yikes) when i found out abt it it did tick me off but i continued watching it for the sake of finishing it.

these days cdramas have a lot of coming-of-age genre but most of them ALWAYS have unnecessary side stories that i skip but this show it does have a few side stories n none of them bore me . i loved all of the side characters they were portrayed so so well and the chemistry between them all.. LOVE

overall a great drama to watch but i wish they wouldve casted someone who's not a minor :/ other than that the plot n all were good

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Queen of Tears
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 30, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

gateway drug

This show had a choke-hold on me for a good chunk of it.

To preface, this is actually my first full romance drama (yes, I know kinda illegal), other than Soundtrack #1 (yes, I have not watched CLOY, I will one day). I didn't think I'd ever find myself watching a 16 episode romance drama, but here I was waiting anxiously each week for the episodes to come out. To address the title, after catching up to Queen of Tears about 5 weeks into the show, I started watching a lot of dramas, I think my watch-time went from 3 days to 6 LMFAO.

Some things that were absolutely amazing about this drama were the OST, and the leads. This soundtrack is absolutely amazing, and many of the songs are very capable of being stand-alone songs even without the context of the drama. Maybe I'm easily influenced, but the songs paired with the acting of the two leads never failed to make me tear up, or even flat out cry. I think a couple of these songs can go down in history, similar to those in CLOY, like IU's "Give You My Heart" or Yerin Baek's "Here I Am Again."

Now, I'm pretty new to the K-Drama scene, but I've never really been attached to any of the characters in the shows I've watched (this is probably because I would mainly watch action shows). But the main couple in Queen of Tears made me absolutely fall for them. I fell in love with their characters of Baek Hyun-Woo and Hong Hae-in, as well as the respective actors. This was the first time I've ever seen KSH or KJW in a drama before, but I absolutely loved their performance in this drama. As per any drama ever, it is very important for the main leads to act well and convey the emotions to the audience, and these two did wonderful. I think I may have shed multitudes more than the boat load that the main leads shed (jk, maybe not as much as KSH LOL). Maybe there's something wrong with me, but every single time one of the main leads started crying, my eyes could just not control themselves. But there's also more to just tears despite this show being named Queen of Tears. This show violently threw me around from grinning like an absolute idiot, to punching air, to cheering, and of course to tears.

Now, the plot may not be anything special to a vetted K-Drama watcher, but despite having a trope that I particularly dislike, I think the show executes well enough to ignore that. That brings me back to the title of this review. I won't say that this show is perfect by any means (is there even a perfect drama), but I will say this show is a very strong gateway to the world of K-Drama, as it has that emotional attachment that I think you may have to the first show you watched, or something similar. A lot of times someone's favorite show may not be the most perfect by any means, but to them it made a heavy impact. I think that's how this show was to me, as it sucks me into a rabbit hole of dramas. And that means I need to watch CLOY!

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Still 2gether
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 5, 2020
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Being Kind

I watched 2gether a few months ago, read the critiques here, then re-watched it as I was surprised by some of the ratings. Since then I have watched Still 2gether and loved it. But I'm mainly posting this to defend Bright who is in danger of being victimised. To my mind he is a lad of immense all-round talent and it would be cruel if he gave up acting or had his life's course and happiness changed by what seems to be becoming a bandwagon of snipers. Fortunately there are many positive compensating comments on his profile in MDL and in the general appraisals of the films.

Bright is not a newbie and the fact that he has been chosen and re-chosen as an actor, when there is a huge pool of possibles suggests that producers and directors rate him highly. This cannot just be for his looks and his smile.

In appraising a film or a book, the starting assumption needs to be that the author or producer or actor knows what he or she is doing and that the director is satisfied with the result, however many takes were needed to get there. I think that rather than impose ones own expectations and values on a person, book or movie, one should try to understand what we are being shown. In that way we can be drawn out of our own echo-chamber with mirrors.

To me this is a very fine series.. The storyline may be familiar but the quality of the production and of the acting and direction, to my mind make it exceptional. That a fake relationship becomes real is bound to involve strong emotions, incredibly well portrayed here, where Sarawat has always been ready to abandon all pretence while Tine simply wants to walk away when the need for the fakery (the unwanted attentions of Green) has passed. Above all, the falling in love cannot be a sudden reversal, or an off-on switch but both actors have to sustain a 13 episode (+5) evolution in their relationship. I do not find these series sugary or superficial, rather they are the study of a slow-growing relationship with all its twists and turns. Yes, there is no skinship, only a few late kisses, but one cannot deduce from that that Bright is a reluctant BL actor. This film does not need to be pornographic and naked: for one thing Thai laws would not allow it, for another there is plenty of porn elsewhere (often with one-dimensional characters) and thirdly, this series is about what is going on below the surface.

Win and Bright are exceptional in sustaining a long arc. Win is a natural and I guess that his sunny disposition was easier to adapt to this role as Tine than Bright's depth and inwardness was to that of Sarawat. I really cannot see how Bright's acting can be criticised or patronisingly said to have improved through the series. If the casting is right, then the actor needs to rebalance his personality, to emphasise or reduce qualities that he already possesses. In this case the casting seems perfect. In real life Win has a ready smile, an optimistic approach to life and emotions on the sleeve, as well as having a serious and hard-working side. Shaking his kaleidoscope downgrades the seriousness, expands his range from joy to misery, suppresses his shyness, and perhaps he has to create a sort of dumb failure to understand for so long Bright's words and body language. In real life Bright seems shy, pensive, serious, but highly intelligent and quick-witted, with a lovely smile and whiplash repartee. This part with a bit of tinkering for Bright to become Sarawat, is actually a perfect fit, though it does not allow him to be as showy or theatrical as Tine. Whereas there is a certain frivolity needed in Tine's character, Sarawat has to capture Tine and maintain and deepen that love he felt at first sight, while never pushing it, for fear of frightening Tine off and losing him. He has to suffer deeply when rebuffed and misunderstood, with his eyes, expression and body showing this wordless hurt when Tine persists in thinking it is all a game, and even afterwards, when Win has become his boyfriend, but still doesn't know how to love without being selfish. Bright's is not a flamboyant part, so the viewer needs to watch every grimace and gesture in order to read him and see how much his deep love for Tine is costing Sarawat. Sarawat is also a model of hidden determination and deep devotion; a lesser lover would have given up. I think that he has created a totally believable character and nothing he does seems to be just going through the motions, reading out the words; there is nothing routine or mechanical or inept. even in close-up. As to his improving through the series, the script demands that they become ever more interlaced and their feelings more overt. A certain stiffness, awkwardness and coldness is entirely natural at the beginning of a relationship, even if both partners (unlike here at the beginning) want to develop it. This is not a series with a "non-existent plot", except for those who want to impose their own simpler story-line, with more rivalries and skin-ship. For me this is an intense and nuanced charting of a complicated relationship, not just another trivial and titillating BL.

There are accusations that the quality of writing deteriorates and that the first series looses impetus in its latter half. Such criticisms are hurtful and need to be supported, as does the notion that series one ends chaotically or messily, and that Series 2 was shot to tidy up. Once Sarawat and Tine are dating in Series 1, they have in theory moved into a phase that is less exciting for the watcher. But the detail is not like that at all. There are reversals, misunderstandings and Pear, Sarawat's first flame, but not more, comes on the scene. But the real interest is in Tine, who is still not ready to love fully and unreservedly. He shies away from Bright's desire for touching, kissing and sex and that creates a tension which is really only resolved at the end of Part two (without the need of a tearing-off-the-clothes bed scene. But the second half of 2gether also allows more time to focus on the other couples, though Tine and Sarawat remain the centre of attention.

I do not think that there is a weak link in the cast. Unfair, perhaps, to single out Green, whose over-the-top campness lets us smile and relax between the intenser moments, and Fong ("the philosopher"), Tine's friend, who is such a loyal one, always there for him with a quantity of understanding and perception that make him stand out as wiser among so many lads.

But I would also say that the direction is superb. Comparing these lads as they appear informally in the Behind the Scene clips with how they appear on screen, you can see what the director has found within them and brought to the forefront. Especially with Bright he has taught him the power of silence, reflection and stillness. This and the quality of the production make this an exceptional series.

I have no intention of shipping Win and Bright, as that is a possibly hurtful conjecture until they choose to reveal any relationship themselves. They seem a bit disengaged from fan-service, but not because they are awkward with each other –they obviously have a really close relationship- but because I can read a seriousness in them that rather dislikes the razzmatazz. Close and deeply satisfying male bonding (brotherhood plus) is common, but we don't need to fantasize that it is always sexual, even if they pass nights together.

Also I do want to defend them as fine people who are having to pick their way through a minefield of politics, political correctness, trolling and flamers. It is easy to make minor mistakes as a youngster surrounded by the pressures of fame, especially when they are inevitably the target of people whose own jealousy and unhappiness causes them hate others' success and to try to humiliate them. Everything that we know from good sources, including their own appearances on TV suggests that they are talented high-achievers, intelligent, warm, caring, dedicated and honourable. They love their families, they look out for others, and fame has not made them arrogant.


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Bad Romeo
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 18, 2022
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

Bad Romeo, NOT Bad at all

This my first dedicated watching Thai drama. And it was a good investment indeed.

So the leads acting is what attracted my full attention to the story of this drama. It was a gamble since title-wise nothing about Romeo would end beautifully. So why not. I am in the process of withdrawing from other spectacular title which kept failing to happened. However this Thai drama is actually exciting.

It is the acting which felt strong and different. The chemistry undoubtedly amazing. Love-hate theme is always an interesting drama relationship. And if done correctly, could create an addiction.

So this one, I’ve watched on Netflix. The whole 17 episode with a good bowl of popcorn and coke. As episode 1 kicks in, it was like hang in there and let’s try to be curious. Then it went topsy turvy speed and really draws in attention.
It baffled me, how bold and pretty dark the story went. Then you just got more curious with the next episode as it unfolded more emotions and more secrets.

The leads acting is special, I think. Both deliver this excellent performance. They are very natural with their skinship and dialogue. Nothing awkward which is splendid.
My criticism would directly goes to the BGM or Music score, not that it spoil the scenes or anything. Just that something deep and dramatically orchestrated would be nicer.
I loves all her (Kimh) dresses and style. Everyone in this drama styled by their character very on point.
Very looking forward of checking Mario and Yaya other titled production.

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King the Land
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

A “must watch” for those who love dramas with romance!

What’s not to love about this gem? Just like some of the most popular and rewatched rom/coms, this one will leave you smiling and hating to see it end. The lead outlet are perfect in their roles and have great chemistry. Their steamy kisses give their romance major credibility. It’s rare to see this kind of passion in Asian dramas. Im Yoon-ah has been a favorite of mine since I watched my first K-drama ever about 7 years ago. Her starring role in the drama “Love Rain” is what hooked me on these dramas and I have watched hundreds of them over the years. I have rewatched that original drama more times than I can count, so when I saw that she starred in this drama I couldn’t resist. it certainly did not disappoint. I won’t go into a long winded analysis of this series, just know it’s well worth watching and I found it to be an oasis in the desert of mediocre rom/coms.

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When I Fly Towards You
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 20, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
triangles or misunderstandings that drag too long... look elsewhere.

If I had to use three words to describe this drama they would be soft, fluffy and heartwarming. It falls into a very well known category, which is Coming Of Age School Drama, but unlike so many others before it, it does not care to create unnecessary plots where our leads suffer too much in their relationship (by breaking up out of nowhere, for example) or act stupidly for the sake of creating conflict; one of its greatest strengths is that characters trust each other and as a result, they won't blindly believe what outside forces try to convince them of when it comes to one another, which is something that happens way too often in dramas like this one.

Are there misunderstandings? Of course, but misunderstandings *are* a part of life and having them in small quantities in dramas and done realistically adds to them, and When I Fly Towards you manages to sprinkle them in a way that feels organic enough that you believe it could easily happen in real life.

This drama is something to watch when you need something cute and uplifting with the certainty that good things will keep happening as you watch and problems will be solved. It's comforting and wholesome, and manages to be those things without its characters leaning too much into being cheesy, corny or cringeworthy. An amazing feat, without a doubt.

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0 people found this review helpful
by Lanshe
Oct 24, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

am fall in love with this drama ! so much feelings u never felt no where !)

Very touching romance! and how much love and tenderness is in it!))) I recommend for viewing!))
Well, now in more detail) because of the description of the plot, I was afraid to watch, because I thought it would be very sad ... but .. how much the series captures from the first minutes of the 1st series !! I started watching as always because of Inguk) (but he flashed there just once) ..
All actors, absolutely all performed their roles perfectly! even the actor who played Chamin from the 1st episode, although not handsome, is quite charming). There was incredible chemistry between Ahn Hyoseop and Park Boeun )) Hyesop is just adorable! I really liked his game and how he expresses emotions)) he is incredibly plastic and artistic) !!! such tenderness and deep feelings managed to be conveyed to the main characters in the last episodes .. wow ..))) ... heat of passion)) Hyo Seop passed all these feelings right through himself lol (well, or did I just notice it?))) he is incredibly accurate conveyed all the emotions of the main character, I chewed so much ahah ..
I really love a good acting game, not just where the actors are chosen harmoniously or beautiful (and also) who convey emotions well in the plot! I noticed that Asian actors are the best in this regard!)
The plot is interesting, it is unusual, as well as the staging. Yes, there are a lot of sad moments, but at the same time comical ones, where the main characters are constantly resurrected and they need to somehow explain to others why they are still alive ahah, but that's the beauty of it, because they are given a chance to get to the bottom of the matter and change everything))
a bit sad that Kwon Soo Hyun is playing a psychopath again (( (when will he be given the lead role of a positive character?) although he did a great job as always ahah but I want to see him play in a positive way.
the music is beautiful, the songs .. I liked everything, so much so that I even recommend watching it again)) !!! (the series is so well filmed that I think I would review it again in a while)

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The Lover
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 23, 2019
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I honestly loved this drama. Having started it because I had been told the BL couple was lovely, but ended up loving it for all the couples.

I found the story easy to follow, the acting on point and overall hilarious most of the time.
Each episode is 24 hours split on the four couples, showing struggles, insecurities and how they cope in their every day life.
It's a show you just have to start watching, as it's difficult to convince during a review, it's worth anyone's time to start this and go through the roller coaster of emotions it brings.

My only complaint would be that the BL couple should have had more screentime during each episode, as their story progresses a bit slowly.

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100 Days My Prince
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 23, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Historical Drama with Modern Plot

This is one of my favorite dramas of all time.
The drama setting is in Joseon Era, but I felt modern vibe in its plot. The problems with the crown princess felt like in a modern drama.
The casts are so perfect for their characters. As Do Kyungsoo's fan, of course I love his acting. But even though you're not a fan, you wouldn't be able to complain that his acting is bad. This kind of character is so suitable for him so much. His catchphrase of "OHO" and "Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable?" are so legendary and funny. I love his character, a talented crown prince who was smart and skillfull in martial arts, but somehow can be sweet, cute, funny and silly.
Nam Ji Hyun also did a good job. Her acting compliment her characters in the drama. The chemistry between FL and ML was great.
I usually don't like love-triangle. But, SML in this story was not annoying and I didn't hate his character. His loyalty to the crown prince outshining his love to FL. Surprisingly, the relationship between ML and SML looked better than the relationship between FL and SML.
I don't like the political conflict. And somehow I think it was cliché to historical drama. A prime minister/minister who wanted more power and used his daughter to gain more favor from the king. I don't like how the political conflict climacs was solved. I think it was rushed somehow. The reason that I didn't give 10 for re-watch value, because I didn't like the political conflict. So, everytime I re-watched this drama, I always skipped the scenes.
What surprised me the most is the crown princess' story (SFL). In this case, SFL didn't have any chance with ML. So, somehow I was hoping for a happy ending for her, even though in the beginning she was hateful.
I think this drama needs more episode. One more episode for the epilogue and the happy ending for ML and FL. I don't think that all of their problems was solved because they didn't show the story how ML brought FL to the palace and married her. In other dramas, it would be another problem because usually there would be people who opposed their relationship. I was hoping for more story about their happy ending and married life
The soundtrack was so good and really lovable. I love it.

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True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A good coming of age rom com!

True Beauty has it all. Humour, drop dead visuals, great cast, interesting story line, commendable acting, good music and a certain raw sweetness to it. I’ll admit that I was totally biased going into it as Mr Cha is my darling but hardly two episodes in and I’m totally into all the lead actors and supporting cast especially Hwang InYeop. That is one fine looking, talented man. I will admit that I’m extremely superficial when it comes to picking dramas as I do like to look at pretty things and nothing gets prettier then these three leads. That the villainess is pretty darn cool is a bonus too! So my advice. Sit back, enjoy and try not to judge too much. It’s a commendable, light drama that makes you feel surprisingly good! Special mention.. the female lead’s sister is the bomb! A woman after my own heart. She knows what she wants and goes out and gets it. Enjoy!

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Flower of Evil
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Overhyped and extremely forgettable

The show was at least 4 episodes too long, you can tell they added a lot of nonsensical subplots to make it longer but all it ended up doing was reducing the overall quality of the show. The story took many illogical turns and the ending was terrible. A lot of the positive reviews are incredibly emotions-based, which to an extent is understandable since the cast all do an amazing job. But it doesn't make the story any better, and if you find it gripping and addictive.. well, good for you, but there's far better shows that deserve your attention.
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Wonderland of Love
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 27, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Meeting your match

Wonderland of Love (WoL) is a surprising enjoyable ride, following the love story of Li Ni and Cui Lin.

For the review, I will mainly use Cui Lin’s nickname, Ah Ying, when referring to her since this is what Li Ni likes to call her by.

Li Ni’s and Ah Ying’s meet cute began with a fight for food supply and reclaiming of the cities to save the “king” that was being held hostage at capital.

What was intriguing from the get go was the battle of wits between the two of them, who held different armies. Smart and capable as they were, we couldn’t tell who had the upper hand nor who to root for as they competed for the same resources and gain the upper hand.

Li Ni and Ah Ying quickly turned allies when they unwittingly figured they worked more effectively together. The interactions remained fun to follow as they maintained the playful friendly flirtatious rivalry between them. … until the dynamics started to change by episode 16-ish when it seemed like Li Ni became the stronger one, be it from moral code, family power, or affection shown to other.

For the record, I still like Ah Ying a lot. She is one of the cunning, decisive, and likeable female leads that’s hard to come by in an idol drama. The slightly disappointed part to me was the troupe-y plot devices used to create the necessary tension between female and male leads to move the story along.

There were instances I felt that she overused Li Ni’s affection for her and / or she got turned into a weaker party. Was her hidden weapons only used for Li Ni? Where’s the independent cunning female lead we were introduced to at the start? It wasn’t that Ah Ying had the obligations to return Li Ni’s affection the exact same way he was doting her biasedly (on some level) or troupes like obsessive SML cannot be used in stories. It would’ve been nice to see a little more layers in Ah Ying and her development that’s present on Li Ni’s side through their love journey …or maybe I fast forwarded too much to see that side of Ah Ying.

On the other hand though, I recognised that a lot of conflicts they had were realistic and consistent with their characters setup. Li Ni may be loyal, upright and capable - but he is also impulsive and idealistic. Cui Lin is indeed cunning, pragmatic and overbearing - but she is also caring to her loved ones, willing to make the necessary sacrifices for the bigger goal and is resourceful. I guess this made them perfect for each other.

The real pity is the one dimensional supporting characters and slightly draggy plots. With weaker supporting cast, WoL’s story plot were less engaging and felt cliche-ish at some parts. They could’ve totally cut the story to 24 - 26 episodes and it likely would’ve made no difference to the enjoyment of Li Ni’s and Ah Ying’s love story.

Acting wise, I like both Xu Kai’s and Jing Tian’s portrayal of the characters and their chemistry. Believable enough for me to invest in Shi Qi Lang’s and Ah Ying’s romance in WoL. Lovely enough for me to swoon for those romantic moments and ignore the cliche-ness way of showing them on screen.

All in all, WoL is the typical idol drama that has a strong start, which somewhat feel draggy troupey halfpoint, and finishes off with an okay-ish, predictable climax. It’s still an enjoyable drama when one has the right expectations for it.

With both capable leads who are complement to each other in terms of wits and great chemistry, WoL is overall a fun and enjoyable flirtatious idol romance story.

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Mr. Queen
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 26, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A comic delight and a josean parody !

This drama is a rare treat. The storyline is simple but what makes this drama special is the Queen herself, Kim so Yong is a character that will go down as a legend in K drama history. Every single scene in which she appears is full of excitement, fun and challenge.

The only reason I am not giving it 10/10 is bcos of the last episode which was leading to the " scarlet hearth " road that possibly even scared otherwise such gutsy writers so they tried to change the direction at the last minute, hence people with rationality and feeling will really get awkward although hopeless dreamers might not even notice this!
All in all I will highly recommend this drama.

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