Dropped 6/16
May I Help You
0 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2024
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

’nzomma ...

che poi vuol dire "lasciamo perdere" ... perché?
Nonostante la bella confezione con cui si presenta ed attira lo spettatore: bravi e begli attori, bella fotografia, luci, costumi, ambientazioni ecc., è una storia mediocre con personaggi inconsistenti/caricaturali
Come, ad esempio, lo zio prete che da' consigli di fede (pseudo cattolica) alla nipote, le da' la birra a ogni fine confessione e non aiuta la nipote ad essere chiara con il padre, le da' consigli sul moroso che veramente fanno venire l'orticaria.
Non mi dilungo su altri personaggi, ma prendiamo lo zio del personaggio maschile - che è un giovane medico che ha gettato la spugna dopo che non è riuscita a salvare un suo paziente - che fa per sostenere questo ragazzo? Inventa un lavoro del cavolo, che potrebbe fare un qualunque analfabeta, lo fa lavorare con lui e lo tratta come se di anni ne avesse 13 anziché 30 ...
Le storie delle varie anime che chiedono aiuto sono veramente pietose, come pure pietose le risposte dei familiari dei defunti.
'nzomma ... se non avete di meglio da fare, guardatela, ma il punteggio alto è fuorviante.
Per me vale 4 e cmq l'ho droppata.

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Dropped 6/16
True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
by isis
Aug 6, 2024
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

dramaland oq aconteceu com vcs?

não sei como começar essa review pq eu to sem palavras pra descrever que horror que eu assisti nesses 6 episódios, a dramaland hypou muito esse drama e na minha opinião ele é péssimo! a atuação do cha eunwoo é pior do que eu imaginava ele não reage NADA, o segundo par romântico é até melhor kkk, o pior nesse drama fora essas atuações horríveis é essa rixa horrorosa desses dois pares românticos, como alguém que consome bastante triângulo amoroso eu não acreditei como foi patético essa luta deles pela protagonista, se eu tivesse feito esse roteiro deixava a protagonista sozinha e mandava esses dois irem pastar pq pensa que personagens CHATOS, tudo chato nessa história, a protagonista realmente carrega esse drama nas costas, com atuação e tudo, ela é muito querida, eu não recomendo você assistir esse drama, se você quer assistir um triângulo amoroso procura outros títulos pq esse aqui é a sua pior opção!

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Dropped 6/16
The K2
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 30, 2020
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Śnieżka, żołnierz z PTSD i walka o prezydenturę.

Za bardzo lubię Ji Chang Wooka, dlatego wytrzymała/wyprzewijałam te aż 6 odcinków.

Jang Hyuk Rin (scenarzysta) ma zauważyłam taki kompleks hiperbolizowania swoich historii. Pomysły ma dość oryginalne z pozoru, ale w rozwinięciu i wykonaniu wprawia w to w zdziwienie albo osłupienie. (Czy tylko ja tak mam?)
Byłam już po pierwszej próbie z jego wymyślnym Yongpalem, który mi nie siadł... ale mniej więcej już wiedziałam czym pachną jego produkcje. Spodziewałam się że za prostym opisem K2 będzie się kryło mnóstwo pokrętnych nielogicznych a wręcz fantastycznych wydarzeń, dziwnych splotów i mega nerwów. No i generalnie nie pomyliłam się bardzo, raczej było tego więcej niż się przewidywałam...

Ja lubię fantazję, fantastykę i eksperymentowanie. Często nawet przymykam oko na brak realizmu, ale przy braku logiki drama zaczyna odfruwać na jakimś haju. Eks żołnierz który nie może zabijać, leci z chęcią mordu na jakiegoś kongresmena. Generalnie, będąc wspaniałym zwiadowcą potrzebuję wyższego politycznie pionka żeby się do niego zbliżyć i w sumie to zabić...ale nie ogarniam co miała na myśli matka wiedźma która się zapowiedziała że zrobi to za niego. W sumie, też próbowała go zabić na wstępie...ale co tam. Mamy na nią haczyk, więc możemy skorzystać z jej pomocy. W końcu tak ładnie prosi o współpracę. I o dziwo, cała praca K2 polega na pilnowaniu zamkniętej w czterech ścianach pasierbicy żeby czasem nie wpłynęło to na wybory prezydenckie o które wśród całej złej szajki politycznej przecież się rozchodzi. Znów szmal, hajs, mamona i korona. Brzmi jak polityczno gangsterska bajka ze śpiącą Yooną w pokoju.
Uwielbiam też ten wystrój-nastrój o jaki reżyser zadbał. Nie dość że co po chwila słyszymy chór a'la kościelny, to przy scenach 'fantastycznych' umiejętność walki wręcz JCW kamera porusza jak w komputerowej grze. A nóż zauważcie każdy detal tej sztuki samoobrony. Postać Anny mająca przeszło dwadzieścia kilka lat jest tak niedomyślna, nieporadna jakby co najmniej rodzina karmiła ją jakimiś lekami przy okazji. Nawet dzieci po kilku zdradach okazują nieufność do wszystkich - wyjątkiem jest Anna. Ojciec zdradza ją bez zahamowań, a ta przy każdej ślepej uciecze wciąż oczekuje że tatuś ją znajdzie i pomoże. Tak - ten sam tatuś, mąż wiedźmy który wraz z małżonką wspólnie ją przetrzymują i wykorzystują. ( Brakuje jeszcze motywu z yongpala, czyli farmakologicznego usypiania Anny). Zdolności aktorskie Yoony, to też nie rokujący dobrze dodatek. Sceny płaczu w pierwszych epizodach wyglądały tak sztucznie i nieautentycznie że aż boli.

Bezsens goni bezsens, irytacja się gotuje. Można spokojnie przewidzieć że cała drama będzie urozmaicona tym samym przebiegiem wydarzeń, zabawą w kotka i myszkę. Przy okazji z pewnością nastąpi zmiana wrogów, przebaczeni bo jakżeby nie i cudowna miłość, między zniewieściała Anną a K2 który potajemnie ogląda w nocy jak dziewczyna tańczy nad ramenem.
Nie polecam. Chyba że łatwo cię zadowolić i szybko się ekscytujesz i masz przewrażliwiona osobowość.

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Dropped 6/16
Search: WWW
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 29, 2024
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
All'inizio parte bene, bella colonna sonora e tema - apparentemente - interessante: cosa vuol dire lavorare in aziende che gestiscono piattaforme per la ricerca di informazioni.
Poi si rivela la solita storia di lavoro = smania di potere = guerra di posizione = nessuna possibilità di coltivare relazioni umane, ancora prima che sentimentali ecc ecc ... il tutto si sfilaccia, anche come trama, verso il 4° / 5° episodio e tutto, dalla storia, alla lentezza delle scene, ai dialoghi inconsistenti, verbosi e noiosi ...
L'attrice principale è monocorde, sembra un'attrice che sta recitando, il belloccio di turno ha cucito addosso un ruolo di eunuco dedito alla sofferenza inferta da una tizia che ha visto per una notte e che non riesce a dimenticare ... ma perché? non si capisce ...
Boring e noia mortale ... meglio droppare e dedicarsi ad altro ...

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Ongoing 3/8
Kare no Iru Seikatsu
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 26, 2024
3 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Mais um Boys Love que não entra no conceito

Lamentável, mas este é mais um BL que não entra no meu conceito, e aqui o motivo é mais simples, existe nitidamente uma falta de conexão entre os atores que fazem o papel principal. Outro ponto que percebi acompanhando a série até agora é a razão é que às vezes Natsukawa age um pouco demais como um gato assustado, como quando ele quase (não) entra no restaurante, quando ele derrama a bebida, etc. Tudo bem não ficar confortável, mas ser tão constrangido ao ir sair para comer algo me parece problemático, e não, isso não faz parte da cultura japonesa, o que poderia ser para muitos uma justificativa. Normalmente, isso é possível conferir nos sites e outras plataformas, os BL’s que mais chama atenção são os que, atores se comunicam muito bem na atuação, uma história bem objetiva (enredo e roteiro), e personagens que conseguem cativar de modo geral seus fãs.

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Dropped 13/16
Psychopath Diary
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2022
13 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Que tristeza, que decepção

Não posso negar que parte dessa minha frustração foi por ter criado expectativas demais pra esse dorama.
Foi tanta quebra de expectativa que eu simplesmente fiquei com raiva e dropei.

O começo era legal, o personagem descobrindo o diário e de fato tentando agir como um seriall killer, isso realmente me deixou presa no dorama nos primeiros episódios.
Mas depois ele simplesmente começa a virar o mocinho herói, e é aí que vem a minha quebra de expectativa.
Teria sido muito mais legal que se de fato ele tivesse se transformado em um serial killer, com um final ruim (para ele) ou não.

Pelo menos o dorama foi divertido de assistir (o começo e meio pelo menos). Algumas cenas foram tão boas que tive voltar diversas vezes para ver de novo.
Me tirou boas risadas também.

Eu sou uma fã de Strangers from Hell então eu meio que tava procurando algo parecido. Vi algumas pessoas recomendando esse dorama falando que era parecido então já fui com o meu coração aberto, mas eu recebi um soco na cara na realidade.

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Dropped 13/16
Clean with Passion for Now
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 25, 2024
13 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
Não consegui gostar, no começo estava indo em um ritmo bem e estava me acabando de rir em todo episódio, mas os personagens secundários conseguiam ser bem mais interessantes que a protagonista, a história de amor entre o casal principal é boa e interessante, mas eles não tem química alguma e parece que não conseguem interagir sem ser estranhos e causar mal entendidos. A família da protagonista me irritou muito e achei que enrolaram muito para acabar com o conflito entre os dois. No começo estava realmente interessada e animada para acabar, mas na metade já estava me forçando a assistir e estava arrastando muito os episódios, não senti vontade de terminar porque pra mim a história se perdeu um pouco.

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Ongoing 11/34
Smile Code
2 people found this review helpful
by Yifei
Nov 11, 2024
11 of 34 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Drama yang abgus sekali

You should watch it, because it's really good. The drama is very romantic and funny, the cinematography is also very good, especially the acting of all the cast. their interaction is so adorable
don't forget to watch the drama on legal applications, such as tencent video, wetv, viu and netflix 🫶
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Ongoing 10/24
Perfect 10 Liners
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 30, 2024
10 of 24 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Three in one, for the same price, and the perfect hysterical

My first impression when I learned about its future premiere was that a series with 24 episodes was not ideal for me. But after the beginning, we begin to realize how things will go: There are 8 chapters for each of the three main couples. That is, it works as if they were three independent series in one. And yes... this way perhaps it would have worked the same and even better, but this would go against GMMTV's winning formula.
The series offers us three separate stories, but at the same time connected to each other because the characters are friends and all study at the Faculty of Engineering at a Thai university. They are, in fact, members of an exclusive circle of "Perfect 10 Liners", a group made up of extraordinary students from various years, and which will include Arm (Book), Wine (Mark) and Gun (Santa), first year students, when they participate in a drawing to determine their peer mentors.
In this way, these three students, who also do not know each other until they meet on the university campus, will meet Arc (Force), Faifa (Junior) and Yotha (Perth), who will be their tutors, but also with whom, also in that order, will begin a love story.
'Perfect 10 Liners' is a youth comedy and romance series that follows the story of these six young people, who come from separate and parallel universes (we don't know anything, at least yet, about social origins, family relationships, etc., but These are also not questions that many Thai BLs delve into, in general) but their encounter leads them to try to find a new direction, with a new world and a new version of themselves. The sextet will pursue their dreams, their struggles with friendships, romantic relationships, social norms and acceptance/self-acceptance, while trying to discover who each of them is, exploring their different student interests, their emotions and their sexual identities.
However, as is typical in the productions of New Siwaj Sawatmaneekul, its director and creator of numerous BL series, such as 'Make It Right: The Series' and 'Until We Meet Again', among others, the path to true love is full of obstacles and challenges, so the protagonists will face student difficulties, difficulties between friends, heart problems and other dilemmas. But what comes after each first love encounter of the six main characters? A journey of self-discovery, dreams and, of course, love. But this is said in the synopsis, episode 0 or Special broadcast days before the official start of the series, and various trailers, and as viewers we will have to discover it.
At the end of the day, this is a fiction about how you reach maturity and that is a road that never comes without bumps.
Why the decision to separate the plots and not develop them in parallel, as in 'We Are', for example? In my opinion, this is because, unlike the aforementioned series, there is no main couple here. Each couple has equal weight in the narrative as a whole, and in this way each one will have its story, which does not mean that one will stop combining with the others.
But the fundamental reason is that, unlike others that address university themes and multiple couples, the series presents us with three protagonists who do not enter university in the same academic year, but in different academic years. In this way, by the time Wine is introduced to the other members of "Perfect 10 Liners", Arm and Gun are already in the upper years of their careers and have been dating Arc and Yotha, respectively, for some time.
Therefore, the second and third stories, those that would be told from episodes 9 to 16, and from 17 to 24, would be those of the other four members of this select student club. We see the story from Arm's perspective, and it starts just at the moment when Wine asks Arm how he started his romance with Arc?
The setting is sublime with the faculties, dormitories, gardens and dining halls of the university, and in the background that incomparable mix of art, architecture and ancient culture and modernity that responds to the name of Thailand.
With a project that has points of contact with other of his productions, and through a territory explored by other directors and by himself, such as university romance, New retraces his steps and brings us another of his plots focused on different stories of several couples of young university students who go through a stage of falling in love with experiences of excitement, love, hope, happiness and certain emotions that are part of a romantic relationship, as we saw in 'We Are' and 'Fourever You', also of his authorship, but with the difference described above.
We agree that in the series business, BL or not, commonplaces abound, right?
Well, pretend that New and screenwriter Inthira Thanasarnsumrit, his usual accomplice in creating BL, like 'Star and Sky: Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart', 'A Boss and a Babe', 'We Are' and 'Our Skyy 2', took all the platitudes from every college story ever, but instead of "rehashing" them, they updated them.
As? With all the youthful concerns of today. From the use of social networks and group chats as a meeting point for students to the carbon footprint we are leaving, including sexual diversity, going to a university far from home, fitting in with strangers, the search for recreation and fun between exams and a thousand more conflicts.
The result is very interesting because it fuses the best of what has always worked in this industry with the best of what lovers of BL romantic comedies expect, all presented through beautiful cinematography. It's ultimately the perfect mix of rowdy antics and cuteness, all with quirky character dynamics.


Force and Book star in the first story in this series that follows a classic romantic premise. The plot revolves around two university students, one in the third year of Civil Engineering and the university's heartthrob, and the other in the first year of Electrical Engineering and administrator of the faculty's virtual page, both of different personalities, whose destinies are they intertwine in a context full of anger and withholdings, often with a setting that underlines their connection, such as a shower in each other's bedrooms when they barely know each other. Despite their differences, the protagonists fall deeply in love from the first moments in which their eyes meet.
After watching the first six episodes we can make some evaluations. These are preliminary considerations, because only the first of the 24 episodes that the series has has been broadcast, but viewing them tells us that we are facing a luminous post-adolescent drama, optimistic in just the right measure and that knows how to focus on the benefits of its characters. to transcend beyond the undeniable interest of the plots focused on their most mundane problems.
For example, it's very lighthearted but quick to see the way Arc and Arm begin to create a bond that goes beyond that of senior and junior. Both are specialists in hysterics, that flirting that acts like begging or simulating indecision.
The creator seems to be infatuated with the actors and their homosexual side, and here he accentuates it with total creative freedom, for the good of the followers of BL series in general and these two stars in particular. The first scenes of episode 1 already indicate where things are going, showing the two going from strangers to enemies and from there to... well, almost lovers.
Anyway, why beat around the bush if everyone already knew that the protagonists of this plot and main romantic attractions would be them. But hey, let's hope they are characters that gain much more depth and development. Because yes, romantic, sweet and humorous moments contribute a lot.
That is to say, 'Perfect 10 Liners' captures the viewer. When Force and his Arc appear, the series gains a lot of momentum. His mere presence on screen makes my heart burst with joy and gallop at more than 120 beats per minute. He is a proven actor, with extensive command of television codes in relation to camera treatment, to work a character with so much continuity and chapters, with so many diverse locations. For example, his role in this series is a co-lead, and as a result, extremely active in his relationship with other contexts and dramatic situations.
For his part, Book is one of those actors who find it useful to focus on the authenticity of the character. Despite being somewhat theatrical for television, its approach is always to seek the truth of each situation. The way he works is to understand why the character reacts in a certain way, whether with more grandiloquence or less, and making sure that authenticity is present in each scene.
The dialogues set the tone and the light plot. The plots of the other students remain in the background. They don't attract but they don't bother either.
The director also offers us the intervention of Amy and Fluke as Yipun and Jet, respectively, the couple who will make our protagonists meet and begin their rapid push and pull and the future of the relationship between both boys.
It is also encouraging to have Fluke Gawin Caskey, Drake Sattabut Laedeke, and Marc Pahum Jiyacharoen, who return to the BL series to play Arc's three friends, while Poon Mitpakdee and JJ Chayakorn Jutamat will play Arm's friends.
The story has many characters, but they are all united in various ways, so it makes sense to me to see so many people. Navigating the day-to-day cast of characters in real life is no different than what is shown here, especially in a school or work environment. That said, this is still a comedy and many of the situations were done in a humorous way with a certain dramatic touch. But the actions and emotions of the cast were appropriate for the roles they play.
There are those who will say that it is stupid, that its protagonists repeat themselves in their roles, that the dialogues are not profound, that the performances are exaggerated, that Force keeps repeating his silly expressions while Book maintains his ridiculous expressiveness, that they are too old to walk between university hustle and bustle..., but the truth is that 'Perfect 10 Liners' fits perfectly into a genre that serves as GMMTV's flagship: the cheerful university romance, a successful formula that continues to resonate with audiences in Thailand and beyond its borders.
This is a type of show with stories that are intentionally accessible to all types of audiences, and provides viewers with love stories that are tender and funny alike, and that we can all identify with.
The truth is that it fulfills its original proposal of making the viewer entertain and brighten the day, while mixing established actors with others who have a true school in the established figures and in the series, and this perfect combination between experienced and new, is a determining factor in the general quality, in addition to adding freshness and diversity.
The budget and execution are good: optical locations, cameras, lighting and grading (no one ever talks about grading, and it is an art).
'Perfect 10 Liners' stands out thanks to its main protagonists, who have already won the affection of all of us with their characters in other BLs and will continue to conquer us with all their plots in this series.
Also in its favor are the lyrics of the songs, the main one, "Perfect", performed by the six protagonists, and "Love Suspect", which identifies the first story, and which we will hear in the voices of Force and Book. It is these musical themes that become threads that unite moments, emotions and characters in an artistic fabric that seeks to tell the story of a group of young people who will discover who they are on the way to finding the best version of themselves. Likewise, through the lens of this creator, a world is revealed where the representation of a wide diversity of voices and experiences takes center stage.
The series is entertaining. If all the episodes maintain the tone and rhythm of the first, we are in for a long series, or three in one, but we will have a good time watching it. It's a young people's soap opera, yes, but the characters are fine, they have more or less real problems that any young person from anywhere in the world would face (it's a series, it's not perfect, it's always a little stereotyped), and they approach things with relative intelligence. and good humor.
Finally, at least for now, since I will surely return at another time to update the review, I recommend the series because it is designed for two groups of people: fans of romance and the classic BL format; and the eternal lovers of Force, Book, Junior, Santa, Mark and Perth.

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Dropped 4/11
Sherlock: The Untold Stories
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2022
4 of 11 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Caricaturale, noioso, senza suspense, pathos o umorismo. Piatto e irritante.

Diciamo che il titolo sarebbe già sufficiente, ma espandiamo.
Mi viene il dubbio che, se sonio storie mai raccontate, forse un motivo c'era...
La storia non ha quasi nulla dello Sherlock classico, se non le trasposizioni vagamente simili dei nomi e dei ruoli dei vari protagonisti principali. Non sarebbe il male, se ci fossero suspense, mistero, almeno un po' di sano umorismo. Invece, niente. Già il format "un caso a puntata leva il medico di torno" è quanto di meno entusiasmante si potrebbe pensare, ma se poi ci si aggiungono lentezza e assoluta mancanza di tensione, condite da una recitazione spesso sopra le righe da parte dei personaggi di spalla, si cade nell'umorismo involontario.
I casi presentati nelle prime 4 puntate sono poco interessanti, noiosi. Arrivata al quarto, complice la recitazione dei personaggi secondari, mi sono chiesta chi mi obbligasse a sorbirmi questo pastiche. E, rendendomi conto che la risposta era "nessuno", mi sono precipitata con sollievo a chiudere immediatamente l'esperienza.
Parlavamo degli attori. Se la coppia principale, bene o male, si lascia guardare, gran parte degli attori che interpretano i personaggi specifici di ogni episodio sono poco convincenti, spesso legnosi o eccessivi. Insomma, alla fine Dean Fujioka è più o meno l'unico veramente guardabile, e solo perché il suo personaggio "è" una caricatura, e lui la interpreta bene.
I personaggi sono in gran parte sgradevoli. L'ispettore è inguardabile, la macchietta di una macchietta, la sua assistente sembra un palo della luce, lo stesso simil-Watson è poco convincente nelle sue motivazioni già a partire dal primo episodio, e così via. Simpatico e ben recitato l'Irregolare di Baker Street in chiave nipponica. Shishio? Guardabile ma, appunto, caricaturale. Mi si dirà che è il suo personaggio. Sarà anche vero, ma arriva piatto. E irrita. Almeno, non si droga.
Si salva la musica. Carine le canzoni e il commento musicale, ma è un po' poco per convincermi a rimanere in questo mondo.
Difatti, saluto e me ne vado.

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Dropped 9/16
Crazy Love
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 11, 2022
9 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


Prometteva molto bene e la presa in ciroi d3i classici topoi da drama mi é piaciuta molto.Peccato che li abbiano poi usati come tornassimo indietro nel 2015. Il primo bacio alla puntata 9 era completamente inaspettato perché la storia era ancora bloccata con un ml sadico tiraneggiante e una fl in ostaggio e remissiva. Che una situazione del genere generi i primi pensieri d'amore per entrambi, ma per lei soprattutto, é raccapricciante, ho pensato alla sindrome di stoccolma...speravo davvero che tutti i drama attuali avessero superato questi rapporti patologici che trovo odiosi. Mollato senza neanche vedermi il finale.

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Dropped 11/14
Hidden Love
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 18, 2021
11 of 14 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


No sé ni cómo empezar esta reseña, lo haré diciendo que los que han dado un 10 probablemente sean del staff de este despropósito.

Te dicen que esta es la historia de Kim y Tha, pero Kim solo sale de fondo y Tha parece más enamorado de Win que de Kim la mayoría del tiempo, supongo que la 0 química entre los actores de Kim y Tha tiene mucho que ver con esto.
Al inicio Kim básicamente muestra que está OBSESIONADO con Tha y llega a chantajearle, luego llora cuando Tha se la juega y se sorprende de que Tha solo fingiese ¿? Pero Tha se entera de que Kim es Kimberly (su fan) y ya se enamora WHAT W H A T.
Luego aparece Win y ya, hasta ahí Kim y Tha, dos momentos de fondo y ya.

Luego tenemos a Win, la víctima de todo este drama, mil veces desde el primer flashback te intentan decir que Win estaba equivocado sobre Wit y Kaew o comosea, pero no lo estaba, después de enfrentarlos y que ellos le nieguen todo a la cara vemos que Wit y Kaew se besan...y aquí (cap 11) fue cuando decidí dejarlo, no solo lo engañaron, sino que se lo negaron en su cara y por su culpa acaba muerto, PERO el drama intenta hacer que te sientas mal por Wit y Kaew ¡JA! Poco pasaron.

En fin, es una pérdida de tiempo y están mejor viendo un drama que tenga sentido, no se olvide de su propia pareja principal y no justifique lo que este justifica.

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Ongoing 10/16
True Beauty
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2021
10 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Precioso <3

He visto alrededor de 200 kdramas desde el 2009, y tenía tiempo que un dorama no me tenía tan enganchada, riendo a carcajadas y enamorada de la protagonista.
Por lo general son los chicos los que te hacen no querer parar de verlo, pero de verdad que la actriz principal se lleva la serie.
La historia es linda, y aunque ya han sacado varios kdramas sobre la belleza interior, la historia es fresca y muy divertida.
Si te gustan los romances adolescentes, que los personajes sean guapísimos y reír hasta que te duela la panza, este es el kdrama para ti :)
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Ongoing 6/40
Moonlight Mystique
6 people found this review helpful
by Rin124
4 days ago
6 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Cobain masuk ke dunia Moonlight Mystique

Mau bilang apa ya, adu best sih gila banget oi. Dari opening itu udah merinding banget please. Trus dibawa ke prolog nya yang pakai animasi keren, Bailu kamu nggak pernah gagal, ost nya ih cantik banget. Untuk ceritanya masih belum berat masih ringan ringan kita lihat nanti.

Masih menunggu eps selanjutnya, kalau kata gue mah harus nonton di platform kalau bisa sih pakai hd atau kalau punya proyektor sekalian tuh. Terus pakai aplikasi sound yang Dolby Atmos byuhhhh. Mantap kali🤩🤩🤩🤩
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Ongoing 3/20
Alchemy of Souls
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 26, 2022
3 of 20 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

histoire de ce drama

début prometteur pour l'histoire intéressante qui donne envie de voir la suite même avec impatience et le jeu d'acteur plein d'humour et d'émotion pour le moment j'adore et attends la suite avec plaisir je trouve que c'est trop frustrant d'attendre toutes les semaines seulement 2 épisodes :(
l'histoire est différentes et très originale de ce que l'on peut voir dans les dramas historiques classiques
le jeu des acteurs et leur interactions sont assez bonnes les 3 acteurs principaux ont une alchimie qui est très bonne ce qui rend très agréable à regarder et l'humour dans l'histoire est très présent et très bien porté par ses acteurs du coup le drama est super fluide et intéressant
j'espère que la suite sera encore meilleur
j'attend de voir la fin car dès fois elle est soit frustrante soit très inattendue soit très prévisible :)

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