Believer 2
4 people found this review helpful
Jan 14, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Watch as an appendix to Part 1

This can more accurately be described as a Part 2 rather than a sequel. It's very confusing if you haven't watched the first Believer. The movie begins with a 5-minute recap of the highlights of the previous instalment, and that's the only bit that was entertaining and made sense. After that, it is just one hot confusing mess. It seems like what happened with the first Believer was that it was such a great show, they decided to eke it out.

This movie is not a sequel because it doesn't carry on from where the first one left off. Instead, it's very weird because it tries to elaborate and explain a back story of motivation for characters in the first one and introduces whole new characters. It is NOT a movie per se but more like watching an appendix. Finally in the last 5 minutes, we finally catch up to where Part 1 left off and then it creates an ending because part 1 ended ambiguously.

I got to give them credit for being able to pull out bits of the first instalment to create a deep enough side story, and then attempt to pull it back to the main story shown in Part 1, and then tie up everything at the end. Hence my rating of 4. It's a real pity that the talents of Han Hyo Joo (who wasn't in the first part) have be under-utilised.

In essence, if you did watch Part 1 and wanted to find out what happened in the end, simply watch the first and last 5 minutes of the entire Believer 2. You can thank you now.

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Oh My Ladylord
4 people found this review helpful
by lagom
May 13, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Why did I finish this???

Holy moly. This show was just a complete mess. I mean from the start it seemed interesting, but after 7-8 episodes it stopped being interesting and started being irritating. The last 5 episodes I skipped through because I just could not stand it. The constant flip-flopping betweent pointless plot points, and the ML changing his opinions and personality.

Throughout the whole show the characters were just hollow tropey shells that quickly lost their appeal. For a while I enjoyed the mothers' story, but then that got boring as well.

The love triangle was just pointless, there was nothing there to even give a glimpse that the FL and SML could end up together. The SML was so creepy and infuriating, what was that freaking proposal? She just broke up with her boyfriend and he suddenly acts like that automatically means she wants to be with him??

For a couple of episodes there the ML turned into a toxic selfish jerk. He said he did not want to hurt her but what the hell, he's in his 30s does he not realize that bullying people hurts? How is breaking up with her less hurtful than telling her he's dying and spending the last 49 days making precious memories with her?

His personality seemed to do a complete 180 in every episode. His reputation was that he was cold and rude but after a few episodes that was kinda dropped. Instead he turned into a giant mushball for the FL and around other people he just seemed like he was trying to be cool? Also, his mom was freaking dying of cancer, but he was wrapped up in his romance to even spend most of his time with her?

What was the point of some of the plot? The stalker fan that locked the FL in a closet then disappeared? The dad just vanished? The ML forgot about his own death for half the series. Then in the end, instead of telling everyone he died, and letting them mourn too, she tells people he is on a trip?

I have to admit, the scenes with the FL and ML were cute, even though they seemed out of character for the ML. Min Ki and Nana are cute together, and those scenes were great. I also liked the dude who own's the record shop, he just seemed so chill and unbothered with everything.

In the end, I am disappointed in this drama, because it could have been better. Don't waist your precious time on this garbage and watch something else instead.

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Ghost Lab
4 people found this review helpful
by 03tmmy
May 28, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Better than I expected

This was more tragic than scary. The characters were a pleasant surprise from the begin to end. The acting was phenomenal which is a given. The cast really played their heart out. The story really takes a turn in a second half; it was suspenseful and heartbreaking all at once.

Do give this a try if you like a human emotion-driven horror with some jump scares. There was a lot more of a psychological element than I thought which kept the characters and story complex. What makes this “scary” is not anything in the supernatural sense but the characters’ road to self-destruction and obsession. It’s sad to see them have to sacrifice for their dreams in a way that hurts themselves and others.

The ending is a perfect and satisfying wrap up. That’s all I can say.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 5, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
This started off as a very interesting concept and started getting uninteresting around episode five or six. I forced myself to watch the ten additional episodes; which many could have easily been skipped; as they were more like filler episodes to use up wasted time. The last episode was very typical of shows like this. There were no surprises; as much as they tried to surprise you. I'm not going to give away any spoiler information but I would just skip this show. The concept of cyborg has always interested me and I always enjoy watching science fiction shows.
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The Years You Were Late
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 29, 2024
54 of 54 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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How a deceitful pair gets rewarded.

The plot is horrible. It portrays two cheaters getting a happy ending. The mistress and the husband try to gaslight the wife through out most of the drama to end up together. They both try to make the wife look like a crazy person. The ML marries his friend once the love of his life marries rich and abandons him when his on low. The friend asks him if he’s sure about the marriage and he is, they have a kid together. Then the love of his life reappears and the affair starts. Their respective spouses notice and they deny and deny. The drama tries to portray their spouses as obsessed lunatics, maybe in the hopes of making the viewers accept the cheaters tha end together. Just trash humans that get their happy ending while ruining the lives of others.

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Voice of a Murderer
3 people found this review helpful
by tin
Jun 2, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
This movie as well as the story it's based on is extremely sad and made me really think about the value of being alive as well as what 'humanity' means to most people, or rather, what they want it to be. By the end of the movie I was soaked in tears and burdened with a headache. It was difficult to watch since the actors did an amazing job of portraying their roles and I could feel the pain of the parents..In short, if you watch this film, be prepared to cry or at least be very sad.
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Discovery of Romance
4 people found this review helpful
by Zoe
Jan 6, 2016
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This show reminded me of Marriage Not Dating because it talks more about dating relationships and less about hard-work, chaebols and responsibilities. Similar to MND, I like the casual vibe that the drama has. I really like the feel of it. It even has the same weird sound effects like knives sharpening when there's a confrontational moment.
I've never watched a mockumentary but I imagine this is what it's like. It's weird, but I like it for a change in pacing and to hear them air their feelings instead of having to stare longingly at each other.
The humour and the jabs at each other, I think, are much more Western. Also, each of the main characters has an older friend that they have no deference for which added to the more Western feel.
The drama is both wistful and edgy, a great combination. I like that it's not so fully padded with music like most dramas. Sometimes the cueing of the soundtrack in other dramas is annoying because it sort of forces the viewer to interpret a scene in a particular way.
Most of the big secrets in this drama stay secret for most of the episodes, and that's hella annoying.

This is second-chance romance done right. I like the maturity of it and how the characters got to explore what went wrong and view their growth as individuals and as a couple.
It's also got some really happy and cute moments that just made me feel really good. I like seeing people happy and in love.
There is heaps of kissing and skinship and fade-to-black bed moments.

Love Triangle
Yeo Reum's a pretty cool girl. I could see why the dudes liked her. I'd totally date her.
Yeo Reum and Ha Jin have a nice relationship. I like that. They are a couple I could really root for.
I think it's also a nice set-up to have a misunderstanding between Ha Jin and Tae Ha so that neither of them are the bad guy.

Ha Jin
“I don't quite understand...but I don't love with my head. I just...decided to trust her. Since I love her.”
This guy is so cool. First, his voice is to die for. And he says the kindest kindest things that are just too good for someone who's been lied to and possibly cheated on. He loves unconditionally even when he's been kicked and stabbed in the back.
He has some amazing, swoonworthy, marry-me-now, lines. I've come across plenty of Kdrama heroes that I've adored but I have literally never wanted to have someone in my life like I want Ha Jin.
I'm a little surprised that even though Yeo Reum is in the wrong, Ha Jin goes so easy on her. He actually goes easy on other people too. He is a painfully nice guy but he's definitely not a pushover either.
He also has such an epic smug face.

Yeo Reum
She's more of a modern girl. This I like. Even though she's more on the selfish side, it's always good to see someone who's more proactive in their life. I like that she takes charge. She is both cutesy and bug-eyed and a menace at the same time. It's great. I think these Kdramas are skewering my morals because I'll transfer my self-righteous feminism onto the next heroine even if she's really bad as long as she stands up for herself regardless if she's right or wrong.
Her independent nature shines through because she doesn't want to get married without being able to financially support herself.
Yeo Reum's confidence knows no bounds and she's steadfastly self-assured. While I've described some heroines in that way, she really takes the cake. Nothing shakes her.
I like that this drama has the feel of a rom-com but Yeo Reum is a competent and professional business woman right from the get-go.

Supporting characters
I loved Joon Ho and Sol. They're so great. The way they play advocate for Ha Jin and Yeo Reum and get involved in the powerplay of the relationship is so hilarious. They're on the sidelines giving advice, making judgment calls and giving their opinion.

Joon Ho
This guy is definitely one of the best secondary characters ever. I loved his personality. How he's a bit showy but all heart and how he works so hard to keep his friends happy. He always made me laugh with his dedication and the way he'd constantly get caught in the middle of his pals' domestics as he tries to protect everyone. His loyalty to Sol is great even though it's not always smart. He's a real oppa and he takes care of Yeo Reum too.

Sol is AWESOME. I've liked this actress since seeing her in Flower Boy Next Door. She's even better here and gets more screen time. Sol is my new favourite. She is probably the one person that can pull off the cutesy voice. Her relationship with Joon Ho is so much fun and they're just like brothers and sisters.
Sol is such a fun personality and so so so cute. But she doesn't just specialise in the laughs. I feel every emotion with her as she goes through heartbreak and everything.
She is also incredibly loyal and sweet. And I want her as my best friend.

Tae Ha
Tae Ha has a lot of regret. When he runs into Yeo Reum again he is totally hung up on her.
When Yeo Reum starts being nice to him again, his giddy delight is so cute.
Also, depressed Tae Ha is really funny.
The important thing about Tae Ha is that he doesn't baby her. Rather, he'd prefer to spend his energy in achieving things that she wants to do.

I was pleased to see different actors for the mothers in this drama instead of the same old ones every time. I like that instead of owning a restaurant like all Korean mother's do, Yeo Reum's mother works an office job.

Ah Rim
I feel bad, but she was a really annoying character.

The final episode is fine. But it kind of doesn't address everything that I hoped it would. It doesn't seem to serve the purpose of a finale that summarises what the drama was about. The drama touches on a lot of things about dating relationships and I felt like it tried out here and there but never committed to a solid theme like I was expecting and hoping for.

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Queen: Love and War
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 24, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 4.0
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I’ll say right off the bat, historical dramas can either go 2 ways, they can be amazingly good like “The Crowned Clown” or they can be sub par like this one and be quite annoying at times. With this kind of show, it was the kind to where I had to finish it in 2 sittings for me to be satisfied because some shows just eat me up if I don’t know what happens and want a conclusion so I can be done thinking about shows. This was my first time seeing the actors for the leads and I’ll say they didn’t leave a negative impression on me but I would love to see what more they have done to properly evaluate them.

First of the story was quite simple to be honest but one thing that annoyed me is that in the first 7 episode the two main leads had like 2 interactions and neither of them with good ones at that. So these episodes were just torture to get through but once they started interacting I’ll admit it got better as we saw their relationship develop. I was quite satisfied with the ending as it was a good one which made sense to me, it was a nice touch for them to have a child which I predicted when they spent the night together that one episode. I can’t just help that I have a hole in my chest about this show and I can’t quite pinpoint why but I guess watching another drama will fill that.

With the main male lead Lee Kyung as the king, I can neither say I liked nor hated his character because there were times in which he saved scenes but there were others in which I wished he would get a backbone and step up. Something that can’t be explained is the dreams he kept having, it made no sense to why they would add that plot line in the story but I do know why it made sense in terms of the story, the promise the King and Eun Bo made was to help each other so the dreams was technically his way of protecting the Eun Bo.

Eun Bo’s character was quite predictable because I have seen characters like her before to where they want revenge and they infiltrate where the main male lead is and over time they see what they are really like and see that she was lied to about the king and end up falling in love with him like she did when she met him when he was the crown prince. I’ll admit I liked how she wasn’t always a damsel in distress and had a spark to her which made her seem reliable and she can look after herself.

The princes character in my opinion pissed me off a lot at the start of the drama acting so nonchalant and oblivious. The way he hides his true intention didn’t sit right with me. Technically as the main antagonist since there are normally multiple in historical dramas he fulfilled his role I guess. The way he just gave up and killed himself what quite cowardly to me and doesn’t fit his character but it’s done now and I’m glad his character died.

The OST was actually quite good as most historical dramas hit the mark with OST’s, especially the instrumental OST’s so it added to the feelings and made me pay attention.

Overall if your looking for a historical drama, I would most definitely say to look elsewhere and get a good impression of historical dramas as this one does not live up the expectations I would normally give historical dramas. However if your like me and would give anything a try, then be my guest and watch this drama and make your own remark. Luckily I watched “The Crowed Clown” as my first historical drama and it gave me an amazing first impression so if this is going to be your first historical, don’t watch this one but watch “The Crowned Clown” instead.

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4 people found this review helpful
Apr 7, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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IT IS BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD I will not watch this again ever. Not even for money.

No plot.
No chemistry between the leads.
No idea what's happening 80% of the time.
I don't even remember their namesand I finished 2 days ago. Let's name it LITTLE one and Dentist one.
Little one BFF got mad for a broken promise, sulk, got drunk, sulk more, got more mad, more sulking, etc. Issue never talk, never resolve. Assume he will sulk till eternity.
Dentist has issues rushing things. 3 seconds after getting a boyfriend wants them to meet the parents. Everyone but Little run for their lives. I don't blame them.
Friends are noisy. And so many u stop trying to know whom is whom. And who is friend of whom.
The only girl friend tries to steal Little from Dentist every chance she got.
Parents act like preteens.
They keep talking about how mad they are cuz Mark and Vee are in love and never visit them. And at the end they never did. They name them almost every episode.
NOTHING HAPPENED. And people sulk and got jealous and mad and break up for the most stupidest reasons.
Little is a minor when sleeps with Dentist. Dentist finds out later that fact but since it's Little almost 20th b-day everything is fine and dandy.
No NC Scene just some kisses. THANKS GOD. I don't think I can cope with an NC Scene with that lack of chemistry.
Don't waste almost 6 hours of your like. Sleep or watch the grass grow. It'll be more fulfilling funnier.

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Perfect Days
4 people found this review helpful
Apr 18, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

♡ Perfect Days ♡

This is a lovely movie where the main actor is Yakusho Koji ♡ He works in a toilet company in Shibuya, everyday he wakes up early and goes to work then around lunchtime he always has lunch at the park at his favourite spot where there is a lot of nature and trees. He carries with him a disposable camera and takes pictures of the trees. He lives a simple life he likes cameras, films and books. Every evening after work he goes to his favourite Izakaya, and then before bed he always reads his favourite book. On the weekends he goes to the laundry and then to the bookshop to buy more books. I really really loved this movie especially Hirayama's acting, he is so handsome and in the movie he is so simple, he doesn't talk much but he gives to the world the best impression of surrealism. ' Now is now' ♡

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School Tales the Series
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 13, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Nice Collection of Short Films

The good part about this series is none of the episodes are linked together. Each one is basically a short film which means you can skip one with no worries. Warning, don’t watch if you are not a fan of gore. It didn’t bother me, but I grew-up watching the classic horror films of the 80’s and 90’s. With one exception, the episodes had a very good story concept and a great script. It has an outstanding cast that did a great job with their characters. The special effects were great with the exception of episode 5.

Random Note: I would just skip episode 5 (Headless Teacher). This was just weird. It’s not scary or suspenseful. I guess this was supposed to be the comic relief of the series.

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4 people found this review helpful
by meeyah
Sep 9, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Not the best.

Uh this review might be trash but Nevertheless is not the best drama out there. To be honest I first watched it because of the hype and the first few episode were actually good, but starting episode 7 it started to be bad. In my opinion, SolJiwan was a better couple. Yoo Na-bi is stupid for kissing Jae-eon in the end. If the ending was Na-bi not dating Jae-eon or just not dating anyone in general my rating could've been higher tbh. The side couples was probably the reason why I didn't drop it. Nevertheless, the acting and cast were perfect for their roles. Han Sohee and Song Kang's chemistry is literally so divine on-screen and off-screen. And that's just my thoughts.

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4 people found this review helpful
Nov 21, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
The only thing that described this drama... What are you looking for romance, action, suspense, science fiction, politics, melodrama you just name it and this drama offer you all... A well written plot with many twists... Ji Chang wook is so perfect... He loved him but his profession doesn't allow him to show it directly... She loved him but her promise to him doesn't allow her to follow him... A mother who is totally in dark and a friend who betrayed his friends for the love he had for his wife... A brother who understand the pain of his elder brother but can't help him more... Many shades of love... Nor every crime is a real crime and not every punishment is meant to be followed it is all about the ideology... Some see love as burden and some as blessing but not everything is about love... A total passionate romantic story with the love for society... Justice is not only what you want others need it too... Sooner or later justice will be done to all...

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Beyond Evil
4 people found this review helpful
by anngj
Sep 16, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

one of the best of 2021

one of the best dramas of 2021!!! the plot may not be extravagant but the cast, i swear they are beyond excellent! special mention to lee dong shik, park jeong je and han ju won. i am a fan of character-driven dramas, and i love the fact that despite this being plot driven, the characters werent set aside. you could still feel every pain and sorrow that they are going through. and the actors were superb. dont even get me started with dong shik and jeong je. i just just loved loved everything about this drama.

honestly, what i expected is like super dark vibes, but it wasnt like that. the atmosphere was lighter that what i have thought but the things that are happening, esp in dong shik's life arent as bright as that.

i'd say that the plot is simpler than what i had expected, but this drama did well with the mind games and the tricks they're hiding in their sleeves. it managed to maintain the suspense even though the culprits were revealed pretty quickly.

and how the actors delivered that ending... beyond touching. the ending wasnt even a scene that will supposedly makes me cry, but i dont know why i did. i was literally teary eyed while watching that scene. i just want to hug everyone and keep them safe. dong shik and ju won's friendship was so beautiful i feel like towards the end it became more of a familial love. i'm glad that despite everything that happened in their past, they were able to form such an amazing bond and helped each other recover.

so if you're hesitating to watch this , dont. GO AND WATCH THIS BEYOND EXCELLENT SHOW. you won't regret it.

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To the Moon and Back
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2023
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

A work of art in lakorns

it's a work of art in the lakorns. normally i only rate a series among the series in its country. but this is beyond all of them, everyone should watch it. you will surely find a piece of yourself. there are no bad characters in the series. but there are a lot of people and events that bother you, just like real life. so you get completely caught up in the flow.

I could talk about this series for hours.
All the actors did a great job. The chemistry between the couples was terrific. And the level of guest stars. You will be completely shocked. So I don't need to say anything more. Just go and watch it

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