Most Satisfying Watch Ever!!!

This episode was the most satisfying watch ever in LLTG. I loved the team work between Empress, Emperor and Consort Yue. And, I loved that this episode was so freaking soft with all the sweet moments between Ling Buyi and Cheng Shaoshang. The way they look at each other. Ahhh my heart can't take it anymore.
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Both LBY & CSS are not characters w/o flaws, and that's what I love about them

Loved everything in this episode. Ling Buyi is so soft towards Cheng Shaoshang and understands what she's like. I love that about him. He listened to her, reasoned with her and protected her as he promised that he would, even if that meant him losing his family's last relic. I hope that doesn't cause a problem for LBY in the future tho'.
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To get to know each other

Some reviews noted that it’s getting druggy, but I think it’s important to show audience that how CSS and LBY will get to know each other and develop their affection, so I really like the way story is portrayed thru life at palace.
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Five Stars

Through Ren's scheming Thyme finally confesses that he loves Gorya while she is in early realization of her feelings for him. The F4 brawl scene had me cracking up.
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Aug 3, 2022


The ending is very slow and the stage of grief is realistic in it, it doesn't matter if many viewers don't like it, who doesn't like a happy ending? but if you understand the meaning of the ending, yes definitely yall being grown up and understand nothing last forever in this life, this drama is very good and nostalgic! I like it! beautiful yet tragic for the love story but, beautiful for the achievements of the characters. it's depend how you highlighted moral of this drama, what's your highlighted? the romance? or... slice of life?
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Aug 3, 2022


I have a massive hate-love relationship with this show. It scared the sh out of me at some parts, but I also thoroughly enjoyed it. It had an amazing plotline/backstory that was clearly well thought out, and the rooms were highly entertaining to work out along with the cast. An amazing cast as well, especially loved William and Justin! Hugely underrated show!
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Five Stars

Thyme and Gorya bicker like they have been friends for a long time so comfortable with each other. IMO, this episode is one of the turning points- Gorya and Thyme become friends/friendly and other F4 members finally shows genuine concern for Gorya. Note: fun episode- minimal annoyance.
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Don't Say No Episode 10
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2022

tan lindo episodio pero el final :(((((((((…

tan lindo episodio pero el final :((((((((( yo sabía que no podía confiar en una historia de mame, ya estaba siendo muy sana para ser real
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Don't Say No Episode 9
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2022

Five Stars

spectacular, amazing, masterpiece, invented love and friendship and family bond, never done before ahhh que maravilla de episodio
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Aug 2, 2022


Thanks to this episode I managed to learn a few words in Korean. Like Kamsamnida or Oma which is a big plus. But considering the fact that HER MANAGER SENT HER PARAGLIDING NEAR NORTH KOREAN BORDER doesn't really make sense to me. Although the main character does have a sort of promising future with her character development now situated in North Korea her key characteristics are pretty straightforward. Coming from a typical rich family with an issue revolving around who gets the money is too simplistic in my opinion and it's a big shame considering the immensely interesting theme choice of a South Korean citizen accidentally coming to its Northern neighbors. What really frustrated me and left a pretty sour impression on me in the end was the final scene where the main female character was held against a wall by another North Korean male protagonist. I don't know if I was simply expecting too much but it really bothered me that the series chose these repetitive aspects even more so when as I mentioned the theme truly does sound engaging.

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Finally my patience is paid off

I am actually enjoying the slow burn love between CSS and LBY. I waited 28 episodes and it finally paid off with this episode. Wu Lei plays ‘Tsundere’ (cold outside warm/affectionate inside). I am looking forward to seeing what kind of love they will developers from still child like love relationship (CSS is only 15 yrs old) !
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I’m glad there are ppl in palace who will support CSS and LBY

The very end was hart warming ending by Consort Yue. She is super nice and she made both CSS and LBY a happy couple for sure. Every episode is greatly made.
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Continuous amazing episode

I’m so glad Part2 started right away. I realized you cannot trust rumor at all. Anyway part 1 ended with almost break8ng up between CSS and LBY, so I am pleased CSS realized that LBY is for her.
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My two cents on the argument between CSS & LBY

I think the argument between Cheng Shaoshang and Ling Buyi was necessary in this episode. I couldn't find myself to support one more than the other in that scene.LBY has his own internal issues, hence doesn't trust people that easily and hasn't let CSS in yet. He was right in worrying about CSS as matters in the Imperial Court is very tricky and dangerous. You never know who's on your side and who's not.Now looking at the scene from CSS perspective, she has her own trust issues too. LBY just dropped her in the palace saying she shouldn't be reckless there. He doesn't share much about why and she isn't used to being in Imperial Court. She is kind to those who treat her with good intentions, she wants to look after the people she cares about and doesn't think much beyond that. That's who she is and always has been.Understanding one another, opening up, sharing their thoughts and learning to trust each other is important for these two characters, and I hope this leads to further growth in their relationship.

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Aug 2, 2022

Five Stars

That way the actor was flirting with Honey J was cute. "I can make kimchi for you", "I will give you kimchi", "You have many talents"... It can't be just me, because the comments on Viki was thinking the same ???
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