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Oct 26, 2022

Important decisions

This is another rather emotional episode. Some of the main characters make important decisions which can be understood based on the previous episode. The way the scenes are cut in this episode is kind of confusing. Based on the training scenes it looks like they happened over several days, but based on the Luo Yuan's absence from home it couldn't have been more than a day or else her brother would have freaked.
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Oct 26, 2022

Tragedy strikes

As tragedy stikes the rescue team the show explores the relationships between main and some side characters. This episode is very emotional and I like the way this drama takes its time and this moments favours atmosphere over action. Some people may find a bit slow (especially when compared to American dramas) but I like the fact that for each character we get the time to understand their back-story.
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Oct 26, 2022

Exploring relationships

The focus of this episode is almost entirely on the relationships between the three (future) couples. It has quite a few very funny moments. We discover that our arrogant lawyer is actually rather gauche when it comes to preparing for a date. The Luo sister continues her stalking act which I find borderline obnoxious. The comic writer and her "boss" continue their bickering which always lightens up the mood.
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Oct 26, 2022

I like how she called - Dr Gu - her boyfriend…

I like how she called - Dr Gu - her boyfriend and howhes said " he cab't affod foos and only drinks glocous at the hospital"
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Oct 26, 2022

Great start

For an episode that’s roughly 10 minutes, I think they got off to a great start. We get introduced to the main characters(who are all so freaking gorgeous), we get a little info on their relation to each other, and we get an idea of their personality traits as well. This was a really light hearted, comedic, and interesting start to the series. The production is also top notch in my opinion and the actors really did a good job portraying their character’s personality traits.
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Oct 26, 2022

i find it cute how - Dr Gu - is insulting…

i find it cute how - Dr Gu - is insulting - Lin Zhi Xiao - but acutally trying to comfort her, his facial expressions 12.43. Also how he tuched up her hair
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Oct 26, 2022

Bem meee

Meio parado e a história já de começo é bem confusa, o que não ajuda muito na hora de assistir. Confesso que vou tentar assistir o máximo possível, porém acho que se eu não conseguir engolir até o terceiro ep, eu iriei tropar com prazer.
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Oct 26, 2022

Five Stars

Джи Хо! Даже у меня бабочки от тебя в животе) Красиво снято, жаль прервали... но было ожидаемо.Я восхищаюсь работой Мин Ён и Кён Пё ! Вот и началась химия
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Love Alarm Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2022


So Hwang Sun Oh's reaction to Jo-jo, saying don't look at any boy bands or talk about any of my male friends, ew.
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Oct 26, 2022


Things arestarting toget morepersonaland you can feel theattractionbetween the mls growing. Love theintroduction of the younggay male inconflict withhis parents.Like how this was treated and howwe potentially have asecond couple.
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Oct 26, 2022


Love howit is progressing and howthe othercharactersfit in to thestoryline. There is a feeling of awkward sinceritybetween theMls.
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Oct 26, 2022


Love thisbackdrop ofthe dentistand the patient. Easy torelate. Themls have great chemistry.The pace is good and itflowed wellfrom sceneto scene.
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Oct 26, 2022


The anticsof the fathercontinue. It’s fun watching this oldplayboy andhis sly ways.The entirecast is funto watch. Itch beingjealous ofhis brotheris priceless.
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Oct 26, 2022


The bio mom is reallycunning. Thebrothers areall likable.Love Tay andGun in their roles. The three brothers are reallyconvincingand do notdisappoint.
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Oct 26, 2022


The rivalry continues with the wives. Theover the topacting makes this a funepisode allthe way. itdoes notdrag and keeps theinterestgoing.
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