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Oct 24, 2022


The bickering continues and eventhough more and more people know Tian has a secret no one seems to be able to figure it out. Fun and scaryat the same time. Love the brothersand the second couple.
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Oct 24, 2022

It keeps getting better

I was not liking it in the first two episodes but I liked how it went with ep 3. You get everything in the ep, and I'm happy with it.
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Oct 24, 2022

Любовь! Наконец-то!

Джи Хо! Горжусь тобой! Признался как мог 😂 но как же красиво подтвердил ей свои чувства!А еще, очень круто, как они наконец не сдержали оба свои эмоции и выплеснули их так, высказав другу другу, о чем молчали.
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Oct 24, 2022

Какие Сан Ын и Джи Хо крутые

Я так ими горжусь!Не смотря на все, что наговорила бывшая жена и то, как они слукавили с ответами про был ли кто в квартире и ее жизнь.Вот это их:«Прими меня такой, какая я есть и я сделаю тоже самое в ответ»Сердечко заставили биться сильнее.
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Oct 24, 2022

Right On Schedule

Well, I figured that since we'd entered the always idyllic ep 7, things would have to start going to hell in chapter eight. And of course the preview says it will be needless jealousy that rears its ugly head. I mean we have to have something to set up the catastrophic ep 11, right?
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Remember Me Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2022


Love this episode. Theanticipation of movingaway from home, meeting new friends and leaving the oldbehind. Lovehow Nameand Emfriendshipis developing.
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Fahlanruk Episode 7
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Oct 23, 2022


Really like how this episode shows the different sides of the two relationships. It’s lightheartedand fun to watch.
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Oct 23, 2022

It's not the best, but it's not on the list either.

It was not a very enjoyable episode but it was very important to continue the story to its final pick.
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Oct 23, 2022

Expect some slutty vibes on the FL

Yes, the FL character is elegant and classy, and with the help of alcohol, exposed her hidden side because of her lack of experience in the love dept. Also, whenever the 2nd ML came on-screen, it gives me all the creeps. It's like he gives off this stalker and perv vibe that I don't understand.
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Oct 23, 2022

THE best episode in Kdrama History

by Episode 14 I was in a ball crying laughing on the floor. I laughed so much my chest was hurting.JWT - "What's the capital of India?" -JMH - "Indonesia!"JWT - "What's UFO in English?"JMH - "I don't know English, Pass!"Kim Min Jae's comedic timing was amazing in this drama. Between him and Hwang Bo Ra as his secretary, the two of them were comedy gold!
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Oct 23, 2022

Actor + Writer enter the chat

Di episode 2 kita diperkenalkan beberapa tokoh baru yang kemungkinan besar akan saling berpasangan satu sama lain selain dengan pasangan tokoh utama (Gene/Nubsib). Sesuatu yang tidak terduga terjadi hingga membuat perubahan besar dalam kehidupan Gene yang awalnya nyaman dengan kesendiriannya. Interaksi antara Gene/Nubsib terjalin dengan baik meski awalnya Gene ragu menerima perubahan baru tersebut meski ia tidak bisa menolak nya. Tanpa disadari Gene mulai sedikit merasa nyaman dan terbuka dengan Nubsib. Hal ini di manfaatkan Nubsib sebagai upaya (bisa dikatakan ini hidden agenda nya 😂) mendekati Gene lebih dekat. Dan jangan salah Gene pun sepertinya punya hidden agenda pada Nubsib mengingat dia tengah dalam proses pembuatan novel bl berikutnya dan “muse” nya untuk tokoh novel berikutnya adalah Nubsib. Episode kali ini ditutup dengan adegan cukup tidak terduganamun membuat hati diriku melting ❤️

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Oct 22, 2022

Get ready for a twist in the story

Without spoiling the episode.. I will just said that the twist in the story was unexpected and I'm not sure if that was really a good twist to put in the story. The episode to me seemed a little sloppily written and to me its not as believable as the other episodes have been. It will be interesting to see the ending next week.
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Oct 22, 2022

Is it jealousy, dignity, wealth, or something else that made them drift away from each other?

I enjoyed watching this drama and it is very interesting. I disliked one of the cast members who doesn't treat the others respectfully in the drama.
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Oct 22, 2022

Nice start

The premise is quite engaging and interesting. The chemistry of the two main characters has also started to show since this episode. A cast of supporting characters with really chaotic energy and the cinematography is pleasing to the eye.
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War of Y Episode 12
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 22, 2022


Shows justhow toughthis businesscan be. Veryrealistic.Everyone looking for thathook. Thepressure isso real especially if itmeans anescape frompoverty.
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