Jan 29, 2023

i know the work of a PD is to pester her author's,…

i know the work of a PD is to pester her author's, so they will get their work in on time, let alone be productive n do what is needed to be successful. But she's annoying and she just pops-in to distract Seon Ho, her sitting there applying lipstick then giving passive-aggressive speeches, helped him work faster how?!? if anything she's great at distracting him - when she around he never on his comp working - idk what type of logic this is. i couldn't work under these type of conditions (*  ̄︿ ̄)*************************************************************************************************************************************************** Seon Ho doesn't come off as slow, but it's taking him a while to "get" he attracted to Mu Yeong?!? his "junior" always standing at attention around Mu Yeong not an indictor he into him??>﹏<

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Jan 29, 2023

wonder if Joon Seok has a crush on his bff,…

wonder if Joon Seok has a crush on his bff, not unheard off - but that scene with his gf was whack - like she's standing there and he's making plans with Mu Yeong. she still wants to keep being his gf?!? there things that don't need to be said, for u get what's what. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Mu Yeong's cold stoic attitude is just so Seon Ho won't catch on, he's into him?!? cause he can smile and act normal when he's around his bff. and his attitude makes Seon Ho even more of a goof, cause he so self-conscious n can' relax around Mu Yeong ¯\(°_o)/¯

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Jan 29, 2023

didn't read the webtoon this is adapted…

didn't read the webtoon this is adapted from, so got no prior thought's one way or the other. cute n all (didn't find this as funny as other's, but still cute) but have to say Seon Ho is such a pushover, he the type of person that should Never be in a position of power. cause he can't act tough to save his life and worse he lets everyone walk all over him. *************************************his interviewee's lead him by the nose... even Mu Yeong (who is supposedly "...Seon Ho’s number one fan..." was treating Seon Ho like he was the one being interviewed¯\(°_o)/¯(ノω<。)ノ). this type of power dynamic makes me uneasy - but lets see how this progresses

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Jan 29, 2023

Provavelmente shippando errado

drama não tem atores conhecidos o que torna (pelo menos pra mim) estranho no começo e não tão convidativo, na verdade conheço só a prota que é realmente divertida. Eu tô adorando a história porque é super engraçada mas eu tô shippando ela com o capitão que ela era prometida e já sei que vou sofrer, muito triste ver o rei sofrendo por amor, de partir o coração mesmo, eu as vezes até acho que ela realmente tá sendo possuída pela princesa.
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Jan 29, 2023

Rewatch value 100%

The episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and a little hard to watch at the beginning but the ending is literally fuel to my bones like when pai cries? That whole scene there makes a big part of the show. It changed me as a person. It expresses so much I can’t explain to you how dear to me it is tbh, i go back to it every other day.
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Jan 29, 2023


I was so happy and even annoyingly giggling to the last hospital scene and then that happens like for real???
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Jan 29, 2023

They're on the cusp of admitting their feelings!

Another hilarious episode, especially as Ha-ri goes all out to keep her identity secret at the office. The CEO is going to be so angry and hurt when he finds out the truth! The two used the tickets from Min-woo to attend a concert together and slowly the ice is breaking as they get to know each other!
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Jan 29, 2023

getting to know the characters

a lot of flashbacks and scenes that are shown from another point of viewit makes you know more about every incidentI liked the flashback of heo sung tae as a victim before becoming a criminalwe still don't know a thing but I am waiting for the next episodeand I hope this season doesn't end before answering some questions
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Jan 29, 2023

Lets’ watch and enjoy!

No boring episode. I love this drama and I love Kim Jung Hyun. Lets’ watch and discover how the story unfold.
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Jan 29, 2023

The Best! Please watch it?

Always mesmerized by KJH’s acting. I’ll watch till the end. This drama deserves a high rating. Lets’ watch the drama till the end, only then we’ll know how beautiful the drama is.
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Jan 29, 2023

Five Stars

9th out of 30 episodes ... they are slowly adding to the overall story bit by bit ... I often wonder how important some things are - like the egg in the bottle experiment ... how much symbolism is used?I am also fascinated by the followers of the "Lord" ... there seems to be two camps who, while following the "Lord" have two different agendas and ways of doing things. Regardless of which camp they are in, they are kind of funny in a sanctimonious way. They remind me of court officials / bureaucracy who 'control' the emperor or king or president effectively making them a puppet / rubber stamp ... but if the "Lord' (whoever, whatever that is) is really omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient etc ... then nothing these mere 'turkey's' do, or withhold from, the "Lord" will make any difference ... more human arrogance :-)I really am enjoying this drama ... I haven't read any of the novels it is based on, so I could be completely barking up the wrong tree, but even so, I am so looking forward to where this story is taking us.

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Jan 29, 2023

Fishy business ... if you know something more than someone else does that make you a god?

All the talk about 'aliens' is interesting ... I think it is 'fishy business' myself. If there is alien 'interference', then I wonder who made them 'god'. Seems to me if the aliens are interfering, then they are doing the same thing on an intergalactic scale as humans are doing on a planetary scale. That the aliens can seemingly defy known earth-based 'physics' as understood by the humans residing there, doesn't necessarily mean they are "lords" or "gods" ... they are just another model of turkey in my mind ... though from the perspective of humanity they might look like omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient gods.Humans are really limited when it comes to perceiving and measuring the world around them ... we don't smell or hear as well as dogs, see as well as birds ... we don't have radar like bats ... we cannot 'taste' the air like snakes, we cannot sense underlying electrical fields of life like stingrays and sharks ... we cannot see infrared ... we really are limited etc etc. Even though we have machines and computers that compensate for a lot of that, humans still have a propensity to get all smug in what they 'know' and think their views are infalliable ... smh ... such conceit and arrogance given out human and planetary limitations.This conceit reminds me of white swans. Back in the day before Australia was 'found' and explored, the world view about swans was that all swans are white, they always have been and always will be. They knew this through direct observation and repetition of swan life cycles. However, someone takes a boat trip to Australia and finds black swans ... oopsy ... the "white swan" world view just went out the window, though some did kick and scream about having to change their opinion. From our small planetary vantage point, with our limited senses (both physical and mechanical) how can we ever really 'know' something 'for sure' ... we are not 'everywhere', we do not know 'all things' and we do not have all 'power' to be everywhere and know everything. Quantum mechanics is a classic example ... and didn't it upset the apple cart.All this 'there is no physics' is fascinating in this context ... and it is getting more and more metaphysical too ... who am I ... how did I come to exist in the first place ... what is the purpose of existence, if there is even such a thing ... what / who should I believe ... what should I do ... where should I go ... what happens to 'me' after death of the body and so on ... do the answers to these questions have any relevance or bearing with the sheer struggle of surviving the life you are living? Very interesting.

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Jan 29, 2023

Enjoyable first episode, but I feel like it…

Enjoyable first episode, but I feel like it will get better. The characters feel a bit shallow right now at least. I am excited to see the rest of the characters and their stories and backstories.
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Jan 29, 2023

The gravity of reality is way too heavy

WOW ... that was a very moving and sad insight into human behaviour ... behaviour that is definitely NOT exclusive to China in that era or China in general ... it is a globally and historically endemic to the human race. It reminds me of Philip Zimbardo's book about why good people go bad (The Lucifer Effect). The vast majority of humans, who, despite technology, despite 'positive' beliefs of working for the welfare of all etc still fall into the same old behaviour patterns when circumstances present themselves ... they become addicted to power, addicted to status of ego, addicted to control and accumulation of goods and resources, committed to survival at all costs where the means justify the end, buck passing responsibility of consequences etc etc. The destruction of the environment is symptomatic of these mindsets ... to use the words of her Father, the gravity of that reality is way too heavy.I have great respect that she said "no" to the powers to be AND kept living under the circumstances.

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Jan 29, 2023

Looming extinction ... just how many seeds are left in the seed bank

The irony of the military headquarters setting themselves up in a museum is becoming more and more obvious ... it is like they have unknowingly positioned themselves with the bones of long dead dinosaurs in preparation for their own upcoming extinction.The Three Body game in this episode was really interesting ... the frozen Confucious popsicle and the dude with his globe predictive machine ... both so adamant they were right even when annihilation was racing toward them ... how crazy is humanity's obsession with being right all the time, obsession with being the one ... smh. Every time the game ends and says the seeds of civilisation remain, I wonder how many 'seeds' are left in the seed bank ... how many iterations of civilisation are possible?I had a big laugh at the old dude when he said that when women revive, they crave love ... ROFL ... that was hilarious ... it was like he was talking about frogs getting all hot and horny to spawn every time it rains ... but when you think about it ... given the rate of extinction in the Three Body world ... that is a great survival tactic if they want to replenish the seed bank of civilisation.Lastly, a question - the mass of the sun already keeps the planets in a relatively stable orbit so if it physically 'raced' away or 'disappeared' ... wouldn't that have an effect on the planetary orbits ... or is this where 'physics' disappears?

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