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Space Travelers
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2011
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers
I came into this movie as a fan of Takeshi Kaneshiro and this movie reaffirmed the fact that he stars in some pretty awesome movies.

Story: 10/10 To explain why I love this movie so much would require me to post some spoilers. But this movie truly has some of the greatest plot twists i've seen.

Acting/Cast: 10/10 The entire cast did a terrific job. I really couldn't ask for a better cast. Ken Watanabe also had an unexpectedly intriguing role.

Music: 8/10 The Music was rather average. It served it's function well but it didn't stand out enough for me to go download the OST later.

Rewatch Value: 5/10 Since one of the greatest things about this movie is its plot twists, I would choose NOT to rewatch this movie as I already remember everything that happened.

Overall: 10/10 This movie was absolutely brilliant and i'd recommend everyone to go watch it now.

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Rob B Hood
6 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2011
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
First of all, I watched this movie when I was feeling a bit under the weather and it definitely picked me up.

Story: 8/10 The story is nothing extraordinary. You know what will happen from the very beginning but Jackie Chan and the rest of the crew urge you to go on.

Cast: 10/10 The cast did a GREAT job. Everyone from the cute baby to Jackie Chan were absolutely amazing. The only "downside" to the movie was the landlords wife and you'll know why if you watch the movie(like you should :D )

Music: 7/10 The music wasn't anything remarkable. It didn't stand out and in fact, i've forgotten what it sounded like already.

Rewatch Value: 7/10 I actually don't like rewatching movies in general, but this is one I could rewatch with friends since you don't watch it for the plot twists (as there are almost none)

Overall: 9/10 This movie was able to pick up my mood and cheer up when nothing else would. The cast did an absolutely flawless job as well. I got what I came for.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This drama is the best of Lee Jun Ki's work!

The plot is a Robinhood style drama, rob from the rich and help the poor and lots more. This drama will make you cry, laugh, feel hate for all authorities/people in power and much more!

All the casts did an amazing job and they should all have gotten an award.

Music, also excellent and in tune with this period drama.

I give the Rewatch value 10 also, because this is a really amazing drama!

Overall, I could have given it a 10 but for the ending, I do not like open ending!
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Time Between Dog and Wolf
4 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This is an excellent, clever drama!

The plot is a typical spy/romance story but the twists and turns kept me hooked right up to the end. There are parts where I just thought... "What the heck just happened?"

The actors did a very good job, especially the handsome and talented Lee Jun Ki, the only reason why I started watching this drama in the first place; he really did an excellent job here.

The music varied from rap to classic, and an essential part of the drama.

Rewatch value is also 10 because after I finished watching this drama the first time, I said to myself, "that was excellent!" and felt the need to watch it again immediately, in case I was wrong, i wasn't!

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Don Quixote
20 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Why are you reading my review when you could be better spending your time watching this show?

If you are reading, it means you're hesitant: please don't be. Don Quixote is a fantastic watch, wonderfully acted, well directed, full of sweetness and serious issues treated with a light touch which is neither shallow nor melodramatic.

But most of all, you will laugh. A lot. Loud.

Yes, I'm a fan of Matsuda Shota and started watching because of him. I had been waiting for his next drama with a passion after Liar Game and prepared myself to be swept away by his very natural charm - and looks, I won't deny it.

He did not disappoint me one bit. He's outstanding: infuriating but incredibly sweet, hilarious but bossy, dense but clever in a very down-to-earth way and just as crazy as the famous hero created by the pen of Cervantes.

But a Don Quixote review would be incomplete and totally unfair without including Sancho Panza in it, brilliantly portrayed here by Katsumi Takahashi. As the synopsis explains, there's a soul switch involved in this drama, so that we see the two actors suddenly changing attitude, accent, facial expressions. The attentive viewer won't fail to recognize the ability of these two actors to wear the clothes of the other. The result is comic and endearing. Takahashi and Matsuda form an unforgettable duo.

All the secondary characters do a splendid job. The Yakuza's family is so improbable you can't help but laugh out loud and all the staff of the child consultation centre grows in depth and characterization.

And then there's the children. Japanese have a true knack of telling children stories, in my opinion. The fact that these kids are all incredibly cute and most of the time talented helps.

I loved the music too. It's in Spanish, as required by the title, and the contrast between the Spanish sunny rhythm and the Japanese architecture and landscapes is so sharp it's brilliant. I also loved the open credit tune with the children drawings, I thought it was a very cute touch.

I will rewatch this drama. Soon enough. I will marathon a second time through it and no doubt be left with the same huge grin on my face.

Highly recommended.

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Ikemen Desu Ne
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I am one of the many that watched this drama because I had already seen the Korean version but at first I was going to watch this one before I found out it was a remake. I saw the picture and thought that it looked like a good drama. It was afterwards that I found out it was a remake. Now for me it was hard now to compare the two. I would see a scene and instantly remember it from the Korean version. In some cases I can say I preferred the K-version much more but I did find myself preferring the J-version instead.

When it comes to the cast I thought they did extremely well. Now, I am a girl so I did debate on which cast was better looking. I thought the J-cast was cute but the K-version much hotter. As to there acting I applaud them for their work. There were times where I found there characters much more appealing than those of the K-version. I felt they brought out there characters more but it did feel that it was rushed, mainly due to the fact there are 5 less episodes than the K-version. If I had to choose the my favorite cast I would say the K-version but I applaud loudly for these guys for there work.

As for the music, there wasn't many times I felt that we heard them singing or practicing, far less than the k-version. Being that they were the same songs the music was enjoyable but I would love to have heard them singing more often.

If I had to choose between the two shows I would have to say it is a tough one but I would have to go with K-version. The best part about this remake is that it isn't carbon copy of the original. They could have taken the original material and recite it word for word but they didn't. The Japanese version took a highly popular piece of material and put there own flavor to it while being respectful to the original, even going so far as giving us a little gift in one of the episodes.

All in all I would recommend this drama to anyone who has seen the original or anyone that is looking for a good drama that will make you laugh and cry all within the same five minutes.

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City Hunter
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
So here's the thing with City Hunter. When it first came out I didn't want to watch it, because, come on! Lee Min Ho in an action drama???? You gotta be kidding me, he'll be Goo Joon Pyo forever, and will do things like Personal Taste. But then, it started popping up everywhere, and it like I couldn't avoid it, so I started watching the first ep but I got bored because, well it just didn't hook me up. And then like a week ago I was reviewing my drama list and I realized I had to watch it. So I started watching and loved it right away. The plot is amazing, it has great twists that you never exoect, although it does have a blind spot like between 5-8 episode where it gets really boring. The music is great, it fits perfectly with every scene. And the acting is really pretty good, although I gave it a nine because I think that Park Min Young doesn't act her part well, specially towards the end. Lee Min Ho's acting is really really great and I heard that he just got and award for it, he totally deserves it. And also, another good thing that I really enjoyed about this show is that the characters are REALLY well written. Every character has certain complex that you can watch throughout the show. And last but not least, I love that you really have no way of knowing how it's going to end, as opposed to your typical k-drama romantic comedy. I really enjoyed watching City Hunter, it surpassed like REALLY surpassed my expectatives, because I thought that it was gonna be just another kdrama, and it turns out it definitely WASN'T. For me, this a must see.

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Fated to Love You
4 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This drama was pretty hilarious throughout. Its one of those overdone comedies, with the odd characters and the male and female leads doing some pretty outrageous things, like the male lead pretending to get beaten to gain sympathy from the female lead.

Its the type of stuff I've come to expect from Taiwanese dramas, which I don't really watch too often. But I like it.

The most memorable to me was that cleverly portrayed sex scene (no I'm not that perverted...ok yes I am) in the first episode of the show (way to start it off right?) where they get drunk and somehow mistakenly end up in the same room and sleep together. From the water jets, to the shower of rose petals to the train backing in and out of the tunnel, it was perverse but funny all at the same time.

The drama just keeps going from there. The whole thing has these obviously portrayed sexual overtones, but they're put in a way that really make you laugh and that's really what its all about I guess.

And I love the fact that the drama also really portrays the other emotions, like sympathy, and jealousy in a way that isn't overdone and feels believable.

Its an interesting story portrayed in a really entertaining way. It has the romance, the comedy, the suspense and overall its a good watch.

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Noriko Goes To Seoul
32 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
It may seem like I gave this one a low review number but the fact is I really enjoyed this show. I started to watch it because the story sounded interesting. Than I recognized the main guy from the ever so popular part of Jeremy(YaB). So I watched it.

It wasn't extremely well done or flashy or a "you must watch this" kind of film. In fact I was hesitant because someone had suggested it looked like the young guy falls for older woman scenario. But that wasn't it at all.

It was simple, sweet, and about a woman trying to live the principles she was struggling to teach her daughter. In fact from the the male character's point of view I would describe this film as 'appreciate your mother because you don't know how long your going to have her' or as a 'your lucky to have a mother - if your not going to appreciate her than I'll take her'.

I loved how the story unfolded. I truly could feel him slowly growing attached to her - as a son, with every moment she spent with his family. You could feel how much he needed her influence in his life and than suddenly you saw him have an influence on hers. "Break down the door," he said and I cheered (because I completely agreed with him).

It is an all around a good story. Easy to watch. Easy to enjoy. And something I will watch again when I am in the mood for something slow pace.

Hope that helps.

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Ouran High School Host Club
4 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I loved this drama so much that I had to go & watch the anime. I loved both. I liked the anime a little more b/c it gave me more back story to all the characters. I loved the ending of the anime more 2 b/c the parents r fighting over who's son will get the girl. I can't wait for the movie to come out b/c I want 2 see the story continue. There were so many wonderful things about this drama. It was funny, it had serious points, each character had his/her own story, the group of friends becoming a family. I loved the craziness that was part of this drama b/c it was funny in the lack of reality. The visualization of what it might feel like to have certain words thrown at u was interesting to me & made me think about how the feelings are expressed.

I will watch this again, prolly right b-4 the movie comes out & a couple times b/t now & then. I suggest that if u think this drama is stupid or redic. Just give it a try b/c the more u watch the more u sympathize w/ the characters & the less u feel that it is unrealistic, and start to love it.

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City Hunter
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This was my first action drama as well as my first drama with Lee Min Ho. It was recommended to me by a friend. At first I was a bit wary of it but decided to give it a shot. Within the first 15 minutes I was hooked. Just the the concept of revenge caught my attention and enticed me. Then Lee Min Ho popped onto the screen and I could not stop watching this drama even if I wanted to. The casting for this drama was tremendous, each right up to par for their roles. they had you crying and laughing around every turn. It was an emotional roller coaster. On top of that the action sequence were very well choreographed and extremely well executed. I have to say that there wasn't a single fight sequence that was dull.

The romance wasn't dull or over played.

The music was also great aspect of this drama. Moving the story and tone along. I seriously want this soundtrack now.

This drama is filled with a great balance of romance, action, suspense and mystery. I definite must see.

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Nodame Cantabile
6 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
First things first. This drama changed my whole attitude towards classical music. About the story, the manga is brilliant in itself, but due to the large number of anime-like gags and exaggerated situations, you'd think the drama would lose its connection to reality somewhere. But it doesn't. Instead NC creates a magical world of its own where you lose yourself in Noda Megumi's brilliance and Chiaki Shinichi's slow rise to fame and influence. Comedy part of the drama too is extremely well-done, with members of the orchestra like Masumi and Mine making you laugh your guts out. While Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Rachmaninoff's immortal creations provide a brilliant backdrop for Chiaki and Nodame's growing relationship. To make things perfect Tamaki Hiroshi's portrayal of the prickly Chiaki is bang on however Ueno Juri as Nodame clearly steals the thunder. Her acting and mannerisms are so accurate and reminiscent of an eccentric genius, that you start thinking that Nodame may just be for real. To all those who may not like the drama(just in case), do go watch the anime or read the manga. This is a story nobody should miss out on.

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Little Girl K
12 people found this review helpful
by bokami
Oct 10, 2011
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
Think of City Hunter minus all the romance portion and compress it to 3 episodes but more violent and bloody and you get a fast paced intense action(lots) thriller with decent amount of drama and enough story with no dull moments until the end.
Story: B+ the core story is not too complex but the way it shows the scenarios and suspense are epic... cool^^.
Acting/Cast: A- i think the actors/and actresses there are all not so popular but they played their role spectacularly/ i give them a plus point^^.
Music: B+ the bgm that creates the ambiance are creepyish^^ and thrilling but often presented it in a cool way when actions starts..... (but no song).
Rewatch Value: A- if you like theme... replay is high because its short and not tedious while its fun all the way.
Overall: B++ It has a quality like a movie and maybe even better than some action flick movie but one thing is really true...its cooooool ps: it is rated 19 but who cares
summarize: (in terms of how often it has these)

drama: 2.5/5
comedy: 1.5//5
romance: 1/5
action: 5/5
suspense: 4/5

Ps: my first review/ idk if i will follow the description value of each score in mdl style or in my own personal point of view :(
(im sad ....no edit button for revising a review)

edited: Sept 26, 2013

Enjoyment: ****
- great

Story: ***
- straightforward
- action oriented
- cool

Characters: ***
- acting was great
- but they are predictable

Music ***
- there was no songs i think
- the background music was good for ambiance

Replay ****
- easy to watch again
- since it was only 3 episodes

PS: I somewhat edited the ratings :)

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Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro
22 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2011
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
The show's tagline, "Low Budget Action Adventure Story," foretells the hilarity that will assault your senses while enjoying this "drama." :) This series reminds me of the British sitcom "Black Adder" because of its exaggerated characters and army of guest stars. The show doesn't take itself seriously, and viewers shouldn't either.

The plot follows a ragtag team of heroes as they travel through a strange land fighting monsters (many of which are paper mache). This show has a sense of humor I have not seen in a Jdrama before. It's very random and silly on an elevated level. I found it thoroughly entertaining.

Although the characters are far from realistic, they are consistently developed and draw you into their bizarre world. The actors have wonderful comedic timing. While I"m not sure if the jokes in this drama will be as effective upon reviewing, it is definitely the type of show that would be in syndication in the US.

I gave this drama a 10 overall although the rewatch value and music were not rated highly because it is a stellar example of its genre.

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You're Beautiful
88 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This was my first drama. I was flipping through channels one day and happen to be on and since it was sub I thought I would watch it. I'm so happy I did. I instantly fell in love with this drama. Now we all know the concept of this drama. A girl pretending to be her brother in an all male band. Of course that is just yelling trouble. As the series progresses you learn more about these characters and you come to either dislike them or love them. Sometimes maybe somewhere in the middle. With this drama you'll be feeling a range of emotions. You'll find yourself laughing one moment and crying the next. Your heart will be melting one minute and then breaking the next. The acting was exceptional and the music was memorable. I can't go a day without finding myself humming to songs. All in all the drama was delightful one to watch and would highly recommend it.

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