2 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
A historical story from ancient China where something more develops between two men. It was filmed gently, almost tenderly, although the story itself does not lack betrayal, humiliation, cruelty, pain and death. Both main characters, Li Yu and Long Yang, were played excellently, and every small possibility was used to make "something" between them so that it did not exceed the red "gay regulation" (especially in the closing credits on the small screen). Chang Quin, even though she plays a negative character in the story, is also unmissable due to her perfect beauty. Processing very solid.

Historický příběh z dávné Číny, kdy mezi dvěma muži vzniká něco víc. Byl natočen jemně, téměř něžně, i když v příběhu samotném nechybí zrada, potupa, krutost, bolest i smrt. Obě hlavní postavy Li Yu i Long Yang zahrány skvěle a bylo využito všech drobných možností, aby mezi nimi "něco" bylo tak, aby to nepřekročilo rudé "gay nařízení" (především i v závěrečných titulcích na malé obrazovce). Chang Quin, i když hraje v příběhu zápornou postavu, je také nepřehlédnutelná, díky své dokonalé kráse. Zpracování velmi solidní.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Above all, these "erotic" movies produced by Pinoys from the past years should not be taken seriously, but only with an eye, for entertainment and with the knowledge that they were filmed mainly for the population of the Philippines and SE Asia. For one thing, they are very hard to find (if at all) and the quality of the copies is also poor. Likewise, Pinoy soft erotica tends to make you smile. Mostly it's about half-naked bodies, fish meringue, and if copulation is shown, it's mostly by doing it to each other's backs, navels, etc. Simply naive in this respect as well. If anyone thinks that this is my hobby, they are mistaken. If I really want to, I can look elsewhere for pretty bodies, there are plenty of options. I am rather attracted by the fact that here at GT we have the widest, most detailed, diverse database possible, and also the difficulty of searching, because with this film, if it is listed anywhere on world servers, then everywhere they are waiting for a description, story, etc. And also that what appeals to me about these films is that they are not perfect, they are original and so difficult to access. So it is with this movie. I watched it carefully, because there is only a version without subtitles so far, if there was a passage with text messages, I translated them by hand, I rate it with my eyes closed the way I rate it (as if I were a Filipino watching a movie in a shack somewhere in 2013), the ending is not a fairy tale, but a nice sobering up, I won't reveal more.

Především tyto "erotické" filmy pinoy produkce z let minulých by se neměly brát všechny vážně, ale pouze s nadhledem, pro pobavení a s vědomím, že se točily především pro populaci Filipín a JV Asie. Jednak se velmi těžko hledají (pokud vůbec jsou) a také kvalita kopií je bídná. Rovněž tak pinoy soft erotika svádí spíše k úsměvu. Vesměs se jedná o polonahá těla, rybí pusinky a pokud je znázorněna kopulace, tak většinou tak, že to jeden druhému dělá do zad, do pupku atd. Prostě naivní i v tomto ohledu. Pokud by si někdo myslel, že to je můj koníček, tak je na omylu. Na hezká těla, pokud vůbec chci, se mohu podívat i jinam, možností je spousta. Spíše mě přitahuje to, abychom tady na GT měli databázi co nejširší, nejpodrobnější, rozmanitou a právě i ta obtížnost hledání, protože u tohoto filmu, pokud vůbec někde na světových serverech je uveden, tak všude čekají na popis, story atd. A také to mě na těchto filmech láka, že nejsou dokonalé, jsou originální a tak těžko přístupné. Tak je tomu i u tohoto filmu. Louskal jsem jej pozorně, protože existuje zatím jen verze bez titulků, pokud tam byla pasáž s texty sms-ek, tak ty jsem si ručně přeložil, hodnotím s přivřenýma očima tak, jak hodnotím (jakobych byl Filipínec a díval se na film někde v chatrči v roce 2013), konec není pohádka, ale pěkné vystřízlivění, více neprozradím. A třeba se tady v osazenstvu GT najde ještě někdo, kdo pomůže s dalším dohledáváním pinoy filmů.

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Bite Me
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
A series from a culinary environment, the overall footage is quite long, original.
What I didn't like: the length, some scenes dragged on like snot, I'm sure the creators wanted it that way, but this time it didn't affect me as much as the screwed up and excellently rated Korean series Light On Me, if the footage was shortened by 60-70 %, nothing would happen at all. There were also some inconsistencies in the story with the older characters, incoherence, and I absolutely did not like the strange, jerky twists and turns and behavior of the main character Aek, especially towards Aue, whose actions continued to lose any dignity in me, and the final shots of the two were for me so fake in the last episode.
What I liked: absolutely fantastic culinary shots of Thai cuisine (10 for processing, 6 for length = 8 in total). Very solid acting, especially Aue and some others (not all, e.g. clumsy acting by Vich with a baby face) other characters (8), music, when I took only one point out of ten (9).

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Dropped 1/32
One Spring Night
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
1 of 32 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Worst drama ever that tries to justify cheating

Anyone comparing this show to Something in the Rain needs a reality check--they're nothing alike. Sweet Junhui and Jin-ai NEVER cheated, Jin-a and her bf are BROKEN UP before anything happens. It's not the same. This first episode was trash, she clearly emotionally cheats on her bf...who in the first episode DOES NOTHING WRONG. Here's why it's obviously cheating: 1. it's clear the main lead wants to text her (more than friends), bc he doesn't send the account number, she even tells him to not misunderstand (because he asked her to lunch), so she clearly knows it is flirtacious. THEN they both agree to meet each other when it snows..THATS FLIRTING. It's not a gray area because the bf isn't even a jerk, nothing he did in the first episode merits her to cheat. It's boring?? Then breakup, don't go wanting the attention of some pharmacist.

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Stay with Me
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Best Series of 2023

As someone that has seen "addicted" I was expecting the same emotions. However, this show took on a life of its own with its adaptation of the novel. Never have I been soo entranced with some basic school boys trying to live their lives as best they could. All they really wanted was to be happy and I truly believe that they brought out the best in each other, while also helping to heal each other's pain. I also loved that even though a good bit of the main cast are really handsome, they were not sexualised at all, but they all had moment when I thought "dang he really sexy though". The ending could not have been done better, I hated it by the way, but I was living for it at the same time. I have never been more upset that I didn't realise it was the last episode, than I have ever been till I realise the out-of-space high cliff hanger I was left on. The show was masterfully done and I cannot wait for season two.

The story began pretty slow, which was great, gave us a good chance to get to know the characters and subsequently judge them to say who we want to support or not throughout the series. The premise wasn't new and I was fooled into thinking that it would be some basic highschool drama. I was soooooo happy to be wrong about this. This drama took on some mature theme of family dynamics and how we are affected by the choices our parents make. The emotional damage and how it takes one person to heal that was fully developed in this series. The many plot twists and the reveal of how his mother died were superbly executed. The two sons crossing paths and becoming friends, helping each other to understand the people that angered them most, that was a beautiful full circle moment. Also, that moment when Wu bi stormed into that house and started to beat people up for making his friend stand in the rain was magical. Their protection of each other physical and mention state was a truly heartwarming. All the will they wont they moments were also a very nice touch without making it the centre of the scene but it was the centre of the scene. The supporting story lines and characters all made for an excellent blend of sweet and sadistic. The ending though.... They better bring season 2 quickly. I just need to know about him.... I just need to know. Please just don't break his heart. don't break anything. the glass on the ground is enough broken things. Please, just please. I know his big brother will be devastated if his plan to separate them backfired... but the broken glass is enough.

They honestly blurred the lines into BL territory, but I honestly think the relationships and chemistry between the two main actors was AMAZING. The moments when they were genuinely going out of their minds worrying about the other could be felt off the screen. Su yu and Wu bi were everything in this series, yes I know they are the main characters, but a lot of shows have main leads that no one likes. This show did them well... You know the actors are great when you want to jump inbetween them to stop them from arguing. That one scene where who's married to whom and who isn't really who father. God! The pain, the anger, the fear.... every emotion was on full display and the actors had wishing I could just explain to them not to fight, it isn't each others fault. Stop, remember you both are besties.... It actually broke my heart to see them scream at each other.

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My Demon
62 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Gu Won is Pretty Do Hee's Perfect Demon!!!

I stayed up all night on the west coast to watch the 1st episode that aired at 6:30am PST!
Contain Spoiler!!!
When it comes to visuals I think this is Song Kang's best look in a K-Drama, his intro
scene was mind blowing with him walking in a long black hood cape (200 years ago) where he visited
a catholic place of worship, he placed his 5 fingers in a bowl of water to create flower petals then it formed
a stem of rose which he used to ignite his powers. After, the camera went closeup (4:34 mins) capturing a profile
shot of his head/face which was so beautiful and all I'm thinking if a devil can look so pretty I would
be fooled easily if I don't focus on his intentions lol. I was melting away in the early morning, The way his hair
was styled very textured with the hair dangled on his forehead which appear like a wet look, His under eyes had
a soft reddish look which made him look even more mysterious in a provocative and appealing way.
No other Demon character has outshined Song Kang as Gu Won!!!

Kim Yoo Jung looks very gorgeous as Do Do Hee and she fits the role as FL with Song Kang as ML.
Do Hee character is a rich girl princess like and she plays her role very well. I really could not get
enough of the beauty. So while it's fresh on my head I want to write a little review that this Drama
Series looks promising and the preview for Ep2 look like a lot of fun parts.

Jung Koo Won bargains with humans and at the 10 years deadline they die and go to a spiritual realm
then come back to work for him. On the same day in 2023, Jung Koo Won reserved a restaurant to eat alone,
Instead, Do Do Hee's adopted mother's fixed up a blind date for her that got mixed up with the restaurant
and that was how she met Gu Won. Later in the episode an incident happened where someone tried to
kill Do Do Hee and Gu Won was looking for his prey and went to save Do Do Hee from the attacker.
But first Do Do Hee need to make a deal with Gu Won. They both fell in the water escaping the attacker
where his powers were transferred to Do Hee under water. That was where Ep1 ended and will find out how
things will unfold for the beautiful Demon and pretty Do Hee. I hope Jung Koo Won gets back his powers lol.
It will be fun to see Gu Won powerless around Do Hee as well.

I couldn't help but notice the great quality of the editing and VFX so seamlessly done along with the beautiful
cinematography that captured the scenes beautifully and you can tell this was a very high budget Drama to make.

I recommend to give it a watch, you will laugh a lot too, the writer have come up with a strong theme, very original.
Like how can you make me sit and watch a beautiful demon drama? What I love about this drama, the writer makes
it very straight forward to follow, no entanglement and confusion. It is simply as that. I recommend to rewatch EP1
as it contained what the Demon did with the flowers and may have a part to play throughout the series.

I will update along the way ❤️‍?

After watching episode 9 & 10 only if I could rate it more than 10 out of 10!
Gu Won regained his powers yippy!!!! I won't say which episode but it was MAGNIFICENT!!!
Gu Won is Do Hee's Perfect Demon! and this drama is my weekend therapy...❣️

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Introverted Boss
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Interesting Drama…

I want to first say that I did enjoy this drama. I’ve actually watched it twice. Don’t get me wrong, I love both the main characters and their chemistry with each other. And most of the side characters are hilarious (love so many of the Another Miss Oh! cast being in this), but the backstory is… intense in an almost unbelievable way. This was my first kdrama backstory that was almost too much for me to handle in order to finsih the show. Trust me, I’ve watched shows with tragic backstories but this was… intense and didn’t really make sense for me??

But the show is HILARIOUS and I love the love story between the main characters. Just ignore the other stuff and this is a great drama lol.

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Twinkling Watermelon
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


Started great but then got boring and repetitive. Our ml is the only hearing member of his family, the rest are deaf as such he feels responsible for them and can't do what he really wants to do aka music, he time travels and meets his parents in the past in hopes to change the future. Now the beginning with his family was great and him trying to convince his father that he is his son and all the comedy that came after that.. At some point eun yu gets introduced and the plot begins to drag as the main focus was his parents.. It's became his parents and that girl that traveled back to change her mom husband so she can not be born. An emo girl that is so annoying and I genuinely don't know how their romance started. Mom and dad romance started late and then dragged. No re-watch value. It could have been much better but ahime

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Long Vacation
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

That's how it's done!

A great drama from beginning to end. Infact it's so great that despite being made in 1996, it's feels so modern and relevant. A heartwarming romcom that actually shows us the leads lives and wide range of emotions and struggles and how a forced Co habitation turn to two people come to depend on each other then naturally fall in love. The first time they kissed, I was like finally yes! They built the momentum for the romance in the most realistic way, at some point I forgot I was watching a drama. Her a model at the end of her career struggling to see where she can find her place in society after being dumped by her fiancee on her wedding day, him a pianist that struggled to convey raw emotions while playing. I don't want to talk about the chemistry, i want everyone to watch a text book on how to have a good chemistry in this drama. As the title that's just how you do it. Anyone intimidated by how old this drama is, just give it a go!
Ps The opening song will forever live in head!

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Twinkling Watermelon
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0

A Youth Drama We Didn’t Know We Needed, But Deserved

A story about a boy who goes back in time to prevent a tragedy from occurring… that’s just the surface-level synopsis of his trip.

Ha Eun Gyeol, our main character, embarks on a journey that revitalizes his youth, helps his dad shine in a way like never before, and opens a door of communication for his mother to the world— one sign at a time!

Twinkling Watermelon (반짝이는 워터멜론) is not just a comedic slice-of-life saturated with fluffy moments enough to make you pass out from sweetness at every corner. Rather, it’s a drama full of wounded interpersonal relationships, character development, healing, forgiveness, and acceptance admist the backdrop of '95’s Seoul. In fact, the setting is so well-crafted, coupled with the original premise— that it makes the audience feel like they’re embarking on the same journey as our main character.

One of the biggest aspects that I absolutely adore about this drama is the stellar cast. Whoever did the casting deserves some kind of award! Characterizations is so on-point that it leaves you in awe. CHW practically MOLDS into the role of Ha Yi Chan, and the same goes with the orher crew members. Line delivery was flawless, and the amount of times Ha Eun Gyeol (Ryeoun) made me cry is probably too much to count— I mean, mans is a whole tear-production plant!

Additionally, this drama teaches so many great values about family that will deeply resonate and tug at the heartstrings of many viewers. As someone with a close-knit relationship with their parents, and coming from a cultural background of collectivist beliefs, the interactions between HEC ans HEG made me deeply reflect on the relationship that I have with my loved ones.

For those who still have your parents, guardian, or a loved one in general, cherish the moments that you have with them. If theres anything that Twinkling Watermelon wants you to realize, it is as Mr. Viva said, “Major and minor chords must coexist harmoniously for a song to sound delightful and complete. The same goes for life. Experiencing hardships and joyful moments help you build your dazzling life.”

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Crash Course in Romance
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Karma may challenge your perceived entitlement.

In my opinion, Crash Course in Romance revolves around the social pressures and expectations of raising a teen in a status-driven environment. Having to meet those standards and the psychological and physical consequences. The circumstances were brought about by some, but as a parent of six, I blame a great deal on the parents depicted here.

But that is the theme even though the title emphasizes romance. Although romance is a part of the development of the main plot, it is in the background. The main leads are like stars on a much larger stage.
Choi Yeol (Jung Ho) is a charismatic, rich and very capable math teacher who is initially a workaholic. A private institution hires him to teach, and he's good at what he does, but at a price. On the other hand, the other lead, Nam Seon (Jeon Do Yeon), a restaurant owner, seems to live an average life raising her niece, Nam Yi. After watching the first few episodes, I didn't recognize Jeon Do Yeon at all.

Later, I realized she was the same lead actress from "Kill Bok Soon"! Her characters are so different from one another. In C Course, she is the polar opposite of Bok Soon, so I give her props for her acting. In C Course, her wardrobe seemed very plain and ordinary at times. I found her mannerisms to be sweet and caring. It is of course circumstances that bring them together, and their loyalty, trust, and ability to love are tested as they overcome various obstacles and challenges. Along the way, there are twists and turns. Mostly the pressures of academic standards and expectations placed on the kids along with Nam Yi and her friend Lee Jae.

I was irritated by Cho Hee and her bratty entitled daughter Soo Ah (spawned by her mother). In the All-Care Women's Group, Cho Hee was the ringleader. In my mind, they should be called ACITFG, The All Care in Their Feelings Group.

The "romance" part of the series develops as Mr. Choi needs food he can stomach. At Nam Seon's restaurant, he finds that. Past situations lead him to believe it's destined for him to be with Nam Seon, help her niece after she was kicked out of the special class etc. It's different from the typical gitty 20-something romance you see. It was cool. It has been called cringey by some, but I disagree. Those who seek love with the right heart and intention deserve it.

Apart from the school drama, there were some nice lighthearted moments in the show. The series takes a turn after the murders of a student and a teacher, Lee Jae's brother Hee Jae was quiet and mysterious. However, their mother was no better than Cho Hee's mother (Soo Ah's mother).

I began to suspect Mr Choi's assistant Ji Hee after he refused to tell him where he lived. In addition, he dodged his old friend who knew who he was. However, at first, I did not suspect murder. It seemed more like a status issue to me. Maybe he was embarrassed about living conditions or maybe he had a relative he was ashamed of. Because Ji Hee was a very capable and smart assistant. He wouldn't be a dangerous criminal, would he? It was their intention to make you feel that way, of course. Nevertheless, Dude was evil from the moment he treated Nam Seon disrespectfully.

In addition to Nam Yi's kidnapping, another issue with this series was how they just brushed it under the rug. There is no counseling, no one-on-one discussion. I thought the girl wanted to leave with her mom because of the trauma associated with everything in that community. Am I missing something? It's true that Ji Hee died, but mentally it's not easy to return to normal after that ordeal. She couldn't have forgotten, she remembered all of her friends' names and statuses in the hospital, so... anyway...

I give Crash Course above average marks. To me, it does have small flaws (what show doesn't) but it's a good watch. Check out Kill Bok Soon! You will see a totally different person!! Jeon Do Yeon is fire in that movie!

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Shin Ultraman
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Ultra Exciting

This movie is so much fun. To be honest, I have never been much for Ultraman - when I got into Tokusatsu I was mainly into Godzilla, and when I was considering tackling full-on Tokusatsu shows with substantial length, I decided to dive into Kamen Rider, not wanting to explore many other franchises mainly because of just how much overall time would be spent watching everything of all of these franchises. So, as a franchise outsider, I just have to say this is still quite enjoyable. The story does feel a bit cobbled together, like it's 3 episodes of the show in a movie instead of one standalone thing, but even with that issue the fights that are there are fun and interesting, the CGI is impressive, and I had a smile on my face the entire time.

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Kamen Rider Zero-One: REAL×TIME
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Real Clever, No Time to Deliver

This one has a fun concept - a movie with a looming threat that is literally counting down in real time with the movie's duration. I really like that concept! Unfortunately, it means that we don't really get much of a chance to get to know about the villain in any way that isn't uninteresting or rushed. This is also the movie where Zero Two makes its appearance, which I think is a really neat suit. Action is fine, story is a bit rushed but that's to keep it in time with its original concept so I kinda forgive it? Overall with an interesting concept it didn't really have the time to grip me or keep me thinking about it after I was done with it.

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Indigo: Reimagined
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

This Series Has Heart & A Message

I know my reviews of these floundering BL series perhaps is a bit too heartfelt, but I have great admiration for struggling productions who are making an effort to tell a story in their own way, no matter what the obstacles. So, therefore, I am willing and do indeed overlook many of the production flaws so that we can understand what motivates and drives these productions – a belief in themselves and an effort to tell a story with sincerity and commitment. Indeed, that is what this series is. It is a surprisingly intense BL series full of real people with genuine problems told perhaps a bit overdramatically. But as uncomfortable as the story is, there is nonetheless an underlying veracity to its message.

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Kamen Rider Zero-One
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 24, 2023
45 of 45 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Zero One By Itself Doesn't Actually Mean Anything In Binary

Kamen Rider Zero One is charming. I really like the acting, and the suit designs tend to be consistent enough for me to not have any issues with any of them in particular. However, I have quite a few issues with its story. It is pretty strangely paced, and on top of that the morals seem to be mixed in what they're actually trying to tell you - unlike a lot of KR shows I've watched that are very explicit in their message, Zero One says one thing while showing another. It shows you that you should "follow your dreams" and "do what you want", but when someone wants something that isn't explicitly their core function it is seen as wrong. Aruto wants to be a comedian, but always fails. All of the Humagears that reach sentience want to pursue their dreams, but their dreams are only in relation to continuing to do what they have always done. It feels contradictory to itself throughout its entirety. The main characters for the most part have good chemistry, though, and it made me so happy to see a nonbinary character have a main role later in the series. The action is pretty good, though.

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