Sing My Crush
3 people found this review helpful
by RoseQ
Oct 25, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Adorable story about crushes, love, and heartbreak

I loved how sweet and fluffy the whole thing was. It’s kind of a coming-of-age series, following a story of a young hopeful who faces an unrequited crush(es), heartbreak, love, failure and success. So pretty much everything one would imagine someone of that age going through.

The plot was interesting, the cinematography was beautiful, the OST was catchy… It had a lot of positives and I enjoyed watching it. There were a few plot holes in the end, they were not addressed or rounded out in a clear manner in the end. I wish we would have gotten a more solid closure on those, instead of them just disappearing with no explanation of how they were actually dealt with. As well as the fact that certain things didn’t necessary make sense (even if they were crystal clear) just to push conflict into the story.

Im Han Tae & Han Ba Ram: the two are so adorable together! I found their relationship development sweet; it didn’t feel rushed. We follow Ba Ram as he navigates through his crush, heartbreak and falling in love with his best friend. It shows that he is wary of saying out loud that he likes men or that he likes his friend, which is understandable after his first experience. Han Tae is like an overgrown puppy. He absolutely adores Ba Ram and is doing everything he can to be around him. He is loyal and protective. I do think they make a cute couple. And while the chemistry between the actors were good, I was annoyed by the fact that their kiss was… well not a kiss, but just lips pressed together. At least the dream kiss was better.

The other two members of the band were amazing! I loved how supportive they were of their friends. And I am still convinced that the two knew there was something more brewing between Han Tae and Ba Ram but decided not to say anything and let the two come clean on their time and terms. Which was nice of them.

As for Sangin, Ba Ram’s guitar teacher and unrequited crush, I don’t think he deserves the attention. I do wish the plotline relating to him would have gotten a better conclusion. Not just relationship wise, but everything else that was included.

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The Worst of Evil
8 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

The show truly stands by it's title till the very end.

Initially I didn't think I would be this invested in a drama, waiting for every ep with an unaltered eagerness. But the writers truly delivered.

Whj was excellent as a gangster, but the character build up of Junmo was something to witness. I won't be surprised if JCW wins best actor for this drama because he truly aced it! It couldn't be any better, he brought EVERYTHING to the table.

As the story further unfolded, certain plots would seem predicable but I was glad to be wrong each time. Thankfully the drama didn't justify the wrongdoings, but at the same time they wanted us to know the consequences of every decision one makes, no matter the reason.

Overall: A MUST WATCH if you're into crime, thriller and suspense.

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Better Days
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Thanks to that one insta reel that made me watch this

What a movie! I was captivated by the aura of it by watching some clips and I'm glad I gave it a try. The story portrayed in this two hour fifteen minutes movie left me with so much emotions and thoughts. One thing I'd admit, the acting of both the leads was splendid. You could see the eyes talk, you could feel the sadness right through the screen. I was spoiled somewhere that ot didn't have a happy ending but I'm glad it wasn't the case. I'd not have the courage to move on otherwise. (I had to live through the college entrance trauma once again though.) Anyways, don't let anything or anyone stop you from watching this masterpiece. I know I'd rewatch it again and again.

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The Worst of Evil
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


... ki cheol.... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol.... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol... ki cheol:))))?
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The Kidnapping Day
9 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

"I have never been more free than the 20 days I was kidnapped"

Just finished watching this one and have enjoyed every moment of it.

Twelve episodes, neatly packed up and a story that wraps up perfectly, nothing unnecessary, and no long dwelling.

The cast were amazing, you were annoyed by the bad characters and cheered on the good characters, but most of all you just want to relish and enjoy the amazing chemistry between the Kidnapper and the girl. What an incredible story supported by some incredible acting.

I'm not going to say much more, to be honest you just need to go and watch it. The music is good but you'll be right with the characters most of the way. Binge this one, it's good for your heart.

Even though I rate this drama very highly - it's not the most important thing in the room to talk about here, Yuna. Wow she is probably one of the most talented actors i've seen in a kdrama in a long time and I don't just mean among the younger ages, she's absolutely brilliant. Different approaches to different aspects of her performance throughout from the start when she's trying to come to terms with this "father" she has no memory of to when she realises who she is and is easily, easily the smartest person in any room, to little playful moments with the back scratching stick where a giggle sneaks out and to that absolutely heart breaking moment at the end when she reads what's on the scratching stick and goes from smiley face to inconsolably in tears with a transition that is completely believable. How has someone so young got the ability to recreate these things so well? I have no idea, but without doubt Yuna is someone to watch for, she's going to light up our screens (if we're very very lucky) for years to come.

Special shout out to Yoon Kye Sang who played the kidnapper and was the perfect counterbalance to Yuna's stunning talent, superb chemistry and interplay between them.

100% recommend.

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School 2017
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

A feelgood, fun show, but that's all!

It was nothing special, to be honest. Sure, there was some really good storyline, the whole X story was good and most characters were great too, but that's all. It doesn't want to be more than it is, and that sometimes isn't a bad thing, but if you include bullying, fraud and other important storylines, you have to do something with them. Honestly, the only story that was well written is the X story. They didn't do much with the bullying girls, for example. I liked that some bullies, like Bo Ra's friend, wasn't that bad, but still, I don't like that basically no one got the well deserved punishment. Poor girl had to endure so many sh*t and every bully just moved on? Why, because nobody cared. The policewoman was just there for romance purpose, basically. Also, the accident with the bus was really bad. I mean, everyone looked like if they crashed with a truck. Not to mention, when the girls were fighting, they didn't do much, and still they looked like MMA fighters after a match.? Lastly, I was a bit surprised that there wasn't a single kiss scene. I mean, I get that 18-year-olds maybe don't want to kiss, but what about the adults! They acted like teens, too.

Other than that, this is a good show, Eun Ho and Tae Woon were really great together, not a typical couple for sure.
Sejeong's obviously stole the whole show, and her aegyo is legendary for a reason.?

Like I said, it's nothing special, but still worth watching it. Sometimes it feels good to watch a random show that turns off your brain for 16 hours.

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Moonlight Chicken
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

diciamo che questo 8 è una media fra i settanta che volevo dare

Ecco, vi presento i pensieri intrusivo che si sono palesati mentre vedevo la serie:
Primo, sono fermamente convinta che i personaggi di Alan, Wen e Jim sarebbero odiati dai più se non fossero recitati da Mix, First ed Earth.
Secondo, Wen che dice che lui lo fa per lasciarlo andare (stiamo ovviamente parlando del mio cucciolo Alan), non mi sta bene, finché non gli serviva mollarlo era comodo avere lo sugar daddy, capo della sezione prestiti della banca che paga le bollette. Ecco, perché se veramente lo avesse fatto per Alan sarebbe bastato al più un mese per capire che stai facendo del male all’altra persona, non lo usi, in parte per i soldi e gli dai basically una colossale falsa speranza: perché siamo onesti, è vero che Alan si fa i castelli di carta, ma è anche vero che in quei famosi mesi è stato Wen a dargli la carta per farli.
Amo Gemini e Forth, mi piace proprio come siano alcuni fra i pochi attori che riescono a creare un amore adolescenziale genuino (per non parlare poi della parte di Hearth e del suo essere sordo, ma questo ne parlo dopo), amore che in altre serie sempre ambientate nel mondo delle superiori non sono riuscita pienamente a cogliere.
Considerate che questi commenti li ho scritti quando ancora non avevo visto gli ultimi tre episodi.
Devo fare i miei più vivi complimenti a First (guess what, lo amo come attore) perché nella scena a natale, quando Alan confronta per la prima volta Jim e Wen, in quella scena è riuscito a rendere piccolo Earth, che in relazione al tipo di attore che è (quel tipo di attore che prende lo spazio in molte delle scene in cui recita) e al tipo di fisico che ha risulta molto complicato. Credo che nemmeno in ToL, dove recitava con un mostro sacro come OffGun (dove sono sicura ci siano delle scene dove i tizi si confrontano) sono riuscita a vederlo piccolo come nella scena in cui arriva Alan e lo rende proprio piccolo. (Spero di essermi fatta capite con questa spiegazione)
Per il resto, quando finisco.
Ecco, nuova cosa: al personaggio di Wen piace fare la vittima. Nel senso che non puoi venirmi a dire “grazie a te sono riuscito a mollarlo” quando per la prime due puntate ti interessava di Alan tanto quando ad un cavallo di un mosca che gli ronza intorno e non gli da fastidio e quanto tu stesso hai detto che avevi smesso di amarlo. A te, mio caro Wen serviva solo una ragione relativamente valida (per te stesso, perché siamo onesti dare continuamente false speranze ad una persona per una persona normale dovrebbe bastare) per mollare lo sugar daddy chiamato Alan, perché siamo onesti, Alan ti faceva comodo anche quando (e con tutte le ragioni del mondo, perchè anche se strano, uno può smettere di amare una persona da un giorno all’altro) avevi già smesso da mo di amarlo.
Ecco se io fossi stata in Alan avrei sbroccato prima e avrei fatto peggio.
Vi prego salvate Gaipa da questo mondo.
Poi dopo aver visto cinque episodi di fila ho pensato che a. Era meglio andare a dormire e b. Che non ce ne è uno di personaggio che non mi dia l’hyk… tranne ovviamente Hearth e Li Ming e quel cuore di panna di Gaipa.
Altra scena irritante al tempio: per che cosa stai male Wen? Per aver mollato Alan o perché ai vissuto praticamente a sue spese e te lo sei fatto per pietà. No spiegami.
Perché i personaggi che interpreta Earth hanno tutti la caratteristica in comune di dare consigli anche quando non sono richiesti? Cioè, ma chi sei tu per dirmi come vivere la mia vita?

allora, questi erano i commenti che scrivevo mentre lo guardavo e ora vorrei esprimermi un po’ di più sui punti toccati: prima cosa, mi pare palese la prima frase. tranne forse il personaggio di Earth (che fa delle scelte discutibili, ma comprensibili, tranne quella frase orribile che dice a Li Ming “sei povero e pure gay?” come se lui non lo fosse. e so che una persona potrebbe dirmi “proprio perché lo fa sa le difficoltà che deve passare”, ma proprio perché lo sa dovrebbe dargli una mano) che devo dire avevo sopravvalutato l’incavolatura che avrebbe dato (essendo questo un trend con i personaggi di Earth), gli altri due personaggi per varie ed eventuali ragioni sono delle persone non orribili (anche se Wen lo è), ma quasi. sopra lo ho scritto mentre vedevo la serie: è vero che ad Alan nella sua storia con Wen cerca di risolvere una situazione che non può essere risolta (anche se siamo onesti, una persona non smette di amarne un’altra così de botto, a meno che non compia atti strani, ma ci vuole del tempo e dubito che Wen abbia detto ad Alan che era da un po’ di tempo che non si sentiva più come una volta e forse Alan era troppo preso dal suo amore per Wen che non ha visto che l’altro non lo amava più), però alle persone normali, dopo quanto al massimo un mese si rendono conto che continuare a vivere con una persona che è ancora innamorata di te (continuare ad andarci a letto, perché sappiamo che lo ha fatto), fartgli pagare le bollette e il resto come uno sugar daddy, è quello che si chiama abuso emotivo e poi, siamo sinceri, come ho detto negli appunti di cui sopra, ad Wen faceva comodo avere praticamente uno sugar daddy che gli pagava tutto. quindi questo, e per tornare a tutto il tempo che Wen ha abusato delle emozioni di Alan, lui non è che lo ha mollato per il suo bene (di Alan) e il suo (di Wen), ma lo ha mollato solo quando doveva decidere se farsi pagare le bollette o farsi Jim (e visti gli addominali di Earth lo sceglierei anche io) e ha scelto la seconda opzione. poi non dico che Alan non abbia le sue colpe, però a. amo First come attore, quindi ho un bias verso i personaggi che interpreta e b. puoi veramente biasimare una persoana che si fa castelli di carta, quando sei tu stesso quello che gli fornisce la carta? altra cosa su Wen: lui è la personificazione del tuo pensiero intrusivo. vuoi liberarti di lui, ecco che ritorna: era necessario trovarselo mentre usciva dall’ospedale Alan? no, però come un pensiero intrusivo lui compare sempre (ora che poi io abbia la teoria che, addominali a parte, il personaggio di Earth essendo il prototipo dei suoi personaggi quindi che continua a giudicare e a dare consigli non richiesti sia altamente complicato da sopportare e quindi si possa essere pentito di aver mollato lo sugar daddy banchiere responsabile della sezione prestiti della banca, è una storia per un altro giorno). si è capito che non mi è piaciuto il personaggio di Wen? bene, fa ridere perché in ATOTS non mi piaceva il personaggio di Earth, ma ho adorato quello di Mix, qui tollero quello di Earth e non sopporto quello di Mix… quindi l’unica serie dove mi sono piaciuti entrambi (anche se il personaggio di earth sempre consiglio non richiesti da) è in CLS. bene, ora di chi parliamo? ah di quel cuore di panna di Gaipa. niente da dire, mi è piaciuto proprio. e poi… la coccola della serie: Hearth e Li Ming. come ho detto sopra Gemini e Forth mi piacciono perché sanno interpretare molto bene l’amore giovanile, quello dell’adolescenza. e poi mi è anche piaciuto il fatto che il personaggio di Hearth fosse sordo (dove si vede quindi una persona che cerca di lavorare con la sua disabilità)(e non ho trovato la mamma di Hearth così terribile come quando la serie è uscita perché alla fine non è che fosse imbarazzata dalla sordità del figlio (o forse solo in piccola parte), ma era più preoccupata e spaventata per quello che sarebbe potuto succedergli. (piccola parentesi, ma è perché sono uno studente di medicina, se Hearth e Li Ming hanno circa 18 anni e Heath è diventato sordo tre anni prima, in teoria dovrebbe essere in grado di parlare normalmente, però mi è piaciuto lo stesso quando ha detto quelle poche parole e l’importanza che hanno dato alle parole che ha detto).
ultimo commento… abbiamo i magnific ‘98 tutti nella stessa serie: infatti stupore e terrore, ma Mark, Mix, First e Khao sono coetanei.
bene la recensione è finita andate in pace, se volete vederlo sicuramente non lo sconsiglio, ma c’è di meglio (e anche di peggio)

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South Wind Knows
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
39 of 39 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

Cheng Yi lives!

If you've watched other Cheng Yi works (you should), this is a showcase to his talent for sublety of expressions, and a refreshing opporunity to see him play playful-- as most often he is at his best portraying angst--which this show is just about ridiculously too much of for character--but he finally gets a happy ending--without the addition of an extra episode to give you an alternate ending (tho'-chuckle, he still has to wait a long time to get there!). What was also different as a story was that there was no inherently evil villian but otherwise it is trope heavy in regards to weal and woe., so if you can't stand that, you might not like this work.

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Dropped 7/12
Dangerous Romance
16 people found this review helpful
by Rezkia
Oct 25, 2023
7 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

A dangerously badly written romance (review up until ep 7 - spoilers ahead)

This series initially had a lot of things going for it: good main and supporting actors, sleek cinematography and camera language, gritty vibe.

Unfortunately, I found its writing terrible (at least up until ep 7, when I dropped it). It's like 3 or 4 people were hired to write this story and never consulted with each other about its tone, the message they wanted to give, or just most basically, the plot and the characters.

The first 2 episodes were rather dark, with a cinematic camera language and realistic acting. The opening offered social commentary on (in)equality and the show tackled the serious issue of bullying, looking for all intent and purposes like it wanted, over its course, to make a statement, or at least was aware of what it was saying.

And then ep 3 happened and, out of nowhere, the show turned into a fluffy rom-com about a struggling student and his school tutor, instead of the bully and his victims it started as. I seriously have no idea where Sailom and Kanghan's romantic feelings for each other came from. It simply happened and I did not feel privy to the reason nor process.

The same went for Kanghan's behavior: from one day to the next, Kanghan stopped bullying anyone, stopped abusing his privileges as the rich school sponsor's son, and started spending most of his time with Sailom, joking and smiling like he was not making his life miserable just the day prior. Everyone acted like this was completely normal, even the bully friends he started spending less time with in favor of their nemesis, and it was almost like the bullying did not even happen. Everything was swept aside, everyone moved on and no one held Kanghan accountable for his actions. It sucked in terms of character development, and it sucked even more as a way to tackle bullying.

Romance-wise, it’s like the writer couldn’t decide on what they wanted and went for a new scenario every two episodes. Kanghan had feelings for Pimfah (and Pimfah for Sailom) out of nowhere in ep 5, despite Sailom and Kanghan making heart eyes at each other for most of ep 3 and 4. He rejected Sailom’s confession in ep 6, after taking his time to consider it, only to kiss him not 10 min later out of jealousy. There was zero explanation as to what changed his mind, or what prevented from saying yes to Sailom right away if seeing him play with his friend was all that was needed. Sailom accepted Kanghan’s confession and never questioned it, like he had not even been rejected in the first place. Most of the romantic developments from ep 3 to ep 7 sent me on a fit of perplexity and hair-tearing, which made it hard for me to believe in any of the characters’ feelings.

The acting was neither Perth nor Chimon’s best work in my opinion, which is not surprising given the script they had to work with, and I found their chemistry either really good or almost non existent, depending on the scene.

Overall, I felt like I was watching something very disjointed, in tone, in actions, in behavior.

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Love Stage!!
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10

Recommended drama

This drama was cute and simple story nothing much complications involved I like the brother of male lead who loves and cares for male lead , may be they should have spiced up a little but they couldn’t reach to the expectations I like the lead actors they are cute and great at acting and other couple also was good and script was neat and clean and no tragedy or traingle love story and I was happy to the other actor who got chance to work again and no toxic villains here all are good and got better life but one thing I was disappointed was the lead actor is good at nothing? Drawing , photo shoot, acting hell at last atleast they should have shown his strength at songs writing and achieve in his life but all they was just showing the love which was bit off but drama was good all the best to the team hope you give the same dramas which are fantastic

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The Kidnapping Day
8 people found this review helpful
by Kate
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 13
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

The most heartwarming kidnapping story one can encounter.

I cried, I laughed, I almost smashed my laptop - it was all worth it. The connection between Ro Hee and Myungjoon is not something I will be able to easily forget.

Not the brightest, but a strong man and a genius child - this setup for the main characters sounds like the beginning of an over the top, unrealistic and not easily relatable story. To make it good, the writing of the characters needs nuance, and that’s what The Kidnapping Day presents.

Myung Joon is not this dumb guy who gets manipulated by everyone while being completely unaware of what’s truly going on around him. He is not just a passive tool for others to use, and his loyalty and compassion are the exact reasons he was one of the most dynamic and driven characters.

Ro Hee is not this emotionless adult-like genius. Yes, intelligence was a big part of her, but the detailed writing did not ignore one of the most important aspects of who she truly was - a child. Many stories focus so much on characters’ cognitive abilities, they completely forget to showcase their emotional development - this way we get these robot-like smart kids who just act like adults. Not here. That innocent and child-like nature made the story far more impactful. It also made it possible to present a variety of the types of interactions she had - some treated her like a child, some treated her as a genius, some treated her just as just… I guess that’s something you will find out if you watch the drama ;)

It’s a story about making choices and facing the consequences. How some wrongdoings cannot be wiped clean, no matter how much we try. How trauma can hunt you for a lifetime. How greed can push you to do despicable actions. How everyone's idea of happiness is different. It’s a story about fear, desperation, obsession, but also compassion, family and support. It’s a whole package.

The Kidnapping Day for sure leans more into character (and relationships) driven drama, but I would never say it neglects the plot aspect of it. It was just slightly less masterfully crafted. Some aspects were not quite detailed, but all was enough to tell a cohesive and engaging story. We hit some dead ends and a few bits had not quite satisfying conclusions, but since I never viewed them as the focus of the drama, it did not bother me that much.

The acting… I have no words. Big props to Yuna who had the hardest and most demanding role to carry. I truly fell in love with Ro Hee and cared for this child with all my heart. Yoon Gye Sang presented so much warmth in his performance, I wished to have someone with a similar presence to Myung Joon in my life. I’m also impressed with Kim Shin Rok as Seo Hye Eun. I kept going back and forth with hating her and feeling sympathy - presenting the complexity of her story and the duality of it was not an easy task, but Shin Rok handled the role amazingly.

The production, directing, editing - all perfect. I even loved the small details like the chapter titles at the beginning of each episode with well selected shots as background and these tiny doodles as symbolic representation. Even the soundtrack was amazing. Especially the instrumental score.

Was the drama perfect? No. I still believe that the second episode was a poorly constructed introduction to the investigation and Sang Yoon. Some characters got me confused about their presentation - from feeling not that threatening, to then abruptly switching to the biggest threat. As I previously mentioned, there were some plotlines that could have been explored more and had better closure.

But even taking all that into consideration, this drama was truly a magnificent experience that kept me tense, happy, sad, angry, hopeful, scared each Wednesday and Thursday from September 13th till October 25th - and I will probably come back to it from time to time.

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The Worst of Evil
3 people found this review helpful
by Selene
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Why must you watch?

The series is short with mind blowing story, cast and acting. The series can make you binge watch itself. It's worth your time.The set is shown of 1990's revolving an undercover narcotic trade for which narcotic department takes upon a massive risky investigation which involves couples protecting each other throughout it. The whole story gives us a intriguing plot and captivating acting.What sets this drama apart is how it brilliantly showcases the interconnectedness of its characters, all engaged in their mind games and strategies. The acting of every cast member is truly outstanding, and they're all nailing their respective roles.
I hope you add it to your watching list.

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Malila: The Farewell Flower
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
It's a very different movie.
He is completely different than most.
It is Thai, where the Thai branch of Buddhism predominates.
It is necessary to look at him from this point of view and not to evaluate only through the eyes of a Central European viewer. Why is the scene like that, why are the actors playing it like that, why is the film pensive, poignant almost from the beginning.
The content of the film is very well described on ČSFD, be sure to read it before watching the film.

When the viewer is able to put all this together, he cannot make a bad assessment. It is a film about images, about feelings, about LIFE. It is a film whose message will remain forever in my soul...

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Last One Standing
0 people found this review helpful
by QAS
Oct 25, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

Bats and zombies in a ghost town

This drama was already promising at 24 episodes, but it should have been 16 episodes. Repetitive flashbacks were extraneous. I don't think we needed to be reminded of these scenes, The ghost town where it was staged was either a deserted war-torn or flooded town, or some ugly CGI. The bats vanished fast in the early episodes, and the zombies must have gone to sleep. I am surprised that the stranded travelers did not explore the town for supplies or better accommodations. They just stayed in the hotel, run down in some places. The store where Er found the sneakers had clothing hanging in the shop, although they should have rot in twenty years. Was the train track sealed off on both ends, or where they just lazy, to try to escape from the bats and zombies who took a snoozefest? The blue ocean, which I am sure was CGI, was the prettiest view. The production quality was bad in many episodes. Extreme closeups with a bland expression do not constitute acting skills.

After bingewatching the first 16 episodes in the last three days (in October 2023), I skipped to the final episode. The timid teacher was the the mastermind. LOL I don't think I missed anything important. This was my Halloween entertainment.

Final rating: 55

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The Worst of Evil
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

This drama tells the story of a drug dealer

All about this drama is crazy. The story and their actions is so attractive. Because of the time was when 1995 the music and cinematography so life. I don't ever think this drama is out of the box and so many complicated about the relationship. But all of the production is better then i expect. This drama is one of the most amazing drama in this year. But maybe the age rate is 18+ because of the blood, harassment, and many smoking scene that make this drama so adults. Maybe i want to rewatch again this drama when i have a good time to rewatch it.
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