Incomparable Beauty
3 people found this review helpful
by twinty
Nov 10, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Beautiful Moments In Life!

I was drawn to this drama because it is a second-chance love story. I am happy I decided to give this drama a try. At the end of 40 episodes, I wanted to see more of the main couple and how they faced the next stage in their lives but I am content it was a happy ending with beautiful moments along the way. I will never get tired of seeing the way the ML looked at the FL. It was obvious since the start that he loved her then and now and will forever. I found myself going from one episode to the next and I am one who is easily bored even with the top-rated shows. From the first episode, I was struck by the emotions of the first time the couple was reunited after 3 years. Then I wondered why they broke up. But through it all, the love they had for each other was evident from glimpses of the life they shared before to the way they looked at each other in the present day.
I wanted to see more of the main couple but the drama also covers the relationships of the other secondary characters, which while I did feel some interest, I felt the need to fast forward when it got too tedious. But not once did I feel the need to fast forward through the main couple's scenes.

Incomparable Beauty is not about a beauty queen or physical appearance although the leads are attractive. It is about the moments in our lives where we shine for being who we are. Nothing compares to the special moments in life. Enjoy and embrace them and that you are worthy and special. And those moments in life are made precious by the people we share them with. This drama brings us through the ups and downs of life and the idea that ultimately it is the beauty of those special moments with the ones we love that compares to no other.

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'Cause You're My Boy
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
I consider the biggest weakness of this series to be the fluctuation of the story, the ambiguous behavior of some characters and too many, especially here, gays. Too much of everything is harmful. Without them, perhaps the story of Morko and Tee-ho would be more believable. That's why I deduct half of the points from perfection for the story.
The acting was solid, but certainly not top notch. Just well spoken and following the instructions of the director. After all, both main characters were actually only 18 years old, and I don't think the attraction would go in only one direction. Maybe Mork was cuter, but Tee was more interesting, sometimes more mystical. The character of Mork's father was well played and believable. Solid sound and processing. The main Mork-Tee pair can also be seen in the Our Skyy puzzle, which is also listed here.

Za největší slabinu tohoto seriálu považuji kolísání příběhu, nejednoznačné chování některých postav a zbytečně moc, a tady obzvlášť, gayů. Všeho moc škodí. Bez nich by možná příběh Morka a Tee-ho byl uvěřitelnější. Proto za příběh ubírám z dokonalosti celou polovinu bodů.
Herectví bylo solidní, ale určitě ne špičkové. Prostě dobře odmluvené a dodržující pokyny režie. Vždyť oběma hlavním postavám bylo ve skutečnosti jen 18 let a nedomnívám se, že by přitažlivost šla jen jedním směrem. Možná byl ušáček Mork roztomilejší, ale Tee byl zase zajímavější, někdy typově mystičtější. Dobře zahraná a uvěřitelná byla postava Morkova otce. Zvuk a zpracování solidní. Hlavní dvojici Mork-Tee můžeme vidět ještě i ve skládance Our Skyy, kterou zde máme též uvedenu.

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He's Coming to Me
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
The series was great, and I'm not a teenager anymore, like thousands of other reviewers around the world. An absolutely perfect, mysterious, fantasy story supplemented with romance and, exceptionally, light comedy, and a crime drama that gradually peels off more and more, and on top of that there is also a BL component. Both main characters played excellently. I know Ohm, for example, from the beautiful and mysterious Thai film Dew, where he played Thun. In addition to being very handsome, he played it with taste, cuteness and sensitivity, and I'm not at all surprised that he won some kind of award that year for the best confession of love (for the scene on the roof in the sixth episode). The second main character Mes (played by Singto, who we know mainly as Kongpob from the SOTUS series) was played professionally as the creators wanted, more pensive, less smiling. The two friends were also good, the girl Plaifah, mother Kwan and others. The music didn't bother me and it added a nice touch to the scenes, the central song is beautiful and is also sung by Singto - I put the video with the song in the Videos folder), the processing is flawless. I recommend it to everyone who likes Thai series, so this is the top without side curls, walking in school corridors, straightforward plot and one more thing - no wrecker like the latest Mercedes or BMW, but a typical old and popular Thai car ...

Seriál byl super, a to žádný náctiletý už nejsem tak, jako i tisíce jiných recenzentů po celém světě. Naprosto dokonalý, mysteriózní, fantasy příběh doplněný o romantiku a vyjímečně i o lehkou komediálnost a stále postupně se více a více odlupující krimidrama a navrch ještě i BL složka. Obě hlavní postavy zahrány výborně. Ohma znám např. z krásného a mysteriozního thajského filmu Dew a zde hrál Thuna. Kromě toho, že je velice pohledný, zahrál to s chutí, roztomile i citlivě a vůbec se nedivím, že v tom roce vyhrál jakousi tu cenu za nejlepší vyznání lásky (za scénu na střeše v šestém díle). Druhá hlavní postava Mes (hraje ji Singto, kterého známe především jako Kongpoba ze sérií SOTUS) byla zahrána profesionálně tak, jak tvůrci chtěli, více zádumčivá, méně usměvavá. Dobří byli i oba kamarádi, dívka Plaifah, matka Kwan a další. Hudba mě nerušila a hezky dobarvila scény, ústřední píseň nádherná a zpívá ji i Singto - video s písní jsem vložil do složky Videa), zpracování bez výtek. Doporučuji všem, kteří mají rádi thajské seriály, tak toto je špička bez postranních kudrlinek, chození po školních chodbách, přímočarý děj a ještě drobnost - žádný bourák typu nejnovějšího Mercedesu nebo BMW, ale typické staré a lidové thajské autíčko ...

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His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
The serial prequel to the film His (2020), which was produced in 2019 and refers to the period of 2006, when the destinies of two young men collide completely by chance in the seaside city of Fujisawa, which is part of the largest megalopolis in the world - the Tokyo agglomeration with 38 million inhabitants and we can get to the center of Tokyo from it via the combined cities of Kamakura, Jakohama and Kawasaki. The story is interesting, albeit undemanding, and the main two 17-year-old characters (Nagisa and Shun) are excellently played by two Japanese actors aged 19 and 21. A lot of space is also devoted to other girls' characters. The fates of the boys gradually develop until finally Shun starts working part-time where Nagisa does, in a hostel on the city island of Enoshima. I also appreciate the fact that everything develops naturally, without unnecessary intrigues, fights and violence, and during the entire series there is that "something" extra, the music and the processing are almost faultless.

Seriálový prequel k filmu His (2020), který byl vyroben v r. 2019 a vztahuje se do období roku 2006, kdy se střetávají zcela náhodně osudy dvou mladíků v přímořském městě Fudžisawa, které je součástí největší megapole světa - tokijské aglomerace s 38 mil obyvatel a do centra Tokia se z něho dostaneme přes srostlá města Kamakura, Jakohama a Kawasaki. Příběh je zajímavý, i když nenáročný a hlavní dvě 17ti leté postavy (Nagisa a Shun) zahrány výborně dvěma japonskými herci ve věku 19 a 21 let. Dost prostoru je věnováno i dalším postavám dívek. Osudy kluků se postupně vyvíjí až nakonec Shun začne pracovat brigádně tam, kde Nagisa, v hostelu na městském ostrově Enoshima. Cením si i toho, že se vše vyvíjí přirozeně, bez zbytečných intrik, rvaček a násilí a v průběhu celého seriálu je tam to "něco" navíc, hudba a zpracování téměř bez výtek.

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The Moment Since
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Nice shots of Thai nature and beaches and otherwise practically nothing happened. Naive and about nothing. The music didn't help here either, although the theme song is nice. "The Veterinarian and the Bartender" behaved like thirteen-year-old boys, and both young gentlemen are rather better singers than actors

Pěkné záběry thajské přírody a pláží a jinak se prakticky nic nedělo. Naivní a o ničem. Tady nepomohla ani hudba, i když ta ústřední píseň je pěkná. "Veterinář a barman" se chovali jako třináctiletí kluci a oba mladí pánové jsou spíše lepšími zpěváky, jako herci

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A Breeze of Love
33 people found this review helpful
by Hoku_
Nov 10, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5


This drama is so cute bot visuals and the storyline....This KBL has come after a long time and the wait is literally worth it.....Korean BLs are having a moment this year as they keep releasing one hit show after another. If you are done with Eighth Sense, Semantic Error and other KBL's and are looking for the next show, A Breeze of Love is here to watch!

For those who don't know yet A Breeze of Love is adapted from the “Weather Forecast Love” webtoon. The show tells the story of Ban Dong-wook, who has insomnia. His condition gets worse, especially on bad weather days. On one of these bad days, he coincidentally meets Lee Do-hyun, who becomes his haven. Soon, Do-hyun develops feelings for Dong-wook.

Unfortunately, his confession goes awry, and misunderstanding festers between the two. Fast forward to five years later, the two meet on campus and try to fix their broken ties..........


I Really liked the first episodes. The close-ups, the camera work, the lighting, are all peak K-romance. The boys are gorgeous and they can act - we already have a good idea of their characters and the chemistry can be felt the moment they face each other.....also props to the girl who help them meet much faster ?
this one's cute haha especially Dohyun broooo he such a cutieeee so as Dongwook......also I was expecting that this one would be like " A Shoulder to cry on" (having no kissing scenes) but your bro is shocked when I saw that there is!!!!! I immediately screamed like omg that's such a memorable scene ? the atmosphere, the feeling, the- AHHHH hahahah and also I think the title change for this one (well) it fits with the stress or whatsoever hahaha so if you are looking for a 'feelgood' drama that also has an aesthetically pleasing cinematography I'll recommend this to You! ??

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I Feel You Linger in the Air
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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Best Thai bl for me

While it’s not perfect it did a lot of things right.
The best thing in this drama is Khun Yai. I loved how he cared for and respected Jom. Khun yai respected Jim’s boundaries, he didn’t force himself on him, though he fell really fast for Jom he was patient enough to wait for Jom to accept him and want to be with him.
Fav parts
Drunk Khun yai was not a nuisance nor did he try to do anything to Jom. And yet when he wake up the next day he was concerned that he might have done something to Jom. I’m most Thai bl when someone is drunk we know we gonna have some non con sth.

Eeeh I’ll get back to this review later I’m tired haha ?

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Perfect Marriage Revenge
1 people found this review helpful
by Leinzl
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Might include spoiler

I really love the chemistry between FL and ML, it's so overwhelming. Sitting beside each other and just talking casually is already thrilling what more when they are looking at each other eyes.
In the beginning, I feel devastated how everyone around her is acting normally behind their devil intention towards her, her so called husband, the acting supportive sister (during the preparation of her wedding), and that ever evil adopted mother. On the other hand, she shows nothing but pure kindness and warm smile to everyone. But, after that "time travel" and her revenge start, just wow, the warm kind hearted woman turned into someone that you're probably regret once you messed up with. And she found a right and perfect knight to stay by her side and will protect her at all cost.

I just loving this revenge drama more and more ? Kudos to all cast!

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Ongoing 12/38
Story of Kunning Palace
8 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 38 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Very Good Story

This is Bai Lu and Zhang Ling He are blended well. It is not as good as Luo Yun Xi with Bai Lu.

This drama is intense as My Return To You! Suspense drama. I hook on this story. It is mystery solving case than a writer who wrote herself into drama. I notice Chinese drama tended to copy from one story to another to make another story. Therefore, the story is similar. Actor and actress made the different.

So far I enjoy it and it mixes of suspense, humorous, intense, antagonist, etc.
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The Winter Solstice
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

To the best of my knowledge, so good...

Even though when I saw The Winter Solstice a long time ago and when it had no eng subs (meaning I didn't 100% get all of what was going on), I'm writing a review because I'm surprised there is none seeing as it was this series that pretty much turned me back onto c-drama after straying into k-drama for many years. I was drawn into the TWS story, its acting, its mystery. I list story and mystery separately, because although you could say that a mystery can be the story, to me, the story encompasses the many individual stories of the ensemble of actors — it was their stories, which you could say all together were the puzzle pieces of the overall mystery that made TWS so compelling.

It was the first time I saw Liu Min Tao, and even though her character seemed not on the up and up (villainous even), she shined in her acting (her acting prowess was further confirmed in her role in Nirvana in Fire) as a woman of power but who was conflicted by certain circumstances in her life. Chen Dao Ming was the starring wreck as the protagonist in a smarmy role, kind of in the way you can't keep your eyes off an impending train wreck, cuz he was the one facing many moral dilemmas, when he himself, was very morally ambiguous. In fact, what made TWS good was that it showed humanity in all its hopes and ugliness in all of its characters.

Not wanting to give away anything, TWS was suspenseful right from the beginning and it's from this beginning that you could see that there were many levels and layers of what was actually happening in those beginning scenes. I don't think it's because there weren't eng subs that maybe I didn't understand completely what was happening; it was because you could see from the acting that people were doing things that obviously had back stories so you know you can't take things at face value. All good mysteries come from a complex network of players and motives, which is all of what TWS is about.

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At the Moment
23 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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An original take on love in the time of pandemic

Each of the 10 episodes in this anthology series is its own original love story. You don't have to watch them all or in sequential order to enjoy them, but all the main characters make a cameo in ep 10 and we learn a bit more about what's happened to them.

The approach to romance is unique in each episode. One couple meets on a reality tv show while another meets when their spouses are having an affair. There's an ep about a run-in with an ex and another about a playboy who inadvertently gets his comeuppance. In another ep, childhood lovers reunite, and in another, a working class man with a disability finds unexpected connection with a hard-working mom. There's even a psychedelic, out-of-this-world surrealist episode that I don't have words to describe (ep 4). In one of the most charming episodes, a man discovers he loves being a stay-at-home dad, but he and his wife have to negotiate what that means in light of gendered social expectations.

The episodes end with the suggestion of what's next rather than dramatic flash-forwards in time. In other words, the narratives focus on revealing what's going on "at the moment" rather than the details of what comes next.

Expect butterflies and sweetness but also angst and heartbreak in some of them. We see couples of different ages and at different stages of life. There's a sense of realism to the stories and their variety of representations of love. Although the episodes are set during the height of Covid, the pandemic is more of a backdrop than at the center of the narratives.

There are queer stories too. Episode 5 is in the vein of BL while episode 9 is a very touching GL.

The series brings together high production values with an all-star cast! If you’ve followed Taiwanese film and drama series, you will recognize some of your favorite actors and actresses here.

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Dangerous Romance
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Pretty Good

Wow, there were a lot of negative comments on this. I was hesitant to watch but I found it to be pretty good.

Perth is such a great “bad boy” actor. Ever since Love By Chance he has seemed different to me... like he really was heartbroken. But he’s a great actor.

Was introduced to Chimon in Blacklist which he did a great job. Totally different from his role here. So versatile and talented.

I loved the whole bully’s life being turned around theme. All it took was someone to care. Also loved how his father finally changed as well.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed in Perth and Chimon’s kiss scenes. I’ve seen reviews blaming it all on Chimon but there wasn’t any chemistry coming from either one of them. Do not like closed mouth kisses! Maybe they are not experienced enough or just too good of friends. But loved their friendship scenes and the clowning around.

The other couples were enjoyable and I loved the drama with his brother. Can’t believe some reviews say this drama was boring. it wasn’t! But to each his own.

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Where Stars Land
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Meh. One time watch.

It was good. One time watch. Romance is well written. Loose end tho very anti-climactic in the aspects of his relationship with his brother. It felt out of place like it was just there because they had to fill in the time. They did not shoot the ending with the actor too ig. Very weird to not show his faceq For the last 5 mins. It was good. One time watch. Romance is well written. Loose end tho very anti-climactic in the aspects of his relationship with his brother. It felt out of place like it was just there because they had to fill in the time. They did not shoot the ending with the actor too ig. Very weird to not show his face For the last 5 mins. 6/10.

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Ongoing 6/40
Wonderland of Love
13 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
6 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Sizzling chemistry and a storyline that keeps you intrigued

I’m so happy I gave this show a chance! I’ve seen 6 episodes and can’t wait for more. The pacing of the story is fast and I like how they have given the ML and FL a lot of screentime together since the beginning. The acting and chemistry is on point between the leads. I also have no complaints about other characters but the leads definitely run the show (and that’s how it should be). I was very surprised by how much I liked Xu Kai in this. I have seen him in Yangxi Palace (though I haven’t finished it) and didn’t know that he could portray such a character as Li Ni. Also Jing Tian fits the FL’s role perfectly. The cinematography is beautiful and the costumes take my breath away. Extra points for little comedy to lighten up the overall story.

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Dropped 10/16
Strong Girl Namsoon
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
10 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

It's easier to see the flaw than the good side of this drama.

I understand that it's not what most viewers expected, even I was a little disappointed. But the thing is romance isn't the #1 priority of this drama and the drama itself is darker than SWDBS.
Nam Soon is an agent and it's important for her to keep her enemies closer. Hee Sik may not be portrayed well as you expected but he always got Nam Soon's back and is always there for her. Nam Soon and Hee Sik needs one another.
Shi Oh has a tragic background (which I do feel bad for), but that does not excuse his criminalistic behavior and attitude. The law will arrest all kind of criminals. Shi Oh is handsome and sexy but to me, the purpose of good-looking villains are to convey the: "Angel face but devil personality".
The season is going to pick up the pace again somehow in the next episodes, we still got more to wait, so be patient, I'll send another review once the series' status is completed
So many things I wanna say but I can't express it.
Feel free to fight me as long as it's a debate and not an argument.

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