Send You My First Dream
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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… I have seen worse but this one ranks up there.

I have not done a review for a while now. Mostly I do them if they are really good or really bad… Sad that this is a bad review. But that is what to expect from a “mini” drama like this. Poor acting, poor script, poor storyline, poor sound. Was just lacking a lot!

Storyline - …was needing a TON of work! I would give more points if it was written better. Unfortunately it was not. It did not flow smoothly. There were things unresolved with her family. It went from problems with her family and threats from her “sister” to nothing resolved. Then a childhood “friend”, of the ML, appears and that was all jumbled! Then the ML’s sister appears out of no where and causes another huge mess. And the ENDING! Oh the ENDING!! I cannot tell you AGAIN! how much I hate short stupid endings! If you don’t give me a satisfactory ending I am going to mark you down! This ending was pathetic! I hated it! Storyline was just stupid!

Acting/Cast - the ML/FL had poor acting. They just did not deliver! I am almost certain that most of these mini dramas are just the beginning of their acting career for most of them, but these two and the rest of the cast was sad, sad, sad! The script did not help them one bit. Their acting was sort of childish, especially the ML.

Music/ Sound - well… there really was not much music to comment on but the sound disappeared completely in parts and then they played music over the voices in places. So it did not help this mini.

Rewatch - NO! This will not rank as a rewatch for me. It just did not deliver.

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The Warp Effect
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Não BL muito a frente de seu tempo e melhor que a maioria dos BL’s

Que série mais gostosinha de assistir!!

The Warp Effect é realmente uma das melhores produções da GMM. A série não é BL em si, mas tem um dos melhores casais BL que já vi e com uma química incrível. Eu simplesmente me apaixonei pelo Army, achei o personagem muito bom, bem humorado, confiante e a história dele com o Joe foi ótima, inclusive por não ter o estereótipo de “top” e “bottom”, claramente melhor que a maioria dos BLs.

Mas não é só esse casal que faz a série ser boa, todos os personagens têm suas tramas e suas histórias são interessantes (umas mais, outras menos, mas todas legais de acompanhar). Meu destaque vai pra como trataram a Rose com naturalidade, até quase o final da série eu nem sabia que ela era trans e eu gostei de ver essa abordagem. Normalmente esses assuntos não são colocados em séries de forma tão natural e eu gostei muito de ver ela lá sendo uma das garotas gostosas e populares. (Também amo o Mark em todos os universos e ele tem química com todo mundo).

Mas o grande destaque da série vai mesmo pro plot da Jean. Acho que trataram realmente de forma muito séria. Ela não ter perdoado o Alex é algo tão realista, pois o peso que ela carregou todos aqueles anos e o mal que ele causou a ela (mesmo que de forma involuntária e que nem seja culpa dele) era algo que não dava pra ser reparado. A única solução era realmente voltar no tempo, pois sem essa opção a melhor coisa que ele poderia fazer era deixar ela em paz. Também foi muito boa a naturalidade com que trataram o aborto e o direito da mulher sobre seu próprio corpo.

Outra coisa que gostei foi de não haver rivalidade entre Kat e Jean. Elas até se tornaram boas amigas e a Kat não caiu no estereótipo daquela personagem chata que briga por homem. Esses entre outros inúmeros aspectos fazem The Warp Effect ser uma série bem à frente de seu tempo, não apenas a nível de Ásia, mas até mesmo no ocidente dificilmente você vai achar uma série que trate esses temas com tanta qualidade e bom humor, pois apesar de temas pesados a série é leve e boa de assistir.

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Ming Dynasty
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
64 of 64 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
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If I were more of a stickler for historical facts in my dramas, I probably would have rated this much lower as this drama takes quite a bit of artistic license with historical figures of the Ming dynasty. As a drama of itself, I found it quite entertaining and moving in parts with a terrific, experienced cast and overall great production values.

The first 2/3 of this drama is pretty near perfect for me - the story and character arcs make sense. The last 1/3 (after Zhu Zhanji dies) is a bit of a mess - I've nearly blocked out all of it in rating this drama. The ending nearly obliterates the journey Zhu Zhanji and Sun Ruowei take together, and the head-scratching ending with the background music out of nowhere just seems like a weird fan MV to me.

In my mind, this could have been split into 2 dramas and would have worked better for each story being told (the first part being Ruowei and Zhanji's story and second being Ruowei and her son's story). In any case, if you are a fan of historical dramas, this is worth checking out (at least the first 2/3).

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Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Beautiful, but not perfect.

Many of scenes are carefully put together with a painters eye to color and light. The nature of the daylight, the surroundings, clothing, etc. were clearly thought out. The placement of both characters and props within the frame was sensitive and thoughtful.

However, action scenes (especially running) were clumsy.

The story had a lot of potential, but didn't quite deliver, especially in the last episode. Kazuma's mother is a difficult role, and needed more work. Difficult to tell if this was the choice of actor, the acting or the directing. It might be easy to overlook since she occupies so little screen time, but since this drama focuses on the power of traumatic childhood experiences over adult lives, Kazuma's mother needed more attention. The ending falls flat in part because the last scenes with Kazuma's mother doesn't really work. Her facial expressions watching Ren in the hospital room communicate almost nothing. The scene with the three of them is disjointed. Those scenes need to work, that is to provide the audience with a new understanding , a new perspective on the past. Because children do pick up distorted messages during those childhood events, and part of finding peace is correcting those distortions. I think any rating between 6 and 8 is reasonable. I chose 8 because I loved the meticulous visuals.

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R U Next?
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0



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Ongoing 12/12
Only Friends
5 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0

So far this is...ok!

Let's start by saying Top Mew is not a couple that I'm really into, they are both attractive of course, the actor that play Top gained some muscle since his last series and he looks great, but I wasn't into them in Enchante and I'm not into them in this one either.

I like the other couples tho. Sand, Ray, Boston, Nick, their acting is more appealing to me. Their eye game is strong and they say a lot without saying a word. That's awesome.

Plot wise I think is weak, but I would say it's a nice watch, like it's good to fill the in-between of better series that I'm watching, you know what I mean?

I would describe this series as flashing a light on situations that have happened in my gay life which is interesting and entertaining but is not a series I'm painstakingly waiting for every week.

Now, I do love something and that's the music. That song is really good!

Overall, it's a very sensual series which I love but I guess I'm not that engaged. I will give it a solid 7.5/10 for now.

✨ Cheers!

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0 people found this review helpful
by Red
Aug 29, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Friendship Goals

I love fighting and car chases in shows and this drama is no exception, the scenes were so exciting especially the training montage in episode 5.
I love the bromance between Gun Woo and Woo Jin, they always have eachothers back and would die for eachother, god I want this friendship.

Episode 6 had no chill I wasn't able to grief anyone's death. Doo Young and Yang Jung could have overthrown them but they were caught off guard, I expected Mr Choi to die since he is old but damn not that brutal. I knew something bad was going to happen when Doo Young announced he was going to be a father and the wholesome drinking montage.

I understand the actress career is basically dead after the DUI but I really liked her character in the show sure she was annoying at the start but the more she was around the more likeable she was.

I feel like after episode 6 it was a bit of a drag, a new grandfather and granddaughter duo that no offence wasn't really necessary it was alright but they could have introduced the granddaughter earlier, I kind of shipped Woo Jin with Mr Oh's granddaughter but then again they could be more like siblings.
I feel like it should have more of a build up for the downfall of Myeong Gil it was very rushed. I wanted Myeong Gil to suffer.

I was so confused during one of the scenes in episode 8 when the guy got poisoned, the stabbing and the girl that got hit with a truck (which was an utterly jumpscare XD).

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Love You Seven Times
24 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 7
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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A love that connects through 7 life times and an honest ML, I love!!

After Back from the Brink, it has been a while since I got hooked into another Xianxia genre (drama). LY7T doesn't disappoint with their love story.

One of the many aspects I love about this drama, is that everything is connected back into a full circle and I love those parallels that was cleverly used throughout the drama and none of them felt disconnected; so that was cleverly done by the writers in this drama.

To be honest, I am not into Mortal Tribulations in Xianxia genre, since I always find them draggy, and every time it happens in the story (of other Xianxia dramas), I always want it to end quicker so we can return back to the Immortal life, and focus on that instead, but LY7T has done it in a way that I don't dislike it, because each (well, maybe aside from the beginning arc of the 2nd tribulation, with the whole political stuff), I actually enjoyed it on my end.

To introduce the ML of this story, acted by Ding Yuxi (DYX), which this is my first time seeing him act in a drama, so I have no previous drama to compare him with, but he has played his role well in bringing out the character to life, whether, it's the Chu Kong from the present time, the Chu Kong of the past, and his each/every Mortal Tribulation identities, I did enjoyed all of them. I have to make a note and mention that DYX at times does kinda remind me to this Hong Kong actor Roger Kwok. Not saying that as a negative, just want to make a point about this on my end; because they look similar to me. DYX does look handsome to me though! I am glad to know he dubbed his own voice in this drama! Anyways, back to the Male Lead he portrayed: Chu Kong, being the God of War, who did not have the memories of what happened 30,000 years ago, was due to a reason, I will not spoil in my review, but you will find out when his past is uncovered; and it all makes sense in the end, of what happened 30,000 years ago. I really do love his character, whether it is the him as the God of War in the present time, or the him 30,000 years ago (before he became the God of War) he's a loveable character in my eyes, and I actually love his honesty, when it comes to the FL, it is always a positive/plus point in my eyes!

Moving onto the FL, Xiang Yun/Cang Hai played by Yang Chao Yue (YCY). This isn't my first time seeing her, since I've seen her in the Journey of Congzi in the past. Comparing to her portrayal between the two drama's, to me, she definitely has improved in this drama LY7T. So I really don't understand the hate some Cnetz / or International viewers have on her, aside from the fact of spreading hate/nonsense that doesn't make sense to me. My favourite portrayal of her character is Cang Hai. I love how bold and direct she is when it comes to what she wants, and she can be a little bit shameless too haha, but I don't mind, since it just makes her character even more refreshing to see this side to her.

This pairing is definitely among my top favourite for sure, because I really love their chemistry whether its onscreen or off-screen. I love how Chu Kong(ML) is honest with XiangYun (FL) during those times, is a bit different to other xianxia ML, because in LY7T, I really love how Chu Kong(ML) is honest with Xiang Yun(FL), whereas in other Xianxia dramas the ML might hid the truth from the FL to protect her of the danger, which may lead to unnecessary misunderstanding afterwards, so that was really loveable to see a different type of ML where he's honest with the FL like that in the Xianxia verse.

I love how in each life-time, throughout the drama, you can pick out these parallels and compare it which lead to a beautiful result. I love how Chu Kong (ML) opened up to her and became attached to her as the story progresses, because I really see that as a development in his character! I especially love the backstory depicted in the drama, when their past is revealed. Their past is among my favorite focus, although it didn't end up well :( I do also love the Master and Disciple Relationship during the SL sect times, because I love the trio JL and ZH(in their mortal life), they were some nice times/memories with some funny moments as well!

I hope DYX and YCY will have another Modern Day drama in the future like DYX want; because they really do have chemistry, and I enjoy watching them on my end!

For drama side of things, it is really compelling, and fun to watch, because it is like you are going through a journey with the characters, where there are hints that lead to a piece of puzzle that you can put together to form the answer to the story, and it is intriguing enough for us to want to guess what's going to happen next. It may start off a bit slow for some people at the beginning, especially during the 2nd mortal tribulation, but take it from someone (me) who is not into Mortal Tribulation in Xianxia dramas, for me LY7T did it in a way that is not boring, and I enjoyed it on my end! At times it really doesn't feel like they are doing a Mortal Tribulation, but it feels like they are just taking a trip to the Mortal realm.

For ending side of things, it's a Happy Ending. Sure it is not the satisfying kind of happy ending, but it is without a doubt that CK came back, and the fact that he was emotional in that scene hint(revealed) that he does remember her. I love the way he wiped her tears on his end!!!

I somehow like that they take this as a form of Mortal Tribulation where XY enter into the mortal gate (like how they normally do the mortal tribulation, because this way I can actually take it that after that 7th "Mortal tribulation" is done, CK can regain his immortality and they both can return to heavens and I like that the other characters were revealing that it is possible for CK to return to heavens one day.

The first hint was CK celestial star that XY saw that flew by the sky showing CK has returned and she went to find him again, although that took a lot of detour with the other side character scenes... I actually fast forward some of them especially the red thread master, immortal sun and XM Scenes...

Overall I was happy with the ending, since it did put a smile to my face when I saw CK again. Do I want more than what I was given? Yes!!! but it is without a doubt CK has returned and he have his memories on his end, I just wish he would have said something to her like what I heard him said in the trailer: "Regardless of now, or 30,000 years ago. I'm destined to find you" (so I hate IQIYI for deleting that) but with the way they look at each other, it really said it all. I strongly believe that after that scene CK will be able to regain his immortal status and be the God of War again. Who knows maybe he will takeover and the heavenly emperor since XM did said that he is temporarily taking that role as Heavenly emperor on his end and he's looking forward to one day XY can return with CK on his end.

It was a nice open ending for Jin Luo and ZH(reincarnated) though.

But overall, I just want to say, that this drama is definitely recommended, because it is really good! If you don't watch it, you will surely miss out on this drama! I have read a little bit of the novel on my end, but in terms of characterization and the deep complexities of the story/plot, I prefer the drama better.

Music in this drama is excellent!! I love a few actually!! My favourite, I will have to say is the Opening theme: 唯爱 (Only Love) - Faye詹雯婷, but I also really love the other OST's in this drama as well, such as: 哀情记 (Grief Record) - A Lin and 破空 (Break Through) - 李常超 (Li Changchao). I also love the bgm(midi) that was played in the drama during those specific times (but don't know the name of that song, if I know I will definitely download it and listen to it on my end).

P.S: thank you LY7T, you officially made my journey enjoyable and I therefore have put you on my top 5 rankings:

Top 5 favourite Xianxia Chinese Drama
1. Back from the Brink (Hu Xin)
2. Love you Seven times
3. Ancient Love Poetry
4. Love and Redemption
5. Ten Miles Peach Blossom (3L3W)

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Ongoing 4/10
Unintentional Love Story
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
4 of 10 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

still watching but dubious

okay I like the cast and idea... I am just having a problem with the opportunistic twink chasing him who I imagine will fall in love with him and feel guilty later when he finally gets a brain and a penis and then the potter finds out and all hell will break loose. t Not a new trope or script. I will keep watching and sure I will come to enjoy as others have you have written their reviews. But no amount of charm can cover the kids character, despite his I need money. I mean really. But production values are top notch and its a nice ride. Wish I could buy that pottery!

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Weak Hero Class 1
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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This review may contain spoilers

This was sooo good the actors played their characters well especially park ji hoon like when he slapped himself I felt it.

Beom seok was a prick with a inferiority complex who took out his family problems and his insecurities on others.

Si eun was a psycho and I loved it the look in his eyes was perfect to show how much of a psycho he is. At least he's a good friend who fought for hi friends unlike Beom seok

Soo ho is such a good friend who will do whatever it takes to protect his friends and I love that.

I'm convinced that the bullies had nothing to do with their lives so they bully kids whom they feel inferior to (most talking about yeong bin)

The only problem I have with this drama is that it is too short I need more soo I can protect my sanity. If the directors don't release a season 2 we gonna fight. I highly recommend this drama to ppl who like this kind of genre and those who don't like this kind of genre this series may be an opening to this genre

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Extraordinary Attorney Woo
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Objectively a 10

It's really nice to watch something so different and get a peak into the life and mind of people with autism. I can see all the research that has gone into this drama and the actress did a phenomenal job! I was awed at her mannerisms with her whole body - from the way her eyes avoided eye contact to the way she carried herself. Other than that, the drama addressed different problems in a very tactful manner: from prejudice against people with mental disorders to corruption in the legal system. All the while, I could not really hate any character. Every character had their own twist and I honestly love that there was no "big bad evil villainess" character, because I honestly get tired of that. The whale/dolphin animations were also really well made and it was fun to learn some off-topic whale facts.
The only reason I did not give a full 10 is because although the drama itself is great, it is not completely my taste. But I would argue that objectively, it would be a 10.

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Ashes of Love
1 people found this review helpful
by T-baby
Aug 28, 2023
63 of 63 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Another classic

If you like Eternal Love, then you will definitely love Ashes of Love.

Series seem long but it keeps you engaged and the story tell the hardship that Jinmi and Xufeng faces. Lots of ups and downs but loves conquer all. There’s crying, laughter and deep emotions.

The FL and ML have such great chemistry and you can feel the struggles they go through. FL is strong and not child-like (thank goodness), she persevered through her struggles. ML was kind, gentle and so sweet, never give up even when he tries to be cruel.

Music and cinematography was very good.

Overall, I wished they make more dramas like this and Eternal Love instead of child-like FL that act dumb trying to be cute.

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Fake It Till You Make It
2 people found this review helpful
by XmeX3
Aug 28, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

adult and sexy

10 so far, might change, but actually is this a drama which captivate me.

Both leads are sexy and torn. Both have to overcome their fears and need zo stop playing games.

It's exciting to watch how it develops.

Highly recommend so far.

I think the whole atmosphere of the drama is really great and the music fits well with it.

I think the drama is extremely well done, it develops very slowly, but it's still insane. Exciting, so sometimes quite unusual somehow.
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The Eclipse
2 people found this review helpful
by Raven
Aug 28, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Best drama, just in my opinion

Despite all the reviews saying that the plot is crappy, I'd say "I don't think so". Yes, it's a school drama, the curse is not really a thing, but I love the concept about how you can personally have a lot of going on in your life, but you find your person, who is not a burden, but actually a home. Home, where you're not gonna be judged, hated or needed to put a mask on your face. And with FirstKhao, Gmm absolutely hit the jackpot, because they're perfect for the roles. You can learn a lot, try it.
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The Glory Part 2
1 people found this review helpful
by Red
Aug 28, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

One of the best revenge dramas


This drama is amazing, I really enjoyed watching all the bullies being turned and destroyed.

☆My Thoughts☆
•I'm going to put it out there I was so happy when Jae Joon beat up that creepy primary teacher, I'm not gonna lie I was happy Ye sol saw her bio father/uncle in the worst way.

•That church scene was disturbing I was not expecting Hye Jeong to do that I was like Woah SLAY BUT DAMN
•Is it bad that I really like Hye Jeong? I'm not defending what she did to Dong Eun but I was happy that Dong Eun was like "Here blind Jae Joon get your revenge".

•I'm so glad Jae Joon is dead yay I was laughing at his demise he went from cursing to begging for help to back to cursing

•I'm so happy that Dong Eun revenged worked in the end and she got her happy ending.
•I never realised until I saw a edit later how Dong Eun and So Hee were friends it made sense when she said "we are both 19 now" and the mother knowing who she was.
•Wow the parallel between the old landlady and Dong Eun no wonder she says that Dong saved her life, they both saved eachother that day.

°I love how after her revenge was done she helped the love of her life with his.
•I love the way Dong Eun shoes her scars she isn't afraid of people seeing them anymore I'm so proud of her

•My thoughts on Yeo Jeong changed I love how he did everyting for Dong Eun, always there to protect and ready to fight beside her, in eps 10 when Yeonjin went unconscious I was like oooo what's gonna happen?
•Yeo Jeong was the right partner to help Dong Eun with her revenge.
•He was so calm, composed and innocent when he was around the bullies behaviour which is perfect to strike them off guard.
•He's eyes go completely evil when looking at Yeonjin (which is ironic since the actors are now dating) to loving towards Dong Eun.

•I want to see Lee Dohyun play (I know this sounds awful) a psychopath.
•I was like wow that was smart putting the DNA from her foot wound to Son Myeong Oh nail.

•When she slapped Yeonjin after her husband died I screamed "YES MRS KANG"
•When she applied her lipstick it was a beautiful indicator that she is free
•I'm so happy Mrs Kang was free from her abusive husband, I nearly choked on my water when her husband was run over WARNING DON'T EAT OR DRINK DURING THAT SCENE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
•I was so scared that she was going to be killed when Yeonjin found her and threatened her, when she started to trail Dong Eun I was like THE BETRAYAL but then I was TRICKED.
•When Mrs Kang husband mentioned the Philippines I was like YAY NY MOTHERLAND IS GETTING A SHOUTOUT PROUD HALF FILIPINA HERE.

•I'm so happy he killed Jae Joon.
Do Yeong shocked me when he said he was staying with Yeonjin, I was like well you'll go down with your wife.
•My thought on him changed after he divorced her and took their daughter I was like awwww he wanted his marriage to work for the sake of his daughter but I'm happy they got there happy ending.

•I was so happy when her daughter Ye Sol didn't want her or forgave her.
•I love how in the end she gets bullied in jail KARMA IS A BITCH
•I absolutely hate Yeonjin but her outfits AHHHH I WANT HER CLOSET
•The way she kept gaslighting her husband "girl your husband isn't dumb he is questioning his life choices".
•When the shaman was possessed with Yoon So Hee "spirit" freaking out Yeonjin was amazing it gave me absolue chills.
•The way that she tried to cover up her downfall with Sara, I'm happy Sara got her turn in revenge with the videos of teen Yeonjin.

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