I'm writing this post hoping someone from Tencent reads it.  I live in Canada.  WeTV has problems streaming for me as a free viewer.  I cannot see myself becoming a VIP because of this.

The problem is, all the WeTV videos stutter so bad with video artifacts when the WeTV web browser player finally loads/buffers the next segment of the video.  I know it's not my internet connection because I can go watch the same shows on YouTube in 1080p and my videos are very fluid.  

Now, I know Tencent also uploads the same videos to YouTube (a lot of the times not for all shows but plenty of shows on WeTV can also find on YouTube).  The problem with YouTube is, it's run by racist Westerners.  They purposely cut out segments of the soundtrack because it's a Chinese company using their streaming service.  I think Tencent never bothers to sit down and watch the videos they upload to YouTube.  Google is actively sabotaging Chinese companies by playing dirty tricks like cutting out the background music or soundtrack every few minutes.  This only happens to Chinese shows on YouTube not other shows made by Western companies.  Somebody in China ought to alert the CPP of these dirty tactics and repay Google and co in kind!

So, you can see Tencent WeTV doesn't give me a fluid 720p experience.  YouTube gives me fluid 1080p experience but not the sound/music.  Why I ever wanna pay for WeTV or subscribe to Google YouTube?

I finally understand why the West chooses to pull these underhanded dirty tactics on Chinese companies.  They are afraid of China exporting culture (soft power) to the world.  It threatens their white superiority complex and hegemony.  Anything that damages Chinese damages the China SOFT POWER.  Anyways, somebody really should notify the CPC in China of these underhanded tactics by Google YouTube.  They deserve some punishment from the CPC coming their way!