So like a month/ month and a half ago I watched a Chinese or Taiwanese BL movie on YouTube. There was no English subs, but I watched the whole thing anyway. I am now in the process of trying to find the movie to see if there is English subs, but I can not find it anymore. What I remember of the plot was that it was based in a school setting and a guy liked this girl, she liked a different guy though. Guy #1 would kind of compete with Guy #2 at every turn to win her over. Guy #2 was also part of the swim team and somehow Guy #1 became part of it as well. At one point Guy #2 was going to get beat up by members from a different school and Guy #1 saw and stepped in. He glares at the members and then he started doing the Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song. That is all I really remember. If anyone happens to know the name of this movie that would be awesome! Thanks!